193 Head of MV (170) & Non MV (23) Accredited Pedigree Breeding Sheep

LOCATION: The sale will be held at NWA J36 Auc on Centre, Crooklands, Cumbria LA7 7FP (Sat Nat LA7 7NU)
CONDITIONS OF SALE: The sale will be held subject to the rules and regula ons of each breed society, the condions of sale as recommended by the Livestock Auc ons Associa on and the Auc oneers Standard Condi ons of sale.
ARRIVAL: Stock can be delivered to the market between 4pm-5.30pm on Friday 20th and from 7am on the morning of the sale.
INSPECTION: Badger Face Texel, Blue Texel & Dutch Spo ed sheep will be inspected by the socie es between 8am-9.30am.
METHOD OF SALE: A Society Levy will be deducted from the vendors account and paid to the relevant Society. Badger Face Texel 1% Blue Texel 1%, Dutch Spo ed 1%. All sheep will be sold in guineas (105 pence) and in catalogue order, unless any change is announced by the Auc oneer.
MAEDI VISNA: MV Accredited flocks to be sold first through ring one followed by non MV Accredited animals.
REGISTRATIONS: All stock in the sale are registered with the appropriate breed socie es, unless otherwise stated. All sheep must be double tagged. The vendor shall be responsible for correctness of iden ty. Any tags which are tampered with, handwri en/bear marks, are faulty or illegible will be rejected from the sale.
PEDIGREE TRANSERS: A transfer fee will be charged to the purchaser if they wish to transfer their purchase into their flock. Badger Face Texel £5, Blue Texel £5 + VAT , Dutch Spo ed £0.
BYE-LAWS: A copy of each socie es bye-laws can be found in the Junc on 36 livestock office.
NUMBERING: All Sheep will be iden fied with lot numbers hung around their neck (Dutch Spo ed) or backstamped (Blue Texel & Badger Face Texel).
SUBSTITUTE ANIMALS: Will be marked in red in the catalogue.
In Person – Please register for an account in the office prior to the sale commencing. By Telephone – please contact the office prior to the sale to state you want to do a telephone bid and which lot(s) you would like to bid on.
Online – please register with nwa.auc onmarts.com prior to the sale. Once the sale is up and running you will then be able to bid. To register you will need full name, address, email and contact number.
SETTLEMENT AND CLEARANCE OF STOCK: Se lement in full is due immediately at the close of the sale. No animal may leave the sale premises without an official ‘Pass Slip’ obtainable from the Auc oneers upon se lement.
ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: The Auc oneers can accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions printed in this catalogue.
METHOD OF SALE: All sheep will be sold in guineas (105 pence) and in catalogue order, unless any change is announced by the Auc oneer.
PAYMENT: Payment is due on day of sale unless alterna ve arrangements have been made in advance. Accepted methods of Payment by Cheque for established customers or by Direct Bank Transfer (preferred method of payment) Our bank account details for online banking transac ons;
Bank: Lloyds Sort Code: 30-16-28 Account Number: 22425168
Please include your account number
Please note card or cash payments are no longer accepted
Comprising of 17 BELTEX
On behalf of Northern Beltex Club 9 Shearling Rams & 8 Shearling Ewes See Separate Catalogue
On behalf of Badger Face Texel Society 3 Shearling Ewes
On behalf of Dutch Spo ed Society
6 Aged Ram, 14 Shearling Rams, 24 Ram Lambs 8 Ewes, 20 Shearling Ewes, 45 Ewe Lambs & 22 Graded Females
On behalf of Blue Texel Society
1 Aged Ram, 10 Shearling Rams, 11 Ram Lambs, 2 Ewes & 10 Shearling Ewes
Sale 10.30am
Also on this day:
Ring 1: Sale of Commercial Breeding Ewes & Shearlings -
J36 Rural Auc on Centre, Crooklands, Milnthorpe, Cumbria LA7 7FP
Ma hew Probert, Auc oneer: 07540 446667
Will Rogerson, Auc oneer: 07506 583587
Andrew Butler, Fields Officer: 079665 56592
Lisa Benne , Fields Officer: 079711 18717
Neil Strickland, Livestock Yard Team Leader: 077172 28635

Show Classes to Commence at 9am
MV Accredited Classes Only
To be sold through Ring 2
MV Accredited
Sale To Commence at 10.30am
Approximately 10.45am
Approximately 10.50am
Approximately 12noon
Followed by
Non - MV Accredited
Ring 1 at 10am - Sale of Commercial Breeding Ewes & Shearlings
1. A Society Levy of 1% will be deducted from the vendor’s account and paid to the Badger Face Texel Sheep Society.
2. All sheep will be sold under the Condi ons of Sale of the Livestock Auc oneers Associa on.
3. Transfer Fee- A fee of £5 will be charged to the purchaser is they wish to transfer their purchase to their flock.
4. All sheep to be fully registered with the Badger Face Texel Society. All sheep must have official ear ta oos or tags and also be tagged in accordance with the relevant DEFRA regula ons. The Vendor shall be responsible for the correctness of iden ty.
5. Pre Sale Inspec on- All sheep forward for sale will be subject to a Society inspec on. Any animal which does not reach the inspec on standard will not be eligible for sale. The inspec on decision will be final and any animal failing, must be removed immediately from the sale and forfeit the entry fee. No appeal is permi ed.
6. Subs tutes – Details of Subs tutes must be submi ed to the Society Secretary 48 hours prior to sale.
7. The Badger Face Texel Sheep Society Sub-Register allows females registered with the Beltex, Blue Texel & Texel (inc Dutch Texels) Society’s to be used for Badger Face Breeding. All females entered into the Badger Face Sub-Register can only be bred with a Badger Face Ram. These animals entered in the SubRegister are not guaranteed to breed Badger Face Texel Sheep. If resul ng offspring are correctly marked with Badger Face Markings they can enter the main registry or female offspring retained in the sub registry to be used for future breeding.
9. An upset price of 300gn is set for all sheep, ie, if no opening bid is received aforemen oned, that lot will be passed out of the ring unsold.
Holme House, Dale, Ainstable, Carlisle CA4 9RH email: info@pedigreelivestockservices.co.uk Telephone: 01768 870 523
Shows and sales
11.1 Trimming is freestyle but the use of ar ficial colouring, paint, sprays, chalk, etc. are not permi ed.
11.2 Any members a emp ng to produce a more permanent change to the appearance of a sheep may be barred from Membership of the Society.
11.3 Members exhibi ng at shows must obey the rules of the Show Society and the Blue Texel Sheep Society.
11.4 Only one Genuine Flock Dispersal Sale is permi ed at any one Society Sale, these must be sold at the end of the Society Sale. If a member wishes to have a one-off reduc on or produc on sale at a Society Sale, prior Society consent must be given, and these would have to be at the end of the Society Sale
11.5 As of 1 June 2022 no Private Produc on or Reduc on Sales are permi ed on the same day as Society Sale Venues
11.6 Only MV sheep can be exhibited in their appropriate class at Society Sales,
11.7 Only sheep of compliance with the breed standard may be shown or presented for Society Sales.
11.8 All sheep forward at Society Sales must be registered with the Blue Texel Sheep Society at least 3 weeks prior to entry and all registry fees paid.
11.9 All sheep forward will be the property of the Members of the Blue Texel Sheep Society.
11.10 Excessive entries at sales: The Commi ee reserves the right to govern the number of entries at Breed Sales (by means of reduc on based on the percentage of registered stock within the seller's flock). This will be adequately described in the appropriate Sale Schedule.
11.11 Current Sale Entry Allowance: (per Vendors Flock Code)
11.12 Males: Maximum of 2 Aged Rams, 6 Shearling Rams & 3 Ram Lambs per sale
11.13 Females: Maximum of 10 Females per Class (Female entries are capped at an overall of 18 lots per sale)
11.14 Subs tute entries must be no fied no later than 24 hours before the sale unless the appropriate Sale Schedule gives a different me limit.
11.15 Subs tute entries must be iden fied by a red dot between the shoulder blades. It is the responsibility of the vendor to no fy the Society of ALL subs tu ons in order to avoid animals being transferred incorrectly.
11.16 The Commi ee may set minimum reserve (upset) prices for sale entries. Currently set at 300 gns.
11.17 Only two sheep per vendor in each class are permi ed at Pre Sale Shows.
11.18 At the Championship line-ups the sheep that are placed second to the Champions in their classes should be brought forward when judging of the Reserve Champion takes place.
11.19 Should the Champion in any class not meet its reserve and therefore not be sold it will not be permi ed to enter the show classes at other Official Breed Sales in the same calendar year if shown by the same vendor.
11.20 Only rose es awarded at the relevant sale can be on display.
11.21 In-Lamb Ewe Sales: All rams specified as being the 'sire of' or 'having run with the ewe' must be registered with the Blue Texel Sheep Society in order for the progeny to be registered. Ewes running with unregistered rams shall be excluded from the sale.
