Weekly Report and Newsletter- 26th January 2024 Lancaster Auction Mart: Weekly Sale of Prime Hoggs, Store Hoggs and Cast Sheep, Monday 22nd January 2024. Prime Hoggs A slightly reduced entry of prime hoggs, as seen nationally, with an ever-increasing demand from all buyers. Trade peaked at £180 or 355p/kg for Beltexs from TR Prickett, Hutton Roof. An abundance of well bred of hoggs were frequently 310p/kg to 340p/kg. Heavy weight Texels sold to £155 from PD Anderton, Scorton with Suffolks selling to £150 from Pilling Hall, Pilling. A ring full of Texel cross Mules sold to £148 from M&YS Barker, Halton. Hoggs weighing between 42kg and 45kg were in tremendous demand, with the best seeing 44kg Texels sell to £142 from Michael Barker, Halton and 42kg Beltexs to £139 from S Rossall, Over Wyresdale. Over half of todays sale was hill bred hoggs which saw Masham selling to £140 from WI&A Atkinson, Bleasdale, this good home also sold a ring full of Mules at £130.50 and another pen of Mashams to £130. Cheviots sold to £125 from P Prickett, Carnforth with a pen of 39kg Dalesbreds selling to £109 from S&J France, Over Wyresdale. Many more hoggs could have easily been sold to the vendors advantage. Prime Hogg Top Prices: Beltex: £180 Hutton Roof Hall, £150 Lingrow, £148 Hutton Roof Hall, £139 Stonehead, £138, £134 Hole of Ellel. Texel: £155 Wyre Farm, £155 Hutton Roof Hall, £148, £142 Halton Park Farm, £140 Cross House Farm, £140 Wyre Farm. Suffolk: £150, £127.50 Pilling Hall Farm, £117 Meadow Croft. Masham: £140, £130 Holme House Farm. Continental: £132, £129 Low Croft, £129, £128, £127, £125 Broseley Hall Farm. Mule: £130.50, £129 Holme House Farm, £128.50 Halton Park Farm, £118 Hole of Ellel, £108 Thornbush Farm, £98 Bensons Farm. Cheviot: £125 Hutton Roof Hall, £90 Thornbush Farm. Zwartble: £125, £124, £116, £110 The Bungalow. Dalesbred: £109 Kays Farm. Swaledale: £73 Thornbush Farm, £69 Quarry House. Rough Fell: £72 Quarry House. Horned: £91 Quarry House. Cast Sheep
The ewe trade stepped up a gear, selling to £154 for first cross heavy Texels from D&K Swarbrick, Out Rawcliffe who sold other pens to £148. Dorsets sold to a top of £134 from S Wilson & Son, Scotford. The Mule trade was the fastest seen for some time, with the best selling to £122 from WB Kellet, Pilling with other pens to £110 from Pilling Hall, Pilling. Cheviot Mules sold to £116 form J&SJ Riseborough, Silverdale. Hill ewes saw Lonks sell to £110 from W&D Bradley, Preston with Cheviot to £109 from P Prickett, Carnforth and Swaledales to £70 from WI&A Atkinson, Bleasdale. Cast Ewes Top Prices: Texel: £154, £148 Bensons Farm, £142 Hutton Roof Hall, £140, £130 Bensons Farm, £126 Hutton Roof Hall. Dorset: £134 Burrow Heights Farm. Mule: £122 Low Croft, £110 Pilling Hall Farm, £96 Bensons Farm, £92 Low Croft, £85 Yew Tree Cottage, £70 Burrow Heights Farm. Cheviot: £116 Old Waterslack Farm, £109 Hutton Roof Hall, £80 Old Waterslack Farm. Continental: £110 Whittingham Lane.
Store Hoggs The store hogg trade was booming at Lancaster, with an overall averaged £93 achieved. Top price was a pen of Cheviot gimmers from SE&J Gorst selling to £109.50 with other pens from the same home to £106.50. Longer keep first cross Texel hoggs sold to £84 form J&SJ Riseborough, Silverdale.
Store Hogg Top Prices: Cheviot: £109.50, £106.50, £94 Cragg Farm. Continental: £84, £80 Old Waterslack Farm.
