Beltex Sheep Society Sale, 16th September 2023

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LOCATION: The sale will be held at NWA J36 Auc on Centre, Crooklands, Cumbria LA7 7FP

CONDITIONS OF SALE: The sale will be held subject to the rules and regula ons of each breed society, the condi ons of sale as recommended by the Livestock Auc ons Associa on and the Auc oneers Standard Condi ons of sale.

ARRIVAL: Stock can be delivered to the market between 4pm-5.30pm on Friday 15th and between 7am-8am on the morning of the sale.

INSPECTION: Inspected by the society between 7am-8.30am.

MAEDI VISNA: MV Accredited flocks to be sold first through ring one followed by non MV Accredited animals.

REGISTRATIONS: All stock in the sale are registered with the appropriate breed socie es, unless otherwise stated. All sheep must be double tagged. The vendor shall be responsible forthe correctness of iden ty. Any tags which are tampered with, handwri en/bear marks, are faulty or illegible will be rejected from the sale.

NUMBERING: All Sheep will be iden fied with lot numbers backstamped

SUBSTITUTES: Please no fy the Society Office by Thursday 14th September no later than 4.00pm Tel: 01768 870524, Mob: 07918 638197 Email:


In Person – Please register for an account in the office prior to the sale commencing.

By Telephone – please contact the office prior to the sale to state you want to do a telephone bid and which lot(s) you would like to bid on.

Online – please register with nwa.auc prior to the sale. Once the sale is up and running you will then be able to bid. To register you will need full name, address, email and contact number.

SETTLEMENT AND CLEARANCE OF STOCK: Se lement in full is due immediately at the close of the sale. No animal may leave the sale premises without an official ‘Pass Slip’ obtainable from the Auc oneers upon se lement.

ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: The Auc oneers can accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions printed in this catalogue.

METHOD OF SALE: All sheep will be sold in guineas (105 pence) and in catalogue order, unless any change is announced by the Auc oneer.

PAYMENT: Payment on the day is required unless alterna ve arrangements have been made in advance. Payment by Cheque for established customers, direct bank transfer or debit card. 2% surcharge will apply to business credit card payments. If payment is made by credit card, it must be linked to a business bank account. Our bank account details for customers wishing to pay by online banking transac on (Please include your account number);

Bank: Lloyds Sort Code: 30-16-28 Account Number: 22425168



On behalf of the Northern Beltex Club

Comprising of 20 Shearling Rams

6 Ram Lambs

42 Shearling Ewes

3 Ewe Lambs


Judging 9am Sale 10.30am

Also on this day:

Sale of 229 Pedigree Badger Face Texels, Blue Texels, Dutch Spo ed & Texels in Ring 1

Sale of Commercial Breeding Ewes & Shearlings in Ring 2


J36 Rural Auc on Centre, Crooklands, Milnthorpe, Cumbria LA7 7FP


Bradley Thompson 07867 000244 / Ma hew Probert 07540 446667

J36 Rural Auc on Centre Office: 015395 66200


General Sale Bye-Laws

All UK-bred sheep entered at Society/Club sales must be fully registered and all fees paid prior to the sale, with the excep on of spring ewe and lamb sales where lambs need only be birth no fied prior to sale and fully registered, at cost to the vendor, if sold.

All tags must comply with UK legisla on and Society rules on iden fica on.

Subs tutes must be declared to the Society within the specified me stated on the sale entry form and catalogue and must be marked with a red dot on the loin.

Scrapie genotyping is voluntary but is included in the standard DNA sample for sires used and ewes flushed. All sheep catalogued with scrapie genotype must have valid cer ficates.

The upset (minimum) price is 400gns at the Premier Sale. At all other Society/Club sales, the upset price shall be decided between the Society/Club and the auc oneer.

Runs are limited to 10, extra runs are placed at the end of the sale.

All sheep entered for Society/Club sales must be inspected by a panel of inspectors appointed by the Society. Some sales will also have a Veterinary Officer aiding with the inspec on.

The inclusion of any animal in the show and/or sale following any inspec on is no warranty that the par cular animal meets any criteria or criterion in respects of any standards or will do so in the future.

Entry forms must be submi ed with all relevant paperwork.

Any sheep which has not passed Society/Club inspec on should be removed from the vendor’s pen as soon as possible, and must not be offered for sale, or adver sed or promoted, in the ring.

No animal to be sold outside of the ring before entering the sale ring.

All animals must be sold in catalogue order.

Any sheep to be sold at Society sales must be registered in the flock from which it is to be sold by 31 May in the year of sale.

All sheep forward must be back-stamped with the lot number, with the excep on of those at spring ewe and lamb sales. Failure to do so will result in rejec on from sale.

Any rams with semen taken or retained before sale, or females which have been flushed and embryos recovered before sale, must be declared on the entry forms and catalogue and announced at the me of sale. Failure to do so will result in the purchaser having the right to return the sheep. Costs may be incurred by the vendor.

Recipients carrying pedigree embryos will be allowed to be sold at the in-lamb female sales a er fully registered sheep.

All sheep entered at in-lamb sales will be scanned at me of inspec on. If any ewe or gimmer is found not to be in lamb these will be rejected from the sale. If any empty ewe lamb is found to be in lamb these will be rejected from the sale.

