Weekly Report and Newsletter- 6th September 2024
Lancaster Auction Mart: Sale of Prime Lambs, Cast Sheep & Store Lambs, Monday 2nd September 2024.
Monday morning lambs marched to 400p/kg and £177 per head, with cull ewes to £184 and store lambs to £107.50.
Prime Lambs
The call for well finished and better bred lamb was answered, with vendors duly rewarded for the lambs they presented. The sale topped at 400p/kg for a Beltex lambs from regular support KA Purtill, Wigan. Followed by D&D Huddleston, Wray achieving 386p/kg, with a super consignment from CJ Metcalfe, Ingleton selling to 380p/kg. Other well bred lambs were keenly competed for, with these regularly 320p/kg to 345p/kg. First cross lambs sold to 316p/kg for Texel cross from AG Butler, Hambleton with other well finished lambs 295p/kg to 310p/kg, and grass finished lambs 275p/kg to 290p/kg, depending on quality and types. D&D Huddleston, Wray sold the best of their Texel lambs at £177 with Beltex cross achieving £175 from C Metcalfe, Ingleton. Other well bred, well finished standard weight lambs were £148 to £160, heavy weight sorts to £164 for Texel cross from Pilling Hall, Pilling and Suffolk cross to £160 from GA&A Atkinson, Cantsfild with other heavy weights (47kg plus) £140 to £150. Well finished standard weight lambs were generally £122 to £130, with lighter weights £110 to £118. Those lacking finish perhaps better suited to the buoyant store ring. Hill bred lambs are coming forward in greater numbers, with Mules to £134 and 286p/kg, with lighter weight well finished Welsh Mountain lambs to £93 and 275p/kg.
All lambs forward today averaged 288p/kg, with well finished lambs in keenest demand, benefiting from hard feed.
Please note that from next week the sale of prime lambs will commence at the earlier time of 10am, market gates open at 7am with weighing from 7.30am.
Prime Lamb Top Prices: Texel: £177 Botton Hall Farm, £164 Pilling Hall Farm, £162 Cock Hall Farm, £157 Birch House Cottage, £156, £155 Yarlsber. Beltex: £175 Yarlsber, £168 Oak Aveune, £166 Botton Hall Farm, £156 Oak Aveune, £148 Yarlsber, £140 Haversham House Farm. Suffolk: £160 Abbotson Farm, £149.50 Walnut Tree Cottage, £143.50 Abbotson Farm, £143, £142.50 Park Farm Barn, £140.50 Cocker House Farm. Charollais: £144 Park Farm Barn, £138 Mill House Farm, £128.50 Oak Aveune. Cheviot: £134, £119.50, £116 Yarlsber. Mule: £128.50 Oak Aveune, £100 Appletree Farm. Dutch Spotted: £128, £117 North Farm. Continental: £93.50, £83 Askew Hill.
Cast Sheep
A rise in cull ewes saw a top price of £184 for a Texel from TR Prickett, Hutton Roof with others at £170 from D&J Hay, Cockerham with best first cross ewes to £150 from J Gardner, Bay Horse and Mules to £147 from Pilling Hall, Pilling. Medium ewes were generally £112 to £120, with several feeding jobs now emerging every week. A large number of hard work hill ewes generally £50 to £70, depending on quality and type.
Cast Ewes Top Prices: Texel: £184 Hutton Roof Hall, £170 Birch House Cottage, £160 (x2) Hutton Roof, £150 Haversham House Farm, £146 Hutton Roof Hall. Mule: £147 Pilling Hall Farm, £128 Walnut Tree Cottage, £112 Birch House Cottage, £108 Longlands Road, £107 Haversham House Farm, £94 Park Farm Barn. Continental: £118, £100, £70 New House Farm. Lleyn: £94, £72 New House Farm. Dalesbred: £78 Allcocks Farm. Horned: £76 Quarry House Farm.
Cast Ram Top Prices: Leicester: £90 High House Farm.
Store Lambs
All store lambs sold averaged £103, topping at £107.50 for Texel cross from PJ&SM Woodhouse, Forton with other at £106.50 and longer keep to £98 from J Gardner, Bay Horse. Store Lambs Top Prices: Texel: £107.50, £106.50 The Martins, £98 Haversham House Farm. Continental: £92 The Martins.
J36 Rural Auction Centre: Sale of Prime Lambs & Cast Sheep, Tuesday 3rd September 2024.
