Lads Night Out 31.08.2023

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North West Auc ons. J36 Rural Auc on Centre, Crooklands, Milnthorpe, Cumbria, LA7 7FP t. 015395 66200 www.nwauc e. info@nwauc J36 RURAL AUCTION CENTRE ‘LADS NIGHT OUT’ Show & Sale of 802 TERMINAL SIRED RAMS THURSDAY 31ST AUGUST 2023 Ring 1 - 3.30pm Ring 2- 5pm


Stock will be sold under the condi ons of sale displayed in the mart, recommended by the Livestock Auc oneers’ Associa on for England and Wales. Purchasers please bring the CPH number, address & postcode of the premises where the animals will be moved to and the registra on number of the vehicle in which they are to be transported. These are all required when prin ng the movement licences. The Auc oneers & Fieldsmen will be pleased to assist in arranging transport for livestock. Vendors please make sure all sheep are correctly tagged before coming to market. All breeding sheep are to be treated against scab and accompanied to the Market with a signed Sheep Scab Declara on form.


Payment is due on day of sale unless alterna ve arrangements have been made in advance.

Accepted methods of Payment

By Cheque for established customers or

By Direct Bank Transfer (preferred method of payment)

Our bank account details for online banking transac ons; Bank: Lloyds Sort Code: 30-16-28 Account Number: 22425168

Please include your account number

Please note card payments are no longer accepted

No lots can leave the market without a ‘pass slip’ being issued by the main office.


For the avoidance of doubt NWA Ltd reserve the right to contra or keep sale proceeds to offset against an outstanding account.


The informa on provided on these forms will be used by North West Auc ons to keep in touch with you and to provide updates and marke ng. We only share this informa on with other members of our group and if you do not want to be contacted for marke ng purposes, please no fy us in wri ng.


Enz - Enzoo c Abor on Vaccinated

HP - Heptavac P System

Cyd - Cydec n

O - Scratched for Orf

W - Wormed

Tox - Toxaplasm Abor on Vaccinated

Cov - Covexin 8 in 1 System

Dect - Dectomax

Ovi - Ovivac

D- Dosed

FV - Footvac Vaccinated

Clk - Clik

F - Fluked

V - Vitamins

All sheep warranted to be correct in mouth and udder/tes cles unless stated otherwise at me of sale.


Bradley Thompson, Auc oneer: 07867 000244

Ma hew Probert, Auc oneer: 07540 446667

Andrew Butler, Fields Officer: 079665 56592

Lisa Benne , Fields Officer: 079711 18717

Neil Strickland, Livestock Yard Team Leader: 077172 28635

Harriet Parker, Livestock Yard Team Leader: 077137 87510



The Robinson Ring (Ring 1) at 3.30pm

Beltex & Cross Bred Rams

Followed by Texel Rams

Ring 2 at 5pm

Suffolk Rams

Followed by Charollais, Dutch Spo ed & Any Other Breed





Kindly Sponsored by The Milking Parlour, I’Anson, Westmorland Veterinary Group, Peter Horn Mobile Sheep Dipping, MB Nutri on Ltd, Shap Fell Garage

Show Classes for:

Suffolk, Texel, Beltex, Beltex x & Charollais Rams

Judging to Commence at 2.45pm Prompt


Judging to Commence at 2.45pm Prompt

To be held in the Livestock Hall

1 Texel Shearling

2 Texel Lamb

3 Beltex Shearling

4 Beltex x Shearling

5 Suffolk Shearling


Class 1st 2nd 3rd
Suffolk Lamb

The Robinson Ring (Ring 1)

