Weekly Report and Newsletter- 9th February 2024 Lancaster Auction Mart: Weekly Sale of Prime Hoggs, Store Hoggs and Cast Sheep, Monday 5th February 2024. Prime Hoggs The prime hogg trade goes up another level with smaller numbers seen nationally, an SQQ market average of 295p/kg was achieved. Texel hoggs sold to £161 from TR Prickett, Hutton Roof. Beltexs sold to £160 from KA Purtill, Wigan with pens of Texels from the same good home selling to £158. Heavy bred Continental hoggs were regularly selling at £145 to £155. Best bred lambs met an improved demand at Lancaster Mart, with the best selling to 383p/kg from TR Prickett, Hutton Roof. Other pens sold to 370p/kg for Beltexs from KA Purtill, Wigan. Export type lambs were regularly 310p/kg plus, with lights 280p/kg to 290p/kg and the heavies around the 280p/kg mark. Hill bred hoggs saw heavy Mashams sell to £148 from S&J France, Over Wyresdale with other pens of Masham to £141 from T&D Wight, Roeburndale. Cheviots sold to £140 from J Bargh & Son, Morecambe. Mules sold to £129 for 45kg hoggs from W&C Gorst & Sons, Bay Horse. Herdwicks sold to £119 for a pen of 43kg hoggs from LA Bradshaw, Stalmine with Rough Fells from the same home to £110. Swaledales topped at £112.50 from T Ayrton & Sons, Over Wyresdale. More hoggs are required on a weekly basis for our active ring side of nine buyers. Prime Hogg Top Prices: Texel: £161 Hutton Roof Hall, £160, £158, £157 (x2), £155 Oak Aveune. Suffolk: £150 Hutton Roof Hall, £144 North Farm, £133 Beaumont Gate. Continental: £149, £147 Park Farm Barn, £138.50 Oak Aveune, £131.50 Bensons Farm, £122, £119 Hole of Ellel. Beltex: £149 Park Farm Barn. Masham: £148 Kays Farm, £141 Allcocks Farm, £139.50 Kays Farm, £127 Smithy Lane Farm, £91 Gibsons Farm. Cheviot: £140 (x2) North Farm, £135 Hutton Roof Hall, £125 School Lane. Mule: £130 Smithy Lane Farm, £129 Hole of Ellel, £123 Bensons Farm, £117 Quarry House, £109 High House Farm, £106 Yates Farm. Herdwick: £119 Moss House Farm. Swaledale: £112.50 Yates Farm, £99 Marshaw Farm, £88 Yates Farm. Rough Fell: £110 Moss House Farm. Cast Sheep
Ewes sold to a sharp trade with first cross Texel ewes to £144 from CM&CA Jackson, Caton with other pens to £138 from S Wilson & Son, Scotforth. Mule ewes saw heavies sell to £118 from D&K Swarbirck, Out Rawcliffe who sold others to £116 and Mashams to £114. Medium fit mule ewes were regularly £88 to £95. Cheviot sold to £81 from KA Purtill, Wigan with Swaledales to £70 from KM&KJ Curwen, Abbeystead. Cast Ewes Top Prices: Texel: £144 Forgelands Estate, £130 Bensons Farm, £120 North Farm, £120 Bensons Farm, £116 Oak Aveune, £114 Burrow Heights Farm. Mule: £118, £116 Bensons Farm, £101, £100 Low Pleasant, £99 Beaumont Gate, £96 Bensons Farm, £96 Beaumont Gate. Masham: £114 Bensons Farm. Beltex: £102 Bensons Farm. Charolais: £102 Oak Aveune. Suffolk: £84 Oak Aveune. Cheviot: £81 Oak Aveune, £78 Burrow Heights Farm. Cast Ram Top Prices: Texel: £116 Askew Hill, £100 Forgelands Estate. Teeswater: £100 Gibsons Farm. Swaledale: £70 Marshaw Farm.
Store Hoggs A small show of store hoggs saw all sell to their full value. Texel sold to £101 SE Whewell, Scorton with a ring full of Mule from the same home achieving £96. Store Hogg Top Prices: Texel: £101 Wyresdale Estate, £95 Marl House. Mule: £96 Wyresdale Estate. Cheviot: £74 Marl House.
