CONDITIONS OF SALE LOCATION: The sale will be held at NWA J36 Auc on Centre, Crooklands, Cumbria LA7 7FP (Sat Nat LA7 7NU) CONDITIONS OF SALE: The sale will be held subject to the rules and regula ons of each breed society, the condi ons of sale as recommended by the Livestock Auc ons Associa on and the Auc oneers Standard Condi ons of sale. SUBSTITUES: No fy subs tutes to the Society office by 4pm Thursday 4th January. 01768 870542 ARRIVAL: The auc on mart will be open between 3pm - 6pm on Friday 5th January or from 7am on the morning of the sale for stock to be delivered to the mart.
METHOD OF SALE: All sheep will be sold in guineas (105 pence) and in catalogue order, unless any change is announced by the Auc oneer. MAEDI VISNA: MV Accredited flocks only at this sale. REGISTRATIONS: All stock in the sale are registered with the appropriate breed socie es, unless otherwise stated. All sheep must be double tagged. The vendor shall be responsible for thecorrectness of iden ty. Any tags which are tampered with, handwri en/bear marks, are faulty or illegible will be rejected from the sale. BYE-LAWS: A copy of each socie es bye-laws can be found in the Junc on 36 livestock office. NUMBERING: All Sheep will be iden fied by a lot number stamped on their back. BIDDING FACILITIES AVAILABLE: In Person – Please register for an account in the office prior to the sale commencing. By Telephone – please contact the office prior to the sale to state you want to do a telephone bid and which lot(s) you would like to bid on. Online – please register with nwa.auc prior to the sale. Once the sale is up and running you will then be able to bid. To register you will need full name, address, email and contact number. SETTLEMENT AND CLEARANCE OF STOCK: Se lement in full is due immediately at the close of the sale. No animal may leave the sale premises without an official ‘Pass Slip’ obtainable from the Auc oneers upon se lement. ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: The Auc oneers can accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions printed in this catalogue. PAYMENT: Payment is due on day of sale, unless alterna ve arrangements have been made in advance. Accepted methods of Payment By Cheque for established customers or By Direct Bank Transfer (preferred method of payment) Our bank account details for online banking transac ons; (Please include your account number) Bank: Lloyds Sort Code: 30-16-28 Account Number: 22425168 Please note card or cash payments are no longer accepted NOTE TO SELLER: For the avoidance of doubt NWA Ltd reserve the right to contra or keep sale proceeds to offset against an outstanding account.
THE BELTEX SHEEP SOCIETY Official Show & Sale of
7 Ewes Warranted In-Lamb 34 Shearling Ewes Warranted In-Lamb 5 Ewe Lambs .
SATURDAY 6TH JANUARY 2023 Show: 9am Sale: Approx. 12noon (To be sold following the Pedigree Texel's & Prior to Badger Face Texels & Blue Texels )
Sale to be held in accordance with the Beltex Sheep Society Rules
North West Auctions J36 Rural Auction Centre, Crooklands, Milnthorpe, Cumbria LA7 7FP.
Online & Telephone bidding facili es will be available for this sale, please contact a member of the North West Auc ons Team for more informa on. ---------------------------------------Important No ce to Prospec ve Purchasers Se lement & Clearance of Stock
All lots must be se led on the day of purchases. Comple on of the registra on slip (located at the back of the catalogue), is essen al for par es who have not dealt with the market before. Agents and customers wishing to purchase on behalf of another party must contact the office 48 hours prior to the sale. No lots can leave the site without a ‘pass slip’ being issued by the livestock office. For further informa on or help contact:Bradley Thompson, Auc oneer: 07867 000244 Ma hew Probert, Auc oneer: 07540 446667 Will Rogerson, Trainee Auc oneer: 07506 283587 J36 Rural Auc on Centre Office 015395 66200
SHOW SCHEDULE Judge: Mr Ali Jackson, Maulscastle Judging at 9am Class
1. Aged Ewe 2. Shearling Ewe 3. Ewe Lamb Champion Reserve Champion Kindly Sponsored by
The first class of animals must make their way to the show ring at 9am prompt.
Each vendor may submit a maximum of 2 animals per class in the show.
Prize money and trophies will only be awarded if the prize winning animal is sold through the sale ring.
All trophies MUST be signed for at the auc on mart office. Any trophies not signed for will be retained by the Club Secretary.