J36 Rural Auction Centre: Sale of Pigs. Weekly Sale of Prime Hoggs and Cast Sheep, Tuesday 23rd January 2024 The weekly sale of prime stock at NWA J36 saw 1524 head forward, with all classes experiencing a rise in trade. Prime hoggs sold to £177 and 352p/kg, Cull Sheep to £180 and Prime Pigs to £230.70. Pigs The popular fortnightly sale of pigs saw a rise in trade, with buyers keen to secure all classes and types. Prime pigs sold to a top price of £230 for a pair of Pie Train cross Large White hogs from J Stott, Crosscrake. Closely followed by light weight Pie Train gilts from W Stamper, Chipping achieving £210. Wether hogs achieved £205 from J Stott, Crosscrake and gilts at £200 from J Barkley, Whitehaven. Prime boars sold to £140 from MP Tattersall, Langholm with others at £130 from J Barkley, Whitehaven and J McEwen, Dumfries. Top pence per kilo was 263 achieved by W Stamper, Chipping selling light weight Pie Train gilts. Cull sows sold to £100 from S Jordan, Armathwaite. Several pens of weaners forward saw Large White cross weaner gilts from M&C Greenwood, Middleton sell at £45, with other weaners generally £25 to £30, depending on breed and quality. Prime Hoggs - 82 25kg-31kg hoggs averaged 270p/kg or £85 - 202 32-39kg hoggs averaged 302p/kg or £113.50 - 510 39-45kg hoggs averaged 291p/kg or £124 - 250 46-52kg hoggs averaged 290p/kg or £144 - 95 53kg plus hoggs averaged 278p/kg or £155 The weekly sale of hoggs saw the trade peak at £177 for Beltexs from L McCarrick, Chorley with Texels to £173 from T&CM Kelsall & Sons, Chipping. Suffolks sold to £172 from L McCarrick, Chorley. Heavy hoggs were in keen demand with these regularly selling at £150 to £160. An improved trade for all best bred and butcher type hoggs was seen, with as pen of eleven Texels selling to 352p/kg from JG&PH Thompson & Sons, Selside with Beltexs to 348p/kg from JA&KJ Allen, Ings. A run of Leicester hoggs sold to £162 from TMW&H Hodgson, Ulverston. A large entry of hill bred hoggs was seen, with Cheviots to £154 from S Crawford, Staveley. Mule hoggs saw a top of £139 from AW&AM Clarke, Windermere with other pens to £136 from Messrs Long & Knipe, Ulverston. Dalesbreds sold to £126 from R Capstick, Ingleton with Rough Fells to the same price from AEA Harrison, Kentmere. Other pens of Rough Fells sold to £124 from PE Allen, Ings. Swaledales sold to £118 from K Wrathall, Broughton in Furness. Prime Hogg Top Prices: Beltex: £177 Longfield Manor, £138 Cumbrae, £130, £126 St Annes Farm, £109 Holmelands. Texel: £173 Brown Brook, £168 Lane Ends Farm, £166 Fell End Farm, £165 Steel Croft, £164 Fell End Farm, £164 Low Longmire. Suffolk: £172, £168 Longfield Manor, £153 Mansrigg Hall, £146 The Glen, £143 (x2) Lane Ends Farm. Charollais: £166 Lane Ends Farm, £156 Oak Aveune, £152, £143 Lane Ends Farm. Leicester: £162, £156 Arklid Farm, £151 High House Farm, £139 Boundary Beck, £132 Brown Brook, £114 Boundary Beck. Continental: £157 Longfield Manor, £149, £147 High House Farm, £147 The Glen, £140 Underhelm Farm, £139 St Annes Farm. Cheviot: £154, £146 Seedhowe Cottages, £145 Croziers Croft, £142 Mansrigg Hall, £129.50 Poppy Farm, £129 Croziers Croft. Dutch Spotted: £140, £135 Lane Ends Farm. Mule: £139 Low Longmire, £136 The Glen, £124 Well Foot, £117.50 Poppy Farm, £116 Greaves Farm, £115.50 Higher Core Farm. Rough Fell: £126 Millriggs, £124 St Annes Farm, £116 Seedhowe Cottages,
£115 St Annes Farm, £110 Seedhowe Cottages, £110 Millriggs. Dalesbred: £126 Fell End Farm, £113.50 Brown Brook, £110 Fell End Farm. Swaledale: £118 Cockley Beck Farm, £113 Millriggs, £107.50 Higher Core Farm, £106 Well Foot, £106 Arklid Farm, £106 Low Longmire. Gritstone: £114, £100 Higher Core Farm. Herdwick: £98 Badger Barn, £83 Cockley Barn Farm, £74 Waterhouse Close.