J36 Rural Auction Centre: Weekly Sale of Prime Hoggs and Cast Sheep, Tuesday 6th February 2024 1524 prime sheep forward at NWA Junction 36 with prime hoggs selling to £183 and cull sheep to £240. Prime Hoggs 1000 prime hoggs were forward with all types selling to a sharper trade on the week and an overall average of 298p/kg achieved, with over half the sale being hill bred. Heavy hoggs continue to be keenly bid for at Junction 36, with Texel selling to £183 from L McCarrick, Chorley who sold a wonderful ring full of Suffolk hoggs to £173. Beltexs sold to £171 from JA Airey, Kendal. Heavy continental bred hoggs were regularly away at £150 to £160 a head. Medium bred export type hoggs were a sharp trade, with these regularly selling at 320p/kg to 325p/kg. A pen of 45kg Texels sold to £152 from RHM&S Boyren, Ulverston. Light hoggs full of meat were the fastest trade seen for some time, with all breeds regularly selling at 295p/kg to 305p/kg. Pens of 35kg Texels sold to £127 from JJ&J Woof & Sons, Sedbergh. Hill bred hoggs saw Mules sell to £148 from JM&NJ Strickland, Whinfell with other pens of Mules to £146 from Long &Knipe, Ulverston. A pen of twenty five Mules at 50kg from EW&JR Parkinson, Dunsop Bridge sold at £140. Cheviots sold to £141 from JM Metcalfe Jnr, Underbarrow. Pens of Rough Fells to £130 from I&J Mallinson, Selside with others to £129 from AJ&CM Harrison, Kentmere and Swaledales to £126 from EW&JR Parkinson, Dunsop Bridge. Scotch Black Face hoggs sold to £120 from AW&D Brown, Ulverston. Prime Hogg Top Prices: Texel: £183 Longfield Manor, £171 Old Croft, £170 Low House Beck, £170 The Borrans, £169 The Glen, £165 Old Croft. Suffolk: £173, £170 Longfield Manor, £162 Mealriggs Farm, £158, £157 Longfield Manor, £153 Swallowmire Farm. Mule: £148 The Borrans, £146 The Glen, £140 Hareden Farm, £136 High Swinklebank Farm, £134 Hill Park, £134 Tongue House Farm. Leicester: £146 Hareden Farm, £130 Boundary Beck, £129 Greaves Farm. Dorset: £145 The Borrans, £128 Cumbrae, £127 Brow Head, £108 Cumbrae. Continental: £145 Stone Hall, £134, £130, £129 Millbeck, £129 Higher Standen Drive, £128 Underhelm Farm. Cheviot: £141 Low Gregg Hall, £136 Swallowmire, £115 Low Gregg Hall, £114, £112 Poppy Farm, £102 High Cark Farm. Masham: £134 Mealriggs Farm. Charollais: £131, £95 High Cark Farm. Rough Fell: £130 Borrow Bridge House, £129 Boundary Beck, £128 Millriggs, £119 High Borrowbridge, £117 Millriggs, £114 Boundary Beck. Swaledale: £126 Hareden Farm, £116.50 Arklid Farm, £109 Tongue House Farm, £108 Low Hall Farm, £100 High Borrowbridge, £99 Well Foot. Horned: £121 Underhelm Farm, £106 Higher Salter. Scotch Blackface: £120 Whinfield Farm. Beltex: £110 High Wray Farm. Dutch Spotted: £91 Higher Standen Drive. Herdwick: £86 Wood Broughton Barn.
