North West Auc ons. J36 Rural Auc on Centre, Crooklands, Milnthorpe, Cumbria, LA7 7FP t. 015395 66200 www.nwauc e. info@nwauc J36 RURAL AUCTION CENTRE Second Sale of 1300 GIMMER LAMBS Followed by the Fortnightly Sale of 6500 STORE LAMBS THURSDAY 5TH OCTOBER 2023 Sale to Commence at 10.30am.
Stock will be sold under the condi ons of sale displayed in the mart, recommended by the Livestock Auc oneers’ Associa on for England and Wales. Purchasers please bring the CPH number, address & postcode of the premises where the animals will be moved to and the registra on number of the vehicle in which they are to be transported. These are all required when prin ng the movement licences. The Auc oneers & Fieldsmen will be pleased to assist in arranging transport for livestock. Vendors please make sure all sheep are correctly tagged before coming to market. All breeding sheep are to be treated against scab and accompanied to the Market with a signed Sheep Scab Declara on form.
Payment is due on day of sale unless alterna ve arrangements have been made in advance.
Accepted methods of Payment
By Cheque for established customers or
By Direct Bank Transfer (preferred method of payment)
Our bank account details for online banking transac ons; Bank: Lloyds Sort Code: 30-16-28 Account Number: 22425168
Please include your account number
Please note card payments are no longer accepted
No lots can leave the market without a ‘pass slip’ being issued by the main office.
For the avoidance of doubt NWA Ltd reserve the right to contra or keep sale proceeds to offset against an outstanding account.
The informa on provided on these forms will be used by North West Auc ons to keep in touch with you and to provide updates and marke ng. We only share this informa on with other members of our group and if you do not want to be contacted for marke ng purposes, please no fy us in wri ng.
Enz - Enzoo c Abor on Vaccinated
HP - Heptavac P System
Cyd - Cydec n
O - Scratched for Orf
W - Wormed
Tox - Toxaplasm Abor on Vaccinated
Cov - Covexin 8 in 1 System
Dect - Dectomax
Ovi - Ovivac
D- Dosed
FV - Footvac Vaccinated
Clk - Clik
F - Fluked
V - Vitamins
All sheep warranted to be correct in mouth and udder/tes cles unless stated otherwise at me of sale.
Bradley Thompson, Auc oneer: 07867 000244
Ma hew Probert, Auc oneer: 07540 446667
Andrew Butler, Fields Officer: 079665 56592
Lisa Benne , Fields Officer: 079711 18717
Will Rogerson, Trainee Auc oneer: 07506 283587
Neil Strickland, Livestock Yard Team Leader: 077172 28635
Harriet Parker, Livestock Yard Team Leader: 077137 87510