Prime Lambs
1650 lambs were forward, a run of well bred fed lambs from PJ&ES Rogerson, Great Asby saw Texels to £177 with other pens from the same home to £164. Heavy Suffolk sold to £157 from R&J Dodgson, Natland. Heavy bred lambs full of meat (48kg plus) were regularly selling £138 to £142. The best bred lambs saw pens of Beltex to 335p/kg from Wishingwell Genetics, Appleby with other pens to 333p/kg from G Beresford & Son, Kirkby in Furness. The best lambs full of meat were regularly away 315p/kg to 325p/kg, with first cross lambs full of meat / fed selling at 295p/kg to 300p/kg. Leaner lambs / grass fed were harder to place, with these around 270p/kg. More hill bred lambs were forward, with these keenly bid for. A pen of twenty
Mules sold to £132.50 from R Capstick & Son, Ingleton with other pens of Mule to £130.50 from BD Gill, Ingleton. Mule lambs full of meat were regularly 265p/kg to 270p/kg.
Please note: Buyer are seeking prime lambs full of meat, with fed lambs seeing the benefits.
Prime Lamb Top Prices: Continental: £177 £164 £141 Mason Gill, £144 £133 Bowers Farm. Suffolk: £157 £133 Cracalt Farm, £135 Yarlsber, £135 Gaskell House, £128.50 Burnt House Farm. Texel: £156 Low Hall Farm, £154 little Daub Hall, £153 Mason Gill, £151 £150 Greaves Farm, £149 Low Bendrigg Farm. Beltex: £145 £140 £126 Hylton Holme, £135 Brown Brook, £130 £126 Angerton Hall Farm. Mule: £132.50 Fell End Farm, £130.50 Yarlsber, £127 Low Hall Farm, £118.50 Burnhead Farm, £118.50 Fellside Farm, £117 Red Scar Farm. Charolais: £119 Ridding Side Farm. Cheviot: £113 Poppy Farm. Hampshire: £108 Hawkrigg Farm. Rough Fell: £95 Steps Farm. Masham: £80 Steps Farm.
Cast Sheep
More ewes forward as seen nationally, as farmers look to replace old with new. Today’s sale topped at £172 for the stronger end Texel cross ewes with others £150 to £165, medium pure and cross bred ewes £125 to £140 with lighter and leaner attracting keen interest from feeder orders, anywhere from £85 to £110. Mules sold to £141 with other stronger end £130 to £140, best mediums £112 to £125 with lighter and leaner sorts £70 to £90. Pure hill ewes saw Lleyn sell to £134, Cheviots £106, Swaldedale £104, Herdwicks £76 and SBF £70, with over half the sale being lean hard worked pure hill ewes ranging from £30 to £50, with the very smallest at realisation. Several rams forward sold to £182 for Texels.
Cast Ewes Top Prices: Texel: £172 Angerton Hall Farm, £172 Barn Croft, £159 Middlebarrow Plain, £154 Highfield, £151 Mason Gill, £150 Lower Highfield. Continental: £167 Low Stangerthwaite, £155 Kate Farm, £140 Angerton Hall Farm, £124, £108 Barn Croft, £99 Dawson Fold. Beltex: £164 (x2) St Annes Farm, £116, £96 Barn Croft, £85 St Annes Farm. Suffolk: £144 Low Stangerthwaite, £120 Hawkrigg Farm. Mule: £141 Lower Highfield Farm, £128 Low Woodhouse, £126 Hawkrigg Farm, £123 Capplerigg Farm, £118 Nook Farm, £118 Lower Highfield. Cheviot Mule: £134 Cinder Barrow. Lleyn: £134, £122, £121, £90 (x2) Low Foulshaw Farm. Charollais: £128 Barncroft, £118 Barn Croft, £108 Preston Patrick Hall, £92 Barncroft, £80 Ridding Side Farm. Cheviot: £106 High Ground, £98 Bowness Farm, £97 (x2) High Ground, £78 Thorn Cottage, £76 Tock How Farm. Swaledale: £104 High Ground, £70 Wilcocks Farm, £70 Well Foot. Zwartble: £96 Low Foulshaw Farm. Dutch Spotted: £92 Barncroft. Leicester: £88 Boundary Beck. Rough Fell: £84 Low Borrowbridge, £68 Woodside. Herdwick: £78, £76 Hawkrigg Farm. Scotch Blackface: £70 Bowness Farm.