Subs tutes allowance per vendor at any sale is three shearling rams, and two per other sec on. These must be no fied to the Society by the me specified on the entry form/catalogue. No subs tutes will be allowed on the day. Any un-no fied subs tutes must be removed from the vendor’s pen as soon as possible and must not be offered for sale through the ring.

Note re Point 15: Council advise the following: Tick the box on the entry forms and make sure informa on is given out at me of sale. The vendor must discuss fully with the purchaser any details of retained semen/embryos, specifically whether for own use or if intending to sell. This should be agreed between vendor and purchaser, preferably in wri ng and signed by both par es.


Inspec ons

Tags which do not comply with UK legisla on and Society requirements will result in the sheep being rejected at inspec on. From 2008, all registered lambs must carry tags with the Society logo. Check that tags are correct at me of entry so that replacement tags can be ordered before the sale.

All sheep forward must be back-stamped with the lot number, with the excep on of those at spring ewe and lamb sales. Failure to do so will result in rejec on from sale.

Sheep which have failed inspec on must be removed immediately from the market premises. Vendors are advised to check their animals thoroughly prior to departure from home.

Any animal rejected for tes cle abnormality (including size) or incorrect mouth is not allowed to be entered or subs tuted at later Society/Club sales, with the excep on of lambs which may be entered at sales the following year as shearlings.

Inspec on will include the following points – tags, teeth, tes cles, udder, muscularity and any other points deemed necessary by Council as they see fit.

Inspec on Standards

Teeth to be inspected and assessed at the discre on of the inspector/veterinary officer. Teeth must meet the pad, not be overshot or undershot, and no tampering with teeth is permi ed.

All sheep should be mobile and rams capable of natural service.

Tes cles should be of even size, free of abnormali es and move freely. Minimum tes cle size – 27cm for ram lambs and 30 cm for shearling rams and aged rams. Tes cles will be measured at the vet/inspector’s discre on.

Udders should be correct and free of any hardness or abnormali es.

The vet and inspector’s decision will be final at each sale.

Shows at Sales

Each vendor is allowed two entries in each pre-sale show class, bar the Carlisle Premier Sale where only one entry per class is allowed.

All exhibitors should be dressed in a white coat in the show ring. Exhibitors are permi ed to prepare their sheep to the best of their ability. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to ensure that each exhibit is available for judging at the correct me.

All prize winners must be offered for sale at auc on by the exhibitor at the sale following the show, otherwise awards may be withheld, and prize monies forfeited.

The decision of the judge is final.

Sales held under the auspices of the Beltex Sheep Society

All sheep sold at any Society/Club sale must be registered with the Beltex Sheep Society. Cross-bred sheep must not be listed in any Society catalogue unless carrying pedigree embryos.

Dispersal Sale (No Inspec on required) Produc on and Reduc on Sales (Inspec on required). Each vendor to be balloted a er the collec ve sale. Sales to be held at the end of the collec ve sale and no sheep to be shown in the pre-sale show.

Sale Condi ons

The sale terms and condi ons of the LAAS / IAAS shall apply to Beltex Society and club sales with the excepon of the dura on of the stock ram warranty.

Rams purchased at Society and club sales must prove to be capable of, and effec ve at, ge ng at least 1 female in lamb by 15th December in the year of purchase.

Claims must be no fied to the auc oneers by 31st December and must be supported by vets’ reports and any other proof of infer lity or incapability. No claim a er that date will be accepted.

The auc oneers shall be mediators in disputes between buyer and seller.







Judging to Commence at 9am

Kindly Sponsored by JG Animal Health

Judge: TBC



Aiken, Mr J [Vogue]

4 Brick House, HHesket New Market,Wigton,Carlisle,Cumbria,CA7 8HY

Lot Nos.

Beckwith, William G [Sharphaw]

Holme House Farm, Gargrave, Nr Skipton, North Yorks, BD23 3PR

Forshaw, S [Meadowside]

36 Nook Glade, Grimsargh, Preston, Lancs, PR2 5JX

Hall, Mr B [Ainstable]

Ainstable Hall, Ainstable, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA4 9PZ

Hewson, Messrs A [Vallum]

Burgh Head Farm, Burgh By Sands, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA5 6AW

Jennings, M & E [Hallcrake]

Crake Hall, Selside, Kendal, Cumbria, LA8 9EB

Noble, Neil & Jane [Noble]

53 Necklands Road, Skelton In Cleveland, Saltburn By The Sea, Yorkshire, TS12 2DP

Robinson & Miss Laura Robinson Mr Garry [Garla]

36 East Lane, Embsay, Skipton, North Yorkshire, BD23 6QD

Sco , G & J [Bessy Bell]

9 Cashty Road, Mountjoy, Omagh, Co Tyrone, BT78 5RN

Wannop's Farms Ltd [Wannop's]

Heaton Hall Farm, Heaton-With-Oxcliffe, Morecambe, Lancs, LA3 3EU


PEN: 301

M & E Jennings (Hallcrake)

LOT 1 Smart Ass Hulk ET DEO.H035

SINGLE ET 05 Feb 2022


ARR/ARQ Sale Only

Sire: Wannop's Finger Licken' gs: Bonecastle Dante (DTK.D019)

(WNP.F048) gd: Dean Brow Cleo ET (HJW.C006)

Dam: Hackney Easy on the Eye ETgs: Kingledores Braveheart ET (KDS.B071)

(TIP.E2115) gd: Hackney Charity (TIP.C1284)

Breeder: Mr D E Owen

Seller Comments: Used as a lamb, has bred long stretchy lambs.

