In this Schedule any reference to a “Horse” shall include a reference to any pony or foal
50 General
50.1. No Horse is allowed in the Sale Premises unless it has been pre-entered for the sale and all entry fees (if applicable) have been paid in full (“the Entry Fee”) to the Auctioneer and any Vendor or other person attempting to enter the Sale Premises with a Horse that is not entered or in respect of which the Entry Fee has not been paid shall be refused access to the Sale Premises even if he has another Horse entered in the sale.
50.2 Every Horse must be accompanied to the sale with a DEFRA approved current passport which must be handed in to the Auctioneer immediately on arrival at the Sales Premises. No Horse regardless of its age will be allowed onto the Sales Premises without a current passport.
50.3 It is the responsibility of the Vendor prior to any sale and the Purchaser after a sale to provide water and forage to the Horse whilst it is on the Sales Premises.
50.4 In the event that a Horse is registered with a breed society its breed registration certificate must also be lodged with the Auctioneer on arrival at the Sale Premises together with the current passport and if any such certificate is not provided to the Auctioneer the Horse shall be sold without the benefit of registration.
50.5 It is the responsibility of the Purchaser to register a Horse he has purchased with the appropriate breed society. In a case where the registration of a Horse has been applied for by a Vendor he must lodge the acknowledgment card(s) with the Auctioneer and where a Horse is eligible for registration the Vendor must pass the appropriate application forms to the Auctioneer on arrival at the Sales Premises to be passed on to the Purchaser if the Horse is sold. If the Horse is not sold the paperwork will be returned to the Vendor.
50.6 A Vendor must supply a serviceable head collar with each Horse and this will remain with the Horse after it has been sold. It is the responsibility of the Purchaser to supply a lead rope.
50.7 It is the responsibility of the Vendor to lead his Horse into the sale ring and not that of the Auctioneer.
50.8 Every Horse must be fitted with a readable micro-chip which will be scanned on arrival at the Sales Premises and must match the details set out on the current passport for the Horse before it will be accepted for the sale notwithstanding that it has been advertised in any catalogue for the sale.
50.10 Unless a Horse is to be offered for sale without warranty it must be free from vice, quiet in the stable, to catch, load and shoe unless otherwise declared. Latent defects such as crib biting, wind sucking, head shaking, sarcoids and sarcoid like lesions, un-nerving must be declared and it must also be stated that if a Horse has been fired, tubed or hobdayed unless it is to be sold without warranty.
Any complaints regarding Patent defects such as splints, curbs, sidebones and similar will not be entertained unless they cause the Horse to be lame. Sweet itch, being a condition, is not covered by the general warranty.
50.11 A Vendor must declare if a Horse is not eligible for the human food chain and that information must be clearly shown on its current passport.
50.12 For the avoidance of any doubt the provisions of Condition 6 relating to the Conduct of Sales applies to all sales of Horses as they do to all other livestock.
51 Warranties
51.1 Soundness
All Horses offered for sale by the Vendor must be sound in wind, eyes and action free from any medical conditions and healthy in every way. Any previous medical conditions must be stated even if resolved. In the event that any Horse is not so warranted it will be sold as seen. An unbroken Horse can be warranted sound.
51.2 Suitability
In the case of any Horse that has a reserve placed on it of £300 or more or which sells for
more than that sum the following suitability warranties must be given:
51.2.1 a Horse warranted as a Hunter must be quiet to ride in traffic, have been hunted and capable of being hunted;
51.2.2 a Horse warranted as a Hack must be quiet to ride and quiet in traffic and be capable of being ridden as a hack;
51.2.3 a Horse warranted as quiet to ride must be quiet to ride in traffic and be capable of being ridden;
51.2.4 a Horse warranted as quiet to drive must be quiet in traffic and be capable of being driven; and,
51.2.5 a Horse warranted as a Hunter, a Hack, quiet to ride or quiet to drive must be capable of being managed and ridden/driven by a reasonably experienced person of an age, size, weight and strength appropriate to the size of the Horse.
51.3 Warranty period
The Purchaser has until 12 noon on the Monday following the Contract for sale to contact the Auctioneer and notify him that any warranty placed on the Horse he has purchased has not been complied with. In the case of an alleged breach of the warranty of soundness the Purchaser must supply a Veterinary Surgeon’s Certificate to verify the alleged breach. In the case of unsuitability such notification must be accompanied by a detailed report from a Veterinary Surgeon as to why the Purchaser believes the Horse to be unsuitable.
51.4 Additional issues relating to Warranties
51.4.1 A Horse that is a wind-sucker, weaver or rig and one that has been tubed, unnerved or operated on for Unsoundness of any kind must be so described.
51.4.2 A Horse that is a wind-sucker (i.e. habitually swallows air whether in association with grasping objects with incisor teeth or not) must be so described.