Sale to Commence at 3.30pm

Beltex & Cross Bred Rams followed by Texel Rams

P V Q B AGE V . 301 1 Bargh Contractors, Old Woodhouse 1 Beltex Shlg Hp 302-303 2-8 P Chester, Grassgill Lodge 7 Beltex x / Texel x Shlgs 304-305 9-15 G Hargreaves, Ivy Bank 7 Texel x Beltex Shlgs O Hp FV Cyd 306 16-18 ST Birke & Son, Hall Cro Barn 3 Beltex Shlgs Hp FV 307 19-22 4 Beltex x Texel Shlgs Hp FV 308-310 23-34 JA&R Geldard & Sons, Low Foulshaw Farm 12 Beltex x Charollais Shlgs Hp FV 311 35-36 CM Jennings, Crake Hall 2 Beltex Shlgs Hp Dect 312-313 37-41 MJ&K Ayrton, Bambers Farm 5 Texel x Beltex Shlgs 314-315 42-46 NL&CJ Brown, Claughton Hall Farm 5 Texel x Beltex Shlgs Hp FV 316-321 47-71 WW&D Boow, Corney Hall Farm 24 Beltex x Texel Shlgs Hp FV 322-323 72-77 B&A Crane, Holden Fold Farm 6 Beltex x Texel Shlgs Hp 324 78-81 AJ&RE Marston, Easgill Head 4 Beltex x Shlgs Hp 325 82-85 PW&D Swindlehurst, Tranthwaite Hall 4 Beltex x Texel (Worked as Lambs) Shlgs FV 86-87 D Towers, Scale House Farm 2 Beltex Shlgs Hp 88-89 2 Beltex x Shlgs Hp 327-329 90-99 AS Whi ield, The Barn 10 Texel x Beltex Shlgs Hp 330-332 100-111 Messrs Wales, Thackwood Farm 12 Beltex x Charollais Beltex x Texel Shlgs Hp 333 112-114 JC&E Pedley & Sons, Yore House 3 Beltex x Texel Shlgs Hp 334 115 JR Robinson & Son, Hollins Farm 1 Suffolk x Beltex 2 Shear Dect Hp 335-336 116-120 Thrimby Farm, Thrimby Hall 5 Beltex x Texel Shlgs 337-338 121-125 J&J Smith, Moorcock Hall Farm 5 Texel x Beltex Shlgs Hp 339-340 126-131 A Fare, Norcross 6 Beltex x Shlgs Hp Dect Clk 341 132-133 FB Dunning & son, Raisgill Hall 2 Texel x Beltex Shlgs O Hp 1-3 134-149 H Taylor & Partners, Hope House Farm 16 Charollais x Beltex Beltex x Texel Shlgs Hp Dect 4 150-154 Messrs TC Whiteford, Tercrosset Farm 5 Beltex x / Dutch x Shlgs 5 155-157 3 BFL x Texel (Maternal Sires) Shlgs 326
P V Q B AGE V . 6-8 158-175 S Jackson, Lingstubbs 18 Texel / Beltex x Shlgs2 Shear Hp Dect 9 176-179 JG&PH Thompson & Sons, Poppy Farm 4 Beltex x Texel Shlgs Cov 10 180-183 A Pricke , Farleton House 4 Beltex Shlgs 184-187 RF Towers, Curwen Hill Farm 4 Texel x Beltex Shlgs Hp2 FV 188-189 2 Beltex x Charollais Shlgs Hp2 FV 17 190-194 M Bowman, Wath Farm 5 Beltex x Texel Shlgs 195 1 Suffolk x Texel Shlg 18 196 G Nelson, Lane House 1 Suffolk x Beltex Shlg Hp2 Cyd 197 1 Suffolk, Beltex x Charollais Shlg Hp2 Cyd 19 