Cast Sheep Another rise in ewe number sold to a market average of £79.30, with 75% of the sale being pure hill bred ewes. Heavy pure bred ewes sold to £240 for Texels from H Geldard, Levens with other pen full at £215 from T&CM Kelsall & Sons, Chipping who sold others at £170 and £156. Charollais’s sold to £150 from JA&R Geldard & Sons, Levens. Heavy first cross ewes sold to £150 for Texel cross from WS Burrow, Silverdale and W Garnett & Sons, Milnthorpe with others regularly £130 to £145. Suffolk cross sold to £134 from RHM&S Boyren, Ulverston. Medium cross breds were regularly £105 to £118. Pure hill bred sheep sold to £133 for a pen of Lleyns from JA&R Geldard, Levens with others at £124 from D&A Nicholson, Ulverston. Other hill breeds saw Cheviots sell to £114
from K&S Troughton, Sedbergh, Rough Fells to £102 from GR Park & Sons, Whinfell, Herdwicks to £98 from A Carr, Grange Over Sands with country bred to £86 from GJ&G Ibbetson, Roeburndale. Medium hill ewes were regularly £55 to £70 for well fleshed sorts, with mediums £45 to £55 and only the smallest and leanest less. Mules sold to £117 from TA Teasdale, Grange Over Sands with other heavy weights regularly £105 to £115. Mediums types were frequently £92 to £104, with the fleshiest smaller end £86 to £90. 39 cull rams saw Texels sell to £180 from TA Teasdale, Grange Over Sands and H Geldard, Levens. Other stronger continentals were £140 to £160, mediums £120 to £135. Pure hill rams sold to £140 for Lleyns from JA&R Geldard, Levens and Herdwicks to £98 from A Hartley, Broughton in Furness and SW&A Hoggarth, Broughton in Furness. Swaledale rams sold to £86 from AJ&L Birkett, Ambleside. Cast Ewes Top Prices: Texel: £240 Whitbarrow View, £215, £170, £156 Brown Brook, £150 Ackenthwaite Farm, £150 Gibraltar Farm. Charollais: £150, £138 Low Foulshaw Farm, £118 Head House. Suffolk: £134 Hill Park, £122, £114 Ackenthwaite Farm. Continental: £129 Hill Park, £122 Top Thorn Farm, £120 Brown Brook, £120 Ackenthwaite Farm, £110 Stubb Farm, £98 High Greenside. Lleyn: £124 Birch Bank, £121 Low Foulshaw Farm. Mule: £117 Head House, £114 Low Stangerthwaite, £111 Hallbeck, £104 Brown Brook, £104 Moss Side, £102 Brown Brook. Cheviot: £114 Moors Cottage, £102 Hartrigg, £100 Holker Farm Cottages, £99 High House Farm, £96 Poppy Farm, £91 Hartrigg. Rough Fell: £102 Low Deepslack, £81 High Swinklebank, £80 Borrow Bridge House, £79 High Swinklebank. Dorset: £102 Warth Sutton. Herdwick: £98 Holker Farm Cottages, £82 Far Kiln Bank. Horned: £86 Higher Salter. Leicester: £78 Low Fold. Swaledale: £74 Turner Hall Farm, £74 Wood Broughton Barn, £70 Hareden Farm. Cast Rams Top Prices: Texel: £180 Head House, £180 Whitbarrow View, £158, £146 Arklid Farm, £136 Middle Fell, £122 Top Thorn Farm. Charollais: £150 Middle Fell, £144 Warth Sutton Farm. Lleyn: £140 Low Foulshaw Farm. Leicester: £140 Middle Fell, £138 Main Street. Blue Texel: £122 Winterscales Farm. Continental: £102 Broadhead. Herdwick: £98 Far Kiln Bank, £98 Turner Hall Farm. Swaledale: £86 High Birk Howe Farm.
J36 Rural Auction Centre: Fortnightly Sale of Calves, Stirks, OTM Cattle and Store Cattle, Thursday 8th February 2024. Calves 101 rearing calves saw an entry of predominately younger sorts, British Blue cross bulls sold to £410 for a six week old from HJ Robinson & Son, Preston Patrick with others at £385 from Messrs Gibson & Berry, Endmoor. The best month old bulls sold to £340 from JW&TE Sharp, Lyth and DW&E Cottam, New Hutton. Younger beef bulls were generally £280 to £320. Native sired bulls sold to £335 for Aberdeen Angus cross from Bambers Farm, Cockerham with other at £300 from DW&E Cottam, New Hutton. Beef Shorthorns sold to £250 from JW&TE Sharp, Lyth and Herefords to £230 from W&S Airey, Whittington. Dairy bulls sold to £200 for an eight week old Holstein Friesian from J&R Waller, Killington who sold other at £195 and £190 from W&S Airey, Whittington. Medium rearers were regularly £80 to £120, with only the smallest and youngest less. Only younger heifer calves forward today, selling to £280 and £260 for British Blue cross from DR&C Galbraith, Endmoor. Beef Shorthorns sold to £245 from JW&TE Sharp, Lyth and Aberdeen Angus cross to £220 from Bambers Farm, Cockerham. The youngest heifers were generally £170 to £210. A consignment of well reared recently weaned British Blue cross heifers from Messrs Sowerby, Appleby sold to £560, with others regularly £500 to £540. Heifer Calves Top Prices: British Blue: £560, £540, £530, £500 Town Head Farm, £280, £260 Sunny Bank. Shorthorn: £245 Flodder Hall, £120 Far Audlands. Angus: £220 Bambers Farm, £190 (x2) West Hall, £185 Elm Tree Farm, £180 Sunny Bank, £165 West Hall. Limousin: £185, £175 (x2) Halforth Farm. Bull Calves Top Prices: British Blue: £410 Elm Tree Farm, £385 Low Audlands, £340 Flodder Hall, £340, £330 Hagg Farm, £325 Elm Tree Farm. Angus: £335 Bambers Farm, £300 Hagg Farm, £195, £170 (x2) Kiln Hall. Friesian: £300
Townhead Farm, £200, £195, £190 Hallbeck, £190 West Hall, £185 Hallbeck. Limousin: £295, £265 Halforth Farm. Shorthorn: £250 Flooder Hall, £230 Far Audlands. Hereford: £230 West Hall, £180 Greaves Farm. Fleckvieh: £115 Wyke Farm.