Beltex Sheep Society All Sheep must be forwarded for penning and inspec on between the 7am and 8am All sheep forward for sale will be inspected and scanned upon arrival to the market. Pregnancy scanning - all sheep will be scanned at me of inspec on, if any ewes or shearlings are found not to be in-lamb, these will be rejected from the sale. If any ewe lambs are found to be in-lamb, these will be rejected from the sale. General Sale Bye-Laws
1. All UK-bred sheep entered at Society/Club sales must be fully registered and all fees paid prior to the sale, with the excep on of spring ewe and lamb sales where lambs need only be birth no fied prior to sale and fully registered, at cost to the vendor, if sold. 2. All tags must comply with UK legisla on and Society rules on iden fica on. 3. Subs tutes must be declared to the Society within the specified me stated on the sale entry form and catalogue, and must be marked with a red dot on the loin. 4. Scrapie genotyping is voluntary, but is included in the standard DNA sample for sires used and ewes flushed. All sheep catalogued with scrapie genotype must have valid cerficates. 5. The upset (minimum) price is 300gns at the Premier Sale. At all other Society/Club sales, the upset price shall be decided between the Society/Club and the auc oneer. 6. Runs are limited to 10, extra runs are placed at the end of the sale (see Carlisle Premier Special Sale Bye-Laws for excep ons). 7. All sheep entered for Society/Club sales must be inspected by a panel of inspectors appointed by the Society. Some sales will also have a Veterinary Officer aiding with the inspec on. 8. The inclusion of any animal in the show and/or sale following any inspec on is no warranty that the par cular animal meets any criteria or criterion in respects of any standards, or will do so in the future. 9. Entry forms must be submi ed with all relevant paper work. 10. Any sheep which has not passed Society/Club inspec on should be removed from the vendor’s pen as soon as possible, and must not be offered for sale, or adver sed or promoted, in the ring.
11. No animal to be sold outside of the ring before entering the sale ring. 12. All animals must be sold in catalogue order. 13. Any sheep to be sold at Society sales must be registered in the flock from which it is to be sold by 31 May in the year of sale. 14. All sheep forward must be back-stamped with the lot number, with the excep on of those at spring ewe and lamb sales. Failure to do so will result in rejec on from sale. 15. Any rams with semen taken or retained before sale, or females which have been flushed and embryos recovered before sale, must be declared in the entry forms and catalogue and announced at the me of sale. Failure to do so will result in the purchaser having the right to return the sheep. Costs may be incurred by the vendor. 16. Recipients carrying pedigree embryos will be allowed to be sold at the in-lamb female sales a er fully registered sheep. 17. All sheep entered at in-lamb sales will be scanned at me of inspec on. 18. Subs tutes allowance per vendor at any sale is three shearling rams, and two per other sec on. These must be no fied to the Society by the me specified on the entry form/ catalogue. No subs tutes will be allowed on the day. Any un-no fied subs tutes must be removed from the vendor’s pen as soon as possible and must not be offered for sale through the ring. Note re Point 15: Council advise the following: Tick the box on the entry forms and make sure informa on is given out at me of sale. The vendor must discuss fully with the purchaser any details of retained semen/embryos, specifically whether for own use or if intending to sell. This should be agreed between vendor and purchaser, preferably in wri ng and signed by both par es. Inspec ons 19. Tags which do not comply with UK legisla on and Society requirements will result in the sheep being rejected at inspec on. From 2008, all registered lambs must carry tags with the Society logo. Check that tags are correct at me of entry so that replacement tags can be ordered before the sale. 20. All sheep forward must be back-stamped with the lot number, with the excep on of those at spring ewe and lamb sales. Failure to do so will result in rejec on from sale. 21. Sheep which have failed inspec on must be removed immediately from the market premises. Vendors are advised to check their animals thoroughly prior to departure from home.
22. Any animal rejected for tes cle abnormality or incorrect mouth is not allowed to be entered or subs tuted at later Society/Club sales, with the excep on of lambs which may be entered at sales the following year as shearlings. 23. Inspec on will include the following points – tags, teeth, tes cles, udder, muscularity and any other points deemed necessary by Council as they see fit. Inspec on Standards a. Teeth to be inspected and assessed at the discre on of the inspector/veterinary officer. Teeth must meet the pad, not be overshot or undershot, and no tampering with teeth is permi ed. b. All sheep should be mobile and rams capable of natural service. c. Tes cles should be of even size, free of abnormali es and move freely. Minimum tes cle size – 27cm for ram lambs and 30 cm for shearling rams and aged rams. Tes cles will be measured at the vet/inspector’s discre on. d. Udders should be correct and free of any hardness or abnormali es. The vet and inspector’s decision will be final at each sale. 24. Shows at Sales a. Each vendor is allowed two entries in each pre-sale show class, bar the Carlisle Premier Sale where only one entry per class is allowed. b. All exhibitors should be dressed in a white coat in the show ring. c. Exhibitors are permi ed to prepare their sheep to the best of their ability. d. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to ensure that each exhibit is available for judging at the correct me. e. All prize winners must be offered for sale at auc on by the exhibitor at the sale following the show, otherwise awards may be withheld and prize monies forfeited. f. The decision of the judge is final. 25. Sales held under the auspices of the Beltex Sheep Society ∙ All sheep sold at any Society/Club sale must be registered with the Beltex Sheep Society. Cross-bred sheep must not be listed in any Society catalogue unless they are carrying pedigree embryos. Dispersal (No Inspec on required) Produc on and Reduc on (Inspec on required) Sales to be held at the end of the collec ve sale and no sheep to be shown in the pre-sale show. 26. Sale Condi ons The sale terms and condi ons of the LAAS / IAAS shall apply to Beltex Society and club sales with the excep on of the dura on of the stock ram warranty. Rams purchased at Society and club sales must prove to be capable of, and effec ve at, ge ng at least 1 female in lamb by 15th December in the year of purchase. Claims must be no fied to the auc oneers by 31st December and must be supported by vets' reports and any other proof of infer lity or incapability. No claim a er that date will be accepted. The auc oneers shall be mediators in disputes between buyer and seller.