51.4.3 A crib-biter need only be described if the crib-biting is associated with wind-sucking.
51.4.4 Any thoroughbred Horse that is on the forfeit list with Weatherby’s/The Jockey Club or that has run at an unrecognized race meeting must be so described.
51.4.5 Any Horse that is in foal or believed to be in foal at the time of sale must be so described and if not so described and is subsequently found to be in foal within 56 days of the date of the sale then it is returnable to the Vendor at the Purchaser’s discretion.
For the avoidance of doubt the general description of each Horse and details of age, height and colour do not constitute a warranty but the details of the age of the Horse must correspond with the details given on the current passport or breed society registration certificate applicable to the Horse.
52 Horses sold without warranty – ‘Sold as Seen’
If a Horse is to be sold without any of the warranties set out above it must be stated on the Entry Form for the sale that this Horse is sold as seen. In this case the Purchaser has no recourse against the Vendor under any of the above warranties.
53 Disputes
53.1 Only a warranty of soundness or suitability can be disputed.
53.2 No dispute will be entertained by the Auctioneer until the Purchaser has paid for the Horse that is the subject of the dispute.
53.3 Any such dispute must be notified to the Auctioneer within the time scale set out in Condition 51.3.
53.4 If the complaint is upheld by the Auctioneer the Horse shall be returned to the Vendor at the Purchaser’s expense within 48 hours of the Auctioneer’s decision.
53.5 If a Vendor and Purchaser do not agree with the Auctioneer’s decision the dispute shall be submitted to the arbitration of either a suitably qualified Veterinary Surgeon (in the case of a complaint of Unsoundness) or a suitably qualified person (in the case of a complaint of unsuitability). At the Auctioneer’s sole discretion the person appointed will be an arbitrator.
53.6 Unless the procedure set out in Condition 53.5 is followed the Purchaser will be required to keep the Horse with all the alleged faults and will have no claim for damages or otherwise against the Vendor or the Auctioneer in respect of the Horse.
In the event of the appointment of an arbitrator his decision shall be final and binding on both parties and the costs of the arbitration and any other associated costs shall be determined by the arbitrator and set out in his award.
53.7 If the decision of the Auctioneer or the arbitrator (as the case may be) is in favour of the Purchaser the sale of the Horse shall be annulled and the Purchaser shall be able to return the Horse to the Vendor and receive back the purchase price (without interest) but will not be entitled to the payment of any expenses incurred in the return of the Horse or in connection with the sale to him. The party against whom any decision/award is made shall be responsible for paying all the expenses reasonably incurred by the Auctioneer or the arbitrator (as the case may be) in connection with the dispute including (but without prejudice to the generality of this sub clause) the costs associated with any examination or inquiry and the fees of any person or persons appointed by the Auctioneer to decide on the dispute or to make any enquiry or examination (as the case may be)
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For Further Information
Please Contact
Matthew Probert, Auctioneer: 07540446667
Bradley Thompson, Auctioneer: 07867000244
Will Rogerson, Auctioneer: 07506283587
Lisa Bennett, Fieldsperson: 07971118717
Carole Hodgson: 015395 66200
LOT 1 PEN 16
LOT 2 PEN 16
LOT 3 PEN 17
T Pepper, Oxenhope
Peaches and Cream. 2 year old palomino cob filly to make 14hh plus. Beautiful filly, halter broken and very well handled.
Calamity Jane, 2 year old cremello cob filly to make 14hh plus. Beautiful filly, registered with the British Palomino Society. Very well handled and great addition to any breeding programme or show home.
Watersedgeview Crystal, 4 year old dapple grey cob mare. 13.2hh. absolutely beautiful filly, very quiet, broken to drive last year and has pulled a scrap cart through town she’s that quiet. Been sat on and a very easy pony.
LOT 4 PEN 18
LOT 5 PEN 19
Watersedgeview Iceman, yearling cob colt, currently blue roan but likely to grey out. 11hh. Lovely homebred colt who will make a cracking stallion or show pony as well put together. Halter broken and handled.
N Harrison, Scarisbrick
Poppy. 8 year old grey jenny donkey. 11hh. Well handled, good to lead, load, catch etc and up to date with feet and worming.
George. 9yr donkey gelding. Well handled, good to lead, load, catch etc and up to date with feet and worming.
J Mitchell, Newton Mearns
LOT 6 PEN 20
Haizea. SPSBS registered miniature Shetland mare. 9 years old, piebald and 31”. Very friendly and easy to do in all ways.
E Hanson, Alford
LOT 7/9 PEN 21/22 3 Details on day.