LOT 2 Hallcrake Haggis CMJ.H010


25 Feb 2022


Sale Only

Sire: Lamington Fire Ball ET gs: Clary Desperado (COC.D034)

(MRL.F005) gd: Lamington Bridget (MRL.B012)

Dam: Hallcrake Babooshka gs: Smart Ass Sensa onal (DEO.S007)

(CMJ.B009) gd: Muirton Wilda (YJM.W025)

Seller Comments: Dam was champion sheep on the field at Trawden show 2018. Sire was champion Beltex at Westmorland show 2021.

LOT 3 Galemire Hudson



15 Feb 2022


Sale Only

Sire: Padkin Eagle gs: Aviemore Charles ET (AVI.C049)

(PKN.E042) gd: Padkin Wishful Thinking (PKN.W007)

Dam: Criffel Fizzy gs: Tercrosset Emperor (JWT.E029)

(IMD.F040) gd: Roadside Dawn (JCB.D016)

Breeder: David Spedding

Neil & Jane Noble (Noble)

LOT 4 Hillview Highfive


SINGLE 02 Mar 2022

PEN: 302


Sale Only

Sire: Finniness Emporer ET gs: Muirton Boozer ET (YJM.B020)

(RFM.E011) gd: Aviemore Beauty ET (AVI.B019)

Dam: Hillview April gs: Clary Trump Card (COC.T047)


Breeder: P N & V J Noble

gd: Northern Beltex Na y (NBP.N1559)


LOT 5 Hillview Hamilton NJN.H011

TWIN 28 Jan 2022

Sire: Hillview Ferrari



Sale Only

gs: Ardstewart Disciple ET (AST.D007)

gd: Ardstewart Dolly (AST.D087)

Dam: Hillview Eva gs: Ma 's Superman (MAT.S037)


Breeder: P N & V J Noble

gd: Hillview Bambi (NJN.B013)

PEN: 303-305

Wannop's Farms Ltd (Wannop's)

LOT 6 Wannop's Hiccup WNP.H018


SINGLE 22 Jan 2022 Sale Only

Sire: Aviemore Fes val ET gs: Corstane Whistler ET (MDC.W003)


gd: Aviemore Casey ET (AVI.C007)

Dam: Wannop's Fabiana ET gs: Bonecastle Dante (DTK.D019)

(WNP.F014) gd: Dean Brow Bootyful ET (HJW.B002)

LOT 7 Wannop's Harry ET WNP.H014


TWIN ET 22 Jan 2022 Sale Only

Sire: Aviemore Fes val ET gs: Corstane Whistler ET (MDC.W003)

(AVI.F074) gd: Aviemore Casey ET (AVI.C007)

Dam: Wannop's Dallas ET gs: Procters Banker ET (PFD.B001)

(WNP.D004) gd: Beautry Beatrice (CUB.B010)

LOT 8 Wannop's Hercules ET WNP.H019

TWIN ET 22 Jan 2022


Sale Only

Sire: Aviemore Fes val ET gs: Corstane Whistler ET (MDC.W003)

(AVI.F074) gd: Aviemore Casey ET (AVI.C007)

Dam: Wannop's Dallas ET gs: Procters Banker ET (PFD.B001)

(WNP.D004) gd: Beautry Beatrice (CUB.B010)


Wannop's Hocus Pocus ET WNP.H031

TWIN ET 24 Jan 2022


Sale Only

Sire: Aviemore Fes val ET gs: Corstane Whistler ET (MDC.W003)

(AVI.F074) gd: Aviemore Casey ET (AVI.C007)

Dam: Wannop Explode ET gs: Belvoir View Chaos (RSS.C013)

(WNP.E011) gd: Beautry Beatrice (CUB.B010)

LOT 10

Wannop's Henry ET WNP.H094

TWIN ET 26 Jan 2022


Sale Only

Sire: Aviemore Fes val ET gs: Corstane Whistler ET (MDC.W003)

(AVI.F074) gd: Aviemore Casey ET (AVI.C007)

Dam: Wannop's Dallas ET gs: Procters Banker ET (PFD.B001)

(WNP.D004) gd: Beautry Beatrice (CUB.B010)

LOT 11 Wannop's Hagrid ET


Sire: Dooley Gabriel ET


Dam: Brickrow Emma


LOT 12 Wannop's Hulk


Sire: Dooley Gabriel ET


Dam: Wannop's Daphne ET

21 Jan 2022


Sale Only

gs: Clary Cosmos ET (COC.C013)

gd: Dooley Camille ET (DOO.C082)

gs: Beckbred Crusader ET (BBL.C040)

gd: Brickrow Cola Cube (JWC.C047)


22 Jan 2022

Sale Only

gs: Clary Cosmos ET (COC.C013)

gd: Dooley Camille ET (DOO.C082)

gs: Procters Banker ET (PFD.B001) (WNP.D006)

gd: Beautry Beatrice (CUB.B010)

