Weekly Report and Newsletter- 12th July 2024
Lancaster Auction Mart: Weekly Sale of Prime Lambs & Cast Sheep, Monday 8th July 2024.
A few less about today, with vendors on the cautious side after the drop in trade seen each day last week. Well meated / fed lambs attracted plenty of interest from all buyers forward, with leaners / light weight lambs meeting a lot less demand and some looking suited to the store ring. Texel lambs sold to a top of £157 from B&SE Carter, Elel with others to £146 from KA Purtill, Wigan. A proper pen of Beltex cross lambs from D&K Swarbrick, Out Rawcliffe sold to £142, with first cross Texel lambs to £138 from A&E Clarkson, Thurnham. 40kg to 43kg commercial export type lambs were regularly £118 to £122. More hill bred lambs were forward, with a run of grass fed Mules at 39kg selling to £103.50 from S Park, Halton.
Prime Lamb Top Prices: TEXEL: £157 Cragg End, £146, £140 Oak Aveune, £139 (x2) Cock Hall Farm, £137 Cragg End. BELTEX: £142 Bensons Farm. DUTCH SPOTTED: £132, £123, £119 Conway Close. SUFFOLK: £130 Woodstock, £129 New Parkside Farm, £122.50 (x2) Kays Farm, £119 Ellers Farm, £119 Potters Hill Farm. CHAROLLAIS: £128 Potters Hill Farm, £125, £108 (x2), £102, £100 Jacksons Farm. CONTINENTAL: £117 Quarry House Farm. MULE: £103.50 Highfield Farm.
Cast Sheep
180 ewes were forward with all selling to a competitive trade. Texels sold to £152 from KA Purtill, Wigan with Suffolks to the same good price. Cheviot Mules sold to £150 from B&SE Carter, Ellel with Mules to £132 from J&A Sheerin, Quernmore. Hill bred ewes saw Cheviots to £104 from KA Purtill, Wigan, Dalesbreds to £100 from T&D Wright, Roeburndale and Swaledales £80 from KM&KJ Curwen, Abbeystead.
Cast Ewes Top Prices: TEXEL: £152 Oak Aveune, £148 North Farm, £144, £140 Oak Aveune, £139 Cock Hall Farm, £138 Knotts Farm. SUFFOLK: £152 Oak Aveune. CHEVIOT: £150, £118 Cragg End, £104 Oak Aveune. CHAROLLAIS: £133 Jacksons Farm. MULE: £132 Knotts Farm, £126 The Crest, £122 North Farm, £122 Lower Swainhead Farm, £119 Cock Hall Farm, £118 Low Moor Head Farm. CONTINENTAL: £110 Ivy Bank Farm. DALESBRED: £100 Allcocks Farm. LEICESTER: £96 Highfield Farm. SWALEDALE: £80, £74 Marshaw Farm.
J36 Rural Auction Centre: Sale of Pigs, Prime Lambs & Cast Sheep, Tuesday 9th July 2024.
The Junction 36 sale of 60 prime and store pigs, once again achieved maximum returns, with prime hogs from J Stott Jnr, Crosscrake topping the sale at £288 or 230p/kg. Topping the gilts at £212 was a pair also from J Stott Jnr, Crosscrake. The highest price boar was £160 from D Nicholson, Cockermouth.
Store pigs sold to a top of £122 for a pair of gilts from Messrs Tuer, Penrith with others at £120 from W Stamper, Chipping. Weaners were perhaps the trade of the day, with these to £118 from JM Navesey, Darwen.
A handful of cull sows were forward, with these selling to £118, with most meeting the £90 mark.

A smaller entry of lambs were forward, with some vendors cautious over the drop of price. Vendors who braved the weather were rewarded, with a sharper trade than expected, with a market average of 300p/kg averaged. Once again, all weights of well meated / fed lambs were keenly bid for, with heavy lambs in high demand. The best bred lambs sold to 350p/kg
- Texel to £186 from Drinkall Bros, Over Wyresdale.
- Beltex to £181 from RM&JL Whitton, Cartmel.
- Suffolks to £171 from E&A Thompson, New Hutton.
- Charollais to £170 from TA Teasdale, Newton in Cartmel.
- Lleyn to £151 from J&R Geldard & Son, Levens.
