J36 Rural Auction Centre: Annual Show & Sale of Breeding Ewes and Shearlings, Saturday 19th August 2023.
North West Auctions great annual show and sale Mule, Cheviot Mule, Masham and Continental ewes and shearlings boasted a tremendous catalogue entry of 5000. The trade was seen to be buoyant throughout the sale with purchasers looking to purchase quality replacement stock. The pre sale show saw the strongest offering of Mule shearlings seen at J36 with a real credit going to all vendors. Thanks must go to all our sponsors Shap Fell Garage and MB Nutrition. A special mention to our judge Mr Craig Bradbury, Melrose. The John Nelson memorial shield for the champion pen of Mule gimmer shearlings was awarded to Z Ward & J Robinson, Nether Kellet. The Derek Cleasby memorial trophy was awarded to R Seed & Son, Chipping for a pen of four crop Mule ewes. The Continental shearling class was kindly judge by Ryan and Tom Barnes, Middleton who awarded the first prize rosette to a pen of Texel x Beltex shearlings from J Robinson & Z Ward, Nether Kellett, who also won the second prize rosette, with the third prize being awarded to S Cunliffe, Field Broughton for a pen of pure Texels.
Breeding Ewes
The sale commenced with breeding ewes which saw a large ring side of travelled buyers in attendance, keen to secure replacement stock. Mule ewes sold to a top of £192 for a pen of one crop’s from EM Winspear, Hawes. JM Mawson, Cleatormore sold one crops at £182. Other stronger pens of one crop Mule ewes generally £165 to £180. Two crop Mule ewes sold to £165 on several occasions from FI&ME Little & Sons, Barrows Green. Four crops Mules peaking at £130 from R Seed & Son, Chipping with others at £128 from JE&WB Wearing & Son, Millom. Continental ewes sold to £175 for two crop Texel cross from FI&ME Little & Son, Barrows Green with others from the same good home achieving £172 (x2) and £170. Older Continental ewes sold to £145 from R Seed & Son, Chipping with others also achieving £145 from KA Purtill, Wigan. All ewes forward today averaged £135 with a large entry being older medium ewes, having worked hard this season.
Cheviot Mule shearlings sold to £190 from DE&J Waine, Longsleddale with other pens selling to £185 from J Stott Jnr, Crosscrake. All Cheviot Mules sold to a market average of £181.
Masham shearlings saw a top of £165 from M&J Woof, New Hutton and DE&J Waine, Longsleddale.

Mule gimmer shearling trade saw a full ring side of potential buyers ensuring all pens of sheep were well bid for. It was noted that well bodied, fully vaccinated shearlings attracted keen interest, as did those that had lambed at hoggs. The consignment of Mule gimmer shearlings from J Robinson & Z Ward, Nether Kellett saw their first prize pen of Mule shearlings sell to £280, with other pens selling to £250 from JK&BE Townley, Brook House with this good home selling others at £240. The third prize pen of shearlings from Fox Farms, Clitheroe sold to £235. The annual consignment of Mule gimmer shearlings from TH Gibson & son, Staveley saw his two best pens sell to £230. AJ Geary, Milton Keynes run of sheep attracted plenty of interest with his best selling to £215. A total of 28 pens sold above the £200 mark. All Mule gimmer shearlings forward sold to a market averaged of £172.64, being slightly down on the year.
The sale of Continental gimmer shearlings saw an eager ring side of buyers keen to secure sheep suited for premium prime lamb production. The sale peaked at £260 for a pen of ten ¾ bred Texel shearlings from EJ Ward & Son, Nether Kellet who sold another pen fulls at £255. The annual consignment from S Cunliffe, Field
Broughton sold to £240 with others from the same good home regularly £185 to £215. A well received entry from JR&LA Capstick, Killington sold to £238 who sold other pens at £200(x2) and £195. JS&KM Wilson & Son, Heslington topped at £235 with others at £230 and £225. Beltex x shearlings from TJ Jackson, Grimsargh sold to £215 with Dutch Spotted x from Messrs Moorhouse a& Richardson, Field Broughton selling to £202. First cross Texels sold to £180 from S Cunliffe, with others achieving £175 from J&R Waller, Killington. Suffolk x Mules sold to £160 from T Wilson, Flookburgh.
Vendors should be congratulated for another good high quality market of sheep, continuing to attract new buyers. The next sale of breeding ewes and gimmer shearlings is on Saturday the 16th September, with catalogue entries required by Wednesday 30th August.