11.22 All sheep sold at the In-Lamb Sales must be scanned in-lamb.
11.23 All sold animals must be transferred into the Blue Texel Sheep Society Flock Book to the new owner by the vendor.
11.24 NO offspring can be registered by the vendor of an animal sold at public auc on. Unless:
i) The resul ng offspring are from embryos collected prior to sale and are accompanied by signed Embryo Transfer Paperwork. The flushing of the ewe MUST have been declared at the me of sale. ii) The resul ng offspring are from semen from a ram where semen collec on/ ram use was declared me of sale.
11.25 If semen has been collected and retained by the vendor of either for personal use or for resale from rams being sold at Society Sales this must be declared in the catalogue and announced at me of sale and no fied to the Society for inclusion in the registry database.
11.26 If a female sheep entered for a Society sale has been flushed this must be declared in the catalogue and at me of sale.
11.27 Showing sheep not for sale is not permi ed.
11.28 Any interference with natural tooth growth is not permi ed.
11.29 Private Sales where the Grassroots So ware is needed to generate a catalogue a fee of £60.00 + VAT will be invoiced to the vendor.
12. Pre-sale inspec ons
12.1 The Society Commi ee reserve the rights to appoint Society Sale Inspectors.
12.2 All entries to Society Sales to be made available for inspec on prior to the Pre-Sale Show and/or sale. Sheep which, in the opinion of the Breed Inspectors, fail to meet the breed standards for characteris cs and conforma on or are unhealthy or injured will be excluded from the sale. No refund of entry fees will be made for sheep excluded from the Sale. Sheep which have been excluded shall be returned to their transport forthwith and not further exhibited for sale.
12.3 Sheep will be inspected on the day of the sale for Tags, Conforma on, Locomo on, Breed Standard, Teeth, Tes cles & Udder. If the Society Inspector rejects any sheep, they should be removed from the sale centre as soon as possible.
12.4 Rams’ Tes cles should be of even size, move freely and free of abnormali es.
12.5 Tags which do not comply with UK legisla on and Society requirements will result in the sheep being rejected.
12.6 All sheep forward must be back stamped with the lot number, failure to do so will result in rejec on.
12.7 Neck es are permissible on the lambs from Ewe & Lamb ou its sold at ewe and lamb sales but the ewe must be backstamped.
12.8 Females - udders should be correct and free of abnormali es and working fully on both sides.
12.9 Sheep which have failed inspec on must be removed from the market.
12.10 Sheep which have failed inspec on will be iden fied with a green dot on back of the neck.
12.11 The Official Society Inspectors Decision is final, regardless of if the sheep is accompanied with a valid veterinary health cer ficate.
13. Warranty
13.1 The Society shall adhere to the Livestock Auc oneers Associa on sale warran es. 13.2 Rams and Ram Lambs: All rams, including ram lambs, are warranted by the seller to be capable of natural and effec ve service within 100 days of the Sale. If at the expira on of the warranty period a ram is proven incapable of natural and effec ve service and within 14 days of the expira on of the warranty period a Veterinary Cer ficate is lodged with the Official Auc oneers confirming: The ram is incapable of performing a natural Effec vee service; and The Veterinary Surgeon has inspected the Purchaser's ewes and found them to be in normal and in breeding condi on; then the Purchaser may return the animal to the Seller and be fully reimbursed. Rams Tes cles should be of even size, move freely and be free of abnormali es.
Holme House, Dale, Ainstable, Carlisle CA4 9RH email: office@bluetexelsheep.co.uk website: www.blue-texel-sheep.com Telephone: 01768 870 523
Arrival of Stock: Friday 20th 4pm-5.30pm or Saturday 21st from 7am
Inspec on: 8am - 9.30am
Show: 9am
ENTRIES – All animals entered must be fully registered and, on the Grassroots Database, with all fees paid at least 7 working days before the date of sale entry.
METHOD OF SALE – All sheep will be sold in guineas (105 pence) and in catalogue order unless alterna on is announced by auc oneer. A market commission at the marts rate will be charged on all sheep sold, a further 1% sales levy, which will be paid to the DSSS. Entries are limited to 4 animals in each run per sec on, a ballot will be carried out for sale order in each sec on. Any further entries will be balloted in the same manner for a second run and so on. Any sales that do not follow this protocol will state on the entry form. All UK and imported sheep must be fully registered and fees paid prior to entry to a sale. Failing to do this will result in the animal being ineligible to be sold.
CONDITIONS OF SALE – The sale is held subject to the Livestock Auc oneers Associa on Condi ons of Sale and the Rules of the DSSS.
FLUSHED SHEEP – where females have been flushed for ET work details must be disclosed at the me of sale.
SEMEN – rams being sold where semen is being retained, details must be disclosed at the me of sale.
INSPECTIONS – For all official Society sales, the Society shall appoint an inspector and representa ves from the Society to help with administra on of inspec ons. The inspector will consider the DSSS inspec on criteria which is listed below, and is empowered to disbar any animal which in his/her opinion does not meet the necessary standard to be sold at an official Society Sale. Any animal failing inspec on will not be allowed to be sold on the day of the sale, nor any other Society sale in the same year. Such an animal will be marked with a YELLOW DOT ON THE LOIN and should, where possible be removed from the market, or penned in designated lairage away from sheep passed inspec on. No adver sing, promo on or sale of such a sheep is allowed on market premises. Any sheep withdrawn from a sale, passing inspec on and gone through the ring, but unsold will be allowed to enter subsequent Society sales but will have to be presented for inspec on again.
The inspector’s decision is final and neither the Inspectors, the Society nor the Auc oneers will be liable to the owners of such animals or any other person or company for damage or any loss arising from such a rejec on.
• The lot number must correspond with the number entered in the catalogue. Animals without the correct iden fica on will be rejected from the sale.
• The animal is not suffering from any infec ous disease.
• Animals that do not meet animal welfare standards such as lame animals will be rejected from that sale, however are eligible to be entered for future sales in that year, provided they are inspected and pass inspecon.
• Teeth to be assessed whereby if any incisor teeth that are felt beyond the pad, as demonstrated by catching on fingers when running from the pad downwards, or when they are so far beyond the pad that they do not catch the finger, will be rejected.
• Tes cles should be of even size, move freely and free from abnormali es. Ram lamb’s minimal scrotal circumference is 28cm and Shearling Rams minimal scrotal circumference is 33cm.
• Udder should be correct and free from abnormali es.
• Mobility: sheep should be mobile and sound with no feet and/or leg structural issues. Any animal which does not reach the inspec on standard will not be eligible for sale.
• Compliance all sheep must be registered with the official Society “Dutch Spo ed Sheep Society”. All sheep must be tagged in accordance with the rules of the DSSS and the relevant Government regulaons.
UPSET PRICE – The minimum upset price is set at 300gns (200gns for Graded females). Sheep unsold but passing inspec on will be allowed into subsequent Society Sales but not on the same day.
MAEDI VISNA- All sheep from MV Accredited flocks will only be accepted into the market and penned for sale if they are accompanied by a current Maedi Visna Accredita on Scheme Cer ficate which has been correctly completed.
NUMBERING – All entries must be iden fied by their catalogue number by means of a neck e or by numbers printed clearly on the animals back in paint and will be sold in catalogue order.
SUBSTITUTE ENTRIES – All subs tute entries MUST BE NOTIFIED to the Secretary not less than 7 working days before the sale. Subs tute entries must be marked with a RED DOT ON THE SHOULDER. Subs tutes are limited to 1 per vendor per sec on. Females can only be subs tuted by another female of same age and class; the same rule applies to males. Animals not no fied to the secretary in the allo ed me will be refused entry into the sale.
SETTLEMENT AND CLEARING OF STOCK – Se lement in full is due immediately at the close of sale. No animal must leave the sale premises without an official “pass slip” obtainable only from the Auc oneers upon se lement.
EXPORT TO NOTHERN IRELAND – As of the 1st January 2021, the rules for expor ng sheep from the United Kingdom to Northern Ireland and the European Union have changed. – No direct export or vendor returns will be available. It will be the responsibility of the purchaser and/or vendor to make necessary arrangements for the sheep going to Northern Ireland.
DISCLAIMER- the responsibility for export of sheep rests with either the purchaser or the vendor and not the Dutch Spo ed Sheep Society or Auc on Company accommoda ng the sale.
Website – www.dutchspo edsheep.co.uk
Ac ng Secretary Penny Eminson – 07721 367 351 secretary@dutchspo edsheep.co.uk

Show to Commence at 9am
Judge: Elsa Mckechnie of the Silver Birch Flock
Kindly Supported By

Class 1
Aged Ram
Class 2
Shearling Ram
Class 3
Ram Lamb
Class 4
Class 5
Shearling Ewe
Champion Male

Show to Commence at 9am
Judge: Andrew Bea e of the Carlaustan Flock
Kindly Supported By

Class 1
Aged Ram
Class 2
Shearling Ram
Class 3
Ram Lamb
Class 4
Class 5
Shearling Ewe
Class 6
Ewe Lamb
Champion Male
Reserve Male
Female Champion Female Reserve

Overall Champion Overall Reserve


Lot Nos.
