1 minute read
Desiring Change vs. Being Open to Change
By Kimberly Guillot Thibeaux
Have you ever wanted something so bad and you worked so hard to gather all the pieces of the puzzle but yet you still couldn’t seem to achieve whatever it is that you were striving for?
In the realm of self-discovery and self-creation this can be very common.
We can desire change all day, every day, but if we are resistant to the courageous risk of choosing to embrace change in our lives, your desires don’t have the space to actually manifest.
For example, you are desiring to share your life with someone and you go on dates, create the dating profile, etc., but something inside blocks you from enjoying mingling and being authentically you on said dates. In this example you could be “doing all the right things,” yet if you don’t truly open yourself up to getting to know the person or allow them to get to know you, you won’t be able to welcome the change from single life to sharing your life with someone else. See, change in any fashion takes vulnerability and courage. With this example, the courageous choice would be to show up on the date as your authentic self rather than an edited version of yourself that you think the date may want you to be. No matter how bad you desire change in your life, if you are not willing to be vulnerable, chances are you may not embrace the change that you are saying that you want.
Is there something that you are desiring in your life, yet it feels like it’s not coming together? One thing to think about is “Are you actually creating space in your life for what you desire?”
Happy Healing, Holistic Nurse Kim
For individualized support: kurmaholistics.net 337-534-0111