Stirks Stirks sold to £1030 for a British Blue cross steer from B&JM Crowe, Witherslack with Blondes selling to £930 from G&ID Postlethwaite, Howgill. Aberdeen Angus cross sold to £740 from D Gardner, Caton with younger beef steers generally £620 to £700. Dairy steers sold to £800 for black and whites from Bambers Farm, Cockerham. Heifer stirks sold to £680 for seven month old Limousin cross from Bambers Farm, Cockerham with native sired heifers (four to five months) generally £450 to £520. Bull stirks sold to £700 for five month old British Blue cross from RJ&KR Wilkinson, Levens. Heifer Stirk Top Prices: Limousin: £680 Bambers Farm. British Blue: £505 College Green Farm. Angus: £480 Bambers Farm, £470 Moss End Farm, £460 College Green Farm, £350 High Foulshaw Farm. Bull Stirk Top Prices: British Blue: £700, £660, £510 High Foulshaw Farm. Angus: £575 High Foulshaw Farm. Steer Stirk Top Prices: British Blue: £1030 Birks Farm, £680, £620 College Green Farm. Blonde: £930 Riddings, £690 Crow Wood. Friesian: £800, £350 Bambers Farm, £250 Moss End Farm. Angus: £740 Quarry House Farm, £670, £630 College Green Farm. Dairy Shorthorn: £675 Quarry House Farm. Jersey: £440 Bambers Farm.
Beef Breeding Cattle The sale of beef breeding cattle included the annual consigned of Sim Luing bulling heifers from Low Moor Howe Farm, Winster which continues to attract repeat and nation wide interest, which saw a top price of £1760 achieved for a pen of four with others at £1750, £1720 and £1700. In calf cows from D&P Marshall Brownrigg, Kirby Stephen saw aged Continental cows sell to £1300, with other £1000 to £1100. Store Cattle A full ringside of on lookers at todays sale, ensuring a flying trade was seen from start to finish. A pair of Limousin bullocks topped at £1740 from H Morgan, Stalmine with British Blue bullocks selling to £1720 from MA&JA Winn, Burneside who sold a pair of Limousins to £1700. Yearling bullocks were in keen demand with Limousins to £1690 from HR&KA Hodgson, Barbon. A pair of Limousins sold to £1650 from M&L Preece, Kirkby Lonsdale. Regularly away the better end yearling bullocks were selling at £1350 to £1500. Native cattle saw a keen interest from all buyers, with Hereford bullocks at eighteen months selling to £1500 from S Middleton, Dent and Aberdeen Angus to £1470 from J Twigge, Lindale. Heifers sold to £1690 for a pair from H Morgan, Stalmine with other Limousin heifers to £1640 from MA&JA Winn, Burneside. British Blues sold to £1570 from F&JM Mason, Kirkby Lonsdale with Blonde heifers to £1510 from J Winn, Burneside. Yearling heifers saw Limousins sell to £1500 from M&L Preece, Kirkby Lonsdale with others to £1410 twice from JW&M Taylor & Sons, Dent and JG&PH Thompson & Sons, Selside. Younger heifers saw plenty of interest, with these regularly selling at £950 to £1050. A young show of bulls were forward with Limousin bulls selling to £1270 from JW&M Taylor & Sons, Dent. - 190 bullocks average £1220, £120 up on the year. - 142 heifers averaged £1180, £100 up on the year. - 30 bulls averaged £1150, £50 up on the year.