P V Q B V . WS A Strong, School Hill 50 Texel 301-303 JJ&M Caps ck, Fellside Farm 35 Mule Hp2 304-305 JD Dixon, Main Street 15 Mule Hp Dipped 306-309 L Gleadow, Somme Avenue 50 Mule Hp2 O 310-321 Messrs Hodgson, High Borrans MV Monitored 150 Mule Hp2 O 322-324 WA Hodgson, Whelpside Farm 40 Mule Hp2 O 325-327 Caley & Mitchinson, Castle Syke Farm 35 Mule Hp2 O 328-329 M Todd, Saddlers Cro 20 Mule Hp2 Dipped 330-331 DA Nicholson, Birch Bank 25 Mule Cov 332-339 W Caley & Son, High Skelghyll 100 Mule Hp2 O Dipped 340-341 JF&CN Benson, Skelwith Fold Farm 25 Mule Hp2 O Dipped 342 DJ Clarke, Thistle House 12 Mule Cov 343-346 H Stables, Hazelwood 45 Mixed 347-348 Yealand Manor Farms, Yealand Manor 20 Cheviot Mule 349-352 J&JA Burrow, Thursgill 50 Mule Hp2 355-354 J Duerden, Killerwick Grange 18 Cheviot Mule 355-358 A Su on, Nether House Farm 40 Mule Hp2 359-362 K Li le & D McClure, Wood Broughton 50 Mule Ovi 363-364 R&ED Gardner, Barrowfield 18 Mule Hp2 O 365-366 B Wilson & Sons, Ashstead 20 Mule Hp2 O 5 Cheviot Mule 367-374 RI Dixon, Low Newton Farm 100 Mule Hp2 O 375 RA Clegg & LD Benne , Tongue House 15 Mule Hp2 Dipped 376-381 RS&BA Harker, Overthwaite Farm 70 Mule Ovi2 Dipped 382-386 R Lawrence, Greaves Farm 60 Mule Hp2 387-388 JE Swan, Rankthorn 30 Cheviot x Dipped 389-392 P Knowles, Cragg Farm 45 Lleyn Mule Hp2 393-394 TLB&J Knowles, High Borrowbridge 20 Mule Hp2 O Dipped 395-397 Forest Hall Farm, Thorn Co age 40 Mule Hp2 O J&J Smith, Moorcock Hall Farm 8 Mule Ovi 4 Cheviot Mule 399-400 JG&PH Thompson & Son, Poppy Farm 20 Texel Ovi2 O 401-403 SJ&NS Wood, Causeway Farm 25 Texel Hp2 Cov 404-407 D Curr & Son, Bowderdale Head 40 Mule P Cov 398
STORE LAMBS P V Q B V . 1 JD EM JA Atkinson, Low Grove Farm 20 Texel / Suffolk 2 R&YE Pennington, Greenbank Farm 15 Texel x 3-5 MA Murphy, Tarnfoot Farm 70 Suffolk / Texel 6 K Thomas, Hill Top Farm 25 Texel F W 7-8 RH Thexton, Luneside 40 Texel x / Mule / Cheviot O 9-11 TK Kirkbride, Burney End Farm 60 Texel x Charollais Hp 12-17 C Pickering, New Hall 180 Cheviot / Scotch Black Face 18-21 J Hodgson, Dale Head 100 Cheviot 22-23 M Todd, Saddlers Cro 25 Mule Dipped Hp2 5 Masham 24-25 DH Hogg, Melbourne House 40 Texel Crov 26-27 AW&AM Clarke, Low Longmire 40 Texel 28 RJ Walling, Mislet 30 Suffolk 29-34 Messrs Beaty, Long Green Head 150 Texel x 35-36 JR Fothergill, West Birk 50 Mule O 37 SJ&NS Wood, Causway Farm 25 Texel x Cov 38-41 D&J&A Freeman, Town Head Farm 150 Texel x 42 High Wardes Farm, Cautley 20 Con nental 43-46 JE Wightman, Crabtree Farm 80 Texel Dipped 47-48 BJ Bainbridge, Steps Farm 30 Mixed 49-50 JE Swan, Rankthorn 30 Cheviot Dipped 51-52 JM Smith, Lyle Yaks 40 Texel x 53-54 JA Barnes, Guest Ford 40 Texel x / Horned 55-57 H McCartney, Lowther Street 60 Charollais 58 DR Law, Crooksbeck 25 Texel x / Rough Fell 59-60 Kirkby & Longworth, Sella Farm 50 Cheviot x OS1-OS4 DM Bargh, Bradlow 50 Texel x OS5-OS12 TGT & PT Strickland, Grate Farm 90 Suffolk x OS13 GT Hodgson, High Low Wood 15 Texel x RA Clegg & LD Benne , Tongue House 60 Mule Brov2 Dipped 20 Swaledale Brov2 Dipped DOCK2 & DOCKA RS&BA Harker, Overthwaite Farm 100 Texel x / Mule Ovi2 Dipped D OS14-OS20