Dakin Becki [Rathbone]
Ravenshaw Farm, Eldroth, Austwick, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA2 8AL (21,22,23)
Becki Dakin (Rathbone) PEN: 121
LOT 21 Rathbone BEC/23/05614 (UK0129153/05614)
14 Apr 2023 (Badger Face)
Sire: Cleenagh Darcy gs: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) (4267-0431) (LAR/22/01053) gd: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) X31 (26308-22738)
Dam: Turbo Das gs: Turbo Das (Import) (26200-28540) (RJR/18/03608) gd: Turbo Blue (Import) (08441-24896)
LOT 22 Rathbone BEC/23/05618 (UK0129153/05618
BEC/23/006 TWIN 14 Apr 2023 (Badger Face)
Sire: Cleenagh Darcy gs: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) (4267-0431) (LAR/22/01053) gd: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) X31 (26308-22738)
Dam: Rathbone ET gs: Turbo Das Notorious B.I.G (26418-42373) (BEC/21/00006) gd: Turbo Das (RJR/18/03608)
LOT 23 Rathbone BEC/23/05619 (UK0129153/05619)
BEC/23/007 TWIN 14 Apr 2023 (Badger Face)
Sire: Cleenagh Darcy gs: CLEENAGH PADDY POWER (IMPORT) (4267-0431) (LAR/22/01053) gd: CLEENAGH (IMPORT) X31 (26308-22738)
Dam: Rathbone ET gs: Turbo Das Notorious B.I.G (26418-42373) (BEC/21/00006) gd: Turbo Das (RJR/18/03608)

Barnes Mr C [Pendragon] Wild Boar Barn, Mallerstang, Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria, CA17 4JX

Barnes Mr B [Brandleigh] Robscro , Middleton, Kirkby Lonsdale, Carnforth, Lancs, LA6 2NG (80,94,149-152)
Boyes Mr RS [Evan's] 81 Lingla Gardens, Frizington, Cumbria, CA26 3AL (99-103)
Cambage Mrs S.D. [Roecliffe] Linburn Head Farm, Woodland, Bishop Auckland, Co. Durham, DL13 5NH (97-98)
Clarke Mrs SA [Sass] Williamwood, Kirtlebridge, Lockerbie, DG11 3LN (66-68,73-76,104,124-129)
Dixon Mr Jack [Grayrigg Foot] Grayrigg Foot, Grayrigg, Kendal, Cumbria, LA8 9BS (48,89-91)
Foster Mrs N [Outberry] Birch Bush, E ersgill, Forest In Teesdale, Barnard Castle, Co Durham, DL12 0EF (69-72,147-148)
Guthrie A & J [Myreside] Myreside, Hartwoodmyres, Selkirk, TD7 5HA (52-54,153-155)
Harding Miss Chloe [Dustland] Elm Farm, Birds Lane, Ta enhall, Cheshire, CH3 9NL (50)
Kemp Mr & Mrs P & C
[Whitequey] The Birches, Stoneraise, Durdar, Carlisle, CA5 7AT (38-39,63-65,117-118)
Lancaster Mr RA & Mrs J [Brackenbarrow] 5 Green Co ages, Torver, Coniston, Cumbria, LA21 8BG (57,139-140)
Lloyd & Miss G Lloyd Mr I [Nant-Y-Rhiw] Tyn Twll, Nant-Y-Rhiw, Llanrwst, Conwy, LL26 0TH
Ma a Mr D [How Caple] The Stables, Prothither Farm, How Caple, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR2 6QJ (143-146)
Metcalfe Mr A [Crook Hall] Crook Hall, Crook, Kendal, Cumbria, LA8 8LF
Middleton Mr & Mrs RA [Misty Top] Leck Fell House, Leck, Carnforth, Lancashire, LA6 2JE
Nash Tom & Louise [Merryboro] Merryboro Farm, Wiston, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, SA62 4BE (40,135-138)
Palmer Mrs B [Ne lebed] Folly Hall, Grindleton, Clitheroe, Lancs, BB7 4QT (130-131)
Parker Messrs A&P [Lochlad] Lochlad Farming Partnership, Springfield, Lochmaben, Lockerbie, DG11 1RW (110-114)
Riley Miss D [Shorefields] Shorefields, Carr Lane, Middleton, Lancashire, LA3 3LL (32-33,35,60-62)
RM & PJ Eminson and A & NJ Eminson-Smith [Highclose] Top o th Close Farm, Cornfield Grove, Ightenhill, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 8UD (36-37,77-78,81-88)
Rowlandson Mrs M [Damson] 45 Jutland Avenue, Flookburgh, Grange Over Sands, LA11 7LF (55-56,95,115-116)
Stead Mr J [Middlemoor] Middlemoor Farm, Hudswell, Richmond, North Yorkshire, DL11 6DB (41,51,119-123)
Veitch & Miss E Harrison Mr M [Fell View] Ingledene, Hunsonby, Penrith, Cumbria, CA10 1PH7 (92-93,141-142)
Mr A Metcalfe (Crook Hall)
Vendor Notes: Sheep in the Hp and Click system.
PEN: 122
LOT 31 Irthing Valley First Rate (ET) 056/F00229 (UK011867800229)
SINGLE ET 11 Feb 2022
Sire: Diamond Eminem (ET) gs: Drumhirk Decider (088/D01639) (086/E00730) gd: Bella II (Import 2018) (IM0410)
Dam: Irthing Valley Dawn gs: Challoch Black Jack (064/B00001) (056/D00136) gd: Irthing Valley Classy Lady (056/C00114)
Breeder: Mr Nick Brown -
Miss D Riley (Shorefields)
PEN: 123
LOT 32 Misty Top Fire Cracker 117/F14234 (UK018436514234)
TWIN 23 Feb 2022
Sire: Lochlad Diversity gs: (Import 2019) Admiral (IM0619) (001/D00002) gd: Fleeceity (import 2016) (IM0007)
Dam: Beech Hay Ballet gs: Hiroshima (import 2016) (IM0004) (014/B00745) gd: Adagio (Import 2017) (IM0138)
Breeder: Mr & Mrs RA Middleton
LOT 33 Brackenbarrow Flynn 234/F02272 (UK010981102272)
TRIPLET 14 Feb 2022
Sire: Eden Eyecatcher gs: (Import 2020) Cruzer (IM0821) (026/E00290) gd: (Import 2019) (IM0792)
Dam: (Import 2020) Charmer gs: (NL100085152395) (IM0877) gd: (NL100138676212)
Breeder: Mr RA & Mrs J Lancaster
Mr & Mrs RA Middleton (Misty Top)
LOT 34 Lochlad Diversity 001/D00002 (UK058801900002)
TRIPLET 22 Feb 2020
Sire: (Import 2019) Admiral gs: (NL100144134775) (IM0619) gd: (NL100085252354)
Dam: Fleeceity (import 2016) gs: (528100171212725) (IM0007) gd: (528100014893724)
Breeder: Messrs A&P Parker
Miss D Riley (Shorefields) PEN: 125
LOT 35 Shorefields Goodfella 577/G20368 (UK01883260020368)
SINGLE 27 Mar 2023
Sire: Ty-Gwyn Dylan
gs: Merryboro Cracker (060/C02091) (061/D01902)
Dam: Eden F00368
gd: (Import 2019) Dolly (IM0467)
gs: Mount Pleasant Eskobar (ET) (057/E01002) (026/F00368)
gd: (IMP18) Beauty (IM2001)
RM & PJ Eminson and A & NJ Eminson-Smith (Highclose) PEN: 126
LOT 36 Highclose Great Glen 003/G02558 (UK018050402558)
TRIPLET 20 Mar 2023
Sire: Highclose Duke Caboom
gs: Dennis (import 2016) (IM0016) (003/D02128)
Dam: Aurora (import 2017)
gd: Aurora (import 2017) (IM0105)
gs: (NL100162929472) (IM0105)
gd: (NL100017841902)
LOT 37 Highclose Gascoigne 003/G02530 (UK018050402530)
TWIN 11 Mar 2023
Sire: Irthing Valley Freddie gs: Irthing Valley Candyman (056/C00109) (056/F00221) gd: Irthing Valley Elysha (ET) (056/E00151)
Dam: Highclose Chuckles gs: Dennis (import 2016) (IM0016) (003/C02127) gd: Tiana (import 2017) (IM0104)
Mr & Mrs P & C Kemp (Whitequey) PEN: 127
LOT 38 Whitequey Gizmo 600/G00007 (UK044050700007)
TWIN 05 Apr 2023
Sire: Lochlad Fur veness gs: (Import 2019) Avalanche (IM0620) (001/F00427) gd: (Import 2018) Bonni (IM0266)
Dam: Woodies Egg Cup gs: Tiptop Calvin Klein (008/C00703) (218/E03194) gd: (Import 2020) Molly (IM1132)
Seller Comments: Sire is part of the Lochlad RHS 2023 show winning team. a strong and solid ram.