198-199 S Mason, Cairn Co age 2 Beltex x Texel Shlgs Hp Cyd 200 1 Charollais x Texel Shlg Hp Cyd 20-21 201-204 RJ Garth, Peak View 4 Beltex Shlgs 205 1 Beltex x 2 Shear 206-207 2 Beltex x Texel Shlgs 22 208-210 R Allen, St Annes Farm 3 Beltex Shlgs Cov FV 211 1 Beltex x Texel Shlg Cov FV 23 212-217 P Mason, Coat Green Farm 6 Beltex (Stock Tups) 2 Shear Hp 24 218 M Moorhouse, Hampsfield Hall 1 Beltex x Charollais 2 Shear Hp 25 219-220 T Crosdale, Barn Cro 2 Pedigree Beltex Shlgs Hp O 26-27 221-228 RJ&J Towers, Greenlands Farm 8 Beltex x Charollais Shlgs Hp2 Clk Cyd 229-230 2 Suffolk x Beltex Shlgs Hp2 Clk Cyd 231 1 Beltex x Charollais Lamb Hp2 Clk Cyd 232 1 Suffolk x Beltex Lamb Hp2 Clk Cyd 28-33 233-264 G Sowerby, Terrys Farm 32 Texel x Beltex Shlgs Hp 34 265 T Ellis, Woodside 1 Beltex x Suffolk 3 Shear Hp 35 266-267 I Wilson, Low Flan Farm 2 Beltex Shlgs Hp 268-271 4 Beltex x Charollais Shlgs Hp 41-43 272-286 B Jones, Alton Manor Farm 15 Beltex x Texel Shlgs Hp+ FV F W 44 287 M Grunhill, Fell View Farm 1 Texel x Beltex Shlgs 45-46 288-292 SJ Buckley & Partners, Si nglow Farm 5 Beltex x Charollais Shlgs FV Hp 293-297 5 Beltex x Texel Shlgs FV Hp 47 298-300 A Winn, High Underbrow 3 Texel x Beltex (Worked as Lambs) Shlgs Hp 301 1 Charollais x Beltex (Worked as a Lamb) Shlg Hp 16
TEXEL RAMS P V Q B AGE V . 302-307 C Cornthwaite, Closes Hall Farm 6 Texel Shlgs Hp FV 308-309 2 Texel Lambs Hp FV 50 310-315 HJ&PA Berry, Lower Monubent Farm 6 Pure Texel Shlgs Hp 51-52 316-325 JT&J Kelsall, Summerlands 10 Texel Shlgs 53 326 S Mallinson, Nab House 1 Pedigree Texel Lamb Hp+ 54 327-330 RJ Garth, Peaks View 4 Texel Shlgs 55 331-336 S Mason, Cairn Co age 6 Texel Shlgs Hp Cyd 56 337-340 AJ&LJ Haston, Dearham Hall Farm 4 Pedigree Texel Shlgs Hp 57 341-344 AJ&RE Marston, Easgill Head 4 Texel Shlgs Hp 58 345-348 KD&DE Millar & Partners, Crookholm Farm 4 Texel Shlgs Hp 59 349-350 G Rawsthorn, Headless Close 2 Texel Shlgs Hp 60 351-355 S Blakey, Spencers Farm 5 Dutch Texel Shlgs Hp 61 356-357 T Wilson, Ashstead Farm 2 Texel Shlgs Hp 358-359 2 Texel Lambs Hp 62 360-363 JW&J Collin, Intake Farm 4 Texel Shlgs Hp 364-365 2 Blue Texel Shlgs Hp 63 366-372 A Williams, Elton Head Farm 7 Pure Texel Shlgs Hp FV 64 373 Bargh Contractors, Old Woodhouse 1 Texel Shlg Hp 65 374 P Chester, Grassgill Lodge 1 Pure Texel 2 Shear 66-67 375-382 