Breeding Ewes Top Prices: Mule: £192 The Coach House, £182 Hole Beck Farm, £180 Gaitbarrow Farm, £170 Yoad
Pott, £170 Gaitbarrown Farm, £170 Helm Croft. Suffolk: £190 Yoad Pot, £170 Yoad Pot, £142 Yod Pot, £140
Barrowfield. Texel: £175 Helm Croft, £172 Helm Croft, £172 Helm Croft, £170 Helm Croft, £155 Barrowfield, £150
Cooper House. Charollais: £170 Halm Croft. Cheviot: £122 Oak Avenue, £155 Helm Croft. Masham: £120 Bleaswood.
Cheviot Mule: £112 Bleaswood.
Gimmer Shearlings Top Prices: Mule: £280 Intack Farm, £280 Dunkirk Avenue, £250 Mearsbeck House, £245 Dunkirk

Avenue, £240 Mearsbeck House, £240 Intack Farm. Texel: £260 Forth House Farm, £260 Intack Farm, £255 Intack Farm, £250 Forth House, £245 Forth House, £240 Seatle Hall. Beltex: £215 Raygill, £185 Raygill, £178 The Hills, £172
The Hills, £162 The Hills. Dutch Spotted: £202 Broughton House, £192 Moors Farm, £162 Moors Farm. Cheviot Mule: £190 Murthwaite, £188 Kingsland, £185 Kingsland, £185 Kingsland, £182 Kingsland, £182 Kingsland. Half Breds: £185
Reeds Avenue. Masham: £165 Murthwaite, £165 Millrigg Farm. Suffolk: £160 Guides Farm, £145 Guides Farm. Rough Fell Mule: £155 Coat Green Farm.

1st R Seed & Son, Parsonage Farm- £130
2nd EM Winspear, The Coach House- £192
3rd JM Mawson, Hallbeck- £182

1st Robinson & Ward, Intack Farm- £280
2nd Robinson & Ward, Intack Farm- £240
3rd Fox Farms, Hill View- £235
1st EJ Ward & Sons, Intack Farm- £255
2nd EJ Ward & Sons, Intack Farm- £260
3rd S Cunliffe, Seatle Hall- £240
Lancaster Auction Mart: Weekly Sale of Prime Lambs and Cast Sheep, Monday 21st August 2023.
Prime Lambs
The same old story, well meated and heavy lambs continue to achieving maximum prices with under finished lambs meeting less demand from our ringside of nine active buyers. The sale peaked at £140 twice for a wonderful run of Texel lambs from D&K Swarbrick, Out Rawcliffe, who sold other pens to £132. Many pens of heavy weight Continental bred lambs sold at £128 to £130. Once again smarter bred lambs continue to achieve maximum prices, with the best selling to 300p/kg from KA Purtill, Wigan. These type of lambs were regularly selling at 290p/kg to 300p/kg. More upland lambs in the market today with Cheviot Mules at 49kg selling to £129 from S Bosworth, Burnley with other Cheviot Mules selling to £117 from D&D Huddleston, Wray who sold 47kg Mule lambs to £111.
Prime Lamb Top Prices: Texel: £140 Bensons Farm, £140 Bensons Farm, £132 Bensons, Farm, £132 Bensons Farm, £130 Botton Hall Farm, £126.50 Bensons Farm. Cheviot: £129 Lower Oakeneaves Farm, £118 Lower Oakeneaves Farm, £117 Botton Hall Farm, £109.50 Burrow Heights Farm. Beltex: £120 Oak Avenue. Suffolk: £120 Oak Avenue, £113 Bailey Hey Farm, £112 Moorcock Hall Farm, £101 Bailey Hey Farm. Continental: £112.50 Askew Hill, £111 Askew Hill, £110 Ripley St Thomas. Mule: £111 Botton Hall Farm, £109 Yates Farm.
Cast Sheep
Ewes were a sharper trade on the week, with Suffolk selling to £145 and Texels to £132 from GR&RA Surtees, Stodday. Heavy continental ewes were regularly selling at £120 plus. Hill ewes saw Cheviots sell to £106 from KA Purtill, Wigan with all ewes forward averaging £88.
Cast Ewes Top Prices: Suffolk: £145, £132 Dockensall Farm. Texel: £132, £122 The Barn, £120 Oak Aveune, £118 The Barn, £112 Moss Gate Farm, £112 Haversham House Farm. Cheviot: £106 Fell Gate, £94 Burrow Heights Farm. Leicester: £102 Dockensall Farm. Mule: £97 Ashton Road, £90 Fell Gate. Continental: £86 Bensons Farm.