Lot Nos.
Burleigh Ma hew [Ma 's] 30 Kinawley Road, Shanra, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, BT92 4EY (157,158) Clemmit Mr Colin 2a Railway Street, Leyburn, North Yorkshire, DL8 5AY
[Cloudy Dale] (185)
McCutcheon Andrew & Jamie [Bodoney] 42 Bodoney Road, Trillick, Co Tyrone, BT78 3SQ (170,171,172,173,174,175,176,177,178) Morton Mr A Lochend Farm, Denny, S rlingshire, FK6 5JJ
[Mortons] (179,180,181,182,183,184)
Prince Ma hew [Stonedge] Highfield House Farm, Darley Road, Stonedge, Ashover, Chesterfield, S45 0LW (191,192,193,194,195) Van Geffen Louie [Geffens] Alum Grange, Carlton In Cleveland, Stokesley, North Yorks, TS9 7BB (154,155,156,162,163,164,165,166,167) Whiteford Mr T C Tercrosset Farm, West Hall, Brampton, Cumbria, CA8 2EH
Williams Mr K Cefn Crin, Llangybi, Pwllheli, Gwynedd, LL53 6SU
[Tercrosset] (186,187,188,189,190)
[Cybi] (150,151,152,153,159,160,161)
Wood Mr S [Woodies] Broadwater Farm, Skene, Westhill, Aberdeenshire, AB32 6SS (168,169)
EWES PEN: 79 Mr K Williams Vendor Notes: All ewes Enzo and Toxo Vaccinated.
LOT 150
Withy Trees Eager Beaver ET AJW.E106 (UK0187904 746) TWIN ET 03 Feb 2019 ARR/ARH Sire: Ma 's Duca ET gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) (MAT.D002) gd: Ma 's Actress ET (MAT.A020) Dam: Rathbone Tidy gs: Drumchapel Scooby (AJA.S084) (RAV.T051) gd: Belvoir View Realgem ET (RSS.R7) Breeder: Mr A J Wood Seller Comments: Service by Glan Y Mor Evolu on ET EYM.E015 on the 13.10.2023. LOT 151
Withy Trees Ella ET AJW.E019 (UK0187904 659) TWIN ET 29 Jan 2019 ARR/ARH Sire: Ma 's Duca ET gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) (MAT.D002) gd: Ma 's Actress ET (MAT.A020) Dam: Buckles Watercress ET gs: Broxty Supreme ET (JTB.S011) (BKF.W069) gd: Joconde Du Chene (8109.3827) Breeder: Mr A J Wood Seller Comments: Service by Glan Y Mor Evolu on ET EYM.E015 on the 13.10.2023. LOT 152
Withy Trees Earth Wind Fire ET AJW.E056 (UK0187904 696) TWIN ET 30 Jan 2019 Sire: Ma 's Duca ET gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) (MAT.D002) gd: Ma 's Actress ET (MAT.A020) Dam: Buckles Watercress ET gs: Broxty Supreme ET (JTB.S011) (BKF.W069) gd: Joconde Du Chene (8109.3827) Breeder: Mr A J Wood Seller Comments: Service by Glan Y Mor Evolu on ET EYM.E015 on the 16.10.2023. LOT 153
Cybi Gerbera ECB.G015 (UK0710073/00230) SINGLE 15 Mar 2021 Sire: Glan-Y-Mor Evolu on ET gs: Glan-Y-Mor Demon ET (GYM.D050) (GYM.E015) gd: Glan-Y-Mor Custard ET (GYM.C043) Dam: Withy Trees Ella ET gs: Ma 's Duca ET (MAT.D002) (AJW.E019) gd: Buckles Watercress ET (BKF.W069) Seller Comments: Service by Clary Gigalo on the 18.10.2023. ———————————————————————————————————————
PEN: 80 Louie Van Geffen
LOT 154
Geffens Geordie Bewer LVG.G214 (UK0136619/00214) SINGLE 14 Feb 2021 Sire: Buckles Dick Dastardly ET gs: Plumtree Wonderful ET (RWH.W016) (BKF.D117) gd: Woodies Natasha (WOO.N182) Dam: Clary Elsie gs: V/H Vrijbos (3112.2555) (COC.E043) gd: Clary Charlo e (COC.C079) Seller Comments: Service sire Buckles Hercules BKF.27995. Scanning details at the me of sale.
