Weekly Report and Newsletter - 1st December 2023
Lancaster Auction Mart: Weekly Sale of Prime Lambs and Cast Sheep. Sale of Store Lambs, Monday 27th November 2023. Prime Lambs A few less lambs forward, with trade slight improvement on the week. An overall averaged of 262p/kg was achieved. A super run of heavy weight Texel cross lambs from P Lawrence & Son, Chorley saw his best sell to £163, with other pens from the same home to £157. Beltex cross lambs from RJ Byron, Woodplumpton saw a top of £158. Suffolk lambs sold to £150 from TM Townley, Over Wyresdale. Continental bred heavy weight lambs were regularly £128 to £130. Best bred lambs saw a top of 300p/kg for Beltexs from TM Townley, Over Wyresdale with Texels to 290p/kg from TR Prickett, Hutton Roof. The best were regularly 280p/kg to 290p/kg. Well meated medium weight lambs were regularly selling at 260p/kg to 270p/kg. Once again more Mules were on offer, with the best pens achieving £119.50 from D&D Huddleston, Wray and £118 from B&SE Carter, Ellel. Mule lambs were regularly selling at 240p/kg to 255p/kg. Prime Lamb Top Prices: Texel: £163 Walmsley Fold, £158 Moorville, £157 Walmsley Fold, £154 Walmsley Fold, £147 Walmsley Fold, £147 Walmsley Fold. Suffolk: £150 Knowsley Farm, £145 Knowsley Farm, £136 Walnut Tree Cottage, £131 Knowsley Farm, £120 Hallbeck, £119.50 Walnut Tree Cottage. Beltex: £136 Oak Avenue, £125 Oak Avenue, £123 Oak Avenue, £121 Oak Avenue, £105.50 Haversham House Farm, £104 Annasghyl. Continental: £120 Walnut Tree Cottage, £114 Walnut Tree Cottage, £110 The Crest, £105 Quarry House Farm, £101 Moss House Farm. Mule: £119.50 Botton Hall Farm, £118 Cragg End, £115.50 Overhouses, £115.50 Cragg End, £115.50 Botton Hall Farm, £112 Quarry House Farm. Horned: £109 Lower Oakeneaves. Zwartble: £85 Overhouses.
Cast Sheep 110 ewes were forward with a slight improvement on trade. Texel ewes sold to £145 from JE Parkinson & Son, Quernmore with the strongest end £130 to £140. Mule ewes sold to £96 from HJ&BE Kelsall, Lancaster with full pens to £95 from C&B Lowther, Over Wyresdale. Cheviot ewes sold to a top of £76 from P Whitton & Sons, Burneside with a full ring of Swaledale ewes to £59 from the same home. Cast Ewes Top Prices: Texel: £145 Castle Mill Farm, £126 Castle Mill Farm, £122 Castle Mill Farm, £117 Castle Mill Farm, £100 Castle Mill Farm, £100 Cragg End. Mule: £96 Walnut Tree Cottage, £95 Lower Castle O Trim, £88 High Tenement Farm, £88 High Tenement Farm, £86 High Tenement Farm, £84 Castle Mill Farm. Masham: £94 Castle Mill Farm. Cheviot: £76 High Tenement Farm. Swaledale: £59 High Tenement Farm, £49 High Tenement Farm. Rough Fell: £46 Longstripes Farm. Dalesbred: £41.50 Kays Farm. Cast Ram Top Prices: Texel: £126 Dunkenshaw Farm. Leicester: £116 Kays Farm.
Store Lambs A nice entry of 160 store lambs forward, with a full ringside of buyer ensuring a fast trade from start to finished. An overall market average of £85 was achieved. Top price was a pen of Texel cross lambs from PF Lee, Over Wyresdale selling to £101 who sold other smart bred lambs to £97.50. A pen of 20 Texel lambs sold to £92 from MA&JA Winn, Burneside who sold Charollais to £90. Mule lambs saw a top of £86 from A&L Huddleston, Lancaster. Store Lamb Top Prices: Texel: £101 Lower Swainhead Farm, £97.50 Lower Swainshead Farm, £92 High Underbrow, £88.50 Cliftons Farm, £82 Marl House, £81 Marl House. Charollais: £90 High Underbrow. Suffolk: £89 High Underbrow Farm. Mule: £86 Overhouses, £76 Cliftons Farm.