- Ryelands to £114 from T&E Redmayne. Carlisle.
- Mules to £112.50 from R Lawrence, Grange Over Sands.
Prime Lamb Top Prices: TEXEL: £186 Catshaw Hall Farm, £181 Aynsome Manor Farm, £177 High Butterbent, £170 Head House, £166 Windy Hill, £164 Low Brundrigg. SUFFOLK: £171 Oakenclough, £171 High Butterbent, £161 Oakenclough, £160 Green Close, £155 Patton Hall, £154 High Butterbent. CHAROLLAIS: £156 The Old Vicarage. LLEYN: £151, £137, £130 Low Foulshaw Farm. CONTINENTAL: £150 Low Croft, £146 Moss End Farm, £140 Head House, £140 Hawkrigg End, £136 Windy Hill, £136 The Old Parsonage. RYELAND: £114, £110 (x2) Old Byre Barn. MULE: £112.50 Greaves Farm.
Cast Sheep
More ewes are now coming forward every week, with buyers showing preference to clipped ewes and caution towards those still in the wool. Pure bred ewes sold to £273, £260 and £251 for Texels from R&E Ladds, Kendal. Suffolks sold to £226 from Calderside, Oakenclough and £222 from J Woodburn & Partners, Ulverston. Other better end pure ewes were £190 to £210. First cross ewes sold to £194 for Texel cross, with other better end £165 to £180, mediums £140 to £160 and better lighter wights £120 to £135. Other pure ewes saw BFL’s to £198 and Teeswaters £160. Pure hill ewes sold to £130 for SBF, Swaledale £130, Easycare £129, Cheviot £122 and Herdwicks £120. Heaviest Mules sold to £178, with others regularly £150 to £165. The next draw down £135 to £145 and the leaners end £100 to £115. A lot more recently weaned hard worked ewes forward, with several feeding orders now coming forward, Continental and Mules were £80 to £100, with hill ewes £50 to £65.
Cast Ewes Top Prices: Texel: £273, £260, £251 Benson Hall, £220 Ackenthwaite Farm, £194 The Old Vicarage, £178 Hutton Roof Hall. Suffolk: £226 Calderside Farm, £222 Mansrigg Hall, £198 Ackenthwaite Farm, £185, £150 Mansrigg Hall, £132 Head House. Charollais: £206 The Old Vicarage, £204 Gilpin Farm, £176 Head House, £169 Gilpin Farm, £164, £160 Redbank Farm. Leicester: £198 Calderside Farm. Mule: £164 Redbank Farm, £148 Catshaw Hall Farm, £147 Benson Hall, £146 Mansrigg Hall, £146 Ackenthwaite Farm, £142 Nether Hall Farm. Cheviot Mule: £178 Holmelands, £160 Mansrigg Hall, £156 Gilpin Farm. Teeswater: £160, £125 Nether Hall Farm. Continental: £146, £134 Holmelands, £129 Gilpin Farm, £124 Patton Mill, £124 Low Barns Farm, £122 Gilpin Farm. Swaledale: £130, £110 Catshaw Farm, £110 Botton Hall Farm, £109 Calderside Farm, £108 Burnhead Farm, £94 Mansrigg Hall. Scottish Blackface: £130, £124 Mansrigg Hall. Hampshire: £124 Holmelands. Herdwick: £120 Nether Hall Farm. Cheviot: £118 Mansrigg Hall. Horned: £100 Mansrigg Hall.
Cast Rams Top Prices: Rylands: £128 Old Byre Barn. Cheviot: £122 Low Deepslack. Swaledale: £102 The Borrans. Leicester: £100 Catshaw Hall Farm.
J36 Rural Auction Centre: Fortnightly Sale of Calves, Stirks, OTM Cattle & Store Cattle, Thursday 11th July 2024.
136 rearing calves once again saw new and additional local and travelled customers, both buying and selling. Bull calves sold to £530 for a British Blue cross with others at £505 and numerous others £455 to £490. Other bull calves sold to £470 for Charolais and Hereford cross with Aberdeen Angus cross to £435. Other stronger end month to six week old bull calves were £310 to £370, with only the very smallest and youngest less. Dairy bulls sold to £180 for a Holstein Friesian, with other mediums £120 to £150 and the younger end £70 to £100.

