1 minute read
Boredom is Key
How Do You Fertilize Your Creativity?
I heard a concept at some point in my life, and I carry it with me. The concept was something of this nature, “Boredom is the soil for creativity.” After pondering this concept, I began to loosen up on the daily jam-packed schedule. I make sure that at certain points in my day, there is some boredom.
Whether it be first thing when I wake up, midday, or before I go to bed. I schedule down-time with no particular goal in mind, not looking at social media, reading or anything.
A “boredom” session has minimal stimuli and little distraction.
My favorite boredom session is outside in the grass; it’s where my best ideas come from. This time can be as little as 10 minutes. The influx in creation within yourself is a breeding ground for you to inspire yourself rather than looking outside of yourself for inspiration.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the ideas on Pinterest just like the next person; sometimes it’s self-serving as well. Although it’s gratifying to look outside of yourself for ideas at times, creating space for you to be your own inspiration is one way to increase your fulfillment in life.
It is also quite empowering to know that you are your own creation tool! This is helpful when you may need inspiration for personal or professional projects, or just for creating a menu for dinner.
I invite you to allow life to be the garden and choose your vegetables, herbs, &/or flowers for your creation with purpose and inspiration AND have fun!
Thibeaux is the owner & founder of Kurma Holistics A Nursing Approach. Thibeaux is a Board Certified Holistic Registered Nurse (registered Nurse of 8 years), Therapeutic Yoga Instructor, and Certified Acupressure Practitioner. Kurma is a Health & Wellness facility with a Holistic Nurse’s twist. The vision is to facilitate your growth to become a wealthier you, by implementing simple soul-utions for the difficulties in life.