Store Bullocks Top Prices: Limousin: £1740 West Lynn, £1700 High Underbrow Farm; £1700 Carlingwha, £1650 High House Farm. British Blue: £1720 £1660 High Under Barrow, £1690 Howriggs, £1350 Tarnside Farm, £1310 Moors Farm, £1290 Bambers Farm. Simental: £1670 Poppy Farm, £1280 Keld Farm. Charolais: £1650 West Lynn, £1620 Carlingwha, £1490 Holmelands. Angus: £1620 £1400 East Backstone, £1470 £1400 Holmelands, £1300 Tarnside Farm, £1290 Cooper House. Hereford: £1500 East Backstone Gill, £1170 Tarnside Farm, £1100 Yates Farm. Shorthorn: £1370 £1310 Holmelands. Blonde: £1330 Holmelands, £1320 Mount Pleasant Farm, £1310 Birch Bank. Friesian: £1260 Cockrigg Farm, £1100 East Backstone Gill, £1000 Park House Farms. Par: £1140 Garden Terrace. Norw: £1090 Tarnside Farm. FLK: £1080 Tarnside Farm. Saler: £990 Fell House. Cont: £690 Howe Farm. Store Heifer Top Prices: Limousin: £1690 West Lynn, £1640 High Underbrow Farm, £1570 Mireside Farm, £1500 High House Farm, £1410 High Laning Farm, £1410 Poppy Farm, £1400 Villa Farm, £1370 Moss House Farm, £1310 Moss House Farm, £1280 Tarnside Farm. Blonde: £1510 High Underbrow Farm. Charolais: £1380 Carlingwha, £1330 Luneside, £1210 Angerton Farm, £1110 The Gables, £1080 Villa Farm, £1080 Angerton Farm. Saler: £1270 Poppy Farm. Angus: £1260 Little Fell Farm, £1170 Moss House Farm, £1100 Park House Farm, £1100 Ackenthwaite Farm, £1070 Mireside Farm, £1000 Cooper House, £1000 High Foulshaw Farm. Shorthorn: £1220 Lane Ends Farm, £1050 Tarnside Farm. British Blue: £1170 The Gables, £1160 Collage Green Farm, £1140 Riddings, £1120 Cold Seat Barn, £1100 The Gables, £1080 Valley View, £1070, £1060 Sowermire Farm. Hereford: £1170, £1090 Little Fell Farm, £1070 Tarnside Farm. Simental: £1140 The Gables. Store Bull Top Prices: Limousin: £1270 High Laning Farm, £1220 Millbeck. Angus: £1140 Moss Lane, £990 Millbeck. Blonde: £1060 Low Garths Farm, £980 Low Garth. Charolais: £1040 Kendal House Farm.