Store Lambs
The opening sale of store lambs saw catalogue entry of 200, all store lambs were keenly bid for and meeting their full value. Texel x lambs sold to £91 from PD Pye, Over Wyresdale. Medium term Texel lambs sold to £85 from J Gardner, Bay Horse. A ring full of Cheviot Mules sold to £80 from G&D Ball & Son, Little Eccleston with other pens of Mules selling to £79 from PD Pye, Over Wyresdale. The next sale of store lambs is on Monday 4th September 2023, please advise the office of catalogue entries by Monday 28th August.
Store Lambs Top Prices: Texel: £91 Marl House, £85 Haversham House Farm, £84.50 Waller Clough Farm, £84 Haversham House Farm, £80 Waller Clough Farm, £71 Woodstock. Mule: £80 Woodstock, £79 Marl House. Charollais: £70 Rosehill Farm.
J36 Rural Auction Centre: Annual Whiteley Hey Production Sale, Monday 21st August 2023.
Record breaking price for Pauls Production Sale… 5500gns!!!
On Monday 21st August 2023 the 22nd Annual Production Sale of the Whiteley Hey Flock on behalf of Mr Paul Slater was held at North West Auctions J36 Rural Auction Centre, Kendal in conjunction with Mitchells Auction Company, Cockermouth.
The Annual Sale was very well attended with the pre-sale pens full of both new and old customers looking to purchase some outstanding sheep. With Paul continuing to use the best bloodlines year in and year out, this was evident with his sheep being classy with great muscle depth and terrific skins.
The sale opened with a packed ring side of buyers eager to obtain some of Pauls females.
A very influential sire in The Whiteley Hey Flock has been “CrackerJack”. This ram bred all the leading priced females in each section. Lot 201 a 2 Shear Pure Bred Texel Ewe sold for £600 to G Hargreaves, Ivy Bank Farm, matching this price was a single Texel Shearling lot 230 which went to H Huddleston Son, Snab Green. Closely behind these was lot 204 a pair of Texel ewes selling for £580 to WJ&V Case, Plumpton Cottage Farm.
The gimmer lamb section started with an eye catching “Crackerjack” ewe lamb lot 283 which went on to sell for £520 to Mr J Shaw, Mill Brook. Garngoure Awesome another of Pauls outstanding stock rams was not to be outdone by CrackerJack and joined the party with the second priced ewe lamb lot 284 selling for £400 to GE Powell, Burlton Lane.
Pauls pens of breeding rams was packed with potential customers looking for well-bred stock. His first pen of Shearlings Rams averaging a whopping 1938gns. Leading the sale was lot 65 a ¾ Texel x ¼ Beltex sired by “Blackjack” which was sold to JP&CM Jones, Maesterran Pengoes for 5500gns. Closely following was lot 5 a “Dirty Harry” sired texel which was franticly bid for, making 4000gns and joining the Sinclair Family. Five lots later lot number 10 a “Blackjack” Sired Ram also commanded a bid of 4000gns selling to B Jones, Alton Manor.
With bidding lively throughout the ram section 11 rams broke the 2000gns barrier and many more crashing through the 1000gns barrier.

A well-travelled ring side of buyers were at the auction and would go home pleased with the stock which Paul Slater had turned out again.
A special thank you goes to the sponsors of the sale Vivers Scotlamb, Trident, Eden Farm Supplies, Carrs Billington, Agri Lloyd, Osmonds and Rumenco. Thanks also goes to Jonny, Katie and Robbie Aiken for preparing the sheep.
Texel–5500gns,4000gnsx2,3700gns,3500gns,2800gns,2200gnsx2,2000gnsx2,1900gns,1600gns, 1500gns,1400gnsx2,1300gnsx4,1200gns.

Beltex–3000gns,1700gns,1400gnsx2,1050gns,1000gnsx2. Charolais–1800gns,1200gns,1000gnsx2.
Beltex-450,420,400,380,280x4,250x3. BlackBeltex–320x2,280,260,250.
Texel–600,450,360,350,320,300x4,280x5,260x2,250x2,240. Beltex–500,480,420,380,340,330,320,300x3,280. Charolais–300,290x2,280x3. BlackBeltex–400,380,350,300x2,260. BlackTexel–280. EweLambsCharolais–260,190. Texel–520,400,380,300,290,230,220x2,200x4,190x3,180x3. Beltex–250. BlackTexel–190,180. BlackBeltex–180,170,160. BlackCharolais–240.
J36 Rural Auction Centre: Sale of Pigs. Weekly Sale of Prime Lambs and Cast Sheep, Tuesday 22nd August 2023.
