9 minute read

Industrial Hemp: Fiber, Flower, & Feed

Louisiana’s first industrial hemp season in decades is now in full-swing. People across the state, from diverse backgrounds and industries are asking insightful questions and want to learn how to get involved. This article gives a brief overview about the different crops that can be harvested from industrial hemp and provide some guidance on entering this fast-growing and fascinating industry.


Dr. Matthew O. Indest, PhD

Licensed Industrial Hemp Grower and Consultant

The genetics housed in every seed are what direct the growing plant and “code” the potential of any crop. Simply put, different genes result in different plants suited for different needs.

Dr. Matthew Indest

Hemp: Low in THC, High in Value

Cannabis sativa has a long-standing historical significance as an agricultural commodity, not only in the United States, but around the world. For millennia, it has served human-kind in many, unique ways. The diversity in this plant species is something to be cherished, as it offers us a wide range of utility.

Upon hearing the word “Cannabis,” most people think exclusively about “marijuana.” But this term only refers to a small subset of the many varieties in this species.Botanically, the characteristic leaf shapes, aromatic allure,and trichome-laden flowers are generally identical among the species; however, there is one critical difference between marijuana and legal industrial hemp: the concentration of the chemical compound tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and its acid-form THCa.

THC is a schedule I drug, but the 2018 Agricultural Improvement Act (H.R.2 -- 115th Congress 12/20/2018) made clear what the federal government defines as industrial hemp (C. sativa plants with <0.3% Total THC) and what is not hemp (C. sativa plants with >0.3% Total THC). Impossible to discern with the naked eye, THC content is just one way that C. sativa provides value (see medical marijuana programs in 33 states).

Problematically, however, the nearly century-old illegal status of cannabis still leads many to assume that all cannabis is created equal, and the historical stigma surrounding marijuana still looms over the emerging hemp industry. Thus, our focus is on promoting and educating the nation on federally compliant industrial hemp and the wealth of opportunity this industry represents to our state of Louisiana.


From 2005-2017, leading up to federal hemp legalization, U.S. imports of hemp grew from $5.7M to $67.3M. Imports derived from hemp seed represented 92% of the total value of imports and came mostly from Canada and China (Johnson, Congressional Research Service, 2018). Now, however, the agricultural community in the U.S. is certainly capable of establishing a domestic supply for hemp seed and even exceeding its own demand for this commodity.

Hemp has many applications that were recorded through thousands of years of civilization. From rope, paper, medicine, food, feed, aromatics, personal care, to industrial lubricants, hemp offers a wealth of resources to human kind (HIA, 2016). Documented research and multiple patents exist for the known therapeutic applications of hemp derived cannabinoids as neuroprotectants (Hampson et al, U.S Patent 6,630,507-B1) and for treatments of rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease (Feldman et al US 6,410,588-B1).

You may be thinking, "Can we really get all of these marketable resources from a hemp plant?" From one single plant, no, but like other crop species, these resources are available by breeding within the species to suit specific goals, climates, and crop systems. Plant breeding is the practice of identifying and propagating populations of plants to find types that fit the specific needs of an industry. It is critical to match your plant seed’s genetics to your production goals. This is the first and biggest factor supporting your success as a grower.

The genetics housed in every seed are what direct the growing plant and “code” the potential of any crop. Simply put, different genes result in different plants suited for different needs. Hemp is no different. Yes, some overlap exists, but there are certain hemp genetics that are better suited for specific productions of fiber, feed or flower cannabinoids. Each has value in their own right, but they are dramatically different in their growth characteristics, management, harvest, and processing requirements.

After sourcing the right genetics and seed for your intended crop, you will then need to evaluate and prepare the unique process required to grow that crop. Here, we will introduce some general information about three primary crops which can be harvested from C. sativa var. industrial hemp: fiber, flower, and feed.


Hemp is a fast growing herbaceous plant with a vigorous growth habit. Tightly spaced seeding rates results in tall plants with minimal side branching. Each plant competes with its neighbor for sunlight as it elongates as a single main stem. Seeds are planted at high density (60+lbs/acre) and, as a result, form a thick stand of very tall (8-12’) stalks with similar appearance to thin bamboo.

The fiber produced by hemp is much different than the fibers of other crops like cotton. Hemp fibers are derived from the outer skin of the plant’s stalk, known as the bast. Like long straws, these tubes carry water and nutrients from the roots to where they can be used in the leaves.

When fiber is the priority, plants are harvested pre-flowering while the stalks remain thin and pliable. If the plant grows too tall, its height become harder to manage and the bast fiber becomes a rougher, lower quality (USDA, 1942). Thus, hemp grown for fiber is a shorter-season crop than hemp grown for flower or seed.

In contrast, the hard inner tissue of hemp plants are known as the hurds. The woody hurd interior (Figure 2) is separated from the long bast fibers through the retting and decortication process. The result are two fibrous products with a range of applications and values. These materials, bast fibers (15-20%/wt.) are processed into ropes, textiles, canvas, paper, and hurds (80-85%/wt) into hempcrete, medium-density fiberboard, animal bedding, and ethanol (USDA, 2000).

Hemp bast fibers separated from the inner hurd.