JG&PH Thompson & Sons, Poppy Farm 8 Texel Shlgs Cov 68-70 383-397 J Carlile, Fowrass Farm 15 Texel Shlgs 71-73 398-415 J Woodburn & Partners, Mansrigg Hall 18 Texel (Worked as Lambs) Shlgs Hp FV 74 416-420 P Herterick, Hill Top Stables 5 Pedigree Texel Shlgs Hp FV Mul Vit 79 421-423 SM Ireton, Wes ields 3 Pedigree Texel Shlgs Hp O 80 424-429 JC&E Pedley & Sons, Yore House 6 Pure Texel Shlgs Hp 81 430-432 G Halpin, Windhill Farm 3 Texel Shlgs Hp 433 1 Texel 2 Shear Hp 82 434 MD&GE Shu leworth, Beckside Farm 1 Pure Texel 3 Shear Ovi+ 435-438 4 Pure Texel Shlgs Ovi+ 83 439-443 Thrimby Farm, Thrimby Hall 5 Texel Shlgs 48-49
TEXEL RAMS CONTINUED P V Q B AGE V . 84 444-446 ST Birke & Son, Hall Cro Barn 3 Texel Shlgs Hp FV 85 447-452 F Benne , Springfield Farm 6 Texel Shlgs Hp +FV 86-87 453-460 T&CM Kelsall, Brown Brook 8 Texel Shlgs 88-89 461-472 WJ&VJ Case, Plumpton Co age Farm 12 Texel Shlgs Hp FV 90 473-477 MJ&K Ayrton, Bambers Farm 5 Texel Shlgs 91 478-481 4 Texel Lambs 92-94 482-496 PW&D Swindlehurst, Tranthwaite Hall 15 Texel (Worked as Lambs) Shlgs FV 95-104 497-548 S Cunliffe, Seatle Hall 52 Texel Shlgs Hp FV 105 549-554 GR&RA Surtees, The Barn 6 Texel Shlgs Hp 106 555-559 J Garth & Son, Birk Kno 5 Texel Shlgs FV Hp 107 560-564 A&HC Smith, Crumhaughill Farm 5 Texel Shlgs Hp 108-109 565-570 NW&EM Mason & Son, High Green Farm 6 Pure Texel Shlgs Hp2 FV 571 1 Pure Texel 2 Shear Hp2 FV 110-111 572-576 R Mason, Hoskinshire Farm 5 Pure Texel Shlgs Hp 577-578 2 3/4 Texel Shlgs Hp 112-112A 579-586 H Geldard, Whitbarrow View 8 Texel Shlgs Hp FV 113 587-592 M&S Blease, The Barn 6 Texel Shlgs 114 593-595 WK&E Hutchinson, The Coach House 3 Texel Shlgs 115 596-598 H Carter, Cragg End 3 Texel Shlgs Hp 116 599-600 Elen Glyn Texels, Square Lodge 2 Texel Shlgs 117-118 601-612 K Cochran, Higher Wenshead Farm 12 Texel Shlgs Hp 119 613 J&L Tyson, Gaitbarrow Farm 1 Texel 1 Shear Hp+ 120 614 TMW&H Hodgson, Arklid Farm 1 Texel 3 Shear 121-122 615-622 RT&ME Su on, Crosscrake Farm 8 Pure Texel Shlgs Hp Cyd 123-124 623-629 S&G Mellor, Windico 7 Texel Shlgs Hp Clk W 125 630 S Roberts, Langdale Avenue 1 Texel Shlg 631-632 2 Texel Lambs 126 633-635 K Li le & D McClure, Wood Broughton Barn 3 Texel Shlgs Hp 127 636-639 M Bowman, Wath Farm 4 Pure Texel Shlgs Hp 128 640 M Moorhouse, Hampsfield Hall 1 Texel 2 Shear Hp 641 1 Texel 4 Shear Hp