LOT 39 Top Spot Giovanni (ET) 171/G10707 (UK012502010707)
SINGLE ET 09 Jan 2023
Sire: Lochlad Excalibur gs: (Import 2019) Admiral (IM0619) (001/E00183) gd: (Import 2018) Beatrix (IM0329)
Dam: Gallowhill Candice gs: Gallowhill Balvenie (013/B01702) (007/C02025) gd: (import 2016) (IM0167)
Breeder: C Brown & S Mason
Seller Comments: A solid and friendly ram of great pedigree.
Tom & Louise Nash (Merryboro)
LOT 40 Merryboro G-star 060/G02614
PEN: 128
TWIN 30 May 2023
Sire: (Import 2020) Dutch Dominator gs: (NL100138240536) (IM1310) gd: (NL100097403089)
Dam: Merryboro Diamond gs: Merryboro Cracker (060/C02091) (060/D02112) gd: (Import 2018) (IM0246)
Seller Comments: A son of Merryboro Diamond. A flock favourite. Full brother Ferrari is producing well for the Johnstown flock. Sired by Dutch Dominator.
Mr J Stead (Middlemoor)
PEN: 134
LOT 41 Middlemoor Granite 353/G00951 (UK012232100951)
SINGLE 23 Feb 2023
Sire: Beech Hay Chancellor gs: Ambassador (Import 2017) (IM0054) (014/C00825) gd: Annabelle (Import 2017) (IM0128)
Dam: Merryboro Enchanted (ET) gs: Boris (Import 2019) (IM0471) (060/E02245) gd: (Import 2017) Anwen (IM0690)
Mr & Mrs RA Middleton (Misty Top)
PEN: 135
LOT 42 Misty Top Granite (ET) 117/G15479 (UK018436515479)
TWIN ET 12 Feb 2023
Sire: Drumhirk Decider gs: (Import 2019) Hulk (IM0831) (088/D01639) gd: Drumhirk Charlo e (088/C01551)
Dam: Tiptop Bubble Gum gs: Bullseye (import 2017) (IM0043) (008/B00505) gd: (import 2017) (IM0092)
LOT 43 Misty Top Gallant (ET) 117/G15483 (UK018436515483)
TWIN ET 13 Feb 2023
Sire: Drumhirk Decider gs: (Import 2019) Hulk (IM0831) (088/D01639) gd: Drumhirk Charlo e (088/C01551)
Dam: Tiptop Bubble Gum gs: Bullseye (import 2017) (IM0043) (008/B00505) gd: (import 2017) (IM0092)
LOT 44 Misty Top Garibaldi (ET) 117/G15485 (UK018436515485)
TWIN ET 14 Feb 2023
Sire: Drumhirk Decider
gs: (Import 2019) Hulk (IM0831) (088/D01639)
Dam: Tiptop Bubble Gum
gd: Drumhirk Charlo e (088/C01551)
gs: Bullseye (import 2017) (IM0043) (008/B00505) gd: (import 2017) (IM0092)
LOT 45 Misty Top Goliath 117/G15476 (UK018436515476)
SINGLE 08 Feb 2023
Sire: Lochlad Diversity
gs: (Import 2019) Admiral (IM0619) (001/D00002)
gd: Fleeceity (import 2016) (IM0007)
Dam: Mossclair Daisy Doodle gs: (Import 2020) Genghis (IM1181) (136/D00165) gd: (2020 Import) Cupcake (IM0717)
LOT 46 Misty Top General (ET) 117/G15477 (UK018436515477)
TWIN ET 11 Feb 2023
Sire: Drumhirk Decider
gs: (Import 2019) Hulk (IM0831) (088/D01639) gd: Drumhirk Charlo e (088/C01551)
Dam: Tiptop Bubble Gum gs: Bullseye (import 2017) (IM0043) (008/B00505)
gd: (import 2017) (IM0092)
LOT 47 Misty Top Guns-n-roses 117/G15489 (UK018436515489)
TRIPLET 24 Feb 2023
Sire: Lochlad Diversity
gs: (Import 2019) Admiral (IM0619) (001/D00002) gd: Fleeceity (import 2016) (IM0007)
Dam: (2020 Import) Be y gs: (100171612538) (IM0711) gd: (Import 2019) (IM0822)
Mr Jack Dixon (Grayrigg Foot) PEN: 136
LOT 48 Carlaustan Go Bay (ET) 104/G00268 (UK054855800268)
TWIN ET 31 Jan 2023 ARR/ARRS
Sire: Lower Argoed Freddo gs: Wedderburn Dancer (135/D03172) (131/F06694) gd: (Import 2019) (IM0458)
Dam: Carlaustan Dina
gs: (import 2017) (IM0053) (104/C00010) gd: (Import 2019) (IM0605)
Breeder: Mr A Bea e & Mrs L Kennedy
Seller Comments: Bought as a lamb at 16 weeks old. An extremely long tup, square and good shoulders. Reluctant sale, only because of recent purchases.
Mr I Lloyd & Miss G Lloyd (Nant-Y-Rhiw)
PEN: 137
LOT 49 Nant-Y-Rhiw Hulk 552/H02698 (UK070494002698)
SINGLE 07 Jan 2024
Sire: Ty-Gwyn Dynamite
gs: Merryboro Cracker (060/C02091) (061/D01894) gd: (Import 2019) (IM0464)
Dam: Co on Easy Breeze gs: Sandymount Crossfire (081/C00463) (015/E01652)
gd: Whiskey (Import 2018) (IM0211) -
Miss Chloe Harding (Dustland)
PEN: 138
LOT 50 Dustland Horlics 172/H00761 (UK016028800761)
TWIN 05 Mar 2024
Sire: (Import 2020) Dexter 2 gs: (NL100208830584) (IM1341) gd: (NL100171212927)
Dam: Dustland Fever
gs: (Import 2020) Rupert (IM0834) (172/F00466) gd: (NL100194883757)
Seller Comments: Stylish, long bodied lamb, correct in every way.
Mr J Stead (Middlemoor)
PEN: 139
LOT 51 Middlemoor Harrison 353/H01093 (UK012232101093)
TWIN 01 Mar 2024
Sire: Tiptop Fareway
gs: (Import 03.10.21) Royal Dutch (IM1848) (008/F01557)
gd: Tiptop Dancing Queen (008/D00857)
Dam: Middlemoor Faithful gs: Beech Hay Chancellor (014/C00825) (353/F00844) gd: Coxhill Dolores (125/D01145)
A & J Guthrie (Myreside) PEN: 140
LOT 52 Myreside Haymaker 033/H01334 (UK056427701334)
TWIN 29 Jan 2024
Sire: Lower Argoed Freddo gs: Wedderburn Dancer (135/D03172) (131/F06694) gd: (Import 2019) (IM0458)
Dam: Myreside Foxylady gs: Haughmond Eclipse (ET) (065/E00237) (033/F01218) gd: Myreside Ellouise (033/E01131)
Seller Comments: Female line goes back to our veteran show ewe.
LOT 53A A Myreside Hawk 033/H01316 SUB (UK056427701316)
TWIN 17 Jan 2024
Sire: Lower Argoed Freddo gs: Wedderburn Dancer (135/D03172) (131/F06694) gd: (Import 2019) (IM0458)
Dam: Myreside Essence gs: (Import 2019) Charmer (IM0590) (033/E01148) gd: (Import 2019) (IM0589)
LOT 54 Myreside Hooligan 033/H01346 (UK056427701346)
TWIN 14 Feb 2024
Sire: Back Tor Godzilla (ET) gs: Mount Pleasant Freeze (ET) (057/F01089) (102/G00599) gd: Tiptop Easy Girl (008/E01108)
Dam: Myreside Flavia gs: Mount Pleasant Earl (ET) (057/E01006) (033/F01200) gd: Myreside Diva (033/D01035)
Seller Comments: Full brother to previous lot.
Mrs M Rowlandson (Damson)
PEN: 141
LOT 55A Damson Hunter 002/H00148 SUB (UK011844500148)
TWIN 14 Mar 2024
Sire: Turbo Bont Edmund 2 (ET) gs: (Import 2020) Daimler (IM1044) (078/E04348) gd: Turbo Bont Darling 15 (078/D04192)
Dam: Williams Delilah gs: Tiptop Areo (008-001A) (036/D00723) gd: (import 2016) (IM0037)
LOT 56 Damson Hugo Boss 002/H00144 (UK011844500144)
TWIN 08 Apr 2024
Sire: Damson Empire gs: Damson Captain Hook (002/C00026) (002/E00080) gd: (Import 2018) (IM0218)
Dam: Damson Coco Chanel gs: Spo ed Dick (import 2016) (IM0009) (002/C00020) gd: Do y (import 2016) (IM0012)
Mr RA & Mrs J Lancaster (Brackenbarrow)
Vendor Notes: All sheep are covexin, fluked and wormed.