A Harrison, Appleby
LOT 10 PEN 23
Jock, 10 year old skewbald cob gelding. 13.1hh. Fantastic little pony, forward and enthusiastic. Will have a go at anything. Been shown previously with success. Genuine sale due to work and other commitments. Been lightly ridden over the last year.
M Nicholson, Sunderland
LOT 11/14 PEN 24/27 4 coloured heavy cob geldings and mare
N Napier, Egremont
LOT 15 PEN 28
2 year old black with 4 white socks cob gelding. Very smart, well handled to make around 13hh. Will make a great child`s pony.
K Pretswell, Hawick
LOT 16 PEN 29
LOT 17 PEN 29
LOT 18 PEN 30
Tank. Piebald yearling (born 26.9.23) cob colt. Out of a 13.2hh mare to make around 14hh.
Peggy Sue. 4 year old piebald cob filly, standing around 12.2/12.3hh. Ride and drive.
H Smith, Castle Douglas
Smartie. 15 year old Appaloosa mare with her 10 month old skewbald colt foal at foot (to be sold together). Mare 14.2hh. Broken to ride but used as a broodmare recently, Quiet to handle and good to catch.
LOT 19 PEN 31
S Hallett, Aldbrough
Norman. 3 year old blue blagdon cob gelding, 13.2hh. Norman is a very sweet, heavy set gelding. He is a beautiful eye catching blue blagdon and would make a good ridden or driven cob. He is good to handle, catch, lead and tie up. He has been to a desensitising clinic where he didn’t bat an eyelid with tarpaulin sheets, umbrellas and spooky objects. He is 3 in October so has more growing to do. He is a lovely blank canvas to break to ride and/or drive. Super home sought for this laid back, leg in each corner smart cob.
LOT 20 PEN 31
LOT 21 PEN 32
Filska Invincible (Vinny), yearling standard Shetland registered with the SPSBS, dark bay colt. To make 41”. Vinny is a super sweet colt with Clivocast and Knock lines running through his pedigree. He is very easy to catch, handle, lead and tie up, he just wants to be your friend. He loves nothing more than a good fuss and groom. Vinny will make a super leg in each corner ridden or driven pony.
Halstock Desert Storm (Bailey), 10 year old black dun Miniature Shetland stallion. 32” and registered with the SPSBS. He is an SA carrier. He is super easy to handle, catch, tie up and groom and is a real poppet to be around. Bailey is a proven stallion and is up to date with worming, feet and teeth. A lovely home is sought for this very sweet gentle stallion.
S Urwin, Tow Law
LOT 22 PEN 33
LOT 23 PEN 34
LOT 24 PEN 35
Colliery Sarah, registered Section A Dales mare. 14 years old, 14.3hh bay. Been used as a broodmare but empty this year. This is the last pony to be sold from the Colliery Stud.
RJ & YL Willison, Tebay
G & R Louie. 3 year old chocolate dun cob gelding to make around 14.2hh. Louie is a real flashy cob with a white blaze and 3 white socks. Lovely friendly boy. Used to all traffic, farm machinery, children and livestock. Will make a fantastic ridden prospect or to drive. Easy to handle, load and with farrier. All vaccs and worming up to date. Has been bitted and will be a good summer project. Think a lot of this cob.
Magic. 3 year dark brown cob gelding to make approx. 13.2hh. Magic is a lovely little cob with a white blaze and 3 white socks. Has a lovely trot and would make a good driving pony. Well handled, proving to be a steady lad with traffic, farm machinery, kids and livestock. Had first 2 vaccs and wormed to date. Good summer project.
ND Agri, Lockerbie
LOT 25 PEN 36
LOT 26 PEN 40A
Rocky. 6 year old piebald Irish gelding. 17.1hh. Riding away nicely, good in traffic, with farrier, dentist, vet and to load. No vices. Still needs further schooling.
D L Hill, Workington
Solo. 14 year old Shire x Ardennes grey gelding. 18hh. Gentle giant and only for sale due to owners health issues. Will hack out alone and in company, good doer who needs a working life.
LOT 27 PEN 41
G Wilson, Glasson Dock
Vermillion Dancer. 5 year old bay TB mare. 15hh. Smart mover, RoR eligible. Reschooled, jumps, hunts, hacks alone and in company who is a lovely alrounder. Good to do and good in traffic.
A Halstead, Hesketh Bank
LOT 28 PEN 42
LOT 29 PEN 42
LOT 30 PEN 43
Welsh Section D x cob bay filly with a white blaze and 4 white socks. Approx 14.2hh. A naturally quiet filly who just loves being around people. Bloodlines such as Lynard, Derwen, Trawfen, Nebo and Hewid. A truly beautiful filly and definitely one not to be missed.
Bay Registered Welsh Section D gelding with 4 white socks and a blaze. Approx 14.2hh. A gelding boasting bloodlines such as Trevallion, Derwen, Lynard, Thorneyside, Synod and Nebo. A very smart looking gelding who is completely unspoilt.