Heifer calves sold to £480 for a British Blue cross with other stronger Continental heifers £380 to £450, with Herefords to £400 and month old Charolais’s to £345. Other nice rearing heifer calves (4-6 weeks old) were generally £240 to £280, with the younger end £120 to £170.
56 weaned calves and stirks saw 20 bulls forward, selling to £1110 for a Limousin cross with six month old Blondes selling at £890. British Blues sold to £800 and five month old suckler bred Aberdeen Angus £780. 4 month old Aberdeen Angus bulls sold to £550.
Steers sold to £700 for 6 month old Aberdeen Angus cross, with younger recently weaned Aberdeen Angus cross £570 and Charolais’s £530.
Heifer stirks sold to £990 for 10 month old British Blue cross, with other stronger end 6-8 month olds £680 to £750. Younger Charolais cross were £545, Aberdeen Angus £530 and Limousins £505.

Heifer Calves Top Prices: British Blue: £480 Flodder Hall, £470 Elm Tree Farm, £400 Hallbeck, £380 Coldcotes Farm, £255 Bambers Farm. Hereford: £400 Bambers Farm, £140 Cairnhead Farms. Charollias: £345, £310, £305, £270 (2), £265 Bambers Farm. Angus: £300 (2) Hallbeck, £300, £235 Raw End Farm, £185 Old Hall Farm, £170 Bambers Farm.
Bull Calves Top Prices: British Blue: £530 Flooder Hall, £505 Coldcotes Farm, £490 Hagg Farm, £485 Borrans Farm, £470 Elm Tree Farm, £455 Borrans Farm. Hereford: £470 Coldcotes Farm, £170, £145 (2), £140 (2) Cairnhead Farms. Charollais: £470, £405, £375 Bambers Farm. Angus: £435, £430 Hallbeck, £330, £310, £205, £200 Bambers Farm. Limousin: £185 Halforth Farm. Friesian: £180 Low Audlands, £160, £150, £145 Old Hall Farm, £145 Low Audlands, £115 Old Hall Farm.
Heifer Stirk Top Prices: British Blue: £990 Sclaes Park Farm, £800 The Barn, £670 Kitchlow Farm, £575, £480 West View Farm. Limousin: £785 Kitchlow Farm, £505 High Farm. Blonde: £640 Mount Pleasant Farm. Charollais: £545 Meathop Park Farm. Angus: £530 Foreslack Farm. Angus: £530 Foreslack Farm, £485 West View Farm, £390 Field House Farm, £385 Raw End Farm.Hereford: £435, £390, £370 Field House Farm.
Bull Stirk Top Prices: Limousin: £1110 Far Orrest. Blonde: £890 Mount Pleasant Farm. British Blue: £800 Foreslack Farm. Angus: £780 Foreslack Farm, £760 Nibthwaite Farm, £705 Foreslack Farm, £700 Kitchlow Farm, £550 Raw End Farm, £460 The Barn. Continental: £620 Kitchlow Farm.
Steer Stirk Top Prices: Angus: £700, £520 The Barn. Charollais: £530 Meathop Park Farm. Limousin: £420 High Farm.
Store Cattle
A pleasing entry of 150 store cattle were put before both local and travelled buyers, ensuring a sharp trade was seen. Charolais bullocks sold to £1530 from Moorhouse Farms, Isle of Man with dairy bred British Blues to £1410 from M Bateman & Son, Firbank. Aberdeen Angus sold to £1350 from AJ&H Clark, Sedbergh. A run of 14-15 month old Fleckvieh bullocks from RW&S Nicholson, Lupton sold to a top of £1330. Yearling suckler bred bullocks sold to £1300 from M&S Blease, Carnforth with the best end regularly £1250 to £1300. Nice grazing sorts were £1000 to £1100.
Heifers saw a top of £1450 for diary bred British Blues from K Armer, Boston with a tremendous yearling Charolais heifer to £1410 from J&A Smales, Ingleton. Other Charolais’s sold to £1390 from Moorhouse Farms, Isle of man. Younger grazing heifers were the trade of the day, with new buyers around the ring looking for these sorts, with these selling to £1160 from JA&CA Gibson, Selside.