J36 Rural Auction Centre: Sale of Pigs. Weekly Sale of Prime Lambs and Cast Sheep, Tuesday 28th November 2023. Pigs A few less pigs about ahead of next weeks Christmas show, Prime pigs sold to £188 for Pietrain cross hogs from J Stott, Crosscrake with lighter weights to £165 from W Stamper, Chipping. Other prime pigs were £130 to £160. Sows sold to £145 from A Preston, Cockermouth with others at £130. Only one pen of weaners / stores forward today selling to £30 for Saddleback cross from Belmont Farm Produce, who sold others at £20. Prime Lambs 1600 lambs were put before our active ring side of buyers, with a pleasing average of 260p/kg achieved. Heavy lambs once again led the way with Texels selling to £165 from TMW&H Hodgson, Ulverston and Suffolks selling to £162 from JE Read, Hutton Roof. Well-fed Continental bred heavy lambs were regularly selling at £135 to £145. Medium weight lambs saw 43kg Texel lambs sell to £134 from JE Atkinson & Son, Endmoor with these lambs regularly selling at 275p/kg to 280p/kg. Best bred lambs sold to 310p/kg for Beltexs from JE Atkinson & Son, Endmoor who sold other pens to 300p/kg. More hill bred lambs on offer today, with super heavy Masham to £143 from JE Read, Hutton Roof and a ring full of Mule lambs selling to £126 from EW&JR Parkinson, Dunsop Bridge. Cheviot Mules sold to £120 from Stockdale Farms, Sedbergh. A pen for Gritstones at 42kg achieved £113 from WJ&I France & Son, Chipping. Prime Lambs Top Prices: Texel; £165.00 Arklid Farm, £162.00 Red Scar Farm, £156.50 Halton Park Farm,, £146.00 Poppy farm, £146.00 Mint Close, £146.00 Park Farm Barn. Suffolk; £162.00 Mealriggs Farm, £147.00 Lane Ends Farm, £145.00 Station Hotel, £143.00 High House Farm, £141.00 Bowers Farm, £139.00 Lane Ends Farm. Charollais; £146.00 Crosscrake Farm, £136.00 Hampsfield Hall, £118.00 Hampsfield Hall. Masham; £143.00 Mealriggs, £111.00 Middale Farm. Beltex; £134.00 Stubb Farm, Endmoor, £125.00 Old Woodhouse, £120.00 Old Woodhouse, £118.50 Holmelands, £115.00 St Annes Farm, £112.00 Stubb Farm. Leicester; £134.00 Low Newton Farm. Mule; £126.00 Hareden Farm, £124.00 Mealriggs farm, £120.50 Red Scar Farm, £119.00 Higher Core Farm, £119.00 Higher Core Farm, £115.00 Greaves Farm. Continental; £124.00 Mealriggs Farm, £122.00 Brow Head, £100.00 Millbeck, £95.00 Millbeck, £93.00 Millbeck, £89.00 Higher Core Farm. Cheviot Mule; £119.50 Bowers Farm, £110.00 Bowers Farm, £106.00 The Plough Inn, £99.00 The Plough Inn. Swiss Valais Blacknose; £116.00 Crosscrake Farm. Gritstone; £113.00 Higher Core Farm, £99.00 Higher Core Farm. Cheviot; £110.00 Greenhills Farm, £108.50 Greenhills Farm, £108.50 Howriggs, £101.00 Holmelands, £100.00 The Plough Inn. Horned; £105.00 Poppy Farm. Dorset; £102.00 Brow Head. Scotch Blackface; £102.00 Sands Road, £94.00 Adamthwaite. Swaledale; £93.00 Rowe End Farm. Jacob; £89.00 High Mill Farm.