Cast Sheep 409 cull ewes sold to a top price of £180 for pure Texels from J Capstick, Ingleton who sold others at £175. Other pure bred medium ewes were generally £140 to £160. First cross ewes saw Texel cross to £162 from S Mawson & Son, Orton with other well fleshed sorts generally £125 to £140, to include Suffolk cross at £132 from Messrs Long & Knipe, Ulverston. Mediums were nicely selling at £102 to £115, with lighter leaner sorts £80 to £95. Hill bred ewes sold to £135 for Cheviots from JG&PH Thompson & Sons, Selside with Rough Fells to £106 from W&J Penny, Kirkby in Furness. Swaledales sold to £82 from BW&G Robinson, Ingleton with a ring full ring at £81 from PE&M Capstick, Millom. Dalesbreds sold to £80 from R Capstick, Ingleton and Herdwicks to £64 from Messrs Hodgson, Ambleside. Cheviot Mules sold to £129 from D&DW Prickett, Ingleton with others at £127 from B Wilson & Sons, Selside with Rough Fell Mules to £118 from M Bland & Sons, Staveley and North Country Mules £115 from Messrs Long & Knipe, Ulverston. Heavy well fleshed Mules were generally £105 to £115, with mediums £90 to £102 and smaller well fleshed sorts £80 to £88. Small and leaner hill ewes experienced a rise in trade, with the best at £65 to £70, mediums £50 to £60 and the smallest £38 to 365. A trio of goatlings from M&G German, Middleton sold at £68. 21 cull rams forward saw medium continentals generally £120 to £140, will hill bred rams £80 to £100. Cast Ewes Top Prices: Texel: £180, £175 Fell End Farm, £166 Bowkerstead Farm, £140, £136 Moor House, £135 Low Gregg Hall. Continental: £163, £128, £76 Moor House. Cheviot: £135, £106 Poppy Farm, £97 High Farm, £96 Ashtead, £82 (2) Poppy Farm. Beltex: £130 Warth Sutton Farm. Cheviot Mules: £129 Farleton House, £127 Ashstead. Suffolk: £132, £112 The Glen. Dorset: £124 Warth Sutton Farm.Mule: £118 Low Fold, £115 The Glen, £111 Oakfield, £109 Hollowmire Farm, £106 Moor House, £100 Low Fold. Charollais: £110 Low Gregg Hall. Leicester: £110 Whicham Hall. Rough Fell: £106 Marsh Grange Farm, £94 High Farm, £90 Low Deepslack, £87 Marsh Grange Farm, £78 Low Fold. Ryeland: £84 Bowkerstead Farm. Swaledale: £82 Burnt House, £81 Whicham Hall, £80 Barrowfield. Dalesbred: £80 Fell End Farm. Goat: £68 Sowermire Farm. Herdwick: £64 Rydal Farm. Cast Rams Top Prices: Leicester: £138, £98 Whicham Hall, £90 Forest Hall. Texel: £130 Moss End Farm, £126 Todds Farm, £80 Matson Farm. Charollais: £130 Moss End Farm, £100 Cockley Beck Farm. Beltex: £122 Rydal Farm. Continental: £120 High Farm, £80 Matson Farm. Swaledale: £96 Whicham Hall.
J36 Rural Auction Centre: Fortnightly Sale of Calves, Stirks, OTM Cattle and Store Cattle, Thursday 25th January 2024. Calves Stronger beef bull calves were in short supply with the strongest rearer sorts selling to £610 for British Blue cross from AK&BM Robinson & Son, Arkholme and Limousin cross to £530 from K Wrathall, Broughton in Furness. Stronger rearing calves sold to £460 for a Limousin cross from JG&BJ Escolme, Killington. Charolais’s sold to £450 from Bambers Farm Ltd, Cockerham. Medium rearers sold to £365 for British Blue cross from DW&E Cottam, New Hutton with others at £360 from DR&C Galbriath, Grayrigg. Others were generally £280 to £330. Dairy bulls sold to £255 for a Fleckvieh from AK&BM Robinson & Son, Arkholme with black and whites to £155 from Messrs Gibson & Berry, Endmoor. Heifer calves sold to £405 for a Charolais cross from DW&E Cottam, New Hutton with other Charolais’s achieving £400, £370 and £365 from Messrs Gibson & Berry, Endmoor. British Blue cross sold to £340 from JW&T Sharp, Lyth with Limousin cross to £330 from G Sunter, Mansergh. Other medium heifers were generally
£240 to £300. Native heifers sold to £285 for an Aberdeen Angus cross from DW&E Cottam, New Hutton with other younger end native heifers £140 to £180. Heifer Calves Top Prices: Charolais: £405 Hagg Farm, £400, £370, £365 Low Audlands, £330 Bambers Farm. British Blue: £340 Flodder Hall, £320 Holmescales Farm, £315 Elm Tree Farm, £275 Sunny Bank, £270 (x2) Holmescales Farm. Limousin: £330 Gillfoot Farm, £235 Holmescales Farm. Angus: £285 Hagg Farm, £165, £155 Colby Laithes. Bull Calves Top Prices: British Blue: £610 Kitchlow Farm, £365 Hagg Farm, £360, £345, £315, £300 Sunny Bank. Charolais: £450 Bambers Farm. Flechvieh: £255 Kitchlow Farm. Friesian: £155, £150 Low Audlands, £100 Kitchlow Farm. Hereford: £115 (x2) Wraysholme Tower. Steer Calf Top Prices: British Blue: £410 Gillfoot Farm.