PEN: 142
LOT 57 Brackenbarrow Harmless 234/H02483 (UK010981102483)
TWIN 11 Feb 2024
Sire: Eden Eyecatcher gs: (Import 2020) Cruzer (IM0821) (026/E00290) gd: (Import 2019) (IM0792)
Dam: (Import 2020) Charmer gs: (NL100085152395) (IM0877) gd: (NL100138676212)
Mr A Metcalfe (Crook Hall)
Vendor Notes: Sheep in the Hp and Click system.
PEN: 143
LOT 58 Crook Hall Hell Boy 606/H00886 (UK010333300886)
TWIN 05 Jan 2024
Sire: Irthing Valley First Rate (ET) gs: Diamond Eminem (ET) (086/E00730) (056/F00229)
gd: Irthing Valley Dawn (056/D00136)
Dam: Foxcote Frangipane (ET) gs: Williams Dynamite (036/D00728) (196/F00103) gd: (Import 2019) (IM0580)
LOT 59 Crook Hall Hurcules 606/H00888 (UK010333300888)
TWIN 08 Jan 2024
Sire: Irthing Valley First Rate (ET)gs: Diamond Eminem (ET) (086/E00730) (056/F00229)
Dam: Damson Fifi (ET)
gd: Irthing Valley Dawn (056/D00136)
gs: Johnstown Evo (ET) (276/E00005) (002/F00089)
gd: Williams Delilah (036/D00723)
Miss D Riley (Shorefields)
PEN: 144
LOT 60 Shorefields Humphrey 577/H00217 (UK018832600217)
SINGLE 21 Mar 2024
Sire: Brackenbarrow Flynn gs: Eden Eyecatcher (026/E00290) (234/F02272)
Dam: Eden F00414
gd: (Import 2020) Charmer (IM0877)
gs: Johnstown Evo (ET) (276/E00005) (026/F00414)
gd: (Import 2020) (IM0817)
LOT 61 Shorefields Heroic 577/H00219 (UK018832600219)
SINGLE 07 Feb 2024
Sire: Lochlad Excalibur
gs: (Import 2019) Admiral (IM0619) (001/E00183) gd: (Import 2018) Beatrix (IM0329)
Dam: Eden F00366 gs: Diamond Eminem (ET) (086/E00730) (026/F00366) gd: (IMP20) Damsel (IM2004)
LOT 62 Shorefields Homeboy 577/H00214 (UK018832600214)
SINGLE 07 Feb 2024
Sire: Spring Farm Gordon (ET) gs: Tiptop Eric (008/E01125) (278/G00601) gd: (Import 2020) (IM1162)
Dam: Oxbrukheys Ffion gs: Oxbrukheys El Tonto (ET) (194/E00490) (194/F00543) gd: Oxbrukheys Ella (194/E00484)
Mr & Mrs P & C Kemp (Whitequey) PEN: 145
LOT 63 Whitequey Houdini 600/H00032 (UK044050700032)
TWIN 05 Feb 2024
Sire: Diamond Freaky Freddie (ET) gs: Carlaustan Extrovert (ET) (104/E00041) (086/F00916) gd: Diamond Dakota (086/D00190)
Dam: Hazelberry Elsa gs: Westbroad Daley (043/D00274) (017/E13202) gd: Angie (Import 2017) (IM0079)
Seller Comments: Sired by 9000gns Diamond Freaky Freddie, showing great promise in length and ght skinned. Pedigree including Carlaustan Extrovert.
LOT 64 Whitequey Hunter ET 600/H00021 (UK044050700021)
SINGLE ET 25 Jan 2024
Sire: Diamond Fernandez gs: Carlaustan Extrovert (ET) (104/E00041) (086/F01011) gd: Glencoy Chelsie (075/C01227)
Dam: C View Fiesty Girl (ET) gs: Mount Pleasant Desmond (057/D00965) (133/F00073) gd: (Import 2019) (IM1062)
Seller Comments: Sire is the Renown Diamond Fernandez. Great length in this ram lamb, Pedigree including Carlaustan Extrovert.
65 Whitequey Huckleberry 600/H00035 (UK044050700035)
SINGLE 10 Mar 2024
Sire: Whitequey Gallowgate (ET) gs: Sunnybank First Class (ET) (214/F05149) (600/G00005) gd: Cooperage Espresso (114/E00227)
Dam: Lochlad Foxy (ET) gs: Lochlad Excalibur (001/E00183) (001/F00441) gd: Anastasia II (Import 2018) (IM0337)
Seller Comments: Dam is one of our founda on ewes and a successful show ewe from last year. Pedigree includes Lochlad Dictator.
Mrs SA Clarke (Sass)
LOT 66 Sass Hora o 465/H04932
PEN: 146
SINGLE 22 Feb 2024
Sire: Sass Fernando (ET) gs: Myreside Eveready (ET) (033/E01123) (465/F04840) gd: Navac Cheeky (N0006/C00306)
Dam: Navac Channel gs: (NL100163497286) (N0006/C00290) gd: (IM2596)
LOT 67 Sass Ho y 465/H04961
TWIN 22 Feb 2024
Sire: Sass Fernando (ET)
gs: Myreside Eveready (ET) (033/E01123) (465/F04840) gd: Navac Cheeky (N0006/C00306)
Dam: Sass Emma
gs: Challoch Basse (N0006/B00005) (465/E04290) gd: Navac Cindy (N0006/C00288)
LOT 68 Sass Hoolit 465/H04925
TWIN 22 Feb 2024
Sire: Sass Fernando (ET)
gs: Myreside Eveready (ET) (033/E01123) (465/F04840)
gd: Navac Cheeky (N0006/C00306)
Dam: Sass Flash gs: Tiptop Expresso (008/E01131) (465/F04833) gd: Sass Emma (465/E04290)
Mrs N Foster (Outberry)
PEN: 147
Vendor Note: Service sire Cleenagh Fabio was bought for 8500gns. He is a very correct ram with style size, muscle and power. These lambs have been running at 1400 feet.
LOT 69 Outberry Hitman 173/H03502 (UK011734003502)
TWIN 27 Jan 2024
Sire: Cleenagh Fabio (ET) gs: Kilroot Everest (ET) (047/E06203) (467/F01098)
gd: (Import 29.12.2020) Beauty (IM2123)
Dam: ( Import 03.11.21) gs: (NL100138141169) (IM1873) gd: (NL100138841050)
LOT 70 Outberry Heineken 173/H03497 (UK011734003497)
TWIN 21 Jan 2024
Sire: Cleenagh Fabio (ET) gs: Kilroot Everest (ET) (047/E06203) (467/F01098) gd: (Import 29.12.2020) Beauty (IM2123)
Dam: Damson Crumble gs: Damson Blue Moon (002/B00003) (002/C00016) gd: (import 2017) (IM0076)
LOT 71 Outberry Hendrix 173/H03526 (UK011734003526)
TWIN 03 Feb 2024
Sire: Cleenagh Fabio (ET) gs: Kilroot Everest (ET) (047/E06203) (467/F01098) gd: (Import 29.12.2020) Beauty (IM2123)
Dam: Sunnybank Eurostar gs: Gallowhill Balvenie (013/B01702) (214/E04744) gd: (Import 2017) (IM0847)
LOT 72 Outberry Hennessy 173/H03508 (UK011734003508)
TWIN 10 Feb 2024
Sire: Cleenagh Fabio (ET) gs: Kilroot Everest (ET) (047/E06203) (467/F01098) gd: (Import 29.12.2020) Beauty (IM2123)
Dam: Sunnybank Eye Candy gs: Gallowhill Balvenie (013/B01702) (214/E04745) gd: (Import 2017) (IM0847)
Mrs SA Clarke (Sass) PEN: 148
LOT 73 Sass Frazzle 465/F04846 (UK058139904846)
TWIN 07 Feb 2022
Sire: Tardoes Eaglesham
gs: Tardoes Dundee (N0006/E00561) (005/E00590)
gd: Francis (IMP.NL.2017) (NL10013808814)
Dam: Navac Channel gs: (NL100163497286) (N0006/C00290) gd: (IM2596)
LOT 74 Sass Freda 465/F04848 (UK058139904848)
TRIPLET 19 Feb 2022
Sire: Bishopsbrae Derek gs: Alvin (Import 2017) (IM0506) (083/D00545)
gd: Bishopsbrae Canada (083/C00524)
Dam: Navac Cheeky gs: Apache (IMP.FR.2017) (IM2053) (N0006/C00306) gd: (Import 2018) Royal Vegas (IM1939)
LOT 75 Sass Fay 465/F04834 (UK058139904834)
TWIN 01 Mar 2022
Sire: Tiptop Expresso gs: Tiptop Dollar (008/D00903) (008/E01131)
gd: (import 2017) (IM0042)
Dam: Sass Emma gs: Challoch Basse (N0006/B00005) (465/E04290)
gd: Navac Cindy (N0006/C00288)
LOT 76 Sass Foxglove 465/F04830 (UK058139904830)
TWIN 22 Mar 2022
Sire: Tiptop Expresso
gs: Tiptop Dollar (008/D00903) (008/E01131)
Dam: Double Dee
gd: (import 2017) (IM0042)
gs: (NL100187405102) (IM1892)
gd: (NL100162829367)
RM & PJ Eminson and A & NJ Eminson-Smith (Highclose) PEN: 149
LOT 77 Highclose Fantasia 003/F02365 (UK018050402365)
TWIN 04 Feb 2022
Sire: Highclose Duke Caboom
gs: Dennis (import 2016) (IM0016) (003/D02128)
gd: Aurora (import 2017) (IM0105)
Dam: (Import 2020) Topaz gs: (NL100097603007) (IM1384)
gd: (NL100104617323)
LOT 78 Highclose Emilia 003/E02323 (UK018050402323)
TWIN 30 Mar 2021
Sire: Damson Darkside O'th Moon gs: Damson Blue Moon (002/B00003)
Dam: Highclose Coral
gd: (Import 2018) (IM0259)
gs: Dennis (import 2016) (IM0016) (003/C02123)
gd: Aurora (import 2017) (IM0105)
Mr C Barnes (Pendragon) PEN: 150
LOT 79 Pendragon Essence 162/E03860 (UK010373103860)
SINGLE 20 Apr 2021
Sire: Bishopsbrae Castle
gs: Spaniard (Import 2016) (IM0388) (083/C00523)
Dam: Tiptop Dime
gd: Apple (Import 2017) (IM0519)
gs: Westbroad B Explorer II (00043/B00116) (008/D00870)
gd: (Import 2019) (IM0474)
Seller Comments: Some fantas c bloodlines in this ewe.
