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337 LocalBusinessSpotlight

two Paint Shakers and Three Tinting Machines. The company is aligned with Five Brands, the longest standing relationships being with PPG, Sherwin Williams, CPS Coatings and Mirka Sandpaper


In 2012, Lance took over Recon following Martin’s passing. Lance recalls, “I took over Recon to prove to myself that I could be someone in life ”

“There is something that reaches deep to the core in that statement. “ - Elisse. Although his father taught him much of what he understands from the industry, both in paint formulas, business strategy and in honor, Lance sought to make his own path. “To continue my Father’s Legacy in my own style is the most important,” said Lance.

As the world around quickened in pace, Lance kept up with the rapid changes surrounding. Although he has set out to break from his father’s shadow, he maintains the ideals of being direct and honest with each customer

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