Cast Rams Top Prices: Texel: £182 Old School, £80 Braida Garth, £74 Kate Farm, £70 Well Foot. Dutch Spotted: £70 Bank Ground. Herdwick: £66 High Ground.
J36 Rural Auction Centre: Fortnightly Sale of Calves, Stirks, OTM Cattle & Store Cattle, Thursday 5th September 2024.
89 calves and stirks forward today, calves to £520 for a Charolais bull from Bambers Farm, Thurnham with other bull calves to £480 (x2) for blues from JW & TE Sharp, Hodder and HJ Robinson & Son, Preston Patrick. Heifer calves sold to £460 for a British Blue from AE Luffman, Sedbergh with others to £410 from JW & TE Sharp, Flodder. Best of the dairy calves to £195 for a Montbeliarde bull. Stirks sold to £890 for a British Blue steer from JR Pye, Stalmine with Limousin from the same home to £830 and £790 (x2). Bull stirks sold to £830 from G Malpass, Dent with 6 month old Aberdeen Angus bulls to £750 from LE Case, Millom. Heifer stirks sold to £750, this paid for a Limousin from JR Robinson, Nook.
Heifer Calves Top Prices: British Blue: £460 Beckside, £410 Flodder Hall, £270 Elm Tree Farm, £240 Elm Tree Farm, £235 Colby Farm, £205 Colby Farm. Charolais: £320 Bambers Farm, £300 Bambers Farm, £300 Bambers Farm. Limousin: £195 Beckside. Angus: £190 Elm Tree Farm. Hereford: £170 Arnside Tower, £135 Arnside Tower, £110 Wraysholme Tower. Shorthorn: £160 Flodder Hall.

Bull Calves Top Prices: Charolais: £520 Bambers Farm, £430 Bambers Farm, £380 Bambers Farm. British Blue: £480 Elm Tree Farm, £480 Flodder Hall, £460 Flodder Hall, £430 Flodder Hall, £370 Elm Tree Farm, £350 Colby Farm. Limousin: £285 Elm Tree Farm. Hereford: £240 Wraysholme Tower, £205 Wraysholme Tower. South Devon: £215 Bowkerstead Farm. Montbelliarde: £195 Colby Farm. Angus: £180 Colby Farm. Norweigian: £85 Cinder Barrow. Friesian: £52 Cinder Barrow, £50 Cinder Barrow,£30 Halforth Farm, £20 Halforth Farm.
Heifer Stirk Top Prices: Limousin: £750 Hollins Farm. Blonde: £650 Greenwood Haw, £600 Greenwood Haw, £590 Hollins Farm, £570 Hollins Farm. Friesian: £640 Moss House Farm, £430 Moss House Farm, £300 Moss House Farm. Montbeliarde: £540 Moss House Farm, £380 Moss House Farm. Angus: £520 Moss End Farm, £420 West View Farm, £420 Barkin House Barn, £400 West View Farm. Charolais: £460 West View Farm, £460 West View Farm.
Bull Stirk Top Prices: Shorthorn: £830 Greenwood Haw, £680 Greenwood Haw, £460 Greenwood Haw. Angus: £750 Foreslack Farm, £610 Barkin House Barn, £610 Barkin House Barn. Hereford: £700 Natland Mill Beck Farm, £700 Natland Mill Beck Farm, £630 Natland Mill Beck Farm, £50 Natland Mill Beck Farm. Blonde: £460 Greenwood Haw.
Steer Stirk Top Prices: British Blue: £890 Hatters Farm. Limousin: £830 Hatters Farm, £790 Hatters Farm. Angus: £790 Hatters Farm, £620 Moss End Farm, £620 Moss End Farm. Montbeliarde: £650 Moss End Farm. Charolais: £390 West View Farm.
Store Cattle
A pleasing entry of cattle continuing to sell to recent high rates, but perhaps starting to show the onset of the turn in weather. The strongest steers sold to £1700 for a pair of Aberdeen Angus cross from GM Metcalfe Jnr, Underbarrow with others at £1690 and £1640 twice. 16-22 month old continental steers were regularly £1280 to £1340, peaking at £1350 for British Blue cross from G&ID Postlethwaite, Howgill with Charollais’s to £1340. A ring full of Longhorn cross bullock attracted much
attention, selling for a final bid of £1340 from JR Pye, Stalmine. Younger steers sold to £1250 for Aberdeen Angus cross, with Simmental and Limousin cross to £1160.