Prime pigs sold to a top price of £215 for a Large White cross gilt from W Stamper, Chipping with prime hoggs selling to £210 for Large White cross from CR Dickinson, Thurnham. Pietrain cross sold to £185 from GC&G Taylor, Crook and prime hoggs £107 from S Crowe, Dalton in Furness. CR Dickinson, Thurnham topped the market with a prime gilt achieving 181p/kg, other well finished pigs were generally 165p/kg to 175p/kg. Weaners sold to £62 for Large White cross gilts from J.GE Heseltine & Son, Skipton who sold others at £50, with cross bred weaners selling to £48 from S Crowe, Dalton in Furness. The youngest weaners sold to £24 for Saddleback from T Harrison, Darwen.
Prime Lambs
1200 lambs were put before our weekly ring side of ten active buyers with once again meat and weight achieving maximum prices.
- Texels to £151 from T&M Halhead, Priest Hutton.
- Beltex to £140 from GM Metcalfe, Underbarrow.
- Suffolks to £130 from TW Nelson & Son, Stainton.
- Cheviots to £128.50 from GM Metcalfe, Underbarrow.
- Dutch Spotted to £118 from RJ&P Metcalfe, Crook
- Mules to £112.50 from Drinkall Bros, Over Wyresdale.
- All lambs forward averaged £110.62.
- Overall market averaged of 252p/kg.
Prime Lambs Top Prices: Texel: £151 Upp Hall, £142 Middlebarrow Plain, £139 Old Croft, £137 Halton Park Farm, £137 Johnson House Farm, £136 Ashstead. Continental: £140 Low Gregg Hall, £132 Low Tarn Green, £129.50 Low Croft, £122 Windy Hill, £119.50 Low Croft, £118.50 Cockrigg Farm. Suffolk: £130 Cockrigg Farm, £125, £124.50 Heathwaite Farm, £124 Ackenthwaite Farm, £119 Halton Park Farm, £118.50 Swallowmire. Cheviot: £128.50 Low Gregg Hall, £112, £110.50, £97.50, £95 Bowers Farm. Beltex: £120 Halton Park Farm, £115 Holmelands, £102 Stubb Farm. Dutch Spotted: £118 Crook Hall Farm, £96 Coldcotes Farm. Mule: £112.50 Catshaw Hall Farm, £109 Fell End Farm.
Cast Sheep
A large show of 641 predominately leaner hill ewes were forward today, showing the effect of the dry months and rearing lambs. A real shortage of best quality ewes were forward. Topping today at £166 for a Texel from MD Shuttleworth, Barbon with others at £164 from RA Batty, Haversham, others were generally selling at £140 to £150. Cross bred ewes sold to £126 for Texel x from B&D Willison & Son, Tebay with Suffolk x achieving £125 from W Garnett & Son, Milnthorpe. The better heavier ewes were £105 to £115. Mule ewes sold to £124 from RF&CE Hodgson, Ulverston with Cheviot Mules selling to £118 from JC Dunning, Orton. Heavier Mules were
generally £95 to £110, with mediums £82 to £95. Buyers were looking to purchase ewes suitable for grazing. Hill bred ewes sold to £131 for Cheviots from S Bosworth, Burnley who sold others at £114. A large entry of Swaledale sold to £79 from M Holgate, Silverdale with Rough Fells to £77 from J Graham, Windermere and Herdwick to £79 from A Armstrong, Ulverston. A large proportion of lean light weight Swaledale ewes were forward, generally selling at £28 to £40, depending on size and quality.
Cast Ewes Top Prices: Texel: £166 Fell House, £164 Dugg Hill, £150 The Park, £150 High Street, £135 Dugg Hill, £135 Bybeck. Suffolk: £147 Yew Tree Farmhouse, £137 Dugg Hill, £125 Ackenthwaite Farm. Beltex: £132 Holmelands, £111 Storth End Farm. Continental: £132 Arklid Farm, £100 Bowness Farm, £96 Hare Tarn Farm, £95, £94 Bowness Farm, £90 Plough Inn. Cheviot: £131, £114, £99, £88 Lower Oakeneaves Farm, £81 Poppy Farm. Mule: £124 Rowe End Farm, £118 Ellerbeck Farm, £110 Rowe End Farm, £108 Lower Oakeneaves Farm, £102 Helwith Bridge, £100 Flodder Hall. Cheviot Mule: £118 Westmorland Chapel Farm, £116 Carlton House, £100, £96 Middlebarrow Plain, £94 Westmorland Chapel Farm. Charollais: £109 Bowness Farm. Zwartble: £96 High Farm. Herdwick: £79 High Becthicar. Swaledale: £79 Middlebarrow Plain, £77 Low Deepslack. Rough Fell: £77 Wasdyke Farm, £74 The Park. Ryeland: £70 Mill View Farm.