Mr B Barnes (Brandleigh) PEN: 151
LOT 80 (Import 24.11.21) Ecuador IM1838 (NL100097882699)
SINGLE 25 Mar 2021
gs: () (NL100231752390) gd: ()
Dam: gs: () (NL100186916809) gd: ()
Breeder: Dutch Breeder
RM & PJ Eminson and A & NJ Eminson-Smith (Highclose) PEN: 152
LOT 81 Highclose Genie 003/G02562 (UK018050402562)
SINGLE 25 Mar 2023
Sire: Highclose Duke Caboom gs: Dennis (import 2016) (IM0016) (003/D02128) gd: Aurora (import 2017) (IM0105)
Dam: (Import 2020) Tanzanite gs: (NL100097603007) (IM1385) gd: (NL100038911810)
LOT 82 Highclose Gli erbug 003/G02564 (UK018050402564)
TWIN 21 Mar 2023
Sire: Highclose Duke Caboom gs: Dennis (import 2016) (IM0016) (003/D02128) gd: Aurora (import 2017) (IM0105)
Dam: (Import 2020) Amethyst gs: (NL100097603007) (IM1382) gd: (NL100104817301)
Breeder: RM & PJ Eminson and A & NJ Eminson-Smith
Mr Jack Dixon (Grayrigg Foot)
PEN: 154
LOT 89 Grayrigg Foot Gumball 202/G01068 (UK011490101068)
TWIN 06 Mar 2023
Sire: Saint Clear Flash (ET) gs: (Import 2020) Daimler (IM1044) (283/F00503) gd: (Import 2019) (IM0397)
Dam: Grayrigg Foot Elvis Blues gs: Apache (IMP.FR.2017) (IM2053) (202/E00911) gd: (Import 2021) (IM1461)
Seller Comments: Sired by 2nd place tup lamb RWS 2022. Flashy gimmer, good skinned and extremely correct in feet and mouth.
LOT 90 Grayrigg Foot Glitzy 202/G01095 (UK011490101095)
TWIN 20 Mar 2023
Sire: Saint Clear Flash (ET) gs: (Import 2020) Daimler (IM1044) (283/F00503) gd: (Import 2019) (IM0397)
Dam: Donna gs: (NL100086837987) (N0006/D00143) gd: (UK018060400274)
Seller Comments: Same sire as above, dam has bred lambs to 1500gns. Sweet, good skinned shearling, with a leg in each corner.
LOT 91 Grayrigg Foot Gretal 202/G01053 (UK011490101053)
TRIPLET 02 Mar 2023
Sire: Saint Clear Flash (ET)
gs: (Import 2020) Daimler (IM1044) (283/F00503)
gd: (Import 2019) (IM0397)
Dam: Grayrigg Foot Emerald Star gs: Westbroad Dallas (043/D00269) (202/E00926) gd: Glencoy Doris (075/D01345)
Seller Comments: Dam was sold in lamb for 7000gns, she was also overall spo y champion at the in lamb society sale 2024. Sold to the cap and s ck flock.
Mr M Veitch & Miss E Harrison (Fell View) PEN: 155
LOT 92 Fell View Gucci 398/G01740 (UK010228801740)
TRIPLET 11 Mar 2023
Sire: (Import 5.8.22) McDermo s Fabio (ET) (IM2448)
gs: Diamond Electro (ET) (086/E00707)
gd: Black Beauty (NL100097272643)
Dam: Coxhill Extravagant gs: Irthing Valley Coco Pops (056/C00106) (125/E01406)
gd: Black Beauty (IM0979)
LOT 93 Fell View Gaga ET 398/G01751 (UK010228801751) TWIN ET 16 Feb 2023
Sire: Johnstown Evo (ET)
gs: Drumhirk Decider (088/D01639) (276/E00005)
Dam: Coxhill Dainty
gd: Glencoy Charlene (075/C01193)
gs: Westbroad B Explorer I (00043/B00113) (125/D01149)
gd: Apple (IM0982)
Mr B Barnes (Brandleigh) PEN: 156
LOT 94 Brandleigh Graceful 170/G00025 (UK044134200025)
SINGLE 18 Feb 2023
Sire: Glencloy Formula 1 (ET) gs: Challoch Bearskin (064/B01190) (075/F01890)
Dam: Brandleigh Emma
gd: (Import 2019) (IM0780)
gs: (Import 2020) Imran (IM1182) (170/E03879)
gd: (2020 Import) Caloo (IM0716) -
Mrs M Rowlandson (Damson) PEN: 157
LOT 95A Damson Gardenia 002/G00114 SUB (UK011844500114)
TRIPLET 05 Mar 2023
Sire: Turbo Bont Edmund 2 (ET) gs: (Import 2020) Daimler (IM1044) (078/E04348)
Dam: Damson Camellia
gd: Turbo Bont Darling 15 (078/D04192)
gs: Damson Blue Moon (002/B00003) (002/C00015)
gd: Damson Anika (002/B00001)
Mr C Barnes (Pendragon) PEN: 158
LOT 96 Pendragon Goldilocks 162/G00009 (UK044134200009)
TWIN 18 Feb 2023
Sire: Brandleigh Elvis
gs: (Import 2020) Genghis (IM1181) (170/E03881)
Dam: Tiptop Belle
gd: (Import 2015) Angharad (IM1193)
gs: (import 2017) (IM0049) (008/B00504) gd: Hannah (Import 2016) (IM0036)
Mrs S.D. Cambage (Roecliffe) PEN: 159
Vendor Notes: Gimmers from this flock have sold for 2200gns and have done well at shows.
LOT 97 Roecliffe Grace Jones 103/G00639 (UK011194700639)
TWIN 18 Feb 2023
Sire: Lochlad El-Cid
gs: Baaboom (Import 2018) (IM0320) (001/E00218)
gd: Lochlad Baalinda (00001/00012)
Dam: Helga gs: (NL100125077097) (IM0569) gd: (NL100010829752)
Seller Comments: Correct gimmer lived out all winter at 1200 feet. In the Ovivac P scheme and crovected.
LOT 98 Roecliffe Gunhilda 103/G00634 (UK011194700634)
TRIPLET 27 Feb 2023
Sire: Lochlad El-Cid
gs: Baaboom (Import 2018) (IM0320) (001/E00218)
gd: Lochlad Baalinda (00001/00012)
Dam: Hilda gs: (NL100125077097) (IM0567) gd: (NL100010229673)
Seller Comments: Correct gimmer lived out all winter at 1200 feet. In the Ovivac P scheme and crovected.