Heifer sold to a top price of £1530 for a trio of Aberdeen Angus cross, again from GM Metcalfe, Underbarrow with others at £1430. Herefords sold to £1360 and British Blue cross £1280. Other 16-20 month old heifers were £1180 to £1250. Younger heifers sold to £1020 for Aberdeen Angus cross, with other 10-12 month olds were £860 to £940.
The next sale of cattle is on Thursday 19th September, which will include the annual price show and sale of continental store cattle.
Store Bullock Top Prices: Angus: £1700 Low Gregg Hall, £1690 Blea Tarn Road, £1640 Low Gregg Hall, £1640 Blea Tarn Road, £1580 Low Gregg Hall, £1330 Rhumes. British Blue: £1350 Riddings, £1330 Riddings, £1170 Hatters Farm, £1160 Riddings, £1130 Riddings, £1080 Sowermire Farm. Charolais: £1340 Tarnside Farm, £1330 Cockrigg Farm, £1080 Green Lane End Farm. Longhorn: £1340 Hatters Farm. Hereford: £1320 Bowston Hall, £1060 Houlker Hall Barn, £930 Green Lane End Farm, £800 Green Lane End Farm. Limousin: £1280 Sands Road, £1250 Cockrigg Farm, £1160 Cockrigg Farm, £1100 Bambers Farm, £1070 Bouthwaite Farm, £970 Bambers Farm. Shorthorn: £1180 Holmelands, £1130 Barkin House Farm. Simmental: £1160 Bambers Farm, £1150 Bambers Farm, £830 Kate Farm. Belted Galloway: £1160 Holmelands. Friesian: £1050 Bambers Farm, £1050 Tarnside Farm, £1020 Barkin House Farm, £950 Syke House Farm, £880 Syke House Farm. Flekvieh: £930 Green Lane End Farm, £900 Green Lane End Farm, £850 Green Lane End Farm, £760 Green Lane End Farm.
Store Heifer Top Prices: Angus: £1530 Low Gregg Hall, £1430 Bank Ground, £1200 Barkin House Barn, £1160 Barkin House Barn, £1020 Barkin House Barn. Hereford: £1360 Bowston Hall, £1060 Oversands View, £1000 Bellart Howe, £860 Bellart Howe, £840, £830 Green Lane End Farm. British Blue: £1280 High Borrowbridge, £1270 Moss House Farm, £1230 Riddings. Simmental: £1240 Tarnside Farm, £1180 Kate Farm, £1040 Holmelands, £990 Bambers Farm, £980 Kate Farm, £930 Bellart Howe. Limousin: £1160 Moss House Farm, £1120 Moss House Farm, £1120 Tarnside Farm, £1110 Bouthwaite Farm, £1110 Botton Hall Farm. Saler: £890 Fell House, £810 Fell House. Charolais: £890 Angeron Farm, £830 Green Lane End Farm. Store Bull Top Prices: Shorthorn: £1090 Sayles Farm. Angus: £1040 Bank Ground. Hereford: £900 Houlker Hall Barn. Continental: £395 Spice Gill Farm.
OTM Cattle
Perhaps the strongest show of cows for several sales in terms of both quality and quantity. Several hand fed beef cows forward selling to 247p/kg and £2027 for a Limousin x from PJ & ES Rogerson, Appleby with others 220-230p/kg and £1500-£1800. Nice feeding beef cows 180-200p/kg with lighter and leaner 155-175p/kg. Dairy cows were predominantly medium parlour types today selling to 189p/kg and £1380 with others generally 170p/kg-185p/kg and £1120-£1250 with leaner sorts 140p/kg160p/kg. All cows forward today average 185p/kg and £1218.
OTM heifers sold to 229p/kg for an Aberdeen Angus x from BJ Bowness and Galloway from Forest Hall Farms with Limousin x to 219p/kg, Top grossing being a Hereford x at £1705. Dairy heifers sold to 189p/kg and £1225.
OTM steers sold to 239p/kg and £1484 for an Aberdeen Angus x with others regularly 210-225p/kg and £1300-£1400. Several stock bulls now coming forward selling to 229p/kg and £1914 for a Limousin with others generally 170-190p/kg and £1400-£1600.