LOT 13 Wannop's Hardball ET


Sire: Aviemore Fes val ET


Dam: Wannop's Dallas ET

26 Jan 2022


Sale Only

gs: Corstane Whistler ET (MDC.W003)

gd: Aviemore Casey ET (AVI.C007)

gs: Procters Banker ET (PFD.B001) (WNP.D004)

gd: Beautry Beatrice (CUB.B010)

LOT 14 Bayview Honey Monster ET MJR.H001


Sire: Brotherto Fynley ET


Dam: Brickrow Elsie ET

21 Jan 2022


Sale Only

gs: Woodwick Brave Heart (RWF.B017)

gd: Hillview Amazon (NJN.A038)

gs: Beckbred Crusader ET (BBL.C040) (JWC.E005)

Breeder: Michael & Rachel Standen

LOT 15 Wannop's Halibut


Sire: Heber Park Forbes

gd: Brickrow Benidorm ET (JWC.B043)


28 Feb 2022


Sale Only

gs: Kingledores Endeavour ET (KDS.E010) (KBS.F066)

gd: Heber Park Aphrodite (KBS.A008)

Dam: Dean Brow Cleo ET

gs: Ma 's Abracadabra ET (MAT.A014) (HJW.C006)

gd: Dean Brow Wriggley ET (HJW.W030)


G & J Sco (Bessy Bell)

Vendor Notes: Scrapie monitored flock. Enzo & Toxo.

LOT 16 Bessy Bell Hellriser JUL.H027


Sire: Curley Hill Firenze


Dam: Bessy Bell Eve ET



16 Mar 2022 Sale Only

gs: Clary Desperado (COC.D034)

gd: Callacrag Beatrix (ABC.B014)

gs: Heber Park Batman (KBS.B012)

gd: Ardstewart Creme de Le Creme (AST.C074)

LOT 17 Bessy Bell Hot Box JUL.H030


Sire: Tullylagan Figo ET


Dam: Bessy Bell Dynasty



18 Mar 2022 Sale Only

gs: Callacrag Wise Crack (ABC.W017)

gd: Beechcross Demi (DLD.D015)

gs: Callacrag Womaniser (ABC.W012)

gd: Bessy Bell Wish (JUL.W015)

LOT 18 Bessy Bell Hi Ho JUL.H043


Sire: Curley Hill Firenze


Dam: Bessy Bell Devine



24 Mar 2022 Sale Only

gs: Clary Desperado (COC.D034)

gd: Callacrag Beatrix (ABC.B014)

gs: Heber Park Batman (KBS.B012)

gd: Bessy Bell Amber (JUL.A002)

LOT 19 Bessy Bell Hennessy JUL.H031


Sire: Tullylagan Figo ET


Dam: Bessybell Flixxy



18 Mar 2022 Sale Only

gs: Callacrag Wise Crack (ABC.W017)

gd: Beechcross Demi (DLD.D015)

gs: Heber Park Batman (KBS.B012)

gd: Bessy Bell Amelia (JUL.A011)

PEN: 308

Mr J Aiken (Vogue)

LOT 20 Vogue Hero ET JAV.H012


SINGLE ET 11 Feb 2022 Sale Only

Sire: Kingledores Fernando ET


Dam: Vogue Diamond


gs: Woodhow Dakota ET (DNW.D003)

gd: Kingledores Be y Boo (KDS.B041)

gs: Culsh Bourbon (JKM.B027)

gd: Airyolland Sparkle (ARY.S144)

PEN: 306-307

PEN: 309

Neil & Jane Noble (Noble)

LOT 21 Noble Jack NOB.J007

Sire: Clary Goggle



SINGLE 10 Mar 2023 Sale Only

gs: Smart Ass Dark Horse ET (DEO.D069)

gd: Beechcross Bev (DLD.B010)

Dam: Hillview Caramel


gs: Clary Trump Card (COC.T047)

gd: Hillview Toffee Pops (NJN.T002)

PEN: 310-311

S Forshaw (Meadowside)

LOT 22 Meadowside Jeremiah ET SAF.J020


SINGLE ET 21 Feb 2023 Sale Only

Sire: Buckles Fury ET gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011)

(BKF.F013) gd: College Adele ET (ELS.A007)

Dam: Muirton Braemar


gs: Ma 's Arch-Enemy ET (MAT.A021)

gd: Muirton Wigwam ET (YJM.W037)

LOT 23 Meadowside Jukebox ET SAF.J017

TWIN ET 19 Feb 2023


Sale Only

Sire: Buckles Fury ET gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011)

(BKF.F013) gd: College Adele ET (ELS.A007)

Dam: Balhall Eliza gs: Smart Ass Coco Pop ET (DEO.C008)

(MAS.E019) gd: Balhall Clare (MAS.C022)

LOT 24

Meadowside Jay-Z ET SAF.J013

TWIN ET 17 Feb 2023


Sale Only

Sire: Buckles Fury ET gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011)

(BKF.F013) gd: College Adele ET (ELS.A007)

Dam: Muirton Braemar gs: Ma 's Arch-Enemy ET (MAT.A021)

(YJM.B046) gd: Muirton Wigwam ET (YJM.W037)

LOT 25

Meadowside Jager Bomb ET SAF.J012

SINGLE ET 17 Feb 2023


Sale Only

Sire: Buckles Fury ET gs: Gyffin Dexter (ECL.D011)