Fewer bulls forward but all achieving maximum prices, with Limousins to £1260 from JM&NJ Strickland, Whinfell and Blonde to £1180 from MJ Whitworth, Bolton le Sands.
Store Bullock Top Prices: CHAROLAIS: £1530, £1300, £1210, £1130, £1120, £880 Mount Gawne. BRITISH BLUE: £1410 Moors Farm, £1240 Tarnside Farm, £1140 Green Lane End Farm. ANGUS: £1350 High Hollins, £1230, £1070 Tarnside Farm, £980 School Hill, £820 Rankthorn. FLECKVIEH: £1330, £1230, £1070 Green Lane End Farm.
LIMOUSIN: £1300 The Barn, £1150 Tarnside Farm, £960 Mount Gawne, £870 Scroggs Farm. FRIESIAN: £1270 Tarnside Farm. HEREFORD: £1230, £1090 Green Lane End Farm.
Store Heifer Top Prices: BRITISH BLUE: £1450, £1360 (x2), £1350 Bowston Hall, £1290 Green Lane End Farm, £1260 High Hollins. CHAROLAIS: £1410 Braida Garth, £1390, £1340 Mount Gawne, £1340, £1280 Braida Garth, £1130 Tarnside Farm. ANGUS: £1380, £1280 Bowston Hall, £1160 Tarnside Farm, £1140 Moors Farm, £1140 The Barn, £1050 Tarnside Farm. SIMMENTAL: £1240 Somme Aveune, £880 School Hill. HEREFORD: £1180 Bowston Hall, £1060 Green Lane End Farm, £1010 Little Fell Farm, £970 Tarnside Farm, £960 Little Fell Farm. LIMOUSIN: £1180 Tarnside Farm, £1160, £1080, £1050 Longwell, £960 Scroggs Farm. SHORTHORN: £1150, £1130 Gordale. PARTHENAISE: £990, £950 (x2) Garden Terrace.

Store Bull Top Prices: LIMOUSIN: £1260 The Borrans. BRITISH BLUE: £1250 The Borrans. BLONDE: £1180 Mount Pleasant Farm. ANGUS: £1040 High Hollins.
OTM Cattle
87 cull cows were forward with a market average of 177p/kg achieved, with a large proportion of the sale being dairy bred. The best beef cows sold to 219p/kg for Aberdeen Angus cross with others regularly 205p/kg to 215p/kg and medium beef cows 185p/kg to 198p/kg. Top grossing beef cows was a Limousin at £1842, with another at £1713 and Aberdeen Angus at £1674. Dairy cows sold to 214p/kg for a Holstein Friesian, with other heavy well fleshed dairy cows 190p/kg to 202p/kg with mediums parlour types being the bulk of the sale at 170p/kg to 185p/kg. Top grossing dairy cows achieved £1589 for a Holstein Friesian, with others at £1533.
OTM heifers sold to 239p/kg for a Limousin, with Hereford cross £1528.
OTM steers sold to 219p/kg and £1049 for a Highland. Cull stock bulls sold to 209p/kg and £1412 for a Simmental, with Holstein Friesians selling to 174.5p/kg and £1338.
OTM Cow Top Prices: Angus: 219.5, 211.5 Archers Hall, 191.5 High Wray Farm, 184.5 Capplerigg, 181.5 Moorhouse Farm, 147.5 Holmelands. Friesian: 214.5 Strickland Hill, 201.5 Scales Park Farm, 194.5 Hawes Farm, 187.5 Bridge End Farm, 184.5 Old Hall Farm, 181.5 Hawes Farm. Belted Galloway: 214.5 Holmelands, 169.5 Somme Avenue. Limousin: 211.5, 209.5, 194.5 Arklid Farm, 191.5 Moorhouse Farm, 189.5 High Wray Farm, 189.5 Southways. Charollais: 199.5 , 187.5, 184.5 Moorhouse Farm. Simmental: 197.5, 189.5 High Wray Farm. British Blue: 191.5 Woodside Farm, 179.5 Stribers Farm, 179.5 Woodside Farm, 149.5 Black Bull Farm. Hereford: 189.5, 187.5 (2) Natland Mill Beck, 179.5, 177.5, 174.5 Riddings. Norweigian: 177.5 Cracalt Farm. Highland: 169.5, 159.5 Tottlebank. Continental: 167.5, 159.5 (2) Nibthwaite Grange Farm.