Cast Sheep Another entry of over 500 cull ewes were forward, selling to another improving trade. A shortage of the real best heavy ewes today. The several that were forward selling to £150 for a Masham from JE Read, Hutton Roof, Texels to £148 from AW Crowe, Witherslack with others at £136 from J&C Airey, Ulverston. Continental cross sold to £128 from PW&D Swindlehurst, Underbarrow and RG&L Holmes, Warton. Better end first cross ewes were £105 to £120, with mediums £85 to £98. Pure hill ewes sold to £97 for a Rough Fell from JE Read, Hutton Roof with Cheviots to £89 from Stockdale Farms, Sedbergh. Dalesbreds sold to £68 from JA Bennett, Longsleddale, Swaledale £65 from AW&AM Clark, Windermere and Herdwicks to £54 from AJ&L Birkett, Little Langdale. Cheviot Mules sold to £113 from HR&KA Hodgson, Barbon with Scotch Mules to £104 from WH Kitching & Sons, Hale, North Country Mules sold to £98 from JR Robinson & Son, Nook and F&CE Bentley & Son, Shap. Mediums meated Mules were at £82 to £90.
Cull rams sold to £154 for a Texel from JA&ME Mawson, Orton who sold Suffolks at £140. Lighter wight Continental rams were £105 to £120. Hill bred rams sold to £107 for a Rough Fell from AG&JL Sansom, Windermere. Cast Ewes Top Prices: Masham; £150.00 Mealriggs Farm, £122.00 Mealriggs Farm, £114.00 Mealriggs Farm, £87.00 Hill Cottage, £82.00 High Swinklebank Farm. Texel; £148.00 Ashtree Cottage, £134.00 Ashtree Cottage, £128.00 Croftlands, £127.00 Tranthwaite Farm, £125.00 Croftlands, £124.00 Holmelands. Continental; £136.00 Reeds Gardens, £118.00 Brow Head, £117.00 Brow Head, £106.00 Reeds Gardens, £105.00 Holmelands, £105.00 Holmelands. Charollais; £128.00 Tranthwaite Hall. Suffolk; £120.00 Low House, £120.00 Reeds Gardens, £118.00 Reeds Gardens, £118.00 Sproat Ghyll, £106.00 Reeds Gardens, £106.00 Sproat Ghyll. Beltex; £118.00 Jackson Ground. Cheviot Mule; £113.00 Howriggs. Mule; £104.00 Broomfield, £98.00 Hollins Farm, £98.00 Hill Top Farm, £94.00 Hollins Farm, £94.00 Hollins Farm, £93.00 Swallowmire. Lleyn; £100.00 Bowers Farm. Rough Fell; £97.00 Mealriggs Farm, £83.00 High Swinklebank Farm, £79.00 Gill Head, £79.00 Riddings, £76.00 Mealriggs Farm. Cheviot; £89.00 Bowers Farm, £86.00 Howriggs, £78.50 Cottage Farm, £68.00 Nether Hall Farm, £62.00 Howriggs, £60.00 Woodside. Leicester; £88.00 Bowkerstead Farm. Jacob; £84.00 High Mill Farm, £71.00 High Mill farm, £70.00 High Mill Farm, £52.00 High Mill Farm. Dalesbred; £68.00 Middale Farm, £42.00 Middale Farm. Swaledale; £65.00 Low Longmire, £64.00 Moss Side, £64.00 Kirkbeck, £61.00 High Birk Howe Farm, £59.00 Rowe End Farm, £56.00 Kirkbeck. Herdwick; £54.00 High Birk Howe Farm. Cast Ram Top Prices: Texel; £154.00 Sproat Ghyll, £117.00 Low Woodedge Farm, £72.00 Low Longmire. Suffolk; £140.00 Sproat Ghyll, £72.00 Sproat Ghyll. Beltex; £118.00 Jackson Ground. Leicester; £112.00 Roundthwaite, £85.00 Roundthwaite. Rough; £107.00 Blackmoss Farm. Cheviot; £60.00 Riddings.