(BKF.F013) gd: College Adele ET (ELS.A007)

Dam: Muirton Braemar gs: Ma 's Arch-Enemy ET (MAT.A021)

(YJM.B046) gd: Muirton Wigwam ET (YJM.W037)


PEN: 312

Mr Garry Robinson & Miss Laura Robinson (Garla)

LOT 26 Garla Jesse Owens



01 Feb 2023


Sale Only

Sire: Fingle Hero


Dam: Jewi Dance Off ET


gs: Garla Fermi (GLR.F046)

gd: Fingle Fantasia (CLM.F027)

gs: Kingledores Churchill ET (KDS.C046)

gd: Jewi Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder (HCJ.B064)

Mr B Hall

LOT 27

Ainstable Hopscotch ET HBA.H030




SINGLE ET 17 Feb 2022 Sale Only

Sire: Kingledores Engleburt ET gs: Arkle DJ ET (WGA.D006)

(KDS.E060) gd: Withy Trees Champagne ET (AJW.C047)

Dam: Ainstable Effec ve ET gs: Black Jack Casanova ET (RTW.C004)


LOT 28

gd: Ainstable Balderdash ET (HBA.B003)

Ainstable Headlong HBA.H109


SINGLE 02 Apr 2022 Sale Only

Sire: Smart Ass Dark Horse ET gs: Ardstewart Aristocrat ET (AST.A015)

(DEO.D069) gd: Woodies Tweetypie ET (WOO.T048)

Dam: Ainstable Eager ET gs: Black Jack Casanova ET (RTW.C004)


LOT 29

gd: Ainstable Wendyhouse (HBA.W126)

Ainstable Halcyon HBA.H103


TWIN 31 Mar 2022 Sale Only

Sire: Kingledores Engleburt ET gs: Arkle DJ ET (WGA.D006)

(KDS.E060) gd: Withy Trees Champagne ET (AJW.C047)

Dam: Ainstable Effec ve ET gs: Black Jack Casanova ET (RTW.C004)

(HBA.E035) gd: Ainstable Balderdash ET (HBA.B003)

LOT 30 Ainstable Hooked HBA.H069


TWIN 17 Mar 2022 Sale Only

Sire: Kingledores Engleburt ET gs: Arkle DJ ET (WGA.D006)

(KDS.E060) gd: Withy Trees Champagne ET (AJW.C047)

Dam: Ainstable Dice ET gs: Woodies Wicked ET (WOO.W101)

(HBA.D014) gd: Clary Beauty ET (COC.B013)

LOT 31 Ainstable Hothead ET HBA.H060

SINGLE ET 13 Mar 2022


Sale Only

Sire: Smart Ass Dark Horse ET gs: Ardstewart Aristocrat ET (AST.A015)

(DEO.D069) gd: Woodies Tweetypie ET (WOO.T048)

Dam: Ainstable Effec ve ET gs: Black Jack Casanova ET (RTW.C004)

(HBA.E035) gd: Ainstable Balderdash ET (HBA.B003)


LOT 32 Ainstable Here c HBA.H117 (UK102006/02014)

TWIN 08 Apr 2022 Sale Only

Sire: Kingledores Engleburt ET gs: Arkle DJ ET (WGA.D006)


gd: Withy Trees Champagne ET (AJW.C047)

Dam: Ainstable Faith ET gs: Black Jack Casanova ET (RTW.C004)


gd: Ainstable Danube ET (HBA.D015)

LOT 33 Ainstable Heap HBA.H111 (UK102006/02008)

SINGLE 03 Apr 2022 Sale Only

Sire: Kingledores Engleburt ET gs: Arkle DJ ET (WGA.D006)


gd: Withy Trees Champagne ET (AJW.C047)

Dam: Ainstable Feather gs: Withy Trees Da Bonana King (AJW.D092)


gd: Ainstable Daphne ET (HBA.D010)

LOT 34 Ainstable Hollow HBA.H099 (UK102006/01996)

TWIN 29 Mar 2022 Sale Only

Sire: Kingledores Engleburt ET gs: Arkle DJ ET (WGA.D006)

(KDS.E060) gd: Withy Trees Champagne ET (AJW.C047)

Dam: Black Jack Esmeralda ET gs: Bailey Brook CR7 ET (DJC.C012)

(RTW.E048) gd: Black Jack Whiterashes (RTW.W697)

LOT 35 Ainstable Hitched HBA.H113


SINGLE 05 Apr 2022 Sale Only

Sire: Kingledores Engleburt ET gs: Arkle DJ ET (WGA.D006)

(KDS.E060) gd: Withy Trees Champagne ET (AJW.C047)

Dam: Ainstable Earthly ET gs: Black Jack Casanova ET (RTW.C004)

(HBA.E004) gd: Ainstable Charade ET (HBA.C007)

LOT 36 Ainstable Hit-and-run HBA.H112

(UK102006/02009) SINGLE 05 Apr 2022 Sale Only

Sire: Kingledores Engleburt ET gs: Arkle DJ ET (WGA.D006)

(KDS.E060) gd: Withy Trees Champagne ET (AJW.C047)

Dam: Ainstable Fidget gs: Black Jack Casanova ET (RTW.C004)

(HBA.F104) gd: Ainstable Rocky (HBA.R045)