Stirks The popular sale of reared calves and weanling saw ten month old Limousin cross sell to £900 from Bambers Farm Ltd, Cockerham who sold younger British Blue cross at £780. Younger Aberdeen Angus cross sold to £750 from M&C Greenwood, Middleton with British Blue cross achieving £710 from R&J Dodgson, Natland. A ring full of black and white steers from Bambers Farm, Cockerham sold at £780. Heifer stirks sold to £880 for eleven month old Blonde cross from R Keith, Briggsteer with younger sorts £805 from R&J Dodgson, Natland and British Blue cross at £600 from A Taylor & Sons, Eyemouth. An entry of young Aberdeen Angus bull stirks sold to £720 from LE Case, Millom who sold other at £710 and £695. Heifer Stirk Top Prices: Limousin: £900 Bambers Farm, £805 Cracalt Farm, £310 Audlands Park. Blonde: £880 Crow Wood. British Blue: £600 Hopestead, £540 Cracalt Farm, £520 Hopestead. Angus: £585, £380 Thornham Fold Farm, £370 Hopestead. Charolais: £530 Thornham Fold Farm. Hereford: £410 Field House Farm, £370 Hopestead. Bull Stirk Top Prices: Angus: £720, £710, £695, £495 Foreslack Farm. Hereford: £415 Field House Farm. Steer Stirk Top Prices: British Blue: £780 Bambers Farm, £710, £670, £600, £590 Cracalt Farm. Friesian: £780 Bambers Farm, £390, £325 Cracalt Farm. Angus: £750 Thronham Fold Farm.
Store Cattle All classes and types of store cattle were in exceptional demand, with sellers leaving well suited with prices achieved and buyers keen to return in a fortnight. Vendors are encouraged to pre enter cattle with confidence. Today’s sale topped at £1760 for a pair of Sim Luings from Low Moor Howe Farm, Windermere and Aberdeen Angus cross from BJ Bowness, Kendal. Other strong steers were regularly £1500 to £1700, to include a ring full of Hereford cross at £1660 from TE&J Waddsworth & Son, Sedgwick and Limousin cross at £1650 from BJ Bowness, Kendal. Younger steers sold to £1540 for fourteen month old Limousin cross from T&SB Procter, Kirkby Stephen with others at £1530 from J&M Wilson, Selside. Other Aberdeen Angus cross sold to £1450 from TD ME & GE Todd, Sedbergh. Yearling British Blue cross sold to £1180 from A Winder & Son, Kirkby Stephen with Simmentals to £1170 from PG&PD Airey, Cartmel. Dairy bred steers sold to £1360 for a British Friesians from S&M Cooper, Leece who also sold Fleckviehs at £1320 and Norwegian Red and Whites at £1200. A ring full of fourteen month old British Friesians from RJ&ML Lowery, Holker achieved £1040. Heifers sold to £1700 for a South Devon from AT Threlkeld Ltd, Satterthwaite. Other stronger end heifers were regularly £1300 to £1450, to include thirteen month old British Blue cross from A Winder & Son, Kirkby Stephen achieving £1450. Native sired heifers sold to £1400 for Aberdeen Angus cross from TW Nelson & Son, Stainton with Hereford cross selling to £1380 from TE&J Waddsworth & Son, Sedgwick and a ring full of Herefords at
£1290 from S&M Cooper, Leece. Eight month old Charolais cross heifers sold to £1000 from Messrs Clegg & Bennett, Brought in Furness with others to £900 from I&AJ Armer, Burneside. Several feeding bulls forward saw a trio of nine month old Charolais cross from Messer Clegg & Bennett, Broughton in Furness sell to £1180. Store Bullocks Top Prices: Angus: £1760, £1680 Blea Tarn, £1450 Holme Farm, £1395 Cooper House, £1350 Holme Farm, £1265 Tarnside Farm. Simmental: £1760 High House Farm, £1700 Kate Farm, £1170 Aynsome Croft, £960 School Hill, £945 Aynsome Croft. Hereford: £1660 Raines Hall, £1340, £1170, £1150 Holme Farm. Limousin: £1650 Blea Tarn, £1540 Villa Farm, £1530 Cooper House, £1440, £1370 Cockrigg Farm, £1330 Bracken Slack. British Blue: £1460, £1410 Villa Farm, £1180 Greenside Farm, £1130 Riddings, £1100, £1060 Greenside Farm. Friesian: £1360 Tarnside Farm, £1040 Shorthorn Farm. Fleckvieh: £1320, £1285 Tarnside Farm. Norwegian Red: £1200 Tarnside Farm. Charolais: £1000 Bowston Hall. Store Heifer Top Prices: South Devon: £1700 Bowkerstead Farm. British Blue: £1450 Greenside Farm, £1400 The Howes, £1150 Bracken Slack, £980 (x2) Riddings, £900 School Hill. Limousin: £1420 Villa Farm, £1350 Mireside Farm, £1320 The Howes, £1290 Cooper House, £1290 Cockrigg Farm, £1260 Bracken Slack. Angus: £1400 Cockrigg Farm, £1220, £1200 Holmelands, £1185 Elm Tree Farm, £1140 Tarnside Farm, £950 School Hill. Hereford: £1380 Raines Hall, £1295 Tarnside Farm, £1080 Holmelands. Charolais: £1360 Villa Farm, £1060 The Howes, £1000, £915 Tongue House Farm, £900 Bowston Hall. Stabiliser: £1250 Tarnside Farm. Shorthorn: £1050 Holmelands. Store Bull Top Prices: Charolais: £1180 Tongue House Farm.