STORE LAMBS P V Q B V . DOCK 2A JA&SM Allen, Barker Kno 50 Texel x 61-62 L Gleadow, Somme Avenue 30 Mule Dipped 63 D&T Wood, Abbots Reading Farm 25 Lleyn x 64-65 N Burton, Low Haygarth 30 Horned / Cheviot 66-69 JR&S Handley, College Green 100 Con nental 70 JM Harrison, Lane End 25 Texel DOCK B J&M Wilson, Cooper House 40 Texel x Beltex O 71-72 D Holme, Weasdale Farm 50 Cheviot / Texel 73-74 PR Escolme, Audlands Park 40 Texel SR1&SR2 W&J Penny, Marsh Grange Farm 40 Masham / Charollais SR3 KD&L Armer, Scar Syke 30 Mule / Texel Hp2 O Dipped SR4&SR5 SJ&J Hodgson & Son, To lebank 50 Mule / Texel W 75 E Parker, Burnhead Farm 20 Mule 79 JR Robinson, Dove Nest 20 Texel O 80-81 JC Walling, & Son, Dawson Fold 30 Charollais 82-83 JB Dixon, Valley View 30 Texel x 84-85 LA&M Lambert, Brow Head 35 Texel x 86-87 Caley & Mitchinson, Castle Syke Farm 30 Texel Hp2 O 87 C Wright, Castle Syke Farm 3 Zwartble Hp2 O 88 JF Robinson, Moss Side Farm 20 Mule / Texel x Cov DOCK C DR Harrison, The Plough 60 Texel 89-90 J&JA Burrow, Thursgill 50 Mule 91-92 I&J Mallinson, Burrow Bridge House 40 Cheviot x Hp Dipped 93-94 RI Dixon, Low Newton 30 Texel 95-98 Yealand Manor Farms, Yealand Manor 100 Texel x 99-102 SM Watson, Old School House 100 Cheviot / Mule 103 J&PR Woof, Dragon Cro 12 Texel x 104-105 JT Procter, Mireside Farm 40 Texel x F W 106-107 R Lawrence, Greaves Farm 30 Texel / Mule 108 J&R Armitstead, The Hill 20 Con nental DOCK 8 JC&E Pedley & Sons, Yore House 60 Mule / Texel Hp2 O DOCK D CF Hoggarth, Low Hund Howe 60 Texel x
STORE LAMBS P V Q B V . 109-110 W Atkinson & Son, Low Fold 40 Texel x 111-112 B Wilson & Sons, Ashstead 40 Mule LR1&LR2 MJ&JD Handley, Archers Hall 50 Suffolk / Cheviot Ovi2 LR3 K&M Jackson & Son, Pa on Mill 25 Con nental x LR4-LR5 F&JM Mason, Mireside 50 Texel x 113-114 W Garne , Ackenthwaite Farm 35 Texel x Hp Dipped 115-116 F&TE Park, Cragg House Farm 50 Mule / Suffolk 117-118 RA Walton, Stable Harvey 30 Mule 119-120 JE Swan, Rankthorne 30 Cheviot x 121-122 S Thompson, Somme Avenue 30 Texel Hp F W 123 JF Cook, Yew Barrow 20 Mule DOCK 9 JF&CN Benson, Skelwith Fold 60 Texel / Mule Clk DOCK 10 Church S le Farms, Church S le 50 Texel / Cheviot x DOCK E B&JM Crowe, Birks Farm 45 Texel 124-125 DC D&JD Taylor, Garne Fold 30 Texel Ovi2 D 126-127 MB&J Fell, Wreay Syke 50 Texel x Crov 128 AT Threlkeld, Bowkerstead Farm 25 Con nental 129-130 HS&M Metcalfe, Croup Farm 40 Texel 134-135 JL Bird, West Plain Farm 40 Texel 136-137 T Sharp, Bleaswood Road 50 Texel x Hp2 Dipped 138-139 T Longton & Son, Rooten Brook 50 Texel x O 140-141 J Angus, High Ground 30 Cheviot 142 JM&NJ Strickland, The Borrans 25 Texel x 143-144 J Duerden, Killerwick Grange 30 Cheviot Mule / Texel DOCK F MW&MR Black, Scroggs Farm 60 Texel 145-146 G Braithwaite, Slack Farm 35 Con nental Hp2 Dipped F W 147-148 J Handley, Gunner Fleet Farm 40 Mule / Texel 149-150 P G Morgan, Beck Nook 50 Texel x W 151 M&G German, Sowermire Farm 25 Mixed 152 G Robinson, Cold Seat Barn 25 Con nental 153 C Tyson, Holly Co age 8 Hebridean 154-161 Messrs Hodgson, High Borrans 200 Mule / Beltex Hp2 O