OTM Cattle All cull cows forward averaged 166p/kg for an entry of predominately medium and leaner parlour type dairy cows. Only a handful of beef cows forward sold to 221p/kg for a Saler from AMS Robinson, Staveley who sold others at 214p/kg. Limousin cross sold to 219p/kg from E Dodgson, Kendal. Heavy weight Charolais sold to 211p/kg from T Atkinson, Ulverston. Top grossing beef cow was a Charolais from T Atkinson, Ulverston achieving £2043. Other heavy well fleshed beef cows were generally £1460 to £1500. Dairy cows sold to a top of 179p/kg for a Holstein Friesians from JM Barton & Son, Lupton who sold others at 174.5p/kg. The best medium dairy cows were generally 150p/kg to 160p/kg, with parlour types 138p/kg to 145p/kg. Top grossing dairy cow was a Holstein Friesian from JM Barton & Son, Lupton achieving £1274, with others at £1273 from W Garnett & Son, Milnthorpe and £1246 from Strickland Hill Farming, Witherslack. OTM dairy heifers sold to 214.5p/kg and £1123 for a Holstein Friesian from JM Barton & Son, Lupton with Fleckviehs to 209.5p/kg and £1112 from RG&J Clarke, Endmoor. Cull bulls sold to 189p/kg and £1824 for a Limousin from JW&M Taylor & Sons, Dent with dairy bulls to 184.5p/kg and £1124 from Messrs Dennison, Ulverston. OTM prime Hereford bull from RJ&J Gardner, Kendal achieved 199p/kg and £1568. OTM Cow Top Prices: Saler: 221.50, 214.50 New Hall, 179.50 Fairbank Farm. Limousin: 219.50 Spital Farm, 189.50 Mireside Farm, 181.50, 161.50, 154.50 Thrang. Charolais: 211.50 Newland View, 177.50 Cragg House Farm. Fleckvieh: 209.50, 194.50 Far Audlands. Angus: 199.50, 187.50 Blea Tarn. British Blue: 197.50 Riddings, 194.50 Garden Terrace, 184.50 Mireside Farm, 177.50 Lane End. Blonde: 189.50 Riddings. Shorthorn: 181.50, 179.50, 174.50, 151.50 Cockley Beck Farm, 147.50 Thrang, 134.50 Craketrees. Friesian: 179.50, 174.50 Lupton Hall, 154.50 Strickland Hill, 144.50 Raw
Head, 144.50 Strickland Hill, 141.50 Ackenthwaite Farm. Simmental: 174.50 Fairbank Farm. Stabiliser: 161.50 Fairbank Farm. Dairy Shorthorn: 141.50 Craketrees. OTM Heifer Top Prices: Friesian: 214.50, 211.50 Lupton Hall, 194.50 Low Brundrigg, 189.50 Halforth Farm, 164.50 Ackenthwaite Farm. Cast Bull Top Prices: Hereford: 199.50 Natland Mill Beck Farm. Limousin: 189.50 High Laning Farm. Friesian: 184.50, 161.50, 149.50, 139.50 Scales Park Farm. Whitebred Shorthorn: 144.50 Lowfields Farm.
Lancaster Auction Mart: Weekly Sale of Calves, OTM Cattle and Store Cattle. Fortnightly Sale of Dairy Cattle, Friday 9th February 2024. Despite the cold weather outside a red hot days trading across all four sales at NWA Lancaster. Dairy Cattle A much-admired Fleckvieh x heifer from R & K Jenkinson, Pilling achieved a final bid of £1580, being 3 weeks new calved. Calves and Weanlings Strong buyer attendance at the weekly calf sale saw another fast trade with all vendors leaving suited with prices achieved. Strong rearing calves sold to £475 from British Blue x from I Slater, Claughton on Brock with others at £400 from JP&C Robson, Garstang with nice rearing sorts selling to £385 from Pickervance Farm Ltd, Kirkham with others regularly £320£370, young Charolais sold to £340 from GJ&G Billington, Garstang with native sired calves at £330 for Aberdeen Angus from D Fox & Co, Bay Horse who sold month old Herefords to £250. Dairy bulls sold to £240 for a month old Montbeliarde from GJ & G Billington, Garstang who sold others at £210. With black and whites selling to £200 from D & K Haworth, Hambleton and younger end black and whites generally £80-£110. Heifer calves sold to £395 for British Blue x from I Slater, Claughton on Brock with other nice rearing sorts to £330 from JP & C Robson, Garstang and Pickervance Farm Ltd, Kirkham, with others generally £240-£270. Young Aberdeen Angus x sold to £225 from Barber Farms, Claughton on Brock. Weaned calves sold to £575 (x3) for 4 month old British Blue heifers from SH & M Batty & Son, Quernmore who sold other Aberdeen Angus and British Blue x regularly £520-£570. Heifer Calves Top Prices: British Blue: £575 (x3) Friars Moss, £395 Hudsbrook Farm, £330 Roe Farm, £285 Roseacre Hall. Angus: £440 Friars Moss, £225 Manor House Farm, £185 Holly House Farm. Charolais: £240 Myerscough House. Bull Calves Top Prices: Angus: £570 Friars Moss, £330 Holly House Farm, £310 Myerscough House, £280 Holly House Farm, £280 Manor House Farm, £245 Myerscough House. British Blue: £545 Friars Moss, £475 Hudsbrook Farm, £415 Friars Moss, £400 Roe Farm, £385 Roseacre Hall, £380 Hudsbrook Farm. Charolais: £340 Myerscough House. Hereford: £250, £225, £170, £140 Holly House Farm. Montbeliarde: £240, £210 Myerscough House. Friesian: £200, £105 Rose Farm.