OTM Heifer Top Prices: Hereford: 239.5, 229.5 Natland Mill Beck. Limousin: 239.5 Moorhouse Farm. Charollais: 239.5 Moorhouse Farm.
Cast Steer Top Prices: Highland: 219.5 Moorhouse Farm.
Cast Bull Top Prices: Simmental: 209.5 Moorhouse Farm. Friesian: 174.5 Halforth Farm.
Lancaster Auction Mart: Sale of Calves, OTM Cattle & Store Cattle. Friday 12th July 2024.
Calves & Weanlings
This week’s sale at Lancaster saw 62 calves and stirks put before a packed ring side of local and travelled buyers. The best of the rearer reached £555 for a British Blue bull from AW&AM Park, Ellel with no less than four Charolais next inline at £530. Native bred bull calves sold equally as well, with these flying to £500 for an Angus bull from J&G Thornley, Kirkham with another close behind at £480 from Tom Barron Farms, Woodplumton. Some well reared bull stirks were forward, with these selling to £780 for an Aberdeen Angus from JR Newsham, Conder Green with Hereford from this home to £740. Some weaned dairy bulls stirks were forward with these selling to £510 for a pair of Friesians from JR Newsham, Conder Green. A few weaned steers forward selling to £760 for Herefords from JR Newsham, Conder Green.
Rearing heifers sold well with a pair of Charolais’s topping this section at £480, with a large quantity of Angus heifers forward with the best of these reaching £390 from Tom Barron Farms, Woodplumpton. Three week old Limousins from A Clark & Johnson, Windermere sold to £290. A good show of heifer stirks sold to £550 for Hereford from J&M Coar, Waddington with Angus’s reaching £530 from JR Newsham, Conder Green.

Heifer Calves Top Prices: Hereford: £550 Fields Farm. Angus: £530 Sellerley Farm, £510 Fields Farm. Charolais: £480 Laithwaite Farm. British Blue: £410 Laithwaite Farm, £305 Walkers I’th Fields. Limousin: £290 Far Orrest.
Bull Calves Top Prices: Angus: £780 Sellerley Farm, £500 Derby Lodge Farm, £480 Ambrose Hall Farm, £480 Derby Lodge Farm, £460 Walkers I’th Fields, £440 Ambrose Hall Farm. Hereford: £740 Sellerley Farm. British Blue: £555 Walkers I’th Fields. Charolais: £530 Laithwaite Farm. Friesian: £510 Sellerley Farm.
Steer Calf Top Prices: Hereford: £760 Sellerley Farm.
Store Cattle
An increased entry of store cattle saw a fast trade, with buyers all keen to keep their sheds full. Limousins steers sold to a top of £1900 from DE&SM Moorhouse, Natland with others to £1800 and £1760. British Blues topped at £1840 from EW&CR Clegg & Sons, Stalmine with others at £1800. Native sired steers saw a ring full of Angus sell to £1740 from J Hesketh, Hutton with other pens to £1720 and £1690. Dairy steers saw Montbeliardes achieve £1620 from J&S Winstanley, Clifton with Fleckviehs to £1500. A keen interest in steers for summer grazing, saw these regularly £1100 to £1300. All store steers forward averaged £1409.
Store heifers sold to a top of £1580 for Limousins from CG Birkett, Nether Kellet with others to £1560 from M&RW Stirzaker, Milnthorpe. A trio of British Blues achieved £1550 from JD&GM Bracken, Catterall. Native sired heifers saw a pen of four Angus achieve £1510, with others at £1500. Heifers suitable for grazing were frequently £1000 to £1250, with all heifers forward averaging £1302.