OTM Cow Top Prices: Limousin: 247.50 Mason Gill, 214.50 High Biggarsbank, 199.50 Arklid Farm, 199.50 Lower Hawthwaite, 197.50 Arklid Farm, 194.50 High Biggarsbank. Stabilizer: 221.50 Kit Cragg, 209.50 Kit Cragg, 159.50 Kit Cragg. Angus: 214.50 Blea Tarn Road, 204.50 Blea Tarn Road, 204.50 Foreslack Farm, 199.50 Foreslack Farm, 194.50 Barkin House Farm, 191.50 High Biggarsbank. Hereford: 214.50 Riddings, 207.50 Riddings, 179.50 Riddings, 174.50 Riddings. Simmental: 209.50 Mason Gill, 189.50 High Biggarsbank, 184.50 High Biggarsbank. British Blue: 199.50 Longwell, 191.50 Riddings, 184.50 Riddings, 184.50 High Biggarsbank, 169.50 Riddings, 169.50 High Biggarsbank. Galloway: 197.50 Thorn Cottage, 169.50 Thorn Cottage. Continental: 197.50 High Biggarsbank, 179.50 Town End, 169.50 Town End. Blonde: 191.50 Riddings. Shorthorn; 191.50 Sayles Farm, 169.50 Barkin House Farm. Friesian: 189.50 Carter House, 187.50 Tarnside Farm, 184.50 Tarnside Farm, 174.50 Far Audlands, 169.50 Far Audlands, 159.50 Arklid Farm. Flekvieh: 181.50 Tottlebank, 169.50 Ninezergh, 151.50 Tottlebank, 139.50 Tottlebank. Longhorn: 179.50 Low Oaks. Charolais: 174.50 Cragg House Farm. Norwegian: 174.50 Ninezergh Whitebred Shorthorn: 174.50 Greenwood Haw, 169.50 Greenwood Haw, 159.50 Greenwood Haw, 129.50 Greenwood Haw. Dairy Shorthorn: 169.50 Arklid Farm.
OTM Heifer Top Prices: Hereford: 229.50 Blea Tarn Road. Galloway: 229.50 Thorn Cottage. Limousin: 219.50 Guards Farm, 181.50 Holmelands, 149.50 Holmelands. Friesian: 189.50 Low Brundrigg, 181.50 Low Brundrigg. Shorthorn: 179.50 Bellart Howe. Stabilizer: 177.50 Kit Cragg.
Cast Steer Top Prices: British Blue: 224.50 Green Close. Angus: 239.50 Green Close. Limousin: 219.50 Tricket Drive, 189.50 Tricket Drive, 184.50 Tricket Drive.
Cast Bull Top Prices: Limousin: 229.50 Tricket Driver, 194.50 Greenside Farm, 174.50 Lane End. Shorthorn: 149.50 Sayles Farm.
J36 Rural Auction Centre: Lads Night Out, Thursday 5th September 2024.
NWA held it’s annual ‘Lads Night Out’ sale which was once again, a huge success with averages up across the board. Credit must go to our vendors on a marvellous show of sheep and thanks must go to our pre sale show judges, Mr D Lindow, Mr M & Mr J Cook and Mr B Johnson for efficiently sorting through the strong classes put before them. Thanks also to the sponsors RE Consultants, Imagine Asset Finance, WCF Fuels and Carrs Billingtons.
The sale saw a top price of £2000 paid for a much admired ram from the Woodburn Family of Mansrigg with this well finished annual consignment also reaching £1400 x2. All pure Texels sold incredibly well, with two tups reaching £1900, firstly from Bambers Farms, Thurnham with this pen also providing one at £1550. The second tup to reach £1900 was brought to sale by WJ&VS Case, Ulverston with this much admired run selling other to £1800. Ram lambs sold to £1050 for a cracker from the pen of Harry and Bradley Wharton, Tebay.
Cross bred rams followed the pure Texels with this section topped at £1900 for a Charollais cross Beltex from the much admired powerful pen from JA&R Geldard, Low Foulshaw Farm with others to £1650 from the same run. The annual consignment from G Sowerby, Terrys Farm received a great deal of interest with these selling to £1500 plus and £1350 x2.