LOT 155
Geffens Grace Kelly ET LVG.G210 (UK0136619/00210) TWIN ET 03 Feb 2021 Sire: Hackney Class Act ET gs: Topflite Al Pacino (GAB.A005) (TIP.C1285) gd: Hackney What A Girl ET (TIP.W018) Dam: Tiptop Diana ET gs: Hackney Bobby Dazzler ET (TIP.B721) (ALI.D004) gd: Tiptop Bubble Gum ET (ALI.B002) Seller Comments: Service sire Buckles Hercules BKF.27995. Scanning details at the me of sale. LOT 156
Geffens Gold Dust LVG.G222 (UK0136619/00222) TWIN 14 Feb 2021 Sire: Buckles Dick Dastardly ET gs: Plumtree Wonderful ET (RWH.W016) (BKF.D117) gd: Woodies Natasha (WOO.N182) Dam: Clary Amanda ET gs: Dean V/H Vrijbos (3112.1776) (COC.A019) gd: Corra Terrylee (GFC.T020) Seller Comments: Service sire Buckles Hercules BKF.27995. Scanning details at the me of sale. ———————————————————————————————————————
SHEARLING EWE PEN: 81 Ma hew Burleigh LOT 157
(Ma 's)
Ma 's Huggy ET MAT.H055 (UK1750707/0) SINGLE ET 05 Feb 2022 Sire: Murrays Expert gs: Kingledores Demonstrator ET (KDS.D015) (MRW.E109) gd: (1133.0380) Dam: Ma 's Ebony ET gs: Hackney Download ET (TIP.D1731) (MAT.E097) gd: Ma 's Archangel ET (MAT.A006) Seller Comments: Served by MAT.H185, scanning details at the me of sale.
LOT 158
Ma 's Hendricks ET MAT.H056 (UK1750707/) SINGLE ET 05 Feb 2022 Sire: Murrays Expert gs: Kingledores Demonstrator ET (KDS.D015) (MRW.E109) gd: (1133.0380) Dam: Ma 's Ebony ET gs: Hackney Download ET (TIP.D1731) (MAT.E097) gd: Ma 's Archangel ET (MAT.A006) Seller Comments: Served by MAT.H185, scanning details at the me of sale. ——————————————————————————————————————— PEN: 82 Mr K Williams (Cybi) Vendor Notes: All ewes Enzo and Toxo Vaccinated. LOT 159
Cybi Heini ET ECB.H039 (UK0710073/00412) TWIN ET 16 Feb 2022 Sire: Glan-Y-Mor Evolu on ET gs: Glan-Y-Mor Demon ET (GYM.D050) (GYM.E015) gd: Glan-Y-Mor Custard ET (GYM.C043) Dam: Withy Trees Edelle gs: Procters Cipriani ET (PFD.C084) (AJW.E141) gd: Headlind Woman (ASJ.W017) Seller Comments: Served by Clary Giglo ET COC.G026 on the 19.10.2023. LOT 160
Cybi Hyfryd ET ECB.H020 (UK0710073/00393) SINGLE ET 14 Feb 2022 Sire: Airyolland Eisbar ET gs: Airyolland Asulam (ARY.A109) (ARY.E007) gd: Airyolland Wet N Wild (ARY.W186) Dam: Hackney Eton gs: Airyolland Castro (ARY.C095) (TIP.E2128) gd: Hackney Crisp (TIP.C1317) Seller Comments: Service by Glan Y Mor Evolu on ET EYM.E015 on the 22.10.2023. LOT 161
Cybi Ho e ET ECB.H007 (UK0710073/00380) TWIN ET 14 Feb 2022 Sire: Airyolland Eisbar ET gs: Airyolland Asulam (ARY.A109) (ARY.E007) gd: Airyolland Wet N Wild (ARY.W186) Dam: Hackney Eton gs: Airyolland Castro (ARY.C095) (TIP.E2128) gd: Hackney Crisp (TIP.C1317) Seller Comments: Service by Glan Y Mor Evolu on ET EYM.E015 on the 22.10.2023. ———————————————————————————————————————
PEN: 83-84 Louie Van Geffen
LOT 162
Geffens Homegrown Honey LVG.H279 (UK0136619/00279) TWIN 23 Mar 2022 Sire: Geffens Godfather ET gs: Hackney Class Act ET (TIP.C1285) (LVG.G199) gd: Buckles Dreamy ET (BKF.D018) Dam: Raisdale Face Like Thunder ET gs: Buckles Dick Dastardly ET (BKF.D117) (LVG.F123) gd: Buckles Bubbles ET (BKF.B021) Seller Comments: Service sire Buckles Hercules BKF.27995. Scanning details at the me of sale. LOT 163
Geffens Hot Chick LVG.H267 (UK0136619/00267) TWIN 09 Feb 2022 Sire: Logie Durno Godfather ET gs: Buckles Fury ET (BKF.F013) (WCI.G010) gd: Airyolland Bathsheba (ARY.B070) Dam: Raisdale Fa y Bum Bum gs: Buckles Dick Dastardly ET (BKF.D117) (LVG.F138) gd: Buckles Dreamy ET (BKF.D018) Seller Comments: Sired by 24,000gns Logie Durno Godfather. Service sire Buckles Hercules BKF.27995. Scanning details at the me of sale.