Mr RS Boyes (Evan's)
PEN: 160
LOT 99 Evan's Ginger Spice 092/G00052 (UK011886100052)
TWIN 04 Mar 2023
Sire: Stairstar Franklin
gs: Lochlad Everest (001/E00204) (177/F02212) gd: Lochlad Dahlia (001/D00045)
Dam: Evan's Empress
gs: Cromwell Del (041/D04464) (092/E00004) gd: (Import 2018) (IM0487)
LOT 100 Evan's Get Up & Go 092/G00063 (UK011886100063) TWIN 03 Apr 2023
Sire: Lou's Fox (ET)
gs: Shebb Enzo (142/E00045) (331/F16383)
Dam: Evan's Daisy Chain
gd: Speyside Candy (N0006/C03740)
gs: Basil Brush (Import 2018) (IM0491) (092/D00002) gd: (Import 2018) (IM0486)
LOT 101 Evan's Gladys Knight 092/G00065 (UK011886100065)
SINGLE 11 Apr 2023
Sire: Lou's Fox (ET)
gs: Shebb Enzo (142/E00045) (331/F16383) gd: Speyside Candy (N0006/C03740)
Dam: (Import 2018)
gs: (528100016797761) (IM0487)
gd: (BE931900153)
LOT 102A Evan's Going Going Gone 092/G00056 SUB (UK011886100056) TWIN 11 Mar 2023
Sire: Lou's Fox (ET)
gs: Shebb Enzo (142/E00045) (331/F16383) gd: Speyside Candy (N0006/C03740)
Dam: Evan's Dolly Mixture
gs: Basil Brush (Import 2018) (IM0491) (092/D00003)
gd: (Import 2018) (IM0488)
LOT 103A Evan's Ginger Rodgers 092/G00051 SUB (UK011886100051) TWIN 04 Mar 2023
Sire: Stairstar Franklin
gs: Lochlad Everest (001/E00204) (177/F02212)
Dam: Evan's Empress
gd: Lochlad Dahlia (001/D00045)
gs: Cromwell Del (041/D04464) (092/E00004)
gd: (Import 2018) (IM0487)
Mrs SA Clarke (Sass)
PEN: 161
LOT 104 Sass Glory 465/G05012 (UK058139905012) SINGLE 08 Feb 2023
Sire: Tiptop Expresso
gs: Tiptop Dollar (008/D00903) (008/E01131)
Dam: Sass Elsie
gd: (import 2017) (IM0042)
gs: Challoch Basse (N0006/B00005) (465/E04286)
gd: (NL100091475411)
Mr I Lloyd & Miss G Lloyd (Nant-Y-Rhiw) PEN: 162
LOT 105 Nant-Y-Rhiw Gin Fizz 552/G02682 (UK070494002682)
SINGLE 18 Feb 2023
Sire: Nant-Y-Rhiw Fred Flintstone gs: Tiptop Dollar (008/D00903) (552/F02661)
Dam: Ty-gwyn Eunice
gd: Cynin Deliah (090/D03673)
gs: Ty-Gwyn Dynamite (061/D01894) (061/E02092)
gd: Ty-Gwyn Cleo (061/C01584)
LOT 106 Nant-Y-Rhiw Girl On Fire 552/G02683 (UK070494002683)
SINGLE 18 Feb 2023
Sire: Nant-Y-Rhiw Fred Flintstone gs: Tiptop Dollar (008/D00903) (552/F02661) gd: Cynin Deliah (090/D03673)
Dam: (Import 26.08.21) Esme gs: (Import 29.07.22) Tank (IM2484) (IM1535)
gd: (NL100171913020)
Mr I Lloyd & Miss G Lloyd (Nant-Y-Rhiw)
LOT 107 Nant-Y-Rhiw Harmony 552/H02697
PEN: 163
TWIN 06 Jan 2024
Sire: Ty-Gwyn Dynamite
gs: Merryboro Cracker (060/C02091) (061/D01894)
gd: (Import 2019) (IM0464)
Dam: ( Import 26.08.21) Espina gs: (100194150884) (IM1786)
gd: (NL100097203030)
LOT 108 Nant-Y-Rhiw Hermione 552/H02701
TRIPLET 09 Jan 2024
Sire: Ty-Gwyn Dynamite
gs: Merryboro Cracker (060/C02091) (061/D01894)
Dam: Cynin Deliah
gd: (Import 2019) (IM0464)
gs: Lochlad Commander (001/C00043) (090/D03673)
gd: Olwen (Import 2018) (IM0424)
Messrs A&P Parker (Lochlad)
LOT 110 Lochlad Hillary 001/H00801
PEN: 164
TWIN 11 Jan 2024
Sire: Lochlad Fur veness
gs: (Import 2019) Avalanche (IM0620) (001/F00427)
Dam: Lochlad Florencia
gd: (Import 2018) Bonni (IM0266)
gs: Lochlad Emperor (001/E00180) (001/F00465)
gd: Lady Ba Ba (import 2016) (IM0006)
LOT 111 Lochlad Honesty 001/H00825
TWIN 30 Jan 2024
Sire: How Caple Franklin
gs: Spaniard (Import 2016) (IM0388) (435/F00020)
Dam: Lochlad Favor (ET)
gd: (Import 2018) (IM0252)
gs: (Import 2019) Admiral (IM0619) (001/F00399)
gd: (Import 2018) Bernice (IM0330)
LOT 112 Lochlad Ha e 001/H00836
TWIN 04 Feb 2024
Sire: How Caple Franklin
gs: Spaniard (Import 2016) (IM0388) (435/F00020)
Dam: Lochlad Darcy
gd: (Import 2018) (IM0252)
gs: (Import 2019) Admiral (IM0619) (001/D00036)
gd: Abby (Import 2017) (IM0108)
LOT 113 Lochlad Hazel 001/H00798 (UK058671700798)
TWIN 12 Jan 2024
Sire: How Caple Franklin gs: Spaniard (Import 2016) (IM0388) (435/F00020) gd: (Import 2018) (IM0252)
Dam: Lochlad Felicity (ET) gs: (Import 2019) Admiral (IM0619) (001/F00397) gd: Woolmaa (import 2016) (IM0008)
LOT 114 Lochlad Harlow 001/H00796 (UK058671700796)
SINGLE 11 Jan 2024
Sire: How Caple Franklin gs: Spaniard (Import 2016) (IM0388) (435/F00020) gd: (Import 2018) (IM0252)
Dam: Lochlad Faith gs: Lochlad Excalibur (001/E00183) (001/F00419) gd: Lochlad Calippo (001/C00039) -
Mrs M Rowlandson (Damson) PEN: 165
LOT 115 Damson Hibiscus 002/H00141 (UK011844500141)
TWIN 31 Mar 2024
Sire: Damson Empire gs: Damson Captain Hook (002/C00026) (002/E00080) gd: (Import 2018) (IM0218)
Dam: Damson Dixie gs: Ty-Gwyn Casanova (061/C01571) (002/D00054) gd: Damson Betsy (002/B00004)
LOT 116 Damson Hebe 002/H00142 (UK011844500142)
TWIN 31 Mar 2024
Sire: Damson Empire gs: Damson Captain Hook (002/C00026) (002/E00080) gd: (Import 2018) (IM0218)
Dam: Damson Dixie gs: Ty-Gwyn Casanova (061/C01571) (002/D00054) gd: Damson Betsy (002/B00004) -
Mr & Mrs P & C Kemp (Whitequey) PEN: 166
LOT 117 Whitequey Heras 600/H00033 (UK044050700033)
TWIN 11 Feb 2024
Sire: Whitequey Gallowgate (ET) gs: Sunnybank First Class (ET) (214/F05149) (600/G00005) gd: Cooperage Espresso (114/E00227)
Dam: Coxhill Fantasy gs: Westbroad B Explorer I (00043/B00113) (125/F01833) gd: Coxhill Chrystal (N0006/C00304)
Seller Comments: Sire is a powerful and solid ram with great length and breadth. This ewe lamb is showing promise.
LOT 118 Whitequey Hale Fen 600/H00034 (UK044050700034)
TWIN 11 Feb 2024
Sire: Whitequey Gallowgate (ET) gs: Sunnybank First Class (ET) (214/F05149) (600/G00005)
gd: Cooperage Espresso (114/E00227)
Dam: Coxhill Fantasy gs: Westbroad B Explorer I (00043/B00113) (125/F01833) gd: Coxhill Chrystal (N0006/C00304)
Seller Comments: Sire is a powerful and solid ram with great length and breadth. Fantasc pedigree line.