OTM Cattle A much plainer show of cast cows forward, however all 74 forward sold to a market averaged of 162p/kg. Beef cows sold to a top of 214p/kg for a Charolais cross from JM&NJ Strickland, Whinfell with others at 204p/kg from J Twigge, Lindale. Other stronger beef cows were regularly 190p/kg to 200p/kg. Top grossing being an Aberdeen Angus from RG Robinson, Farleton achieving £1627. Other stronger beef cows were regularly £1250 to £1400. Dairy cows sold to a top price of 174p/kg for a Holstein Friesian from JJ&MA Park & Son, Sizergh with Fleckviehs also achieving this price from SJ&J Hodgson & Son, Halton. A large number of leaner parlour type cows were 145p/kg to 155p/kg. Top grossing dairy cow was a Holstein Friesian from Messrs Dennison, Ulverston achieving £1228 with other stronger end parlour types £950 to £1100. OTM heifers sold to 249.5p/kg for a Stabiliser from A Dixon & Son, Selside who sold others at £1493. Aberdeen Angus sold to 229.5p/kg and £1725 from RG Robinson, Farleton. Dairy heifers sold to 189.5p/kg and £1025 for a Holstein Friesian from JN&BJ Bowes, Crook. Cull bulls sold to 184.5p/kg and £1287 for a Holstein Friesian from Messrs Dennison, Ulverston with Simmental achieving 171.5p/kg and £1874 from Messrs Beaty, Troutbeck. OTM Cow Top Prices: Stabiliser: 234.5 Kit Cragg, 209.5 Kit Cragg, 191.5 Kit Cragg, 189.5 Gaythorn Hall, 171.5 Fairbank Farm. Aberdeen Angus: 229.5 Ellers Farm, 184.5 Ellers Farm, 181.5 Gaytrhorn Hall, 177.50 Cooper House. Charolais: 214.5 The Borrans, 204.5 Holmelands, 189.5 Luneside. British Blue: 204.5 The Borrans. Saler: 194.5 Fairbank Farm. Bazadaise: 194.5 Fairbank Farm. Limousin: 191.5 High Farm, 191.5 Holmelands, 177.5 Riddings. Blonde: 189.5 Riddings. Hereford: 181.5 Luneside, 179.5 Gowan Bank Farm. Friesian: 174.5 Low Sizergh Farm, 167.50 Tarnside Farm, 167.5 Bridge End Farm, 164.5 Cockrigg Farm, 164.50 Scales Park Farm, 164.50 Bridge End Farm. Shorthorn: 174.50 Cockley Beck Farm, 174.5 Abbots Reading Farm, 167.5 Kate Farm, 164.50 Cockley Beck Farm, 164.5 Abbots Reading Farm. Fleckvieh: 174.5 Tottlebank, 169.5 Tottlebank. Belted Galloway: 169.5 Singleton Park. Ayrshire: 159.5 Hawkrigg Farm, 157.5 Hawakrigg Farm.
OTM Heifer Top Prices: Stabiliser: 239.5 Kit Cragg, 239.5 Kit Cragg, 239.5 Kit Cragg. Friesian: 189.5 Low Brundrigg. Cast Bull Top Prices: Friesian: 184.5 Scales Park Farm, 174.5 Scales Park Farm. Simmental: 171.5 Long Green Head.