Processed hemp hurds

Images courtesy of Joe Strong and Rusty Peterson

fibers ready for use in applications such as Hempcrete insulation, ethanol, animal bedding, and heating pellets

Images courtesy of Joe Strong and Rusty Peterson.


Cannabis flowers, as they mature, develop stalked glandular trichomes that cover the surface of the flower structures. The female calyx becomes adorned with thousands of trichomes which plump up as the plant matures, making the flowers sticky to the touch. These are the sites of production for the many compounds which make these flowers valuable.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is the most common compound, but more than 80 cannabinoids have been identified, several of which have known therapeutic and medicinal applications. Therefore, it is really the microscopic, fragile, oily trichomes protruding from the tissue surface that are harvested or extracted for their valuable cannabinoids and terpene content. Growers should harvest flowers delicately, dry them slowly, and cure them properly to retain the highest quality of each crop. Terpenes evaporate at much lower temperatures than water, and the oily cannabinoids can break down in the presence of oxygen and light. Maintaining the trichome structure through proper harvest, drying, and curing procedures is a critical component to meeting the expected quality specs in your sales contracts.

Louisiana-grown CBD hemp flower

Images by Matthew Indest©

individual floral bract laden with cannabinoid-rich trichomes

Image by Matthew Indest©


Hemp grain (aka “feed”) is the third crop that can be grown from C. sativa in Louisiana. If pollen is introduced to female flowers in a field, the plant focuses energy into developing and maturing seed, rather than flowers and trichomes.

The plant’s metabolism favors seed development over cannabinoid production, so the energy and nutrients divert into the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates of the seed. Unlike corn and wheat, the protein quality of hemp is a complete one, having all nine essential amino acids and its adjusted digestibility score ranks it higher than wheat (House et al, 2010). Also, the oil-rich (>30%/wt.) seeds are a rich source of omega-3 and -6 essential fatty acids (Blade et al., 2006).

The balance of nutritional fiber, healthy fats, and complete protein make hemp grains a robust food source. After seeds are mature, the plant begins to senesce and dry making it readily harvestable by a combine.

Just as soy and corn are processed into countless consumer foods, skincare products, lubricants, fuels, etc., hemp grain represents another raw industrial commodity. Your local grocery store likely already carries cooking oil, protein powders, fiber supplements, and other products which are derived from the nutritious hemp heart.

Dissected hemp seed showing nutritious heart and microscopic plantlet ready take up water and grow

Image by Matthew Indest©

Hemp in Louisiana: Growing Pains and Collaboration

To the growing hemp industry, I want to leave you with two important takeaways.

First, infrastructure is key. Many hemp growers are growing CBD-rich genotypes to market their flower for therapeutic benefits. With this expectation and goal, the infrastructure for CBD extraction is quickly emerging. As that infrastructure is established, we will see a divergence in the hemp industry into two distinctly different production systems: horticultural vs agricultural. With the right investments in these systems, Louisiana can become one of the nation’s key producers of industrial hemp products.

Second, collaboration is crucial. In this first growing season, many farms will start with small, testing trials on a few acres to explore the logistics of production. The industry will evolve as the supply becomes available, but not without growing pains. Collaborating with other farmers and networking with various stakeholders in Louisiana’s industry will be crucial for long-term success. Processors of flower, fiber, and feed will all necessarily depend on commitments from growers to meet demand and processing volumes. Thus, growers must work to develop relationships with processors before the crops come in.

We have an incredible industry on the horizon, and a stronger future together. I am grateful to be a part of it.

Dr. Matthew O. Indest moiconsultingllc@gmail.com

If you would like to learn more about seed genetics, the process of growing and harvesting, or the various industrialprocesses which convert raw hemp material into useful and marketable hemp products, you can reach Dr. Matthew Indestvia LinkedIn or email.

Blade, S. F., Ampong-Nyarko, K., & Przybylski, R. (2006). Fatty Acid and Tocopherol Profiles of Industrial Hemp Cultivars Grown in the High Latitude Prairie Region of Canada. Journal of Industrial Hemp, 10(2), 33–43. doi:10.1300/j237v10n02_04.

USDA (2000). Industrial Hemp in the United States-Status and Market Potential. United States Department of Agriculture - Economic Research Service.

USDA. (1942) Hemp for Victory. United State Department of Agriculture - Office of public affairs. National Archives Identifier:1682 Local Identifier: 16.P.673. Accessed July 4, 2020 https://youtu.be/d3rolyiTPr0

Feldmann, M, inventor; K Mathilda, Terence Institute of Rheumatology Trust, and Yissum Research Development Company of Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Use of Cannabinoids as anti-inflammatory agents. U.S. Patent 6,410,588-B1. Filed April 14, 1999, Issued June 25, 2002.

Hampson, AJ & J Axelrod, M Grimaldi. Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants. U.S Patent 6,630,507-B1. Filed April 21, 1999, Issued February 7, 2001.

HIA, “2016 Annual Retail Sales for Hemp Products Estimated at $688 Million,” April 14, 2017.

House, James & Neufeld, Jason & Leson, Gero. (2010). Evaluating the Quality of Protein from Hemp Seed (Cannabis sativa L.) Products Through the use of the Protein Digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score Method. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry. 58. 11801-7. 10.1021/jf102636b.

Johnson, R (2018) “Hemp as an agricultural commodity”. Congressional Research Service. June 22, 2018.

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