5 minute read

Getting Grounded in Tumultuous Times

By Jennifer Loli, LMSW, LMT

During this epic time in history, our lives have been altered forever. Not only has the day-to day routine dramatically shifted, but in times of a crisis, we often have the feeling that we are in quicksand, and soon the earth will devour us in an instant. Emotions, existential questions ruminate, and fear sets in. Suddenly, we begin to question who we are and what the meaning behind all of this is. Not only do we grieve the loss of all of the lives that have been impacted by this pandemic, we grieve our hopes, desires, and plans. At a time like this, it seems inconsequential to grieve that vacation you finally booked for yourself because, you know, people are dying. Perspective is important and so is honoring your own unique story.


Your pain is real, your worries are embedded in the uncertainty of this time, and it’s sensible to feel disoriented a bit. Hello, fellow human, I feel you...even though we are more than a healthy 6 feet apart.

As dynamic human beings, rituals are important for us to connect to the sacredness of ourselves, the universe, nature, and each other. Rituals can help us redirect our energy and regain our sense of self; finding the compass to our center.

The one thing we do have power over right now, is how we show up for ourselves and develop positive coping strategies.

Since washing your hands 372 times a day is a prerequisite for survival right now, I invite you to consider this as an act of letting go. As you physically lather up your hands, wash away the worries, your long day, and of course, your annoyance with your mate you just spent 21 days with. This 20 second ritual is an opportunity to rid yourself of all that you cannot carry on your mind or heart anymore. Feel the water carry away the frustration from attempting algebra again, bye y = mx +b.

Apply a body oil, lotion, or cream of your desire and mindfully massage this into your hands. Massage helps to engage the parasympathetic nervous system which is all about resting and digesting. Something as simple as implementing a few minutes of massage can communicate to your body and mind that it is time to decompress and let go. Turn inward and tune in to how it feels to give yourself love and attention.

As you partake in these rituals, breathe. I am not talking about that shallow breath you just took reading these words. Really connect to long deep breaths but you know, 100 feet away from all things Covid-19. Feel the air being drawn in through your nose and deeply into your chest and fill up your abdomen. Long, deep breathing also invites the parasympathetic nervous system to be the guiding force right now. You can place your hand on your abdomen as you feel it expand and retract. As you exhale through your nostrils, allow that breath to extend a bit longer, ridding your body of all things unnecessary. Exhale the grief, disappointment, and shame you may carry. Exhale this collective pain. Inhale and feel yourself expanding your potential for greatness and inner love. After a few minutes, assess how you feel. This is you showing up for yourself.

Draw your attention to your feet. No, not your toenails or the need for a serious intervention with a small tool such as a dremel. Place both of your feet on the ground and feel them touching the earth. Whether you are sitting or standing in any situation in life, you can direct your focus on feeling your feet and the earth supporting you. Notice your toes, the arch, and heel planted into this moment. You are grounded here on this earth with us. When the mind becomes engulfed with repetitive thoughts, remind yourself to feel your feet. You are supported.

Since you have potentially stocked up on food, the ritual of eating is another opportunity to connect and support our bodies and minds. Acquire root vegetables such as parsnips, beets, sweet potatoes, carrots and turnips. Anything that grows in the dirt takes on the earth element; think rootedness and grounding qualities. Chop them up and mix with olive oil and some herbs. Bake them and indulge in flavor, taste, and again, your intention to nourish your strong body.

Eating foods grown in the earth helps draw your energy downward, from your racing mind to your grounded feet. What you are consuming in your diet can also help bring you back down here with us, instead of up there in your head. Food for thought.

Adapting to life and what transpires is inevitable. Change is a guarantee, time and time again.

Finding moments to regain a sense of connectedness can be found in the simplest of acts.

I understand the privilege of having running water, two feet touching the earth, oils and creams and stocking up on food. Having the ability to use our lungs to breathe during these times today is a privilege. Breathing mindfully is a tool we can all access if reminded.

You are equipped innately to regain a sense of centeredness. You’ve got this.

Jennifer Loli, is a Natural Therapeutic Specialist, Licensed Master Social Worker, Licensed Massage Therapist #8912, and Certified Yoga Instructor. Utilizing various healing modalities and massage therapy has been the heart of her professional world for over 13 years. She recently lived in Albuquerque, New Mexico for over 11 years and taught pregnancy massage, and various classes in massage therapy before returning to Lafayette, LA in 2018. Teaching is one of her biggest passions, as well as working with dynamic people to assist the mental, physical, and emotional aspects of healing and fulfilling life goals. She provides integrative bodywork in the Lafayette area and you can connect with her at (337) 233-6168 to set up an appointment.

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