STORE LAMBS P V Q B V . 162-163 GC&GW Taylor, High Farm 50 Texel / Suffolk DOCK H & I NP&CE Buckley, Fairbank Farm 110 Texel x / Beltex x W DOCK J DJ Clarke, Thistle House 80 Mule / Texel 164-165 SH Wightman, Low Woodhouse 40 Texel x 166-169 P Mason, Coat Green Farm 80 Con nental 170-171 AP&RL Crowe, Hall Farm 50 Texel 172-173 S Procter, High Biggarsbank 40 Texel 174-181 JC Dunning, Westmorland Chapel Farm 200 Texel 182-183 A Pricke , Farleton House 40 Beltex Ovi2 Dipped 184-185 MK Robinson, Roundthwaite 30 Mule O 186-187 R Gibson, Singleton Park Farm 45 Texel x F W 188-189 H Stables, Hazelwood 45 Mixed 190-191 H Proctor, The Corn Mill 30 Texel x 20 Charollais x 192-193 A Hodgson & Son, Borwick Lodge 40 Con nental Clk 10 Mule 194 J Stackhouse, High Field House 20 Dorset 195-196 T Crosdale, Barn Cro 40 Beltex Hp2 O 197 H Cook, Moss Howe Farm 25 Con nental Hp 198-199 A Brown, Hare Tarn Farm 30 Suffolk 200-203 Messrs Chaplin, Thwaite End 100 Beltex / Texel WP1 JJ&J Towers, Low Stennerley 20 Mule/ Texel x Hp WP2 A Nicholson, Applegarth 11 Con nental Clk WP3-WP4 Coward Bros, Kirkby Hall 55 Suffolk Hp WP5-WP6 JH Atkinson, Mosergh Farm 30 Texel x 204-205 Nicholson & Westmoreland, Howe Farm 30 Texel / Mule 206-207 TLB&J Knowles, High Borrowbridge 50 Mule Hp 208-209 CI Briggs, High Wray Farm 50 Beltex / Texel 210-212 JE&WB Wearing, Low Shaw Farm 60 Suffolk x Hp2 Dipped W 213-213A GH Jones, Fold Farm 40 Texel x Ovi TR1-TR3 Forest Hall Farm, Thorn Co age 80 Texel x TR4-TR8 JA&CA Gibson, Longwell 40 Mule Hp O F W 40 Texel
Upcoming Sales….
Thursday 12th October, 10am
First Show and Sale of Suckled Calves Store Ca le, OTMs, Calves and S rks
Saturday 14th October, 11am
Rough Fell Sheep Breeders Associa on Annual Show and Sale of Rough Fell Rams and the Charmoise Hill Society Show and Sale of Rams and Females
Thursday 19th October, 10am
Ambleside Show and Sale of Store Lambs
Catalogue entries close Wednesday 11th October
Saturday 21st October, 10am
Lakeland Fair
Closing Autumn Sale of all Classes of Breeding Sheep and Rams to include Show and Sale of Swaledale and Cheviot Rams
October STORE LAMBS P V Q B V . RING 2 Fishwick Bros, Middle Sadghyll 110 Mule Cov SD4-SD5 J&R Bell, Sunny Brow 40 Suffolk SD6-SD9 LE Harrison, Streatlam Grange 100 Texel x / Beltex x SD10-SD12 JD Dent, Brooklyn 70 Con nental Hp2 O SD13-SD14 SW Park, The Howe 50 Texel SD15-SD19 P Wilson, Wath Farm 80 Con nental SD20 MJ & LC Lund, Corney Hill 20 Con nental Followed by Sale Day Entries SD1-SD3 TJ Winder, Gaisgill Raw 60 Texel x
entries close