Registered Welsh Section D gelding. Has 3 white socks and a star. Very well bred with bloodlines such as Thorneyside, Treveallion, Derwen, Nebo, Lynard, Synod and Tyhen. A very proud upstanding Welsh cob who is a blank canvas just waiting for the right artist.
LOT 31/33 PEN 44/46 3 Details on day.
J Tallentire, Staindrop
LOT 34 PEN 47
LOT 35 PEN 47
LOT 36 PEN 48
Princess Jasmine. 3 year old piebald cob mare, 12.1hh. Heavy mare, scanned in-foal for this year. Sponge Bob bred.
Splash. 4 year old piebald 12.1h cob mare. Not in-foal this year.
Dora. 8 year old black cob mare. 13.1hh. Heavy mare, not in-foal this year.
E Evans, Kendal
LOT 37 PEN 49
LOT 38 PEN 51
LOT 39 PEN 53
Paintball Elite. 10 year old 15.2hh skewbald cob gelding. Broken to ride. Ridden in field and arena but not hacked out. Good to catch, farrier and up to date with vaccs and teeth.
SJ Forde Ltd, Clapham
Trigger Murphy. 3 year old dapple grey Irish cob colt. 15hh. Outstanding conformation, movement and temperament. Kept entire as possible breeding stallion. Tested PSSM Type 1 negative, tested for gene mutation, FIS negative. Has 2 full testicles. He is by a palomino stallion.
R Grieveson, Blyth
Northern Pride. 4 year old, 15.2hh piebald traditional cob gelding. His dam is a skewbald 15.2hh tricoloured stepping cob and sire is well known 15.1hh grey stallion named The Boss. Last year he was broken to ride, long reined and sledged to drive but did not go in the shafts. More recently he has been ridden around the farm and hacked out on the roads. Nothing fazes this big fella and he is a gentle giant who is a pleasure to work with. He is not to be missed as quality cobs like him you just can’t find.
LOT 40 PEN 54
LOT 41 PEN 55
LOT 42 PEN 56
Henrhyd Molly. 17 year old, 12hh palomino registered Welsh Section A mare. She is a sweet, easy going little mare who was previously used as a riding pony but as you can see she is now heavy in-foal to a Welsh stallion.
1 Details on Day
J Harper, Kendal
Peter. 4 year old, dark brown, jack donkey. Peter is a great character to have around. He can be a little bit nervous until he gets to know you. He is very quiet and is used to other animals, people and children. He as a gentle nature. A very difficult sale of a much loved donkey.
LOT 43 PEN 56
LOT 44 PEN 57
Percy. 6 year old piebald jack donkey. Percy is an absolute gentleman. He loves people, attention and food. He is very easy to handle and will stand all day to be loved and cuddled. He also has a very cute cheeky side too. He makes everyone fall in love with him and the children adore him. Very hard sale of a much loved donkey.
JH Smith, Kilwinning
Prince. 4 year old skewbald, 15hh cob x gelding. Has had tack on but is unbroken. Been long reined. Good to catch, farrier and to handle.
D Cowin, Penrith
LOT 45 PEN 58
LOT 46 PEN 59
LOT 47 PEN 59
Nala. 5 year old bay 15.2hh TB mare. She was backed as a 3 year old, then bred a foal at 4. Brought back into work end of 2023. Done flat work and a bit of jumping but needs further schooling.
Martin Kirkbride, Flimby
Umberto. 2 year old skewbald Shetland gelding. Registered with SPSBS. Good lead and catch.
Utah. 2 year old black Shetland gleding. Registered with SPSBS. Good to lead and catch.
JC Horn, Lazonby
LOT 48 PEN 60 Bay, yearling colt out of a Clydesdale mare to make 16.2hh plus. Sire is Lot 50, Pen 62.
LOT 49 PEN 60
LOT 50 PEN 62
LOT 51 PEN 64
Appaloosa yearling colt out of a pony mare to make 14.2/15hh. Sire is Lot 50, Pen 62.
Black Swedish Paint stallion 8 year old, 16.1hh, grand dam was 17hh. Sire of successful, quality foals from all types of mares. Quiet, will serve in-hand or run with his mares.
RH Black, Cupar
Collessie Calgary Rodeo. Sire: Collessie Monarch, Dam Collessie Selena. Bay registered Clydesdale colt. Very friendly yearling. Good to load and with farrier, easy in every way. A bright heads up look at me kind of colt. Magic on his legs.
W Young, Carlisle
LOT 52 PEN 66 Tic Toc. 5 year old red and white cob stallion. 11hh. Very nice natured, well mannered and good to wash, farrier, load etc. Good getter. Unbroken.