Lancaster Auction Mart: Weekly Sale of Calves, OTM Cattle and Store Cattle, Friday 26th January 2024 . Customers blown away by the storming trade at NWA Lancaster; - Store Steers sell to £2000 - Store Heifers to £1820 - OTM Cattle to 289.5p/kg and £2124 - Weaned calves to £675 - Rearing calves to £445 Calves and Weanlings An abundance of calf customers were greeted by an increased entry, selling to a fast and competitive trade and all vendors leaving suited with prices achieved. Stronger end rearing bull calves sold to £445 and £440 for British Blue cross from Barber Farms, Claughton on Brock with month old Charolais selling to £415 from JH Towers & Sons, Tunstall and £400 from Wallbank Farms, Over Wyresdale. Medium bulls sold to £395 for a British Blue cross from WG Farms, Cockerham with others at £365 from Lawsons Farm, Cockerham and Limousin cross to £330 from JH Towers & Sons, Tunstall. Other beef bull calves were regularly £260 to £310. Native sired bull calves sold to £390 for a Hereford cross from RE&P Miller, Barnacre with Aberdeen Angus cross selling to £365 from Barber Farms, Claughton on Brock. Others younger Angus’s achieved £285 from Lawsons Farm, Cockerham. Dairy bulls sold to £220 for Black and Whites from JR Newsham & Sons, Conder Green who sold other at £200. Younger Holstein Friesians sold to £155 from Drinkall Bros, Over Wyresdale, £140 WG Farms, Cockerham and £125 D&K Haworth, Hambleton. Several weaned bull calves forward saw Aberdeen Angus cross sell to £590 from GP Stott, Claughton on Brock with Hereford cross to £525 from RE&P Miller, Barnacre. Other Aberdeen Angus cross achieving £455 from WG Cornthwaite & Sons, Claughton on Brock. Heifers calves sold to £380 for a British Blue cross from GP Stott, Claughton on Brock with other nice rearing sorts to £325 for British Blue cross from J Bargh, Morecambe and £305 from Drinkall Bros, Over Wyresdale. Month old Charolais’s from JH Towers & Sons, Tunstall sold to £280. Other younger beef heifers were regularly £210 to £260. Native sired heifers sold to £360 for an Aberdeen Angus cross from WG Cornthwaite, Claughton on Brock. Several weaned heifers forward saw a six month old British Blue cross from AW&AM Park & Sons, Ellel sell at £675, who also sold Aberdeen Angus cross at £570 with others at £510. An ever increasing ringside of calf buyers require another good entry next week to satisfy demand. Heifer Calves Top Prices: British Blue: £675 Walkers I’th Fields, £420 Lower Lingart Farm, £380 Parkers Farm, £325 North Farm, £305 Catshaw Hall Farm, £300 North Farm. Angus: £570 Walkers I’th the Fields. Hereford: £415 Lower Lingart Farm. Charolais: £280 Tunstall Hall. Limousin: £265 Tills Farm, £200 Tunstall Hall, £165 Tills Farm. Bull Calves Top Prices: Angus: £590 Parkers Farm, £455 Matshead Farm, £365 Manor House Farm, £285 Sweetings Farm, £275 Tills Farm, £275 Sweetings Farm. Hereford: £525 Lower Lingart Farm, £270 Sellerley Farm. British Blue:
£445 Manor House, £440 Lower Lingart Farm, £395 Lathwaite Farm, £370 Lower Lingart Farm. Charolais: £415 Tunstall Hall, £400 Tills Farm, £275 Norbreck Farm. Fleckvieh: £390 Sellerley Farm. Limousin: £330 Tunstall Hall, £240 Rose Farm. Friesian: £220 Sellerley Farm, £155 Catshaw Hall Farm.