LOT 164
Geffens Hooker ET LVG.H266 (UK0136619/00266) SINGLE ET 09 Feb 2022 Sire: Logie Durno Godfather ET gs: Buckles Fury ET (BKF.F013) (WCI.G010) gd: Airyolland Bathsheba (ARY.B070) Dam: Buckles Bubbles ET gs: Broxty Supreme ET (JTB.S011) (BKF.B021) gd: Joconde Du Chene (8109.3827) Seller Comments: Sired by 24,000gns Logie Durno Godfather. Service sire Buckles Hercules BKF.27995. Scanning details at the me of sale. LOT 165
Geffens Houston LVG.H263 (UK0136619/00263) SINGLE 08 Feb 2022 Sire: Logie Durno Godfather ET gs: Buckles Fury ET (BKF.F013) (WCI.G010) gd: Airyolland Bathsheba (ARY.B070) Dam: Raisdale Esmerelda ET gs: Ardstewart Super Mario (AST.S049) (LVG.E084) gd: Buckles Bimbo ET (BKF.B026) Seller Comments: Service sire Buckles Hercules BKF.27995. Scanning details at the me of sale.
LOT 166
Geffens Henrie a ET LVG.H257 (UK0136619/00257) TWIN ET 08 Feb 2022 Sire: Logie Durno Godfather ET gs: Buckles Fury ET (BKF.F013) (WCI.G010) gd: Airyolland Bathsheba (ARY.B070) Dam: Buckles Bubbles ET gs: Broxty Supreme ET (JTB.S011) (BKF.B021) gd: Joconde Du Chene (8109.3827) Seller Comments: Sired by 24,000gns Logie Durno Godfather. Service sire Buckles Hercules BKF.27995. Scanning details at the me of sale. LOT 167
Geffens Hello Ki y LVG.H268 (UK0136619/00268) TWIN 09 Feb 2022 Sire: Logie Durno Godfather ET gs: Buckles Fury ET (BKF.F013) (WCI.G010) gd: Airyolland Bathsheba (ARY.B070) Dam: Raisdale Fa y Bum Bum gs: Buckles Dick Dastardly ET (BKF.D117) (LVG.F138) gd: Buckles Dreamy ET (BKF.D018) Seller Comments: Sired by 24,000gns Logie Durno Godfather. Service sire Buckles Hercules BKF.27995. Scanning details at the me of sale. ——————————————————————————————————————— PEN: 85 Mr S Wood (Woodies) Vendor Notes: All ewes Enzo & Toxo vaccinated. LOT 168
Woodies Happy Girl ET WOO.H034 (UK0529435/) SINGLE ET 28 Feb 2022 Sire: Vicky's Gladiator gs: Orkney Eurostar ET (CBA.E031) (VIC.G002) gd: Vicky's Dawn ET (VIC.D022) Dam: Airyolland Avril Lavigne ET gs: Airyolland Watchman ET (ARY.W074) (ARY.A124) gd: Airyolland Rihanna (ARY.R025) Seller Comments: A very smart muscly gladiator daughter out of Avril Lavigne, whos s ll going strong at eight years old. Scanned twins, served on the 30.09.2023 to Swffryd Eyecatcher, who was purchased for 12000gns.
LOT 169
Woodies Ho e ET WOO.H039 (UK0529435/) SINGLE ET 24 Feb 2022 Sire: Vogue Fastrac gs: Clary Desperado (COC.D034) (JAV.F004) gd: Vogue Diamond (JAV.D002) Dam: Artnagullion Bu erfly gs: Ardstewart Armani (AST.A012) (LIZ.B100) gd: Artnagullion Tap (LIZ.T036) Seller Comments: Sired by the 6500gns Voque Fastrac, dam has bred females to 5500 & 5000gns. Scanned twins served on 30.09.2023 by Vickys Gladiator. ———————————————————————————————————————
PEN: 86-87
Andrew & Jamie McCutcheon
LOT 170
Bodoney Holly JAM.H044 (UK1701025/) QUAD 02 Feb 2022 Sire: Culsh Elvis gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) (JKM.E019) gd: Culsh Adele (JKM.A018) Dam: Bodoney Emmalyn ET gs: Woodies Dominator ET (WOO.D030) (JAM.E043) gd: Ma 's Reckless ET (MAT.R014) Seller Comments: Served 29.09.2023 by Ma 's Hellboy. Scanned with triplets.