PEN: 317-319

Messrs A Hewson (Vallum)

LOT 37 Vallum Honey AHW.H007


TWIN 11 Mar 2022 Sale Only

Sire: Major's Bridge Fury ET gs: Glebe (CFG.F05)

(MBP.F035) gd: Corra Cloud (GFC.C004)

Dam: Vallum First Class gs: Aviemore Dauntless (AVI.D092)

(AHW.F027) gd: Vallum Designer Girl (AHW.D017)

LOT 38

Vallum Hot Topic AHW.H013 (UK0101198/5567)


19 Mar 2022

Sire: Major's Bridge Fury ET gs: Glebe (CFG.F05)


Sale Only

gd: Corra Cloud (GFC.C004)

Dam: Vallum Elegant gs: Aviemore Dauntless (AVI.D092)


LOT 39

gd: Vallum Cool & Calm (AHW.C047)

Vallum Harmony AHW.H001 (UK0101198/5561)

TWIN 04 Mar 2022

Sire: Major's Bridge Fury ET gs: Glebe (CFG.F05)


Sale Only

gd: Corra Cloud (GFC.C004)

Dam: Vallum Acquisi on gs: Burnside Thunder (TSB.T001)

(AHW.A035) gd: Vallum Special (AHW.S002)

LOT 40

Vallum Heartbreaker AHW.H026 (UK0101198/5575)


Sire: Brotherto Fargo ET


16 Apr 2022

Sale Only

gs: Woodwick Brave Heart (RWF.B017)

gd: Brotherto Clemen ne (FVF.C005)

Dam: Vallum Dancing Queen gs: Beachy Coca-Cola ET (JJB.C061) (AHW.D044) gd: Vallum Ambi on (AHW.A015)

LOT 41

Vallum Hip Hop AHW.H016 (UK0101198/5569)

TWIN 23 Mar 2022

Sire: Major's Bridge Fury ET gs: Glebe (CFG.F05)

Sale Only

(MBP.F035) gd: Corra Cloud (GFC.C004)

Dam: Vallum Banker gs: Linzy's A ershave (LIN.A006) (AHW.B020) gd: Vallum Wonderful (AHW.W023)

LOT 42

Vallum Holly Berry AHW.H018


27 Mar 2022


Sale Only

Sire: Major's Bridge Fury ET gs: Glebe (CFG.F05)

(MBP.F035) gd: Corra Cloud (GFC.C004)

Dam: Vallum Enigma gs: Aviemore Dauntless (AVI.D092)

(AHW.E046) gd: Vallum Sunbeam (AHW.S007)

LOT 43

Vallum Heart Throb AHW.H022 (UK0101198/5572)

TWIN 07 Apr 2022

Sire: Major's Bridge Fury ET gs: Glebe (CFG.F05)

Sale Only

(MBP.F035) gd: Corra Cloud (GFC.C004)

Dam: Vallum Emerald gs: Hodge's Danny Boy (HOD.D002)

(AHW.E048) gd: Vallum Babe e (AHW.B032)

LOT 44 Vallum Honeypot AHW.H008

TWIN 11 Mar 2022

Sire: Major's Bridge Fury ET gs: Glebe (CFG.F05)


Sale Only

(MBP.F035) gd: Corra Cloud (GFC.C004)

Dam: Vallum First Class gs: Aviemore Dauntless (AVI.D092)

(AHW.F027) gd: Vallum Designer Girl (AHW.D017)

PEN: 320-321

G & J Sco (Bessy Bell)

Vendor Notes: Scrapie monitored flock. Enzo & Toxo.

LOT 45 Bessy Bell Hilary JUL.H037


TRIPLET 21 Mar 2022 Sale Only

Sire: Tullylagan Figo ET gs: Callacrag Wise Crack (ABC.W017)

(HPY.F003) gd: Beechcross Demi (DLD.D015)

Dam: Bessy Bell Almera


Seller Comments: Enzo and Toxo

gs: Graham's Ringo (AJG.R002)

gd: Coolough Pussycat Doll (JDC.P02)

LOT 46 Bessy Bell Hope ET JUL.H008


TWIN ET 14 Feb 2022 Sale Only

Sire: Tullylagan Figo ET gs: Callacrag Wise Crack (ABC.W017) (HPY.F003) gd: Beechcross Demi (DLD.D015)

Dam: Bessy Bell Daphne gs: Callacrag Womaniser (ABC.W012) (JUL.D041) gd: Bessy Bell Amelia (JUL.A011)

Seller Comments: Enzo and Toxo

LOT 47 Bessy Bell Hixxy Dixxy JUL.H038


TRIPLET 21 Mar 2022 Sale Only

Sire: Tullylagan Figo ET


gs: Callacrag Wise Crack (ABC.W017)

gd: Beechcross Demi (DLD.D015)

Dam: Bessy Bell Almera gs: Graham's Ringo (AJG.R002)

(JUL.A015) gd: Coolough Pussycat Doll (JDC.P02)

Seller Comments: Enzo and Toxo

LOT 48 Bessy Bell Hassy ET JUL.H018

TWIN ET 15 Feb 2022


Sale Only

Sire: Tullylagan Figo ET gs: Callacrag Wise Crack (ABC.W017)

(HPY.F003) gd: Beechcross Demi (DLD.D015)