LOT 53 PEN 68
C Braithwaite, Corney
Corney Mill Mister Beaujangles. 2 year old registered Shire colt. Bay with 4 white socks to make 17.2hh plus. Very quiet, good in stable, catch, load, farrier and to handle. Unshown. Stallion potential.
R Price, Oswaldtwistle
LOT 54/55 PEN 70 2 traditional, piebald yearling cob colts to make 13hh.
A Idle, Appleby
LOT 56 PEN 71
Oliver, 17hh, 15 year old grey Standardbred gelding. He is bombproof in every way, great around kids and is ridden by novices. Hacks alone or in company and will pop a jump. Up to date with teeth, vaccs and worming.
M Wheeler, Wigton
LOT 57 PEN 89
LOT 58 PEN 90
LOT 59 PEN 91
Harley. 6 year old bay Shetland gelding. Halter broke. Up to date with farrier and worming.
Rocky. 19 year old spotted Shetland stallion. Halter broke and up to date with farrier and worming. He is proven and does produce spots in his off spring.
B Robinson, Barnoldswick
Ragnar’s Mooiman. 3 year old dark bay Dutch Harness Horse gelding. 15hh. Broken to drive and going nicely as a single or pair. Will make a nice show horse or pleasure driver. Just needs someone to put their stamp on him.
I Rumney, Egremont
LOT 60 PEN 92
LOT 61 PEN 93
LOT 62 PEN 93
LOT 63 PEN 94
LOT 64 PEN 94
LOT 65 PEN 95
LOT 66 PEN 95
Mr Cadbury. 3 year old, brown Maxi Cob gelding. 15.3hh now. Unbroken but well handled and has been sat on. Good to catch, farrier and very quiet. Has been mouthed for 6 weeks.
G Simpson, Middleton in Teasdale
Cricket. 3 year old piebald mini cob gelding. Quiet, good to catch, and handle, unbroken.
Bug. 3 year old piebald mini cob gelding. Quiet, good to catch, and handle, unbroken.
Hackney x Stepper black yearling filly to make 14.2hh approx.. Quiet, good to handle and halter broken.
Welsh Section D x TB Chestnut with 4 white socks, yearling filly to make 14.2/15hh. Very quiet, good to handle and very smart.
Welsh Section D, bay yearling colt. Green passport. Halter broken and quiet.
Welsh Section C, 3 year old chestnut with 4 white socks, gelding. Green passport. Very quiet, halter broken and good with farrier. Unshown and unbroken. Very nice pony.
LOT 67 PEN 96
British Riding Pony, 3 year old chestnut mare. 11hh. Unbroken but very quiet. Good to handle, catch and with farrier.
LOT 68 PEN 97
LOT 69 PEN 97
LOT 70 PEN 98
8 year old blue and white spotted mare. 10hh. Registered with British Spotted Society. Unbroken but very quiet, good to catch, handle and with farrier.
Welsh Section C, 8 year old chestnut with 4 white socks mare. Green passport. Unbroken but very quiet, good with farrier etc and has won in-hand. Used as a broodmare but clear of stallion this time.
TA Wigham, Carlisle
Mollys Choice. 11 year old Irish Hunter grey mare. 16.1hh. Very pretty mare with a sweet nature. Good to catch and moves beautifully.
G & R Dunn, Darlington
LOT 71 PEN 99
LOT 72 PEN 99
LOT 73 PEN 100
Prince charming. 5 year old blue and white cob gelding. Approx 13.3hh. Exceptional traditional cob, as wide as he is tall. Broken to ride and drive. Lovely manners, good to shoe, load and clip. One not to be missed.
Tyrllawn Queenie. 2 year old chestnut roan registered Welsh Section C filly. Fantastic bloodlines. Sire is Tyrllawn Rolls Royce who sold for £45k at the Welsh Cob sales. This filly is definitely one for the show ring in-hand, under saddle or driven. Lovely movement and excellent to do in all ways.
G&R Mist. 5 year old blue blagdon cob mare. 14/14.1hh. Sire stepping cob Nitro. Broken to drive, good to catch, shoe, load and clip. Lives in or out. Lovely natured filly with a lot of potential in the right hands.
LOT 74 PEN 101
LOT 75 PEN 102
LOT 76 PEN 103
LOT 77 PEN 103
LOT 78 PEN 104
G&R Thomas. Black yearling cob colt. Outstanding colt to make 14.2hh plus by Baby Boss. This is definitely one to put away for the future.
G&R Eeyore. White yearling jenny donkey. Very quiet.
Stanray Chuckie Finster. Chestnut yearling registered Welsh Section C colt. Popsters breeding and half brother also entered in sale.
Stanray Timon. Chestnut registered Welsh Section C yearling colt. Popsters breeding. Half brother also entered in sale.