LOT 171
Bodoney Huskey ET JAM.H017 (UK1701025/) SINGLE ET 03 Feb 2022 Sire: Culsh Elvis gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) (JKM.E019) gd: Culsh Adele (JKM.A018) Dam: Bodoney Diana ET gs: Hackney Wonderboy (TIP.W071) (JAM.D018) gd: Beautry Wanda (CUB.W007) Seller Comments: Served 15.10.2023 by Ma 's Hellboy. Scanned single. LOT 172
Bodoney Hanger JAM.H030 (UK1701025/0) SINGLE 20 Mar 2022 Sire: Quarrymount Gordon gs: Ballinakill Full House (DMM.20021) (BLM.21021) gd: Quarrymount Evalina (BLM.19019) Dam: Lakeview ET gs: Woodies Born To Do It (WOO.B060) (JFF.E005) gd: Brickrow Cocopop ET (JWC.C019) Seller Comments: Served 07.10.2023 by Cybi Glyndwr. Scanned single. LOT 173
Bodoney Ho e JAM.H074 (UK1701025/0) TWIN 25 Mar 2022 Sire: Quarrymount Gordon gs: Ballinakill Full House (DMM.20021) (BLM.21021) gd: Quarrymount Evalina (BLM.19019) Dam: Bodoney Ellen ET gs: Woodies Dominator ET (WOO.D030) (JAM.E015) gd: Airyolland Ankna (ARY.A061) Seller Comments: Served 07.10.2023 by Cybi Glyndwr. LOT 174
Bodoney Hot Lips ET JAM.H037 (UK1701025/) SINGLE ET 03 Feb 2022 Sire: Culsh Elvis gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) (JKM.E019) gd: Culsh Adele (JKM.A018) Dam: Bodoney Daisy ET gs: Hackney Wonderboy (TIP.W071) (JAM.D034) gd: Beautry Wanda (CUB.W007) Seller Comments: Served 06.10.2023 by Cybi Glyndwr. Scanned single.
LOT 175
Bodoney ET JAM.H027 (UK1701025/0) SINGLE ET 03 Feb 2022 Sire: Culsh Elvis gs: Lyonpark Drew ET (LPK.D030) (JKM.E019) gd: Culsh Adele (JKM.A018) Dam: Bodoney Diana ET gs: Hackney Wonderboy (TIP.W071) (JAM.D018) gd: Beautry Wanda (CUB.W007) Seller Comments: Served 05.10.2023 by Ma 's Hellboy. Scanned single. LOT 176
Donaghendry Hope ET NRK.H003 (UK1741994/00060) TWIN ET 18 Feb 2022 Sire: Buckles Fury ET gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) (BKF.F013) gd: College Adele ET (ELS.A007) Dam: Munreary Elma ET gs: Hillview ET (DMG.12002.641) (PLJ.E014) gd: Glenkeen Selma (FHG.S026) Breeder: Neil Kelso Seller Comments: Served 03.10.2023 by Ma 's Hellboy. Scanned single. LOT 177
Bodoney Heidi JAM.H125 (UK1701025/) TRIPLET 24 Mar 2022 Sire: Murrays Expert gs: Kingledores Demonstrator ET (KDS.D015) (MRW.E109) gd: (1133.0380) Dam: Glenkeen Fancy ET gs: Cothi Elite ET (DAF.E014) (FHG.F007) gd: Corra Whitely (GFC.W026) Seller Comments: Served 25.10.2023 by Ma 's Iceman. Scanned with twins. LOT 178
Donaghendry Hailey ET NRK.H005 (UK1741994/00062) SINGLE ET 19 Feb 2022 Sire: Buckles Fury ET gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011) (BKF.F013) gd: College Adele ET (ELS.A007) Dam: Munreary Elma ET gs: Hillview ET (DMG.12002.641) (PLJ.E014) gd: Glenkeen Selma (FHG.S026) Breeder: Neil Kelso Seller Comments: Served 22.10.2023 by Ma 's Hellboy. Scanned single. ——————————————————————————————————————— PEN: 88-89 Mr A Morton (Mortons) LOT 179
Mortons Helen MAM.H068 (UK0542898/) TWIN 25 Feb 2022 Sire: Ma 's Dare Devil ET gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) (MAT.D111) gd: Clary Whoopi-Do ET (COC.W001) Dam: Mortons Elderflower gs: Ravara Avicii ET (ASA.A1508) (MAM.E040) gd: Mortons Black Beauty ET (MAM.B045) Seller Comments: Served by Mortons Gremlin on the 08.11.2023.