Dam: Bessybell Fine ET gs: Mortons Charles ET (MAM.C027)


Seller Comments: Enzo and Toxo

gd: Ardstewart Creme de Le Creme (AST.C074)

Neil & Jane Noble (Noble)

LOT 49 Hillview Hazel NJN.H012

TWIN 28 Jan 2022


Sale Only

Sire: Hillview Ferrari gs: Ardstewart Disciple ET (AST.D007)


gd: Ardstewart Dolly (AST.D087)

Dam: Hillview Eva gs: Ma 's Superman (MAT.S037)


Breeder: P N & V J Noble

gd: Hillview Bambi (NJN.B013)

LOT 50 Hillview Henrie a NJN.H004

SINGLE 26 Jan 2022

Sire: Hillview Ferrari


Dam: Hillview Egg


Breeder: P N & V J Noble


Sale Only

gs: Ardstewart Disciple ET (AST.D007)

gd: Ardstewart Dolly (AST.D087)

gs: Finniness Buzz (RFM.B005)

gd: Hillview Whippa Snapper (NJN.W074)

LOT 51 Hillview Halina NJN.H036

TWIN 25 Feb 2022


Sale Only

Sire: Wannop's Godsend gs: Brotherto Fynley ET (FVF.F007)


gd: Dean Brow Darling (HJW.D015)

Dam: Hillview Champagne gs: Ma 's Superman (MAT.S037)


Breeder: P N & V J Noble

gd: Hillview Rainbow (NJN.R009)

LOT 52 Hillview Hippy Chick NJN.H048

SINGLE 03 Jun 2022


Sale Only

Sire: Wannop's Godsend gs: Brotherto Fynley ET (FVF.F007)


gd: Dean Brow Darling (HJW.D015)

Dam: Hillview Fantabulous gs: Ardstewart Disciple ET (AST.D007)


Breeder: P N & V J Noble

gd: Hillview Demi (NJN.D007)

PEN: 324

S Forshaw (Meadowside)

LOT 53 Meadowside Heavenly SAF.H001

TWIN 05 Apr 2022


Sale Only

Sire: Buckles Elton John gs: Airyolland Weapon (ARY.W009)


gd: Withy Trees Camping Cosmos (AJW.C066)

Dam: Balhall Esmeralda gs: Smart Ass Coco Pop ET (DEO.C008)


gd: Balhall Catherine (MAS.C029)

PEN: 322-323

LOT 54 Meadowside Hope SAF.H003


TWIN 23 Mar 2022 Sale Only

Sire: Buckles Elton John


gs: Airyolland Weapon (ARY.W009)

gd: Withy Trees Camping Cosmos (AJW.C066)

Dam: Balhall Evie gs: Ardstewart Sabbath ET (AST.S002)


gd: Balhall Courtney ET (MAS.C006)

PEN: 325-328

Wannop's Farms Ltd (Wannop's)

LOT 55 Wannop's Hyacinth WNP.H100


TWIN 28 Feb 2022 Sale Only

Sire: Heber Park Forbes


gs: Kingledores Endeavour ET (KDS.E010)

gd: Heber Park Aphrodite (KBS.A008)

Dam: Dean Brow Cleo ET gs: Ma 's Abracadabra ET (MAT.A014)


gd: Dean Brow Wriggley ET (HJW.W030)

LOT 56 Bayview Harper ET MJR.H005


SINGLE ET 24 Jan 2022 Sale Only

Sire: Brotherto Fynley ET gs: Woodwick Brave Heart (RWF.B017)


Dam: Curwen Hill Frosty


Breeder: Michael & Rachel Standen

gd: Hillview Amazon (NJN.A038)

gs: Rathbone Desperado ET (RAV.D011)

gd: Bronic Claret ET (ORM.C020)

LOT 57 Bayview Holly MJR.H004

SINGLE 23 Jan 2022

Sire: Brotherto Fynley ET



Sale Only

gs: Woodwick Brave Heart (RWF.B017)

gd: Hillview Amazon (NJN.A038)

Dam: Wannop's Daffodil ET gs: Procters Banker ET (PFD.B001) (WNP.D005) gd: Beautry Beatrice (CUB.B010)

Breeder: Michael & Rachel Standen

LOT 58 Wannop's Helenore ET WNP.H039

SINGLE ET 21 Jan 2022


Sale Only

Sire: Aviemore Fes val ET gs: Corstane Whistler ET (MDC.W003)

(AVI.F074) gd: Aviemore Casey ET (AVI.C007)

Dam: Dean Brow Cleo ET gs: Ma 's Abracadabra ET (MAT.A014)

(HJW.C006) gd: Dean Brow Wriggley ET (HJW.W030)

LOT 59 Wannop's Hebe WNP.H054

SINGLE 25 Jan 2022

Sire: Dooley Gabriel ET


Dam: Wannop Eliza ET



Sale Only

gs: Clary Cosmos ET (COC.C013)

gd: Dooley Camille ET (DOO.C082)

gs: Belvoir View Chaos (RSS.C013)

gd: Brickrow Bella ET (JWC.B025)