Ring 2

Sale to Commence at 5pm

Suffolk Rams followed by Charollais, Dutch Spo ed & Any Other Breed

P V Q B AGE V . 134 644 S Roberts, Langdale Avenue 1 Suffolk Shlg 135 645-646 Mr & Mrs SC Walker, Brook House 2 Suffolk Shlgs Hp W Crov 647-648 2 Suffolk Lambs Hp W Crov 136 649-651 TM Townley, Knowsley Farm 3 Suffolk Shlgs Hp 137-138 652-657 J&C Airey, Reed Gardens 6 Suffolk Shlgs Hp 658-663 6 Suffolk Lambs Hp 139 664-666 A Bailey, Bailey Hill Farm 3 Suffolk (by Stockton Sniper Son) Lambs Hp 140 667-668 VR Guy, Whinfell 2 Suffolk Shlgs Hp 141 669-671 S&G Mellor, Windico 3 Suffolk Shlgs Hp Clk W 142 672-675 L Needham, Birkrigg Park 4 Suffolk Lambs Hp Clk 143 676 A Blair, Thornfleet 1 Suffolk Shlg Hp 677-680 4 Suffolk Lambs Hp O 144-145 681-690 JH Towers & Sons, Tunstall Hall 10 Suffolk Shlgs Hp 146 691-693 A Davies, Greenfield 3 Suffolk Shlgs 694-696 3 Suffolk Lambs 147 697 M Grunhill, Fell View Farm 1 Suffolk Aged 148 698 J&J Smith, Moorcock Hall Farm 1 Suffolk Shlg Hp 149-150 699-705 NW Hornby, Bowesfield Farm 7 Suffolk Shlgs Hp 151 706 G Nelson, Lane House 1 Suffolk Shlg Hp2 Cyd 152 707-709 G&K Richmond, Lodge Co age 3 Suffolk Lambs Hp O 153 710-713 R Hiddleston, Rigg Head Farm 4 Suffolk Lambs HP 154 714 CG Taylor, Meadow View 1 Suffolk 2 Shear Hp 155 715-720 AR Edmondson, Hawkswell Farm 6 Suffolk Shlgs 156 721 E Kelly, Rawlinson Street 1 Suffolk Lamb 157-158 722-731 RA&L Hodgson, Pa on Hall 10 Suffolk Shlgs Hp Dect 732-733 2 Suffolk Lambs Hp Dect 159 734 H Wilson, Ashstead Farm 1 Suffolk Shlg Hp 735 1 Suffolk Lamb Hp 160-161 736-739 W Bargh, Pemberton Farm 4 Suffolk Shlgs Hp O 740-743 4 Suffolk x Shlgs Hp O
CHAROLLAIS RAMS P V Q B AGE V . 165 757-759 Messrs Wales, Thackwood Farm 3 Charollais Shlgs Hp 166 760 J&L Tyson, Gaitbarrow Farm 1 Charollais 3 Shear Hp+ 167 761-762 B&A Crane, Holden Fold Farm 2 Pedigree Charollais Shlgs Hp 168 763-767 JA&R Geldard & Sons, Low Foulshaw Farm 5 Charollais Shlgs Hp FV 169 768 J Sto Jnr, Kingsland 1 Charollais Shlg 1 Charollais Lamb 170 770-773 MS&AP Lee, Cinder Hill Farm 4 Charollais Shlgs 171 774 JBL&I Ellis, Hawksrigg 1 Charollais 2 Shear 172 775 S Cumming, Smithy Wood Farm 1 Charollais Shlg FV Hp 776-777 2 Charollais Lambs FV Hp 778 1 Charollais x Beltex Shlg FV Hp 173 779-780 RJ&J Towers, Greenlands Farm 2 Charollais Shlgs Hp2 Clk Cyd 781-783 3 Charollais Lambs Hp2 Clk Cyd 769 DUTCH SPOTTED RAMS P V Q B AGE V . 174 784 M Rowlandson, Jutland Avenue 1 Pedigree Dutch Spo ed Shlg Ovi 175 785 M Bowman, Wath Farm 1 Dutch Spo ed Shlg Hp 786-787 D&J Dixon, Grayrigg Foot 2 Pedigree Dutch Spo ed Shlgs Hp O 788 1 Dutch Spo ed Aged Hp O 177 789 AJ Ellis, Woodside 1 Pedigree Dutch Spo ed Shlg Hp 178 790-791 C Barnes, Wild Boar Barn 2 Dutch Spo ed Lambs Ovi 179 792-794 K Dagger, Conway Close 3 Registered Dutch Spo ed (Worked as Lambs) Shlgs Hp Clk 795 1 Dutch Spo ed Lamb Hp Clk 176
P V Q B AGE V . 162 744-746 S&J Sharpe, Oak Lea Farm 3 Suffolk Shlgs Hp Dect 163 747-752 Blackstar Suffolks, Higher House Farm 6 Suffolk (Birth No fied) Lambs Hp 164 753-755 S&G Laba e, Swarthgill Barn 3 Suffolk Shlgs Cov 756 1 Suffolk 3 Shear Cov
P V Q B AGE V . 180 796 P Chester, Grassgill Lodge 1 Pure Rouge Shlg 797-798 B&A Crane, Holden Fold Farm 2 Pedigree Bleu du Maine Shlgs Hp 799-802 4 Pure Millennium Blue Shlgs Hp 181


Wednesday 6th September

Lancaster Auc on Mart


To include members of the North of England Mule Gimmer Associa on

Friday 8th September

J36 Rural Auc on Centre


Show & Sale of North Country Mule, Masham, Cheviot Mule & Rough Fell Mule Gimmer Lambs

Saturday 9th September

J36 Rural Auc on Centre


On behalf of the Kendal Branch of NEMSA

Saturday 16th September

J36 Rural Auc on Centre PEDIGREE SHEEP DAY

Society sales on behalf of the Northern Beltex Club, Blue Texel & Badger Face. Also Dutch Spo ed, Dutch Texel & Other Breeds

Second Sale of Breeding Ewes & Gimmer Shearlings

Thursday 21st September

J36 Rural Auc on Centre


Friday 22nd September

J36 Rural Auc on Centre

Great Annual Show & Sale of Swaledale Dra Ewes, Gimmer Shearlings & Gimmer Lambs

The Rough Fell Sheep Breeders Associa on Annual Prize Show & Sale of Rough Fell Dra Ewes, Gimmer Shearlings & Gimmer Lambs

Sale of Cheviot, Herdwick & Other Hill Breed Females.

Tuesday 26th September

6pm ‘BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN’ Evening Sale of Terminal Sired Breeding Rams

Monday 2nd October

4pm Show & Sale of Registered & Un- Registered Bluefaced Leicester Rams & Females

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