J36 Rural Auction Centre: Fortnightly Sale of Store Lambs, Thursday 30th November 2023. Store Lambs North West Auctions held its fortnight sale of store lambs, which saw a wide range of lambs forward with buyers still keen to secure all classes and types. The sale peaked at £116 for a pen of Texels from JC Dunning, Orton who sold another ring full at £115. Others sold to £111 from Messrs Holgate, Silverdale and £109 from JA Chapman, Kendal. Pens of well grown lambs were regularly £90 to £98, mediums lambs were generally £78 to £88, with a large number of small long keep lambs £58 to £66 and several pens of the very smallest less. Mules sold to £93 from Messrs Holgate, Silverdale with others at £87 from B Wilson & Sons, Selside and £86 from J&M Wilson, Selside. Other pens of better end Mules were £78 to £85, with mediums generally £72 to £76. Pure hill lambs sold to £86 for a ring full of Swaledales from SJ&M Richardson & Son, Lupton with Cheviots to £78.50 from B Wilson & Son, Selside, Rough Fells to £74 from M&G German, Middleton and Herdwicks to £62 from Messrs Hodgson, Ambleside. Other pens of hill lambs sold at £52 to £60 for the stronger sorts, with mediums £40 to £50 and the very smallest £28 to £35. The next sale of store lambs is on Thursday 14th December, with catalogue entries required by Wednesday 6th December. Store Lambs Top Prices: Texel: £116 Westmorland Chaple Farm, £115 Westmorland Chaple Farm, £111 Middlebarrow Plain, £107 Low Hundhowe, £100 North Lodge, £99.50 Sunny Bank, £99.50 Sunny Bank. Beltex: £109 North Lodge, £100 Main Street, £99 Blea Tarn Road, £94 Main Street, £91.50 Blea Tarn Road, £89.50 Blea Tarn Road. Masham: £100 Somme Avenue, £82 Marsh Grange Farm, £80 Somme Avenue, £69 Birks Head, £62 Somme Avenue. Suffolk: £99 Meadow View, £99 Sunny Brow, £97 Meathop Park Farm, £94 Nether House Farm, £93.50 Green Close, £91 Wyke Farm. Continental: £95 Meathop Park Farm, £992 Whitbarrow Cottage, £86 Jackson Ground, £85 Marsh Grange Farm,
£83.50 Quarry Top, £82 Town End Hall. Dutch Spotted: £94 Town End Hall, £81 High Farm, £73 Town End Hall, £66 High Farm. Charollais: £93.50 Dawson Fold, £89 Dawson Fold, £77 Dawson Fold, £73 Greenfold Farm. Mule: £93 Middlebarrow Plain, £87 Ashstead, £86 Cooper House, £85.50 Nether House Farm, £84 Borrow Bridge House, £82 High Borrow Bridge. Swaledale: £86 High Row, £71 Rydal Farm, £63 Skelwith Fold Farm, £61 Melbourne House, £58 Guest Ford. Cheviot: £79.50 Ashstead, £75.50 The Plough Inn, £73 Nun House, £68 Melbourne House, £57.50 High Ground. Rough Fell: £74 Sowermire Farm, £73 Bleaswood Road, £70 Town End Hall, £70 Borrow Bridge House, £69 Blackmoss Farm, £65 Borrow Bridge Farm. Horned: £63 Rydal Farm, £60 Long Green Head. Herdwick: £62 Rydal Farm, £56 Millbeck, £51 Millbeck. Gritstone: £60 Sowermire Farm. Hampshire: £60 Jackson Ground, £46 Abbey Drive. Dalesbred: £54 Roundthwaite. Swiss Valais: £51 Abbey Drive, £51 Abbey Drive.
