3 minute read
Getting to be Flea-Free Naturally
by 337Media
By Angel Jones, Thriving K-9 Co
Fleas are the most common external parasite to plague companion animals. They are wingless insects that feed on blood, can jump up to two feet high and are persistent in the environment.
It’s true that a healthy animal is a less desirable host for fleas, but it’snot a guarantee that your healthy animal won’t get them, especially if you live in highly infested regions. Southern Louisiana is considered a highly infested region.
Did you know that an animal that isn’t allergic to flea saliva may not show signs of having fleas?
This can make it difficult for the PAW-rent to realize there is an issue until it is an infestation.
Fleas can cause a slew of problems for your fur kid and some can be fatal.
Bartonellosis, flea dermatitis, anemia and tapeworms are just a few problems you definitely want to try avoiding at all costs. All but flea dermatitis can be fatal.
Here are 5 natural remedies and some repellents you can try at home:
Give you fur baby a quality probiotic
Try food grade Diatomaceous earth (CAUTION: DE can irritate the lungs so wear a mask and make sure your dogs and other pets aren’t breathing the dust. After the dust has settled, DE is safe)
Try an apple cider vinegar wash: 1 part vinegar to 10 parts water
Use nematodes to minimize flea populations in your yard
Keep pots of lemon balm, sage, rosemary, catnip, lemongrass, basil and mint outside. Place some by your main doors and throughout your yard. Essential oils are a wonderful choice for natural repellants but be sure to use quality essential oils and to dilute them properly. These oils should be diluted at a 2% ratio (1 ounce of carrier oil to 12 drops of essential oil). Lavender, palmarosa, cedar (atlantica), eucalyptus (radiata) and clary sage are good ones to begin with. You can clean with them or add them to laundry treatments and home fragrance spray.
If you're looking for something to treat fleas naturally and effectively that's already mixed up for you, we have you covered at thriving K-9 Co with our formulated skincare line. You can purchase online or directly.
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Call or Text (337) 936-4664
Angel Jones is the owner of Thriving K-9 Co/PUPcakes A Dog Bakery. 7 years ago, she drove a good distance to meet a litter of puppies. That day we brought a itty bitty brindle colored puppy home with her. Little did she know, this would the beginning of her spiritual journey and finding a true mission in life; to support the animal-human relationship and offer others education to ensure their furkids live a long healthy life through free education. After working in rescue, she learned that every animal is different in their needs and the bond they form with kind compassionate humans is the purest love you will ever find. PUPcakes A Dog Bakery began after moving to Louisiana Kata (the itty bitty brindled colored puppy) started developing skin issues, ear issues and yeast issues. She researched after everything multiple Veterinarians sold me only made her skin worse. Being a professional in the human heath & fitness world she knew the healing powers of fresh food and began learning about animal nutrition and natural healing with herbs and began fresh food feedings. She formulated a skincare line for ALL skin types that would not only heal dog’s skin but would be affordable and chemical free. This is where Thriving K-9 Co was born. Angel's Certifications through DNM University: Certified Advanced Canine Nutritionist / Certified Raw Dog Food Nutritionist / Certified Pet Food Nutritionist / Certified Canine Essential Oil Specialist / Certified Acute Canine Herbalist / Certified Acute Canine Homeopathy Specialist