Store Cattle and Farmer Stirks The weekly sale of store cattle experienced a trade which had to be seen to be believed, with all steers forward averaging £1441 and all heifers averaging £1413. Well grown steers were regularly exceeding £1700, selling to a top price of £2000 for an Aberdeen Angus cross from A&E Clarkson, Thurnham. H Chapman & Son, Middleton sold Limousins to £1960 and Charolais to £1910. Other Limousins achieved £1880 from PM&ST Entwistle, Abbeystead, Aberdeen Angus £1860 from MJ Shepherd & Sons, Pilling, Beef Shorthorn sold to £1820 from PM&ST Entwistle, Abbeystead. British Blue cross achieved £1800 and £1760 from M&RW Stirzaker, Milnthorpe and Simmental £1700 from R&E Ladds, Kendal. Dairy bred steers sold to £1580 for Black and Whites from R&K Jenkinson, Pilling with others at £1550 from R&E Ladds, Kendal and Fleckviehs to £1440 from MJ&LC Lund, Quernmore. Medium steers sold to £1400 for fifteen month old British Blue cross from TH Wensley & Son, Kirkham with Beef Shorthorn selling to £1310 from JA&ME Mawson, Orton and Blonde to £1270 from FA Brown & Son, Burton in Lonsdale. Heifers sold to £1820 for an Aberdeen Angus cross from T Taylor, Woodplumpton with Simmentals to £1750 from R&E Ladds, Kendal. Other Aberdeen Angus cross sold to £1740 from J&JM Walmsley, Pilling with Hereford cross £1740 from MJ Shepherd, Pilling. Limousin cross sold to £1700 from L Parsons & Sons, Levens and British Blue cross from AT Burrow, Gressingham. Other stronger heifers were £1500 to £1650. Younger heifers sold to £1310 for a ring full of sixteen month old Aberdeen Angus cross from S&J France, Over Wyresdale with Beef Shorthorns selling to £1260 from JA&ME Mawson, Orton. The monthly sale of stirks saw an active ring side of buyers keen to secure replacement stock with yearling British Blue cross steers to £1070 from G Rawlinson, Manchester and eight month old Charolais £1010 from RG&H Preece, Roeburndale. Aberdeen Angus cross sold to £980 from R&J Parkinson, Preesall. Other steers (eight-ten month old) were regularly selling at £800 to £900, with British Friesians selling to £650 from R&J Parkinson, Preesall. Heifer stirks sold to £1120 for Aberdeen Angus cross from R&J Parkinson, Preesall with todays heifer entry being predominately six to eight month old heifers. Which sold to £750 from JK&BJ Birkett, Morecambe and J&M Coar, Clitheroe. British Blue cross sold to £730 from I Atkinson & Son, Warton and Limousin cross to £700 from J&O Galbraith & Son, Endmoor. Several bull stirks forward, saw eight month old Limousin cross sell to £810 from SE&J Gorst, Littledale and Charolais cross sell to £790 from F&TE Park, Crook. Store Bullocks Top Prices: Angus: £2000 Cock Hall Farm, £1860 Pasture House Farm, £1810 Midge Hall Farm, £1600 Mill House Farm, £1590 Parrox Hall Farm, £1500 Benson Hall. Limousin: £1960 Millbeck, £1880 Entwistle Farm, £1820 High Tenement Farm, £1750 Kilburn House, £1740 The Grange, £1700 Holmes Farm. Charolais: £1910 Millbeck, £1010 Thornbush Farm. Shorthorn: £1820 Lentworth Farm, £1310, £1300 Sproat Ghyll, £1240 Billinge Hall Farm. British Blue: £1800, £1760 Station Hotel Farm, £1670 Windy Hill Farm, £1400 Plumpton Hall Farm, £1350 Abbotson Farm, £1070 Redchalis Farm. Simmental: £1700 Benson Hall, £1250 Lee End Farm. Friesian: £1580 Holmes Farm, £1550, £1490 Bensons hall, £1380 Plumpton Hall Farm, £1350 Barn Hill Farm, £1250 Staffords Farm. Saler: £1580 Cock Hall Farm. Fleckvieh: £1440 Corney Hill Farm, £1330 Billinge Hall Farm. Hereford: £1380 Mill House Farm, £1370, £1350 Corney Hill Farm. Montbeliarde: £1330 Billinge Hall Farm. Blonde: £1270 Half Way House. Dairy Shorthorn: £1240 Billinge Hall Farm.
Store Heifer Top Prices: Angus: £1820 Midge Hall Farm, £1740 Staffords Farm, £1720 Midge Hall Farm, £1700 Low Levens, £1500 Grange Farm, £1380 Lower Swainhead Farm. Simmental: £1750 Benson Hall, £1710 Outerthwaite Farm, £1560 High Snab, £1290 Lee End Farm. Hereford: £1740 Pasture House Farm. British Blue: £1700 High Snab, £1610 Holmes Farm, £1600, £1550 Hare Field House, £1550 Windy Hill Farm, £1480 The Grange. Limousin: £1700, £1660 Low Levens, £1380 Lodge Farm, £1380 The Grange, £1290 Lee End Farm, £1200 Abbotson Farm. Montbeliarde: £1640 Carlinghurst. Charolais: £1570 Staffords Farm, £1380 Lodge Farm. Shorthorn: £1260 Sproat Ghyll. Blonde: £1210 Half Way House. Jersey: £1140 Fields Farm.