Lancaster Auction Mart: Christmas Show and Sale of Dairy Cattle. Sale of Calves, OTM's and Store Cattle. Friday 1st December 2023. Dairy Cattle The Christmas prize show of dairy cattle was kindly judged by Mr M Atkinson, Quernmore who awarded at prizes as followed: Class 1- Best Heifer 1st Pennie Poppy 1719 from Drinkall Bros, Over Wyresdale- £2150 2nd Milnthorpe Copycat Candy from W Garnett & Son, Milnthorpe- £2000 3rd Pennine Poppy 1716 from Drinkall Bros, Over Wyresdale- £2200 Class 2- Best Cow 1st Graylen Classic Bernadette from J & O Galbraith, Endmoor- £2500 2nd Milnthorpe Flomont Lynette from W Garnett & Son, Milnthorpe- £1400 3rd Milnthorpe Riley Carol from W Garnett & Son, Milnthorpe- £1450 Champion- J & O Galbraith, Endmoor Reserve Champion- Drinkall Bros, Over Wyresdale We would also like to thank our show sponsor NWF Agriculture. The championship rosette was awarded to the first prize cow from J&O Galbriath & Son, Endmoor which later sold to the sale topping price of £2500. The reserve champion was awarded to the first prize heifer from Messrs Drinkall Bros, Over Wyresdale. Heifers sold to a top price of £2200 from Messrs Drinkall Bros, Over Wyresdale with other heifers regularly £1950 plus, all heifers averaging £2007. In-calf heifers sold to £1200 for a British Friesian from RH&RA Fawcett, Burton in Kendal. Calves & Weanlings A nice entry of younger calves were forward, a head of the Christmas prize show next week. The best bulls sold to £630 for a British Blue cross from A&T Smith, Dutton with younger rearing bulls selling to £475 from Lawsons Farm, Cockerham who sold British Blue cross at £380. Stronger bulls were nicely £320 to £460. Month old bulls were £220 to £280. Dairy bulls sold to £175 for a consignment of Montbeliardes from GJ&G Billington, Garstang. Heifer calves sold to £325 for a British Blue cross from Messrs Hey & Sons, Quernmore with other rearing heifers £320 and £310 for British Blue cross from Lawsons Farm, Cockerham and Charolais cross to £290 from JE&S Seedall, Mellor. Younger heifers were generally £180 to £250. Several weaned calves forward saw British Blue cross steers sell to £580 from AJ Metcalfe, Out Rawcliffe. Bull Calves Top Prices: British Blue: £630 Carlinghurst, £380 Sweetings Farm, £365 Higher Hollinhead Farm, £280 Sweetings Farm, £260 North Farm, £225 Cote Farm. Charolais: £475 Sweetings Farm. Aberdeen Angus: £310
Sweetings Farm, £300 North Farm, £230 Manor House Farm, £220 Sweetings Farm, £220 Bolton Fold Farm, £220 North Farm. Simmental: £215 Cote Farm. Montbeliarde: £175 Myerscough House, £165 Myerscough House, £150 Myerscough House, £115 Myerscough House, £110 Myerscough House. Hereford: £155 Hawkshaw Farm, £100 Hawkshaw Farm. Heifer Calves Top Prices: British Blue: £325 Higher Hollinhead Farm, £320 Sweetings Farm, £310 Sweetings Farm, £305 Sweetings Farm, £295 Sweetings Farm, £275 Sweetings Farm. Charolais: £290 Bolton Fold Farm, £195 Tills Farm, £160 Tills Farm. Limousin: £240 Rose Farm. Aberdeen Angus: £170 Barber Farms, £170 Barber Farms, £140 Barber Farms, £135 Barber Farms. Hereford: £145 Hawkshaw Farm, £110 Westfield House Farm. Steer Calf Top Prices: British Blue: £580 Moss Gate Farm, £580 Moss Gate Farm, £550 Moss Gate Farm. Aberdeen Angus: £210 Cote Farm.