Store Cattle Store cattle continue to sell to higher rates of recent sales with British Blue x steers topping todays market at £1870 from MJ Shepherd & Sons, Pilling who sold others at £1840 as did J Prest & Son, Bay Horse with Limousins selling to £1820 from JB Moore, Allithwaite and £1810 for British Blue x from Pilling Hall, Pilling. Other stronger steers regularly £1650-£1800 with native sired steers peaking at £1740 for Aberdeen Angus x from L Parsons & Sons, Levens with others at £1720 from EW & CR Clegg & Sons, Stalmine who also sold Beef Shorthorns at £1720. Dairy bred steers sold to a top of £1420 for Fleckvieh from A & E Clarkson Ltd, Cockerham, with British Friesian selling to £1340 from EE Thornton & Sons, Morecambe and Montbeliarde to £1310 from J & JM Walmsely, Pilling. Heifers sold to a top price of £1740 for an Aberdeen Angus x from FA Nowell, Low Bentham who sold other at £1670 with SW & K Metcalfe & Son, Whittington selling Aberdeen Angus to £1660, British Blue x to £1650 from AJ & D Knowles, New Hutton and Charolais x to £1590 from WA Hodgson, Whinfell. Other stronger heifers regularly £1350-£1500. All steers forward averaged £1413 and all heifers averaged £1204 with keen interest ringside from farmer buyers keen to secure younger cattle to fill sheds and ahead of turnout. Store Bullocks Top Prices: British Blue: £1870 Pasture House Farm, £1840 Pasture House Farm, £1840 Upper Foxholes Farm, £1810 Pilling Hall Farm, £1770 Stubb Hall Farm, £1710 Yew Tree Farm. Limousin: £1820 Outerthwaite Farm, £1650 High House Farm, £1500 Carlingwha, £1440 High Tenement Farm, £1400 High Tenement Farm, £1370 Mill House Farm. Charolais: £1800 Upper Foxholes Farm, £1710 Carlingwha, £1660 Carlingwha, £1460 Lee End Farm. Simmental: £1750 Stubb Hall Farm, £1740 Toulbrick Farm, £1730 Toulbrick Farm, £1710 Toulbrick Farm, £1600 Toulbrick Farm. Angus: £1740 Downlands Farm, £1740 Low Levens, £1720 Yew Tree Farm, £1680 Higher Lees Farm, £1680 Chestnut House Farm, £1620 Low Levens. Shorthorn: £1720 Yew Tree Farm, £1370 Cock Hall Farm, £1220 Sproat Ghyll, £1170 Sproat Ghyll, £1080 Sproat Ghyll. Welsh Black: £1610 Upper Foxholes Farm. Hereford: £1520 Edenmount, £1250 Well House Farm, £1220 Staffords Farm. Flekvieh: £1420 Cock Hall Farm. Friesian: £1340 Downlands Farm, £1310 Downlands Farm, £1260 Thornton Barn Farm, £1180 Plumpton Hall Farm. Montbelliarde: £1310 Staffords Farm. Store Heifer Top Prices: Angus: £1740 Kirkbeck, £1670 Kirkbeck, £1660 Holme House Farm, £1510 Low Levens, £1400 Staffords Farm, £1340 Outerthwaite Farm. British Blue: £1650 Windy Hill Farm, £1560 High House Farm, £1400 Outerthwaite Farm, £1290 Plumpton Hall Farm, £1230 Pump House Farm. Charolais: £1590 Whelpside Farm, £1370 Lee End Farm, £1040 The Granary. Simmental: £1540 Stubb Hall Farm. Limousin: £1500 Low Levens, £1290 Mearsbeck Farm, £1150 Lee End Farm. Shorthorn: £1300 Sproat Ghyll, £1270 Sproat Ghyll. Friesian: £1050 High Tenement Farm.