OTM Cattle 112 cull and OTM cattle were forward, an overall averaged of 173p/kg was achieved with over three quarters of the sale being parlour type dairy cows. Very few beef cows forward today but those that were attracted an extreme level of buyer interest, selling to 239.5p/kg for a Limousin from EJ Ward & Sons, Nether Kellet. Other achieved 224.5p/kg, 219.5p/kg and 214.5p/kg for Limousin cross from Mason & Gardner, Ingleton. Other heavier well fleshed beef cows were 185p/kg to 200p/kg. A keen interest in beef cow for suitable for feeding, which saw these types generally 175p/kg to 190p/kg. Top grossing beef cow was a Limousin from Mason & Gardner, Ingleton achieving £1483 with another Limousin at £1482 from R&A Easterby, Westhouse. Heavy well fleshed dairy cows sold to 229.5p/kg for a young Holstein Friesian from AT Burrow & Son, Gressingham with others selling to 179.5p/kg from Lawsons Dairy, Cockerham, WE&GH Hewitt & Sons, Cockerham, R&K Jenkinson, Pilling and Montbeliardes from A&FM Bolland & Sons, Ellel. Other better end dairy cows were 165p/kg to 175p/kg, with parlour types generally 145p/kg to 160p/kg and only the leanest and lightest less. Top grossing dairy cows was a Holstein Friesian from Lawsons Dairy, Cockerham achieving £1583, with others at £1570 from H&SD Cornthwaite & Son, Garstang and £1504 from Lawsons Farm Ltd, Cockerham. Heavy well fleshed dairy cows were regularly £1200 to £1300 with all cows today averaging £1102. OTM heifers sold to a top price of 277p/kg for an Aberdeen Angus cross from O Butler, Kirkham who sold others at 264.5p/kg. Other beef heifers were regularly 210p/kg to 225p/kg. Top grossing achieving £1576 for an Aberdeen Angus from O Butler Kirkham. Dairy heifers sold to 254.5p/kg and £1786 for a Holstein Friesian from WT Eastham & Son, Goosnargh and Fleckviehs to 239.5p/kg from JK&B Birkett & Son, Morecambe, with other regularly 190p/kg to 205p/kg. OTM steers sold to 289.5p/kg for an Aberdeen Angus from J Oddie, Balderstone with others achieving £2124 from O Butler, Kirkham. Dairy steers sold to 239.5p/kg and £1372 from WR Clarke, Pilling. An Aberdeen Angus stock bull from M&S Blease, Carnforth achieving 179.5p/kg and £1579. OTM Cow Top Prices: Limousin: 239.50 Intack Farm, 224.50, 219.50, 214.50 Stoneybank Philpin Farm, 197.50 Thornbush Farm, 194.50 Fellside Farm. Angus: 229.50, 224.50, 209.50 Park House Farm, 184.50 Intack Farm. Friesian: 229.50 High Snab, 179.50 Batty Hill, 179.50 Holmes Farm, 179.50 (x2) Bank End Farm, 174.50 Blackwood End. Hereford: 219.50, 214.50 Park House Farm, 184.50, 181.50 Fellside Farm. Simmental: 204.50 Intack Farm, 174.50 Docker Farm. British Blue: 184.50 Fellside Farm. Montbeliarde: 179.50, 174.50 (x3) Yeat House. Other: 134.50 Dale Barns. Ayrshire: 131.50 Docker Farm. Fleckvieh: 124.50 Docker Farm. Norwegian Red: 109.50 Docker Farm. OTM Heifer Top Prices: Angus: 277.50, 264.50 Elm Bank Farm. Friesian: 254.50 Wood Nook Farm, 229.50 Cocker House Farm, 219.50 Cotestone Farm, 189.50 West Hall, 161.50 Tunstall Hall, 159.50 Hole of Ellel. Fleckvieh: 239.50, 211.50 White Lund Farm. Cast Steer Top Prices: Angus: 289.50 Cheetham House Farm, 279.50 Elm Bank Farm, 277.50 Cheetham House Farm, 274.50 Elm Bank Farm, 249.50 Cheetham House Farm. Friesian: 239.50 Barn Hill Farm. Cast Bull Top Prices: Angus: 179.50 The Barn.
Next Week's Upcoming Sales Monday 29th Lancaster: 10:30am Weekly Sale of Prime Hoggs and Cast Sheep J36: 9am-4pm Online Machinery Sale Drop Off
Tuesday 30th
J36: 9am-4pm Machinery Drop Off 12noon Weekly Sale of Prime Hoggs and Cast Sheep
Thursday 1st J36: 10:30am Fortnightly Sale of In Lamb Sheep & Store Hoggs
Friday 2nd
Lancaster: 10:15am Weekly Sale of Calves and OTM/Cast Cattle 11:15am Weekly Sale of Store Cattle J36: Online Machinery Sale commences 9am-4pm Machinery Viewing
Saturday 3rd
J36: 9am-12noon Machinery Viewing