Store Cattle A keen buyer interest around the store ring, saw all cattle sell to a fast and competitive trade. All steers sold averaging £1375. Steers peaked at £1840 for a pair of Aberdeen Angus cross from L Parsons & Sons, Levens who sold others at £1680 and £1600. G Sagar & Son, Caton sold a ring full of Aberdeen Angus cross at £1590 and others at £1580. Other strong steers saw Simmental cross from SH&LE Birkett, Nether Kellet achieve £1590. Charolais cross from MJ Waller, Lupton achieved £1580, who also sold Limousin cross at £1560. Other strong steers were regularly £1400 to £1550. Heifers averaged £1305, with a top price of £1590 achieved for a pair of British Blue cross from JT&GV Dobson, Clitheroe. Others sold to £1560 from SH&LE Birkett, Nether Kellet for both British Blue cross and Simmental cross. Charolais’s sold to £1530 from JG&GM Bracken, Garstang with Aberdeen Angus cross selling to £1510 from WJ&L Barker, Arkholme and MJ Shepherd, Newbiggin. Other stronger end heifers were £1250 to £1400. A strong entry of cattle are required over the coming weeks, as buyers look to keep their sheds full. Store Heifers Top Prices: British Blue: £1590 Hill House Farm, £1560 Stubb Hall Farm, £1480 Blades Farm, £1470 Windy Hall Farm, £1320 Hill House Farm, £1170 Low Hall Beck Barn. Simmental: £1560 Stubb Hall Farm, £1250 Park House Farm. Charolais: £1530 Greenlands Farm, £1530 Greenlands Farm, £1380 Carlingwha. Aberdeen Angus: £1510 Brown Edge, £1510 Gaskell House, £1480 Oakenhead, £1470 Low Levens, £1400 Oakenhead, £1370 Hare Field House. Montbeliarde: £1480 Carlinghurst, £1420 Carlinghurst. Limousin: £1400 Gibraltar Farm, £1330 Carlingwha, £1280 Mearsbeck Farm, £940 Abbotson Farm. Friesian: £1320 Gaskell House, £1170 Low Hall Beck Barn. Fleckvieh: £1320 Oakenhead, £970 Summerlands, £940 White Lund Farm. Hereford: £1110 Holmfields. Store Bullocks Top Prices: Aberdeen Angus: £1840 Low Levens, £1680 Low Levens, £1600 Low Levens, £1590 New Parkside Farm, £1580 New Parkside Farm, £1580 New Parkside Farm. Simmental: £1590 Stubb Hall Farm, £1000 Park House Farm. Charolais: £1580 Carlingwha. Limousin: £1560 Carlingwha, £1530 Hazelslack Tower Farm, £1500 Hill House Farm, £1470 Ninezergh, £1100 Summerlands. South Devon: £1400 Adlington Hall Farm, £1300 Adlington Hall Farm. British Blue: £1310 Low Hall Beck Barn, £1280 Windy Hill Farm, £1230 Windy Hill Farm, £1170 Yates Farm, £1090 Plumpton Hall Farm. Hereford: £1300 Adlington Hall Farm, £1260 Lynwood, £1060 Lynwood, £940 Adlington Hall Farm. Friesian: £1100 Ninezergh, £880 Croft House. Blonde: £1080 Half Way House. Fleckvieh: £1000 Pump House Farm. Ayrshire: £910 Half Way House.