J36 Rural Auction Centre: Sale of Continental and Suffolk Gimmer Lambs, followedy by Fortnightly Sale of Store Lambs, Thursday 24th August 2023.
Continental and Suffolk Gimmer Lambs
North West Auctions held its special sale of Continental gimmer lambs with saw 455 sell to an overall market average of £100, with buyers showing keenest interest in the strongest well bred gimmer lambs suitable for tupping this autumn. The pre sale show was kindly judged by Mr R Towers, Ingleton who awarded the champion rosette to a pen of three quarter Texels. The reserve championship was award to pen of Texel x Mule gimmer lambs from TMW&H Hodgson, Nibthwaite. The prize show for Suffolk x gimmer lambs was won by TA&J Dixon, Selside.
The sale peaked at £150 for a pen of Texel x Beltex gimmer lambs from JG&PH Thompson & Sons, Selside with others selling at £150 for a pen of Texel x Suffolks form TA&J Dixon, Selside and pen of ¾ Dutch Spotted gimmer lambs form DA Dixon, Selside. Other stronger pens of gimmer lambs were regularly £118 to £130, with medium running types £95 to £110.

Gimmer Lambs Top Prices: Texel: £152 Poppy Farm, £150 Yoad Pot, £148 Bybeck, £146 Bybeck, £140 Heights Farm, £138 Gunner Fleet Farm. Dutch Spotted: £150 Grayrigg Foot, £140 Grayrigg Foot, £120 Grayrigg Foot, £102 Grayrigg Foot. Suffolk: £128 Yoad Pot, £120 Yoad Pot, £120 Yoad Pot, £100 Cobble End, £90 Roundthwaite.
Class 1: Pen of 10 Suffolk Gimmer Lambs
1st TA&JA Dixon, Yoad Pot
Class 2: Pen of 10 Continental Gimmer Lambs
1st J Handley, Gunner Fleet Farm
2nd TMH&W Hodgson, Arklid
3rd D&A Nicholson, Birch Bank
Champion: J Handley, Gunner Fleet Farm
Reserve Champion: TMH&W Hodgson, Arklid
Store Lambs
An increased entry of 3837 store lambs were forward, seeing buyers in attendance from throughout the northern counties and midlands, with an overall market average of £79.02. The strongest well bred lambs continue to be in keen demand with Texel lambs selling to £118 from B&D Willison & Son, Tebay. Others sold at £115 from MB&J Fell, Old Hutton with others regularly £95 to £105. A keen interest in medium keep lambs sold to £93.50 for Texel x from JE Wightman, Lupton with others regularly £85 to £90. Mules sold to £89.50 for a pen full from RI Dixon, Low Newton with a ring full achieving £88 from Fishwick Bros, Longsleddale. A large number of longer keep Mules forward were generally selling at £72 to £78. Other hill bred lambs sold to £84 for Cheviot from TLB&J Knowles, Selside with others at £82.50 from JE Swan, Cartmel Fell. A large entry of young long keep Continental lambs generally sold at £70 to £75, with smaller sorts £58 to £60 and very small and backwards pens at realisation.

The next sale of store lambs is on Thursday 7th September with catalogue entries required by Wednesday 30th September.
Store Lambs Top Prices: Texel: £118 Bybeck, £115 Wreay Syke, £104 Ewan Mill, £100 Rose Farm, £99.50 Crabtree Farm. Charollais: £91 Long Green Head, £79.50 Latterbarrow Farm. Mule: £89.50 Low Newton Farm, £88 High House, £88 Middle Sadghyll, £86 Wood Broughton Barn, £84 Longwell, £84 Yewbarrow. Suffolk: £89 Gowan Bank Farm, £86.50 Lower Hawthwaite,, £85 Hill Cottage, £85 Sunny Brow, £84.50 Middle Lee Farm, £83 Cragg House. Zwartble: £85 Castle Syke Farm. Cheviot: £84 High Borrowbridge, £82.50 Rankthorn. Beltex: £79 Mallerstang. Hampshire: £78 Red Syke Lodge. Continental: £77 Patton Mill Farm, £73 Long Green Head. Cheviot Mule: £74 Nibthwaite Grange Farm. Swaledale: £70 Ashes.
Lancaster Auction Mart: Sale of Calves, OTM's, Dairy, Store Cattle and Stirks. Friday 25th August 2023.
NWA Lancaster saw farmers and buyers out in force at its popular weekly sale, all keen to do their business on one day, taking advantage of this facility that Lancaster offers. Buyers were in abundance for all stock, with vendors leaving well suited with prices achieved and many reporting ahead of other local centres.