Suffolks ram lambs sold to a top of £1000 for a much admired lamb from Mr TA Blair, Thornton Cleveleys with others from this same good home to £850 and £800. Other lambs sold to £650 and £600 from T&E Redmayne, Carlisle and £500 from J&C Airey, Ulverston. Suffolks shearling sold to £1500 from noted breeder TA Blair, Thornton Cleveleys. The annual consignment from JH Towers, Tunstall sold to £1400, with other at £1300. RA Batty, Selside sold shearlings to £1200 on two occasions, with S Mason, Kirkby Stephen achieving £1000 and AR Edmondson, Ulverston £950. Several older rams forward saw two shear Suffolks to £1350 from AR Edmondson, Ulverston who sold others at £1200. Other two shear Suffolks were generally £550 to £800.
Charollais ram lambs sold to a top of £500 from S Cummings, Millom who sold other at £450. Charollais shearlings sold to £550 from MS&AP Lee, Arkholme with others at £450.
A pen of Millennium Bleu shearling sold to £450 on two occasions from B&A Crane, Tockholes with Dutch Spotted shearling to £600 from O Marrs, Carlisle.
Show Results
Sponsors- RE Consultants, Imagine Asset Finance, WCF Fuels, Carrs Billington & MB Nutrition
Judges- Texel & Beltex- David Lindow & Suffolk- Micheal & John Cook & Charollais- Brain Johnson
1st WJ & VJ Case- £1800
2nd J Woodburn & Partners- £2000
3rd A & HC Smith- £1250
1st H & B Wharton- £1050
2nd H & B Wharton- £700 3rd P Heterick- £380
1st G Sowerby- £1500
2nd ST Birkett & Son- £550 3rd R Allen- £250
1st TC Whiteford- £1100
2nd JA & R Geldard & Sons- £1100
3rd G Sowerby- £1350
1st RA Batty- £1200
2nd RA Batty- £1200
3rd S Mason- £1000
1st TA Blair- £1000
2nd TA Blair- £850
3rd T & E Redmayne- £650
1st MS & A Lee- £550
2nd MS & A Lee- £400
3rd B & A Crane- £300
1st S Cummings- £500
2nd S Cummings- £450
3rd S Cummings- £350

Ram Lamb Top Prices: Texel; £1050.00, Galloper Rise. £700.00, Galloper Rise. £480.00, Manor Farm. £380.00, Hill Top Stables. £380.00, Hill Top Stables. Suffolk; £180.00 Barnaby Rudge Tavern.
Shearling Ram Top Prices: Texel; £2000.00, Mansrigg Hall. £1900.00, Plumpton Cottage Farm. £1900.00, Bambers Farm. £1800.00, Plumpton Cottage Farm. Beltex; £1900.00, Low Foulshaw Farm. £1650.00 Low Foulshaw Farm
Aged Ram Top Prices: Beltex; £400.00 Norcross. Texel; £350.00, Lingstubbs. £220.00, Whitbarrow Cottage.
Ram Lamb Top Prices: Suffolk; £1000.00, Fleetwood Road South. £850.00, 167 Fleetwood Road South. £800.00, Fleetwood Road South. £650.00, Old Byre Barn. £600.00, Old Byre Barn. £500.00, Reeds Gardens.
Shearling Ram Top Prices: Suffolk; £1500,00, Fleetwood Road. £1400.00, Tunstall Hall. £1300,00, Tunstall Hall. £1200,00, 43 Dugg Hill. £1200,00, Dugg Hill. £1150.00, Tunstall Hall.
Aged Ram Top Prices: Suffolk; £1350.00, Hawskwell Farm. £1200.00, Hawkswell Farm. £800.00, Hawkswell Farm. £600.00, Gowan Bank Farm. £550.00, Tunstall Hall. £550.00, Tunstall Hall.
Lancaster Auction Mart: Sale of Calves, OTM Cattle & Store Cattle. Friday 6th September 2024.
Calves & Weanlings
A decreased entry of calves this week with people taking advantage of the better weather today. Rearing calves sold to a top of £565 for a British Blue from Harry and Christine Pickervance, Roseacre with this home topping the rearing heifers at £375 twice for young sweet sorts. Weaned calves were equally as good to sell, these reaching £610 and £600 for British Blue bulls from W&C Gorst, Bay Horse. S&J France, Over Wyredales brough us a well reared Charolais, with this topping the heifers at £580, with plenty of others in this section top side of £500.