LOT 60 Bayview Henrie a MJR.H003

SINGLE 22 Jan 2022

Sire: Brotherto Fynley ET


Dam: Wannop's Darcy


Breeder: Michael & Rachel Standen


Sale Only

gs: Woodwick Brave Heart (RWF.B017)

gd: Hillview Amazon (NJN.A038)

gs: Hackney Corker ET (TIP.C1336)

gd: Aviemore Bethany (AVI.B006)

LOT 61 Wannop's Hawaii ET WNP.H038

SINGLE ET 21 Jan 2022

Sire: Brotherto Fynley ET



Sale Only

gs: Woodwick Brave Heart (RWF.B017)

gd: Hillview Amazon (NJN.A038)

Dam: Dean Brow Doris gs: Hackney Clinker ET (TIP.C1301)

(HJW.D060) gd: Dean Brow ET (HJW.B015)

LOT 62 Wannop's Harper ET WNP.H001

SINGLE ET 22 Jan 2022


Sale Only

Sire: Aviemore Fes val ET gs: Corstane Whistler ET (MDC.W003)

(AVI.F074) gd: Aviemore Casey ET (AVI.C007)

Dam: Wannop's Dallas ET gs: Procters Banker ET (PFD.B001)

(WNP.D004) gd: Beautry Beatrice (CUB.B010)

PEN: 329-331

William G Beckwith (Sharphaw)

LOT 63 Sharphaw Hillary WJB.H036

SINGLE 01 Apr 2022


Sale Only

Sire: Buckles Early Bird gs: Heatheryhall Campbell (TBT.C043)

(BKF.E033) gd: Buckles Cerise (BKF.C022)

Dam: Sharphaw Emlyn gs: Buckles Cornflake ET (BKF.C089)

(WJB.E015) gd: Sharphaw Beyonce (WJB.B023)

LOT 64

Sharphaw Heaven WJB.H029

TWIN 12 Feb 2022


Sale Only

Sire: Belvoir View Dark Diamond ET gs: Belvoir View Apple Jack ET (RSS.A016)


Dam: Sharphaw Edna


gd: Corra Agnes ET (GFC.A068)

gs: Sharphaw Conrad (WJB.C035)

gd: Sharphaw Wendy (WJB.W009)

LOT 65 Sharphaw Holiday WJB.H039

SINGLE 25 Mar 2022

Sire: Buckles Early Bird


Dam: Sharphaw Cara


LOT 66


Sale Only

gs: Heatheryhall Campbell (TBT.C043)

gd: Buckles Cerise (BKF.C022)

gs: Aviemore Amaflier ET (AVI.A029)

gd: Rathbone Singapore ET (RAV.S023)

Sharphaw Harlequin WJB.H001

SINGLE 25 May 2022

Sire: Belvoir View Ghost ET


Dam: Sharphaw Caroline


LOT 67


Sale Only

gs: Belvoir View Apple Jack ET (RSS.A016)

gd: Corra Agnes ET (GFC.A068)

gs: Aviemore Amaflier ET (AVI.A029)

gd: Rathbone Summer (RAV.S054)

Sharphaw Holy Smokes WJB.H008

SINGLE 25 Feb 2022

Sire: Belvoir View Ghost ET


Dam: Sharphaw Bella


LOT 68


Sale Only

gs: Belvoir View Apple Jack ET (RSS.A016)

gd: Corra Agnes ET (GFC.A068)

gs: Clary Alberta ET (COC.A008)

gd: Rathbone Singapore ET (RAV.S023)

Sharphaw High Hopes WJB.H038

SINGLE 01 Apr 2022


Sale Only

Sire: Buckles Early Bird gs: Heatheryhall Campbell (TBT.C043)


Dam: Sharphaw Danielle


gd: Buckles Cerise (BKF.C022)

gs: Sharphaw Conrad (WJB.C035)

gd: Rathbone Singapore ET (RAV.S023)

PEN: 332

Neil & Jane Noble (Noble)

LOT 69 Noble Jasmine

Sire: Clary Goggle


TWIN 22 Feb 2023


Sale Only

gs: Smart Ass Dark Horse ET (DEO.D069)

(COC.G094) gd: Beechcross Bev (DLD.B010)

Dam: Hillview Egg gs: Finniness Buzz (RFM.B005)

(NJN.E040) gd: Hillview Whippa Snapper (NJN.W074)

LOT 70 Noble Janey NOB.J003

TWIN 22 Feb 2023


Sale Only

Sire: Clary Goggle gs: Smart Ass Dark Horse ET (DEO.D069)


gd: Beechcross Bev (DLD.B010)

Dam: Hillview Egg gs: Finniness Buzz (RFM.B005)


LOT 71 Noble Jaki

gd: Hillview Whippa Snapper (NJN.W074)


TWIN 01 Mar 2023


Sale Only

Sire: Clary Goggle gs: Smart Ass Dark Horse ET (DEO.D069)


gd: Beechcross Bev (DLD.B010)

Dam: Cerin Doris Day gs: Lugate Bruno ET (SML.B013)


gd: Cerin Bethan (CEW.B050)


North West Auc ons Important No ce to Prospec ve Purchasers

Par es who have not dealt with the company before should complete the undernoted form and hand it in to the auc oneers’ clerk when a purchase is made. Alterna vely it can be sent to the main office in advance of the sale.



Trading Name…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Partners Names (if applicable )………………………………………………………………………………….

Full Postal Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………





Holding No……………………………………………………………………………………...…………………………

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