- Store cattle sold to £1860
- Cull cows to 199.5p/kg and £1723
- Stirks to £1520
- Weaned calves to £700
- Rearing calves to £570
Dairy Cattle
The fortnightly sale of dairy cattle saw 20 forward, selling to an ever expanding ringside of buyers with 100% clearance achieved, and all vendors leaving well suited with the prices achieved.
New calved cows sold to £1980 and £1950 for second calved Holstein Friesian from R&K Jenkinson, Pilling with others selling at £1550 to £1700. New calved heifers sold to £1880 from France Bros, Littledale with others achieving £1820. Many buyers leaving empty handed, all keen to secure new calved cows of all classes and types (pedigree and non pedigree).
Young stock today sold to a top price of £1480 for a in calf British Friesian heifer form RH&RA Fawcett, Burton who sold others at £1450 with in calf Holstein Friesian heifers selling to £1400 from AP&RL Crowe, Rusland who sold others regularly at £1200 to £1350.
Bulling heifers sold to £1020 for Holstien Friesian from AP&RL Crowe, Rusland who sold others at £980.
Calves & Weanlings
The weekly sale of calves saw new and additional buyers in attendance from as far afield as North Wales and Easten Counties, attracted by the quality and quantity on offer. Today saw the summer prize show and sale of calves, it was kindly sponsored by Norbreck Genetics and Semex UK, and was expertly judged by Mr Stan Allan, Killington. Who chose his show champion from the consignment from JP&C Robson, Garstang being a British Blue x bull. The reserve champion was awarded to a British Blue x heifer from Drinkall Bros, Over Wyresdale. The sale peaked at £570 for the champion calf which was purchased by the judge, backing his show decision. Other stronger beef bull calves sold to £535 for a British Blue x from JR Newsham & Son, Conder Green with £525 achieving by J&G Thornley, Kirkham for a British Blue x. Younger bull calves sold to £470 and £450 for five week old British Blue x bulls from AD&RL Milner, Claughton on Brock with others generally selling at £300 to £340.
Native sired calves sold to £440 for an Aberdeen Angus x from J&G Thornley, Kirkham with Hereford x selling to £400 from JR Newsham & Son, Conder Green who sold others at £395 and £390. Dairy bulls sold to £270 for a six week old British Friesian from JR Newsham & Son, Conder Green. Other stronger rearing calves nicely sold at £160 to £200, with younger sorts £80 to £110.

Several weaned calves forward today with 6 month old British Blue x from JM&HM France & Son, Littledale achieving £700 with Limousin x from the same home selling at £690. Recently weaned British Blue x bulls from RE&P Miller, Barnacre sold at £415 with Aberdeen Angus x selling at £400 from W&C Gorst, Bay Horse. Weaned dairy bulls sold to £345 for a Holstein Friesian from JS&KM Wilson & Son, Natland.
Heifer calves sold to £390 for a British Blue x from W&C Gorst & Son, Bay Horse with Aberdeen Angus x selling to £380 from EE Thornton & Sons, Heaton who sold Charollais x at £350. Younger heifer calves sold to £340 from JP&C Robson, Garstang and Drinkall Bros, Over Wyresdale with others generally £270 to £300. Younger heifer calves achieving £220 to £270.
Bull Calves Top Prices: British Blue: £700 Newhouse Farm, £570 Roe Farm, £535 Sellerley Farm, £525 Derby Lodge Farm, £470 Lane Head Farm, £470 Sellerley Farm. Limousin: £690 Newhouse Farm, £350, £235 Sellerley Farm. Angus: £440 Derby Lodge Farm, £400 Hole of Ellel, £390, £380, £310, £295 Derby Lodge Farm. Hereford: £400, £395, £390, £350, £335, £315 Sellerley Farm. Charolais: £355 Myerscough House. Friesian: £345 High House, £270 Newhouse Farm, £270 High House, £270, £265, £260 Sellerley Farm.
Heifer Calves Top Prices: British Blue: £390 Hole of Ellel, £340 Catshaw Hall Farm, £340 Roe Farm, £290 Lower Lingart Farm, £285 Roe Farm, £200 Lathwaite Farm. Angus: £380, £305 Downlands Farm, £260 Roe Farm, £240 Derby Lodge Farm, £190 West View Farm, £160 Rose Farm. Charolais: £350 Downlands Farm, £315 Lathwaite Farm, £275 Myerscough House, £270, £265 Lathwaite Farm, £260 Catshaw Hall Farm. Hereford: £210 Catshaw Hall Farm.