Heifer Calves Top Prices: Charolais: £580 Kays Farm. British Blue: £530 Hole of Ellel, £375 (x2) Roseacre Hall, £360 Roe Farm, £360 Roseacre Hall, £355 Hole of Ellel. Angus: £230 Roseacre Hall.
Bull Calves Top Prices: British Blue: £610, £600 Hole of Ellel, £565 Roseacre Hall, £535 Hole of Ellel, £370 Roe Farm, £360 Hole of Ellel. Charolais: £545 Old Parkside Farm. Angus: £285, £235 Roseacre Hall, £195 New Brows Farm.
Store Cattle

A tremendous yard full of store cattle was greeted by enthusiastic bidders, all keen to fill sheds. Charolais’s led the way this week, with a pair topping at £2060 from RH Dodgson, Burton in Lonsdale who sold another four at £1980. JM Haddow, Hincaster sold his Charolais at £1930, with a ring full from DJ&MC Platts, Carton selling at £1880. Other stronger end steers sold to £1910 for British Blues and Simmental cross, with others regularly £1650 to £1800. Feeding types steers were regularly £1450 to £1600. Dairy bred steers sold to a top price of £1650 for a black and white from J&H Bland & Son, Levens who also sold Fleckvieh and Norwegian Red and Whites at £1510.
Heifers sold to a top of £1660 for a British Blue cross from EW&CR Clegg & Son, Stalmine, with Aberdeen Angus to £1600, Limousin £1580 and Hereford cross £1580. Other stronger end heifers were regularly £1380 to £1500, with medium feeding type heifers £1250 to £1400.

Store Heifer Top Prices: British Blue: £1660 Yew Tree Farm, £1580 Ninezergh, £1550 Pilling Hall Farm, £1520 High Snab, £1410 Ellers Farm, £1320 Endmoor Farm. Angus: £1600 Bainsbank, £1580 Kirkbeck, £1440 Ninezergh, £1390 Little Town Farm, £1310 Kirkbeck, £1290 Summerlands. Limousin: £1580 High Snab, £1520, £1460, £1440 Ninezergh, £1420 Moss House Farm, £1350 Lodge Farm. Hereford: £1580 Gibraltar Farm, £1460 Ninezergh, £1320, £1220 Ellers Farm. Friesian: £1240 Kate Farm, £1200 Holme Farm. White Park: £1180 Moser Hill. Montbeliarde: £1110 Moss House Farm. Blonde: £1010, £1000, £980 Half Way House.

Store Bullocks Top Prices: Charolais: £2060, £1980 Kilburn House, £1930 (x2) Viver Mill Farm, £1880 Greenbank Farm, £1840 Thursgill. Simmental: £1910 Viver Mill Farm, £1810 Yew Tree Farm, £1620 Ninezergh. British Blue: £1910 Greenlands Farm, £1880 Yew Tree Farm, £1880 Barn Hill Farm, £1790 Greenlands Farm, £1780, £1760 Parkside Farm. Angus: £1800 Yew Tree Farm, £1780 Parkside Farm, £1730 Birch Croft, £1590 Little Town Farm, £1570 Pilling Hall Farm, £1560 Thursgill. Hereford: £1800 Gibraltar Farm, £1620 Old Glasson Farm, £1560 Ninezergh, £1180 Windy Hill Farm. Limousin: £1710 Ninezergh, £1700 Birch Croft, £1640 Ninezergh, £1620 Thornton Barn Farm, £1620 Ninezergh, £1440 Endmoor Farm. Friesian: £1650, £1450 Ninezergh, £1360 Old Glasson Farm, £1210 Plumpton Hall Farm, £1170 Old Hall Farm, £1110 Gibraltar Farm. Norwegian Red: £1510 Ninezergh, £1000 Holme Head. Fleckvieh: £1510 Ninezergh, £1480 Holme Head, £1320 Holme House Farm, £1210 Summerlands, £1200, £1180 Holme Head. Montbeliarde: £1390 Holme House Farm. Meuse Rhine Issel: £1020 Littlewood Hall Farm. Blonde: £1000 Half Way House.