Store Bullocks Top Prices: Limousin: £1900, £1800, £1760 High House Farm, £1030 Kays Farm. British Blue: £1840 Yew Tree Farm, £1780 High House Farm, £1700 Thornton Barn Farm, £1600 Wood Nook Farm, £1560 Lower Castle O Trim, £1380 Plumpton Hall Farm. Angus: £1740 Middle Grange Farm, £1720 Yew Tree Farm, £1690 Godson House Farm, £1680 Old Glasson Farm, £1640 Bainsbank Farm, £1630 Birch Croft. Simmental: £1680 Sykes Fold Farm, £1650 Hazelslack Tower Farm, £1240 Little Crimbles. Montbeliarde: £1620 Savick Brook Farm, £1370 Moss House Farm, £1320 Savick Brook Farm, £1240 Carlinghurst. Fleckvieh: £1540 Netherbeck Barn. Friesian: £1500 Yew Tree Farm. Hereford: £1330 Foredales Farm, £1300 Windy Hill Farm, £1280 Moss View, £1270 Outerthwaite Farm, £910, £800 Cragg Farm. Meuse Rhine Issel: £1270, £1260, £1220 Marsh Farm. Charolais: £1240 Little Crimbles. Continental: £1230, £1190 Patterdale Road.

Store Heifer Top Prices: Limousin: £1580 Netherbeck Barn, £1560 Station Hotel Farm, £1520 Netherbeck Barn, £1500 Sykes Fold Farm, £1400 Station Hotel Farm, £1260 High Lane. British Blue: £1550 Greenlands Farm, £1400 Windy Hill Farm, £1400 Carlinghurst, £1270 Moss House Farm, £1260 Plumpton Hall Farm, £1250 Savick Brook Farm. Angus: £1510 Fairfield, £1420 Foredales Farm, £1320 Hindleys Farm, £1210 Hatters Farm, £960 Barrow Greaves Farm. Hereford: £1360 Yeat House. Charolais: £1310 Windy Hill Farm. Friesian: £1150 Lathwaite Farm.
OTM Cattle
A reduced entry of cast cattle saw an entry of predominantly dairy bred cattle direct from the parlour, sell to an overall market average of 173p/kg. Beef cows saw 211.5p/kg achieved for a British Blue from J H Atkinson & Partners, Selside with Angus’s to 204.5p/kg. Dairy cattle saw black and whites achieve 199.5p/kg from J Whitaker & Son, Nether Kellet with the top grossing Friesian achieving £1735.82 from Lawsons dairy, Cockerham.
OTM beef heifers peaked at 259.5p/kg for a Hereford from A&FM Bolland & Sons, Ellel with the top grossing being a Limousin achieving £1557 from A&M Brennand & Sons, Carnforth. Dairy heifers sold to 229.5p/kg and £1355.
OTM steers achieved 249.5p/kg for a British Blue from JB Moore, Allithwaite with dairy breds to 239.5p/kg. Cull bulls saw young Stabilisers sell to 249.5p/kg on two occasions, with Friesians selling to a top of £2083.
OTM Cow Top Prices: British Blue: 211.50 Mosergh Farm. Angus: 204.50 Well House Farm, 184.50 Low Pleasant, 177.50 Hazelslack Tower Farm, 164.50 Mosergh Farm. Friesian: 199.50 Dale Barns, 194.50 Throstle Nest Farm, 189.50 Bank End Farm, 187.50 Priory Farm, 184.50 Boon Town Farm, 184.50 Abbotson Farm. Dairy Shorthorn: 169.50, 139.50 Docker Farm. Hereford: 149.50 Ghyll Beck Farm. Jersey: 114.50 Docker Farm.
OTM Heifer Top Prices: Hereford: 259.50 Yeat House. Angus: 239.50, 189.50 Well House Farm. Friesian: 229.50 Gibstick Hall, 214.50 Holly House Farm, 184.50 Cotestone Farm, 154.50 Higher Broadwood Farm, 149.50 Cotestone Farm, 139.50 Holly House Farm. Limousin: 221.50 Bruntscar Farm, 199.50 Low Pleasant.
Cast Steer Top Prices: British Blue: 249.50 Outerthwaite Farm. Friesian: 239.50 Gulf Farm.
Cast Bull Top Prices: Stabiliser: 249.50 (x2) Yealand Manor. Friesian: 167.50 Hallbeck.
Next Week's Upcoming Sales
Monday 15th
Lancaster: 10:30am Weekly Sale of Prime Lambs & Cast Sheep
Tuesday 16th
J36: 1pm Weekly Sale of Prime Lambs & Cast Sheep
Thursday 18th
J36: 10:30am Opening Fortnightly Sale of Store Lambs
Friday 19th
Lancaster: 10:15am Weekly Sale of Calves & OTM/Cast Cattle
11:15am Weekly Sale of Store Cattle