1st British Blue from JP & C Robson selling to £570
2nd British Blue from AD & R Milner selling to £450
3rd British Blue from AD & R Milner selling to £470
1st British Blue from Drinkall Bros selling to £340
2nd British Blue from JP & C Robson selling to £340
3rd Charolais from EE Thornton & Sons selling to £350


Store Cattle
284 store cattle were forward at the popular weekly sale with a fast trade seen for all classes and types, with all vendors leaving very suited with prices achieved. The sale peaked at £1860 for a pair of Limousin x steer from TE JS & SA Carruthers, Underbarrow. Closely followed by Charollais x from R&EA Gardner, Brigsteer achieving £1780, with this price also achieved for a ring full of Limousin x steers from T&M Halhead, Carnforth. Other strong steers were regularly £1500 to £1680, with native sired steers selling to £1740 for an Aberdeen Angus x from O Butler, Kirkham. Beef Shorthorns sold to £1580 from J Lamb, Glasson with Herefords to £1470 from J&M Cockett, Ingleton. Dairy bred steers sold to £1420 for a Montbeliarde from J&JM Walmsley, Pilling with British Friesians selling to £1320 from EE Thornton & Sons, Heaton with Holstien Friesians selling to £1260 from J&JM Walmsley, Pilling. A keen interest in younger cattle saw 18 month old Fleckvieh steers sell to £1230 from RW Nicholson, Lupton who sold others at £1210. 14 month old British Blue x selling to £1060 from TH Wensley & Son, Kirkham. All steers forward achieved £1360. Heifers sold to £1650 for an Aberdeen Angus x from WS Burrow Ltd, Silverdale who also achieved £1580 for Limousin x, as did J&M Cockett, Ingleton selling Aberdeen x. Other stronger heifers were regularly £1350 to £1500. All heifers forward averaged £1228.
Store Heifers Top Prices: Angus: £1650 Gibraltar Farm, £1580 Foredales Farm, £1560, £1460 Holme House Farm, £1440 Low Levens, £1400 Fairfield. Limousin: £1580 Gibraltar Farm, £1480 Low Levens, £1380 Gibraltar Farm, £1380 High Snab, £1200 Ellers Farm. British Blue: £1540 Windy Hill Farm, £1520 Yew Tree Farm, £1420 Pasture House Farm, £1380 Stubb Hall Farm, £1360 Hall Bank, £1280 Gibsons Farm. Charolais: £1520 Springfield House, £1220, £1080 Little Crimbles. Hereford: £1440 Ellers Farm, £1300 Holme House Farm, £1220 Ellers Farm, £1200 Redchalis Farm, £1100 Greenbank Farm. Parthenaise: £1380 Hall Bank. Friesian: £1120 Tunsteads Farm. Fleckvieh: £1060 Green Lane End Farm.
Store Bullocks Top Prices: Limousin: £1860 Red Scar Farm, £1760 Fellside Farm, £1660 Endmoor Farm, £1630 Downlands Farm, £1520 High Snab, £1520 Carlingwha. Charolais: £1780 Barrowfield, £1740 Ellers Farm, £1700, £1680 Carlingwha, £1320 Sunnyside Farm. Simmental: £1780 Upp Hall, £1400, £1000 Lee End Farm. Angus: £1740 Elm Bank Farm, £1660 Ellers Farm, £1640 Godson House Farm, £1590 Fairfield, £1580 Kilburn House, £1560 Elm Bank
Farm. British Blue: £1720 Yew Tree Farm, £1620 Pasture House Farm, £1580 Stubb Hall Farm, £1570 Throstle Grove Farm, £1510 Moss House Farm, £1490 Outerthwaite Farm. Shorthorn: £1580, £1040 Old Glasson Farm. Hereford: £1470 Foredales Farm, £1410 Old Glasson Farm, £1400 Carlingwha, £1380 North Farm, £1240 Redchalis Farm, £1160 Sandy Dean.
Montbeliarde: £1420 Staffords Farm. Blonde: £1380, £1260 Half Way House. Friesian: £1320

Gibraltar Farm, £1320, £1270 Downlands Farm, £1260 Staffords Farm, £1240 Redchalis
Farm, £1080 Barn Hill Farm. Fleckvieh: £1230, £1210 Green Lane End Farm, £1180 Kirfit
Hall, £1160, £1040 Green Lane End Farm. Longhorn: £1200 Bank Field Farm. Parthenaise: £1180 Half Way House.