OTM Cattle Beef cows sold to a top of 224p/kg for a British Blue cross from TE JS & SA Carruthers, Underbarrow with other heavy well finished beef cows generally 190p/kg to 210p/kg, with mediums 155p/kg to 185p/kg, generally heading for further feeding. Top grossing was an Aberdeen Angus from J Fisher & Son, White Chapel achieving £1396. Heavy well fleshed dairy cows sold to 169p/kg from J Oddie & Son, Balderstone with others at 164.5p/kg
from J Bargh & Son, Morecambe and G&ME Woodhouse & Son, Ellel. Others were generally 150p/kg to 160p/kg, with the better end parlour types 140p/kg to 160p/kg, leaner and light sorts 125p/kg to 140p/kg and the very leanest at realisation. Top grossing was a Holstein Friesian from J Bargh & Son, Morecambe grossing at £1604. OTM heifers sold to 257.5p/kg for a British Blue cross from M Shepherd & Son, Pilling with others at 254p/kg from EJ&PE Burrow, Storth. Other beef heifers were regularly 235p/kg to 250p/kg. Dairy heifers were 220p/kg to 234p/kg for Holstein Friesians from JK&B Birkett, Morecambe. Beef heifers sold to £1708 and dairy heifers to £1191. Steers sold to 261p/kg for a Charolais cross from A Kirkby & Co, Pilling with Hereford cross selling to £1873 from M Shepherd & Son, Pilling. Other beef steers were regularly 225p/kg to 240p/kg and £1300 to £1600. Young bulls sold to 269.5p/kg and £1788 for a Limousin cross from Messrs Holgate, Silverdale with mature stock bulls selling to 169p/kg and £1457 for an Aberdeen Angus from CJ&MJ Parry, Cockerham. OTM Cow Top Prices: British Blue: 224.50 Red Scar Farm, 179.50 Parkside Farm, 174.50 Southways, 171.50 Lundholme Farm. Angus: 217.50, 207.50, 189.50 Oakenhead. Friesian: 169.50 Cheetham House Farm, 164.50 (x2) North Farm, 164.50 Boldens Farm, 161.50 Cheetham House Farm, 157.50 Raw Head. Limousin: 161.50 Southways, 159.50 Chapel House, 154.50 Southways, 119.50 Chapel House. Hereford: 159.50 Southways, 149.50 Chapel House, 144.50 Mealbank. Ayrshire: 139.50 Bolton Fold Farm. OTM Heifer Top Prices: British Blue: 257.50 Pasture House Farm, 254.50 Hazelslack Tower Farm. Shorthorn: 249.50, 244.50, 239.50 Parkside Farm. Limousin: 249.50 Middlebarrow Plain, 199.50 Gibraltar Farm. Friesian: 234.50, 229.50 (x2), 227.50 White Lund Farm. Cast Steer Top Prices: Charolais: 261.50 Gulf Farm. Hereford: 259.50, 257.50 Pasture House Farm, 227.50 Gulf Farm, 154.50 Croft House. British Blue: 239.50 Pasture House Farm, 219.50 Croft House. Angus: 234.50 Gulf Farm. Friesian: 149.50 Croft House. Cast Bull Top Prices: Limousin: 269.50 Middlebarrow Plain. Angus: 239.50 Middlebarrow Plain, 169.50 Hillam Lane Farm. Friesian: 129.50 Blackleach House Farm. Next Week's Upcoming Sales
Monday 4th Lancaster: Christmas Show of Prime Lambs 10:30am Weekly Sale of Prime Lambs and Cast Sheep J36: Online Machinery Sale concludes
Tuesday 5th J36: Butchers Bonanza- Christmas Show & Sale of Prime Pigs, Cattle and Lambs 9am-4:30pm Machinery Collection 10:30am Sale of Pigs 1pm Weekly Sale of Prime Lambs and Cast Sheep
Wednesday 6th
J36: 9am-4:30pm Machinery Collection
Thursday 7th J36: Christmas Show of Calves & OTM Cattle 10am Fortnightly Sale of Calves 10.30am Fortnightly Sale of OTM/Cast Cattle 11:15am Fortnightly Sale of Store Cattle
Friday 8th
Lancaster: Christmas Show of Calves, Store Cattle and OTM Cattle 10:15am Weekly Sale of Calves, and Cast/OTM Cattle 11:15am Weekly Sale of Store Cattle & Stirks