LOT 180
Mortons Honey Pot MAM.H039 (UK0542898/) TWIN 28 Feb 2022 Sire: Gyffin Dexter gs: Smart Ass Buster ET (DEO.B024) (ECL.D011) gd: Artnagullion Bu ercup ET (LIZ.B048) Dam: Mortons Enchanted ET gs: Willy Nine Hundred (4212.0900) (MAM.E004) gd: Mortons Aileen (MAM.A016) Seller Comments: Served by Mortons Gremlin on the 9th November. LOT 181
Mortons Harmony MAM.H076 (UK0542898/) TWIN 18 Mar 2022 Sire: Boothlow F1 ET gs: Broughton Cardhu ET (DSB.C114) (BOO.F001) gd: Boothlow Bramble ET (BOO.B004) Dam: Mortons Ellie ET gs: Hackney Braveheart ET (TIP.B759) (MAM.E081) gd: Mortons Whammy ET (MAM.W007) Seller Comments: Served by Pentland Joker ET GCB.J033, on 25.10.2023. LOT 182
Mortons Happiness MAM.H061 (UK0542898/) TWIN 01 Mar 2022 Sire: Ma 's Dare Devil ET gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) (MAT.D111) gd: Clary Whoopi-Do ET (COC.W001) Dam: Mortons Elspeth gs: Ravara Avicii ET (ASA.A1508) (MAM.E039) gd: Mortons Bluebell (MAM.B085) Seller Comments: Ai'd to Gyffin Dexter on 08.11.2023. LOT 183
Mortons Henrie a ET MAM.H072 (UK0542898/) SINGLE ET 26 Feb 2022 Sire: Ainstable Earnest ET gs: Black Jack Casanova ET (RTW.C004) (HBA.E010) gd: Ainstable Wendyhouse (HBA.W126) Dam: Woodwick Duchess gs: Langlands Bruiser (JSW.B020) (RWF.D020) gd: Woodwick Bertha (RWF.B016) Seller Comments: Served by Mortons Gremlin on the 09.11.2023 LOT 184
Mortons Helina MAM.H058 (UK0542898/) TWIN 27 Feb 2022 Sire: Ma 's Dare Devil ET gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336) (MAT.D111) gd: Clary Whoopi-Do ET (COC.W001) Dam: Aviemore Elsie 3 gs: Kingledores Destroyer ET (KDS.D032) (AVI.E063) gd: Aviemore Barbara (AVI.B080) Seller Comments: Served by Mortons Gremlin on the 09.11.2023 ———————————————————————————————————————
PEN: 90
Mr Colin Clemmit
(Cloudy Dale)
LOT 185
Cloudy Dale Honey CMC.H004 (UK0135399/00082) TWIN 08 Mar 2022 Sire: Cloudy Dale Finn gs: Clary Desperado (COC.D034) (CMC.F001) gd: V/H Vrijbos (3112.2516) Dam: Cloudy Dale Fern gs: Gregor's Dragon ET (RCG.D020) (CMC.F007) gd: (3369.0608) Seller Comments: Served: 01.10.2023 by Woodies Honeymonster, due 24.02.2024. Scanning details at the me of sale. Woodies Honeymonster is by the 30,000gns Borderesk Finders Keepers. ——————————————————————————————————————— PEN: 91 Mr T C Whiteford (Tercrosset) LOT 186
Tercrosset Helter Skelter TWIN Sire: Ardstewart Coyote ET gs: (AST.C037) gd: Dam: Tercrosset Darcy gs: (JWT.D010) gd:
JWT.H020 (UK0101861/20522) 16 Feb 2022 Langlands Trojan (JSW.T018) Ardstewart Skinderella (AST.S045) Woodies Bobbydazzler ET (WOO.B008) Tercrosset Whiter Than White (JWT.W027) Seller Comments: Scanning details at the me of sale. LOT 187
Tercrosset Hundreds N Thousands JWT.H031 (UK0101861/20533) TWIN 16 Feb 2022 Sire: Swffryd Exclusive ET gs: Airyolland Castro (ARY.C095) (AOG.E2372) gd: Hackney Treacle ET (TIP.T020) Dam: Tercrosset Ellen gs: Ardstewart Coyote ET (AST.C037) (JWT.E015) gd: Tercrosset Show Stopper (JWT.S002) Seller Comments: Scanning details at the me of sale. LOT 188
Tercrosset He JWT.H048 (UK0101861/20550) TWIN 05 Mar 2022 Sire: Artnagullion Feux gs: Greenall Dennis The Menace ET (TCF.D001) (LIZ.F047) gd: Artnagullion Aimee ET (LIZ.A020) Dam: Tercrosset Bu ercup gs: Cree William ET (TJC.W001) (JWT.B027) gd: Tercrosset Red Arrow (JWT.R019) Seller Comments: Scanning details at the me of sale.