Farmer Stirks
The monthly sale of stirks saw 100 forward, with buyers ring side keen to secure additional and replacement stock. Steers sold to a top price of £940 for Aberdeen Angus and British Blue x (thirteen months old) from MD Close & Son, Arkholme and Simmental x from R&J Parkinson, Preesall. A large entry of younger steers (eight to ten month old) sold to a top price of £900 for Aberdeen Angus x from J&G Thornley Ltd, Kirkham with British Blue x selling to £880 from FW Rhodes & Son, Ellel and SW&K Metcalfe & Son, Whittington. Other younger steers were generally selling at £750 to £800. Dairy bred steers sold to £580 for eleven month old British Friesians from R&J Parkinson, Preesall.
Heifer stirks sold to new heights, peaking at £1520 for a Charolais x from R&J Parkinson, Preesall with Limousin x selling to £1200 from DR Preston, Caton. British Blue x heifers sold to £1170 from P&ME Higginson, Pilling. A large entry of younger heifers sold to £800 for a eleven month old British Blue x from SW&K Metcalfe, Whittington with MD Close & Son, Arkholme also selling British Blue x at £790. Younger heifer stirks five to seven month old generally sold at £500 to £640.
OTM Cattle
Cull cows increase weekly in numbers and price, with beef cows selling to 194.5p/kg from JE&AC Clark & Son, Melling and dairy cows to 189.5p/kg for a British Friesian from WG Farms Ltd, Cockerham. Other heavy well fleshed cows, both dairy and beef were regularly selling at 170p/kg to 185p/kg with mediums 145p/kg to 155p/kg.
Top grossing cow today was a British Blue x from JE&AC Clark & Son, Melling achieving £1503, with dairy cows selling to £1334 for a Holstein Friesian from Strickland Hill Farming, Witherslack. All cows forward averaged 156p/kg, with a keen interest in those suitable for feeding.
OTM heifers sold to 199.5p/kg and £1127 for a Holstein Friesian from RE&P Miller, Barnacre with beef heifers selling to 194.5 and £1235 for a Limousin x from B Heyes, Mossborough.
Cull bulls sold to 164.5p/kg and £1723 for a Hereford from WE&G Hewitt & Sons, Cockerham with others at 159.5p/kg and £1722 from PW&JM Norris & Son, Halton. Other stock bulls generally 145p/kg to 150p/kg, being £1100 to £1300.
OTM Cow Top Prices: Limousin: 194.50 Cringleber, 181.50 Chapel House, 179.50 Cockrigg Farm, 169.50 Mossboroug Bungalow, 169.50, 159.50 Fellside Farm. Friesian: 189.50 Lathwaite Farm, 174.50 Catshaw Hall Farm, 164.50 Strickland Hill, 159.50 Lane Head Farm, 159.50 Lathwaite Farm, 159.50 Boundary House. Blonde: 189.50 Cringleber. Angus: 184.50 Leighton House, 181.50 Lambrigg Farm, 169.50 Lundholme Farm. British Blue: 184.50 Cringleber, 184.50 Bank Field Farm, 174.50 Fellside Farm, 154.50 Chapel House. Hereford: 171.50 Cockrigg Farm. Montbeliarde: 169.50 Yeat House, 159.50 Lathwaite Farm, 159.50 Yeat House, 154.50 High House, 139.50 Moss End Farm. Fleckvieh: 159.50 Sellerely Farm. Ayrshire: 157.50 Rose Farm. Other: 144.50 Lathwaite Farm. Jersey: 124.50 Lathwaite Farm.
OTM Heifer Top Prices: Friesian: 199.50 Lower Lingart Farm, 149.50 Hole of Ellel. Limousin: 194.50, 189.50 Mossborough Bungalow. Simmental: 184.50 Upp Hall.
Cast Steer Top Prices: Friesian: 194.50 Boundary House.
Cast Bull Top Prices: Montbeliarde: 179.50 Staffords Farm. Hereford: 164.50 Batty Hill, 159.50 Priory Farm, 149.50 Boundary House. Limouisn: 149.50, 149.50, 129.50 Mossboroug.
Next Week's Upcoming Sales
Monday 28th
Lancaster: 10:30am Weekly Sale of Prime Lambs and Cast Sheep

J36: Online Machinery Sale concludes
Tuesday 29th
J36: Belting Beltex Show
9am-4pm Machinery Collection
1pm Weekly Sale of Prime Lambs and Cast Sheep
Wednesday 30th
J36: 9am-4pm Machinery Collection
Thursday 31st
J36: 10am Fortnightly Sale of Calves and Stirks
10.30am Fortnightly Sale of OTM/Cast Cattle
11:15am Fortnightly Sale of Store Cattle
3:30pm Lads Night Out
Friday 1st
Lancaster: 10:15am Weekly Sale of Calves, and Cast/OTM Cattle
11:15am Weekly Sale of Store Cattle