G&R Emperor. 2 year old palomino and white cob colt. Beautifully marked colt to make 14.1hh. Will make an excellent ride and drive show prospect.
LOT 79 PEN 104
LOT 80 PEN 105
LOT 81 PEN 106
G&R Sandstorm. 2 year old dun cob colt to make 14.1hh. Beautiful colt who will make an excellent ride and drive show prospect.
Romeo. 11 year old heavy cob gelding. 12.2hh. Broken to drive. Good to do in all ways and driven by our teenage son daily. Ready for the summer drives.
G&R Mississippi. 2 year old chestnut cob filly. Outstanding filly who will mature at 14.3/15hh by a 15.2hh palomino stallion. Will make a future ride and drive prospect. Good to do in all ways.
LOT 82 PEN 106
LOT 83 PEN 107
LOT 84 PEN 108
LOT 85/87 PEN 109/111
LOT 88 PEN 114
G&R Blue Fortune. 3 year old blue and white Irish Draught x TB filly. Very pretty filly, standing at 15hh and still growing. Out of an ID x TB mare. Recently broken to ride. Endless potential in the right hands.
G&R Shelby. Bay yearling cob colt. Fell x (Sanderson bred) to mature into a lovely cob.
G&R Tigger. Grey yearling jenny donkey. Very quiet.
D Kay, Bacup
3 Details on day
IA Longworth, Broughton in Furness
Brantstock Petals Heritage (Peggy). 2 year old cob x ID skewbald filly to make 16hh plus. Sire Caerba Legacy ID out of 16hh non native mare. Good to handle, groom, farrier. Up to date with vaccs and worming. Has a capped hock so not for showing but it is just cosmetic and has never been lame.
J Barras, Morecambe
LOT 89/100 PEN 115/122
LOT 101 PEN 123
LOT 102 PEN 124
LOT 103 PEN 125
12 Details on day
S Downing, Appley Bridge
Tammy. 11 year old coloured cob mare. Approx 13hh. We have done a bit of driving but not for a few years as had a foal. Recently she has been backed but only hacked out.
G Wilson, Pentrebroughton
1 Details on day
EA Hayhurst, Kendal
Greenholme Phoebe. 3 year old grey registered Fell filly. 13hh. Sire Greenholme Jasper, Dam Greenholme Crystal. Good to travel, bath, farrier, up to date with vaccs and worming. Well placed out showing and would make a great riding pony Loves attention and used to farm machinery and cows.
LOT 104 PEN 126
LOT 105 PEN 127
LOT 106 PEN 128
LOT 107 PEN 134
Birkcross Diamond Dust. 2 year old grey registered Fell filly to make 13.2hh. Successfully shown, always in the ribbons and was 2nd at County Show 2023. Up to date with vaccs and worming, good to bath, load and farrier. Sire Brackenbank Red Ace, Dam Bybeck Nadia. Super temperament, used to farm machinery and livestock.
J Donoghue, Carlisle
3 year old chestnut cob gelding.
2 year old black cob gelding.
Malcolm Kirkbride, Blackpool
8 year old bay warmblood type gelding. 16.2hh. A summer project who needs bringing back into work after a year out in the field due to other commitments.
LOT 108 PEN 135
LOT 109 PEN 136
LOT 110 PEN 136
LOT 111 PEN 137
LOT 112 PEN 137
LOT 113 PEN 138
LOT 114 PEN 138
LOT 115/116PEN 139
LOT 117/121PEN 140/143
13 year old chestnut mare, 15.2hh. Ridden in the past but had last year off to have a foal. Empty this time and ready to be brought back into work. Breeds big foals.
2 year old bay Dartmoor Hill Pony filly. Halter broken, ties up, leads and goes in trailer.
2 year old chestnut Dartmoor Hill pony filly. Halter broken, ties and leads.
Black Appaloosa yearling colt to make 15.2hh. Lovely sort, ties up, leads and goes in trailer. UK registered.
Dark grey Dartmoor x yearling colt. Halter broken, ties up, leads and goes in trailer.
Black cob yearling colt to make 14.2hh. Future alrounder. Halter broken, ties up, leads and loads.
Black yearling cob colt to make 15.2hh. Future alrounder. Halter brken, ties up, leads and loads.
2 Details on day
J Campbell, Howden le Wear
5 cobs – details on day
J McLurg, Dalbeattie
Mikey. 3 year old piebald cob colt to make 15hh. Haltered and turned out for winter.
Maverick. 3 year old skewbald ¾ bred trotter colt to make 15hh. Handsome boy, sired by Topper out of a full bred mare. Has been haltered and wintered outside.
Prince. 3 year old piebald cob colt to make 14hh. Haltered and turned away for the winter.
