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Pregnancy & Beyond
Opelousas Pregnancy Center Offers Hope & Support for Moms and Babies
By Abby Meaux Conques
We recently had the chance to speak with Mika Hernandez, RN, Executive Director of Opelousas Pregnancy Center, about what they offer for the community.
The new center which opened in early September is a nonprofit community resource center committed to supporting mothers and babies during pregnancy and beyond. “We offer a comprehensive support system in a warm and welcoming atmosphere that nurtures both the mother and baby,” Hernandez explained. “Women from all walks of life are finding our services helpful in filling the gap between their doctor’s visits and the many questions they have,” she continued.
OPC offers free pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, pregnancy counseling, a free mother baby boutique, and educational classes among their support. “We’re not here to replace medical prenatal care, but to add to the pregnancy experience by educating mothers about the many changes they will experience throughout pregnancy and about the many resources available to them. Our mission is to facilitate abundant life for mothers and babies by providing the resources necessary for mothers to confidently choose life and parent well,” according to Hernandez. She explained that women can begin utilizing their free services as soon as they think that they may be pregnant.
Hernandez shared, “For many, finding out they are pregnant is so exciting, but uncertainty is not uncommon. Having a baby changes things regardless of the season of life you are in.” We’re here to be that soft landing place for women. A place they can talk through their hopes, their fears, and their dreams. Pregnancy is not the end. It’s a new beginning.” The center focuses on what they refer to as their 3 R’s: resources, reassurance, and relationship. Supporting women well in these three areas reduces anxiety, which can directly influence women to make healthy, wise choices for themselves and their children.
As women participate in the maternity program at Opelousas Pregnancy Center, they earn points towards maternity clothing, infant clothing, and newborn supplies that are found in their Mother Baby Boutique.
OPC stresses the importance of healthy relationships and having a solid support system during the prenatal and postpartum periods of women’s lives. Because of this, they are partnered with Embrace Grace, a national organization whose mission is to connect pregnancy centers with the local church. Though this program, single expectant moms are invited to a 12 week Bible study at a local church that concludes with a baby shower for each mom. Hernandez excitedly says, “This is one of my favorite parts of what we do. It has the opportunity to foster a healthy family for these mothers, deepen their faith, and strengthen them at their core.”
If you or someone you know could use their amazing resources and support, contact them today! 337-331-0602.
The Center is a nonprofit organization. For those who are interested in becoming a one-time sponsor or a monthly donor, text OPC to 22525 or visit opelousaspregnancycenter.org. And of course, you can also Follow them on Facebook. If your church is interested in partnering with OPC and Embrace Grace, contact Mika Hernandez @ director@opelousaspregnancy.center.