LOT 189
Tercrosset Harper JWT.H064 (UK0101861/20566) TRIPLET 11 Mar 2022 Sire: Faughill Freddy Krueger ET gs: Ryder DIY ET (RYD.D019) (FHL.F038) gd: Eildon Blossom (FHL.B041) Dam: Tercrosset Diamonds R Us gs: Airyolland Aragon ET (ARY.A065) (JWT.D043) gd: Tercrosset Alabama (JWT.A025) Seller Comments: Scanning details at the me of sale. LOT 190
Tercrosset Hocus Pocus JWT.H066 (UK0101861/20568) TRIPLET 11 Mar 2022 Sire: Faughill Freddy Krueger ET gs: Ryder DIY ET (RYD.D019) (FHL.F038) gd: Eildon Blossom (FHL.B041) Dam: Tercrosset Bambi gs: Airyolland Nailer (ARY.N6293) (JWT.B006) gd: Tercrosset Peek A Boo (JWT.P014) Seller Comments: Scanning details at the me of sale. ———————————————————————————————————————
Ma hew Prince
LOT 191
Stonedge Julie e ET TWIN ET Sire: Skiddaw View Boggle ET gs: (JCL.B008) gd: Dam: Stonedge Danni gs: (DPH.D1750) gd:
DPH.J010 (UK0162361/02350) 03 Mar 2023 Broughton Willie Wonder ET (DSB.W119) Orkney Trixies Cool Rainbow ET (CBA.T1231) Cynin Count Down ET (JRP.C030) Stonedge Seletje ET (DPH.S572)
LOT 192
Stonedge Josephine ET TWIN ET Sire: Glantre Avici gs: (MHO.A027) gd: Dam: Tercrosset Dixi Chick gs: (JWT.D047) gd:
DPH.J012 (UK0162361/02352) 04 Mar 2023 Glantre Tywysog ET (MHO.T005) Glantre To y ET (MHO.T004) Artnagullion Big Nut ET (LIZ.B067) Tercrosset Rhianna (JWT.R005)
LOT 193
DPH.J065 (UK0162361/02585) 24 Mar 2023 Woodies Emperor ET (WOO.E011) Speir Coco Bu er (JCA.C016) Ardstewart Coyote ET (AST.C037) Bishops Willhemina (ARB.W4846)
Stonedge J2O SINGLE Sire: Speir Heavy Hi er (JCA.H019) Dam: Mellor Vale Faith ET (BCM.F009)
gs: gd: gs: gd:
LOT 194
Stonedge Julia ET TWIN ET Sire: Glantre Avici (MHO.A027) Dam: Tercrosset Dixi Chick (JWT.D047) LOT 195
gs: gd: gs: gd:
DPH.J018 (UK0162361/02538) 04 Mar 2023 Glantre Tywysog ET (MHO.T005) Glantre To y ET (MHO.T004) Artnagullion Big Nut ET (LIZ.B067) Tercrosset Rhianna (JWT.R005)
Stonedge Julie ET DPH.J044 (UK0162361/02564) TWIN ET 04 Mar 2023 Sire: Broughton Willie Wonder ET gs: Padkin Sugar Daddy (PKN.S009) (DSB.W119) gd: Broughton Sahara ET (DSB.S125) Dam: Hackney Day me ET gs: Topflite Al Pacino (GAB.A005) (TIP.D1755) gd: Hackney Blimey ET (TIP.B753) ———————————————————————————————————————
North West Auc ons Important No ce to Par es who have not dealt with the company before should complete the undernoted form and hand it in to the auc oneers’ clerk when a purchase is made. Alterna vely it can be sent to the main office in advance of the sale. Sale……………………………………………………………………...…………………………………………………… Date……………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………… Trading Name………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Partners Names (if applicable )………………………………………………………………………………….
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HOW TO FIND US From the South & North exit the M6 at Junc on 36 and follow signs for Kirkby Lonsdale. At the roundabout take the third exit signposted Holme & Burton and the Auc on is immediately on your le . From the East follow the A65 through Kirkby Lonsdale and towards the M6, at the first approach take the first le on the roundabout signposted Holme & Burton and the Auc on is immediately on your le . For Sat Nav please use the
ACCOMMODATION NEAR TO J36 Longlands Hotel Tewi ield 01524 781256 —————————————————————————Crooklands Hotel Crooklands 015395 67432 —————————————————————————Kings Arms Hotel Kirkby Lonsdale 015242 71220 —————————————————————————The Orange Tree Hotel Kirkby Lonsdale 015242 71716 —————————————————————————The Plough Lupton 015395 667700 —————————————————————————Travelodge Burton M6 Northbound 0871 984 6126 —————————————————————————Days Inn Kendal Killington Lake 0808 175 4926 —————————————————————————The Tavern at Hale Hale 015395 63203 www.innocollec