LOT 125 DOCK I Bella. 3 year old skewbald cob filly to make 14hh. Friendly filly and quiet to handle.
Mrs Thomas, West Midlands
LOT 126 PEN 144
LOT 127 PEN 145
LOT 128 PEN 145
LOT 129/130PEN 146
Cindy Lou. 2 year old palomino Gypsy cob to make approx. 15/15.2hh. Lovely big natured filly with a lot of potential.
8 year old chestnut and white cob gelding. 13.2hh. Lovely natured and easy to do. Snaffle mouthed. Has been driven with previous owner and only being sold has now has a bigger horse.
4 year old bay Gypsy cob mare, approx. 14.1hh. Very heavy and well put together mare.
2 Details on day
LOT 131 PEN 147
LOT 132 PEN 147
LOT 133 PEN 148
LOT 134/135PEN 149/150
LOT 136/137PEN 151/152
LOT 138 PEN 153
Mrs Rowley, North Wales
4 year old bay Gypsy cob mare, approx. 14hh. Lovely natured and easy to do. Good to catch, farrier etc.
3 year old black cob gelding, approx. 13hh. Very quiet and well handled.
Goldie. 4 year old palomino Gypsy cob mare, approx. 14hh. Lovely natured, well put together cob.
2 Details on day.
C Welsh, Liverpool
2 Details on day.
A Kirby, Soulby
Jungle Matts Magic. 7 year skewbald registered Shetland stallion. 29”. Proven stallion, good natured and very flashy. Unbroken but quiet to handle and good to catch.
LOT 139 PEN 153
LOT 140/149PEN 154/161
LOT 150 PEN 162
LOT 151 PEN 162
LOT 152 PEN 163
LOT 153 PEN 164
LOT 154 PEN 165
Unregistered bay Shetland yearling colt to make 32”. Quiet and will make a nice stallion.
S Wilkinson, Hill Top
10 Details on day.
M Howard, Carnforth
Bluebell. Connemara x Cob grey yearling filly to make 15hh. Sensible filly to make a nice riding horse. Handled and ties up.
Dusty. 3 year old bay cob filly to make 14.1hh. Broken to drive last year. Very well handled and good to do.
Snowy. 2 year old Appaloosa x few spot filly to make 15.1hh. Quiet, well handled and good to do.
3 year old, spotted roan mare with bay colt foal at foot (Feb born). Mare mouthed and long reined last year. Quiet and good to do.
Ebeneezer. Yearling black leopard spot cob colt to make 15hh. Sensible colt, well handled and good to do. Will make a good cob.
J Jopling, Stamfordham
LOT 155 PEN 166
LOT 156 PEN 167
Honey. 7 year old 14.2hh dun hunter mare. She is a great hunting pony and will jump walls, rails, ditches and hedges all with a 10 year old girl. She has done Pony Club and unaffiliated show jumping up to 80cm and has scope for more. Good to hack out in traffic and farm machinery. Not a first pony.
L Philipson, Blaydon
7 year old 16hh Irish mare Hunted 3 seasons. Easy to shoe, clip etc. Good over coloured poles, to hack and on the flat. Very safe. Has no recorded breeding.
LOT 157 PEN 168
J Atkinson, Ulverston
Hurricane Star. 7 year old bay Irish Sport x Trotter gelding. 15.2hh. Kind Irish gelding, scopey jump and safe hack for competent rider.
C Airey, Ulverston
LOT 158 PEN 169
LOT 159 PEN 170
LOT 160 PEN 171
Jupiter. Yearling skewbald cob colt to make 14.2hh. Quiet, well handled, good to catch and farrier.
Mini. 5 year old piebald cob mare. 12.2hh. Broken to drive and been sat on. Good to do, in traffic etc. Will make a lovely child’s pony.
BB Byers, Ruthwell
Ladyhall Rocky. 3 year old tri coloured Warmblood Clydesdale x TB gelding. 16.2hh. This big home bred gelding is now ready to break. Never been off farm and will make a super alrounder.
C Anderson, Carrutherstown
LOT 161/162PEN 172 2 Details on Day.
LOT 163 PEN 173
LOT 164/173PEN 175/182
LOT 174/175PEN 183
San Cler Iceman. 5 year old cremello Gypsy cob stallion. 14.2hh. Sire Milky Bar Kid, Dam San Cler Exotica. This unusual coloured stallion will throw duns, palominos, cremello, smokey coloured foals. Super temperament. Only for sale as have too many stallions. Covered 5 mares last year and all in foal. PSSM clear.
A Downey, Newry
10 Details on Day
W Lowther, Kirkcaldy
2 Details on day.
L Daley, Byers Green
LOT 176 PEN 184 13 year old piebald cob mare. 13.1hh. Ride and drive, excellent kids pony now outgrown. Good to do, traffic, catch, farrier etc.