OTM Cattle The day commenced with cull cows which saw an overall market average of 165p/kg for cull cows, with OTM steers and heifers averaging 248p/kg. With prime heifers averaging 230p/kg and prime steers averaging 260p/kg. Beef cows sold to 217p/kg and £1591 for a British Blue x from Mason & Gardner, Chapel Le Dale with other beef cows generally 185-205p/kg with keenest interest for those suitable for further finishing. Dairy cows sold to 184p/kg on several occasions for Holstein Friesian from J Bargh & Son, Morecambe, GR Park & Sons, Whinfell and MD Close & Son, Arkholme with this price also achieved for Norwegian Red for EW&R Towers, Hornby and Montbeliarde from A & FM Bolland & Sons, Ellel. Other stronger end dairy cows regularly 165-180p/kg with medium 150-162p/kg with leaner parlour types 125-140p/kg. Top grossing dairy cow was a
Holstein Friesian from Lawsons Farm Ltd, Cockerham achieving £1587, with well fleshed dairy cows regularly £1200-£1350. OTM heifers sold to 259p/kg for a British Blue x from D & DW Prickett, Farleton and £1808 for an Aberdeen Angus x from WG Farms Ltd, Cockerham. Dairy heifers sold to 239p/kg from GR Park, Whinfell with other at £1573 from GA&A Atkinson, Cantsfield. OTM beef steers sold to 279p/kg for an Aberdeen Angus x from J Drinkall Ltd, Chorley, with other Aberdeen Angus selling to £2000 from JH Woof & Sons, Oxenholme. Other beef bred steers regularly 230-250p/kg and £1300-£1500. Cull bulls sold to 179p/kg and £1763 for a Charolais from T Longton & Son, Quernmore. Several prime cattle forward today greeted with keen buyer interest, with heifers selling to 259.5p/kg for a British Blue from Pilling Hall, Pilling. With Black and White selling £1593 from WG Farms Ltd, Cockerham. Prime steers sold to 279.5p/kg for a British Blue from J Prest & Son, Bay Horse who also sold Aberdeen Angus x at £1946. More prime cattle needed each week to fulfil buyers requirements. OTM Cow Top Prices: British Blue: 217.50, 207.50 Stoneybank Philpin Farm, 199.50 Rose Hill Farm, 189.50 Farleton House. Charolais: 191.50 Howriggs. Limousin: 189.50 Howriggs, 184.50 Rose Hill Farm, 181.50 Howriggs, 149.50 Rotten Brook. Norwegian Red: 184.50 Holme Head. Friesian: 184.50 Docker Hall Farm, 184.50 North Farm, 184.50 Low Deepslack, 179.50 North Farm, 179.50 Lathwaite Farm, 179.50 Sweetings Farm. Montbeliarde: 184.50 (x2). 177.50 Yeat House, 149.50 Lathwaite Farm. Angus: 179.50, 174.50 Bazil Farm, 139.50 Rooten Brook. Ayrshire: 169.50 Friars Moss. Other: 164.50 Docker Hall Farm. Fleckvieh: 159.50, 149.50 Holme Head. Continental: 117.50 Higher Salter. OTM Heifer Top Prices: British Blue: 259.50 Farleton House. Angus: 244.50 (x2), 239.50, 234.50 Lathwaite Farm, 189.50 Helks Farm. Friesian: 239.50 Low Deepslack, 219.50 Abbotson Farm, 199.50, 194.50 Lathwaite Farm, 139.50 Ackenthwaite Farm. Cast Steer Top Prices: Angus: 279.50 Manor House Farm, 249.50, 239.50 Underhelm Farm. British Blue: 274.50, 269.50 Upper Foxholes Farm. Continental: 249.50 Higher Salter. Cast Bull Top Prices: Charolais: 179.50 Rooten Brook. Prime Heifer Top Prices: British Blue: 259.50 Pilling Hall Farm. Friesian: 224.50 Lathwaite Farm. Jersey: 209.50 Lathwaite Farm. Prime Steer Top Prices: British Blue: 279.50 Upper Foxholes Farm. Angus: 259.50 Upper Foxholes Farm. Friesian: 254.50 Gulf Farm.
Next Week's Upcoming Sales Monday 12th Lancaster: 10:30am Weekly Sale of Prime Hoggs and Cast Sheep Tuesday 13th J36: 10:30am Sale of all classes of Pigs 1pm Weekly Sale of Prime Hoggs and Cast Sheep Thursday 15th J36: 10:30am Fortnightly Sale of In Lamb Sheep & Store Hoggs Friday 16th Lancaster: 10:15am Weekly Sale of Calves and OTM/Cast Cattle 11:15am Weekly Sale of Store Cattle