OTM Cattle
More cull cows and OTM’s are coming forward week on week, as the season begins to change. All cows today averaged 180p/kg with OTM heifers 210p/kg, OTM steers 230p/kg and cull bulls 215p/kg. Best beef cows sold to 264.5p/kg and £2068 for a Limousin from CD&HL Mason, Caton with a consignment of Limousin cows from JE Parkinson, Quernmore selling to 244.5p/kg and others regularly 215p/kg to 230p/kg. Other heavier well flesh beef cows were 210p/kg to 225p/kg, medium feeding types 185p/kg to 198p/kg, with several leaner and lighter weight beef cows 150p/kg to 1875p/kg. Dairy cows sold to 199p/kg for a black and whites from RG&B Lewis, Middleton and JR Pye, Stalmine. Other better end dairy cows were 180p/kg to 195p/kg, medium dairy cows 168p/kg to 178p/kg with light and leaner dairy cows ranging from 125p/kg to 155p/kg. Top grossing dairy cow was a black and white again from RG&B Lewis, Middleton total £1625.
OTM beef heifers sold to £2745 for a British Blue cross from AJ&D Knowles, New Hutton with other beef heifers 230p/kg to 255p/kg. Top grossing being a Limousin from WS Burrow Ltd, Silverdale at £1577. Dairy heifers sold to 259.5p/kg for a Fleckvieh from JR Newsham, Conder Green with other medium flesh dairy heifers 215p/kg to 240p/kg, with lighter weight feeding types 175p/kg to 190p/kg. Top grossing dairy heifer was a heavy weight from Drinkall Bros, Over Wyresdale totalling £1847.
OTM beef steers sold to 274.5p/kg for a Shorthorn from GR& Foy, Conder Green with other beef bred steers 240p/kg to 260p/kg. Top grossing being an Aberdeen Angus at £2019. Diary bred steers sold to 224.5p/kg and £1730 for a Holstein Friesian from TM Gardner, Tatham. Beef stock bulls sold to 244.5p/kg for a British Blue and £2044 for a Simmental.
OTM Cow Top Prices: Limousin: 264.50 Mearsbeck Farm, 244.50, 229.50 Castle Mill Farm, 224.50 Fell End Farm, 221.50 Botton Hall Farm, 219.50 Castle Mill Farm. British Blue: 227.50 Springfield House, 211.50 Botton Hall Farm, 184.50 Moser Hill. Stabiliser: 219.50, 209.50, 199.50 (x2) Kit Cragg. Friesian: 199.50 Hatters Farm, 199.50 Bainsbank Farm, 197.50 High Snab, 197.50 Oxenforth Green Farm, 191.50 Derby Lodge Farm, 191.50 Catshaw Hall Farm. Angus: 194.50 Kays Farm, 189.50 Rooten Brook, 164.50, 144.50 Fell End Farm. Montbeliarde: 151.50, 134.50 Holme Head. Simmental: 149.50 Sykes Fold Farm. Dexter: 134.50 Old Parkside Farm.
OTM Heifer Top Prices: Fleckvieh: 259.50 Sellerley Farm. Limousin: 259.50 Gibraltar Farm. British Blue: 274.50 Windy Hill Farm, 259.50 Tills Farm. Angus: 244.50 Outfield, 239.50 Springfield House, 234.50 Rooten Brook, 189.50 Springfield House, 159.50 Rooten Brook. Friesian: 239.50 Newhouse Farm, 234.50 Lower Brow Top, 234.50 Westfield House Farm, 234.50 Blackleach House Farm, 229.50 Holme Head, 229.50 Derby Lodge Farm. Jersey: 189.50 Moss House Farm.
Cast Steer Top Prices: Shorthorn: 274.50 Parkside Farm. Limousin: 269.50, 244.50 Gibraltar Farm. Friesian: 224.50 Greenside Farm, 224.50, 204.50 Tills Farm, 189.50 Greenside Farm. Angus: 219.50 Wilmar.
Cast Bull Top Prices: British Blue: 244.50 Thornton Barn Farm. Simmental: 199.50 Sykes Fold Farm.
Next Week's Upcoming Sales
Monday 9th
Lancaster: 10am Weekly Sale of Prime Lambs & Cast Sheep
Tuesday 10th
J36: 10:30am Sale of all classes of Pigs
1pm Weekly Sale of Prime Lambs & Cast Sheep
Thursday 12th
J36: 10:30am Fortnightly Sale of Store Lambs
Friday 13th
Lancaster: 10:15am Weekly Sale of Calves & OTM/Cast Cattle
11:15am Weekly Sale of Store Cattle
J36: 10am Ambleside Fair
Saturday 14th
J36: 10am NEMSA Gimmer Lambs