LOT 177 PEN 184 19 year old piebald part bred Dales mare. 14.2hh. Ride and drive. Quiet, good to do. Suit mother daughter share.
J Mowbray, Carlisle
LOT 178/181PEN 185/187 4 Details on day.
A Kirkbride, Dalton in Furness
LOT 182 PEN 188 Pantycoed Cecco. 5 year old Welsh Section A grey gelding. 11.2hh. Sid is lightly broken and ready to find his own little person. Up to date with vaccs etc.
L Kirkbride, Dalton in Furness
LOT 183 PEN 189 ES Blue Knight. 6 year old blue blagdon cob gelding. 13.3hh. Blue was lightly broken and been left to mature. He will be sold as a project. 3 beautiful paces and will make someone a great alrounder. Sold as seen.
LOT 184 PEN 190
LOT 185 PEN 191
S Newson, Trimdon Station
Hermits Martini Ice. 3 year old smoky silver black traditional Gypsy cob filly. 13.2hh. TGCA registered. DNA and colour tested to carry the silver gene. To make approx. 14hh. Eye catching, lovely natured, deep bodied filly. Has lost some feather over winter but it is coming back nicely. She will take no breaking or will make a fabulous broodmare. Bought direct from breeder as a foal.
C Rigg, Ulverston
Gracie. 11 year old grey ID x Connemara mare 15.2hh. Happy hacker, 100% in traffic, good to do and no vices. Ideal mother daughter share. Up to date with teeth and vaccs. Pops a jump but green in school. Lovely temperament, a real nice sort. Has also bred a foal in the past.
A Collin, Forest in Teasdale
LOT 186 PEN 192
LOT 187 PEN 192
Wrentnall Candy. Welsh Section A yearling chestnut filly. Under 12hh. Stunning pony who really catches your eye. Will go on to make an excellent LR/FR. From a long line of medal winners. Further details on Wrentnall Welsh Mountain Section Ponies Facebook page.
Wrentnall Raven. Welsh Section A yearling chestnut filly. Under 12hh. Has real presence and a fantastic mover. Out of medal winning dam, Wrentnall Riverdance. Further details on Wrentnall Welsh Mountain Section Ponies Facebook page.
S Cooper, Leece
LOT 188 PEN 193
LOT 189 PEN 194
LOT 190 PEN 195
Merlin. 3 year old blue roan Blagdon Cob gelding to make 13.2hh. Nicely marked, well handled and been sat on. Will make a lovely pony.
Brian. 3 year old piebald miniature Shetland colt. Well marked colt with breeding potential.
A Fisher, Carlisle
Silver Buck. 9 year old dark bay TB gelding. 16hh. Ex racehorse now a Pony Club alrounder. Done beach rides, snaffle mouthed. Good to do and pleasure to have around. RoR eligible.
LOT 190A PEN 212
LOT 191 PEN 196
LOT 192/192APEN 197
LOT 193 PEN 198
Brady. 15 year old 16.1hh Irish Sport Horse chestnut mare. Snaffle mouthed. Quiet, good in traffic, good to do. Hunted in Ireland with a good scopey jump, done beach rides and a good alrounder.
N Clay, Bradford
Jane. 6 year old dark brown unregistered Fell mare. 12.3hh. Bought in July with her foal at foot. Now broken to ride. Lazy in school but good out hacking. Lovely on the ground. Only for sale due to lack of time.
R Watson, Co Durham
2 Details on day.
H Wilson, Newbiggin on Lune
Trainriggs Puzzle. 2 year old dark chestnut filly to make approx. 15hh. She will make an ideal riding horse.
LOT 194 PEN 198
LOT 195 PEN 199
LOT 196 PEN 200
LOT 197 PEN 201
Trainriggs Paddy. 2 year old dark chestnut gelding to make approx. 14.2hh. Quiet.
J Pedley, Portpatrick
Moses. 3 year old dark bay Fell x Welsh gelding. 13.3hh. Lightly handled and had breaking tack on.
Brambles. Unregistered 9 year old black Shetland stallion. Well handled.
Gypsy. 6 year old 14hh cob mare. Brocken to drive last year and brought back into work this year. Lovely stamp of a mare. Quiet to work with. Great with vet, farrier etc.
J Jackson, Out Rawcliffe
LOT 198 PEN 202
LOT 199 PEN 203
LOT 200/206PEN 204/210
Rumworth Royal Caradus (Ted). 4 year old, Welsh part bred bay gelding to make 12hh. Ready to start his education.
Ivy. 4 year old bay Irish Sport Horse mare. 16.1hh. Lightly backed. Just been shod. Perfect summer project.
N Holliday, Ivegill
7 heavy piebald cob mares and stallions.