Mr J Stead (Middlemoor)
PEN: 167
LOT 119 Middlemoor Honour 353/H01053 (UK012232101053)
TWIN 29 Jan 2024
Sire: Tiptop Fareway
gs: (Import 03.10.21) Royal Dutch (IM1848) (008/F01557)
Dam: Co on Derby Fizz
gd: Tiptop Dancing Queen (008/D00857)
gs: Show Us Your Spots (import 2017) (IM0161) (015/D01611)
gd: Co on Awesome Aquila (015-A821)
LOT 120 Middlemoor Hope 353/H01048 (UK012232101048)
TWIN 17 Jan 2024
Sire: Beech Hay Chancellor gs: Ambassador (Import 2017) (IM0054) (014/C00825)
Dam: Grayrigg Foot Forever
gd: Annabelle (Import 2017) (IM0128)
gs: Turbo Bont Discovery SDV6 (078/D04310) (202/F00991)
gd: (Import 2020) (IM1207)
LOT 121 Middlemoor He y 353/H01041 (UK012232101041)
TWIN 24 Feb 2024
Sire: Beech Hay Chancellor
gs: Ambassador (Import 2017) (IM0054) (014/C00825)
Dam: (Import 2020)
gd: Annabelle (Import 2017) (IM0128)
gs: (NL100194998811) (IM1207)
gd: (NL100045349180)
LOT 122 Middlemoor Holly 353/H01070 (UK012232101070)
TWIN 29 Jan 2024
Sire: Beech Hay Chancellor
gs: Ambassador (Import 2017) (IM0054) (014/C00825)
Dam: Williams Dixie
gd: Annabelle (Import 2017) (IM0128)
gs: Tiptop Areo (008-001A) (036/D00722)
gd: (import 2016) (IM0037)
LOT 123 Middlemoor Heartbeater 353/H01077 (UK012232101077)
TWIN 06 Feb 2024
Sire: Beech Hay Chancellor gs: Ambassador (Import 2017) (IM0054) (014/C00825) gd: Annabelle (Import 2017) (IM0128)
Dam: Saveock Flick gs: Diamond Eagle (ET) (086/E00727) (184/F01741) gd: Eden Classy Girl (026/C00045) -
Mrs SA Clarke (Sass)
PEN: 168
LOT 124 Sass Helen 465/H04924 (UK058139904924)
SINGLE 12 Mar 2024
Sire: Myreside Eveready (ET) gs: Tiptop Diablo (008/D00865) (033/E01123) gd: Myreside (033/B00772)
Dam: Sass Fay gs: Tiptop Expresso (008/E01131) (465/F04834) gd: Sass Emma (465/E04290)
LOT 125 Sass Hiccup 465/H04927 (UK058139904927)
TWIN 12 Mar 2024
Sire: Sass Fernando (ET) gs: Myreside Eveready (ET) (033/E01123) (465/F04840) gd: Navac Cheeky (N0006/C00306)
Dam: Sass Ena gs: Challoch Basse (N0006/B00005) (465/E04289) gd: Navac Clare (N0006/C00293)
LOT 126 Sass Honkeytonk 465/H04928 (UK058139904928)
TWIN 12 Mar 2024
Sire: Sass Fernando (ET) gs: Myreside Eveready (ET) (033/E01123) (465/F04840) gd: Navac Cheeky (N0006/C00306)
Dam: Sass Ena gs: Challoch Basse (N0006/B00005) (465/E04289) gd: Navac Clare (N0006/C00293)
LOT 127 Sass Henrie a 465/H05008 (UK058139905008)
TRIPLET 27 Mar 2024
Sire: Myreside Eveready (ET) gs: Tiptop Diablo (008/D00865) (033/E01123) gd: Myreside (033/B00772)
Dam: Sass Freda gs: Bishopsbrae Derek (083/D00545) (465/F04848) gd: Navac Cheeky (N0006/C00306)
LOT 128 Sass Hassle 465/H04959 (UK058139904959)
TWIN 19 Feb 2024
Sire: Myreside Eveready (ET) gs: Tiptop Diablo (008/D00865) (033/E01123) gd: Myreside (033/B00772)
Dam: Sass Folly gs: Bishopsbrae Derek (083/D00545) (465/F04842) gd: Navac Cheeky (N0006/C00306)
LOT 129 Sass Hotspur 465/H04931 (UK058139904931)
SINGLE 21 Feb 2024
Sire: Myreside Eveready (ET) gs: Tiptop Diablo (008/D00865) (033/E01123)
Dam: Sass Foxglove
gd: Myreside (033/B00772)
gs: Tiptop Expresso (008/E01131) (465/F04830) gd: Double Dee (IM1892)
Mrs B Palmer (Ne lebed)
PEN: 169
LOT 130 Ne lebed Honeysuckle 407/H00241 (UK018713000241)
TWIN 17 Feb 2024
Sire: Milltown Guinness (ET) gs: Carlaustan Extrovert (ET) (104/E00041) (537/G01923) gd: Diamond Des ny (086/D00186)
Dam: Eden Emily
gs: (Import 2020) Cruzer (IM0821) (026/E00241)
gd: (Import 2020) (IM0879)
Seller Comments: Sire £4500 Milltown Guiness ET, full brother to the £20,000 Milltown Golden Balls. Out of Eden Ewe.
LOT 131 Ne lebed Honeybee 407/H00240 (UK018713000240)
TWIN 17 Feb 2024
Sire: Milltown Guinness (ET) gs: Carlaustan Extrovert (ET) (104/E00041) (537/G01923) gd: Diamond Des ny (086/D00186)
Dam: Eden Emily gs: (Import 2020) Cruzer (IM0821) (026/E00241) gd: (Import 2020) (IM0879)
Seller Comments: Twin to the above.
Mr C Barnes (Pendragon) PEN: 170
LOT 132 Pendragon Hazelnut 162/H00047 (UK044134200047)
SINGLE 01 Mar 2024
Sire: Pendragon Governor gs: Glencloy Formula 1 (ET) (075/F01890) (162/G00007) gd: (Import 2020) Delilah 2 (IM1198)
Dam: Pendragon Fancy Pants gs: Pendragon Excalibur (162/E03858) (162/F04413) gd: Mossclair Dorcas (136/D00161)
Seller Comments: A long gimmer lamb with plenty of style.
LOT 133A Pendragon Hu y Tu y 162/H00056 SUB (UK044134200056)
TWIN 23 Feb 2024
Sire: Brandleigh Elvis gs: (Import 2020) Genghis (IM1181) (170/E03881) gd: (Import 2015) Angharad (IM1193)
Dam: (2020 Import) Curlie Doddie gs: (100144338547) (IM0724) gd: (BE820150239)
LOT 134 Pendragon Honeybun 162/H00055
TWIN 22 Feb 2024
Sire: Johnstown Gino (ET) gs: Saveock Espresso Mar ni (ET) (184/E00671) (276/G00097) gd: Glencoy Charlene (075/C01193)
Dam: Pendragon Flo Rida gs: Brandleigh Elvis (170/E03881) (162/F04424) gd: Pendragon Evie (162/E03856)
Seller Comments: Sire by £2900 Johnstown Gino.
Tom & Louise Nash (Merryboro) PEN: 171
LOT 135 Merryboro Holly 060/H02677
TWIN ET 16 Jan 2024
Sire: (Import 2020) Dutch Dominator gs: (NL100138240536) (IM1310) gd: (NL100097403089)
Dam: (Import 2020) Clover gs: (NL100144238255) (IM1034) gd: (NL100104273005)
Seller Comments: Full sister to Merryboro Hot Topic which sold for 4300gns this year.
LOT 136 Merryboro Happy 060/H02676 (UK075238302676)
SINGLE 14 Feb 2024
Sire: Merryboro Cracker gs: Bullseye (import 2017) (IM0043) (060/C02091) gd: (Import 2018) (IM0294)
Dam: (Import 2020) Unicorn gs: (NL100014993738) (IM1323) gd: (NL100017041975)
Seller Comments: Out of a Dutch Spo ed import founda on ewe. Last years brother stood 2nd at the Royal Welsh Show.
LOT 137 Merryboro Harrie e 060/H02675 (UK075238302675)
TWIN 29 Jan 2024
Sire: (Import 2020) Dutch Dominator gs: (NL100138240536) (IM1310) gd: (NL100097403089)
Dam: (Import 2018) gs: (528100171977266) (IM0246) gd: (528100171812563)
Seller Comments: Out of a founda on ewe. Not to be missed.
LOT 138 Merryboro Hot to Handle 060/H02674 (UK075238302674)
TWIN 01 Feb 2024
Sire: (Imp 13.7.23) Dutch Magic Man gs: (NL100208867063) (IM2543) gd: (NL100147021478)
Dam: Merryboro Fancy (ET) gs: (Import 2020) Dutch Dominator (IM1310) (060/F02319) gd: Merryboro Daisy (060/D02104)
Seller Comments: Sired by our new stock tup Dutch Magic Man.
Mr RA & Mrs J Lancaster (Brackenbarrow) PEN: 172
Vendor Notes: All sheep are covexin, fluked and wormed.
LOT 139 Brackenbarrow Hazel 234/H02485 (UK010981102485)
SINGLE 16 Feb 2024
Sire: Eden Eyecatcher
gs: (Import 2020) Cruzer (IM0821) (026/E00290)
gd: (Import 2019) (IM0792)
Dam: Eden Flo (ET) gs: Diamond Eminem (ET) (086/E00730) (026/F00388)
gd: (Import 2020) (IM0870)
Seller Comments: Single Lamb.
LOT 140 Brackenbarrow Hermise 234/H02487 (UK010981102487)
TWIN 18 Feb 2024
Sire: Eden Eyecatcher
gs: (Import 2020) Cruzer (IM0821) (026/E00290) gd: (Import 2019) (IM0792)
Dam: Brackenbarrow Ema gs: (Import 2020) Cruzer (IM0821) (234/E09162) gd: (Import 2020) Charmer (IM0877)
Seller Comments: Twin lamb.
Mr M Veitch & Miss E Harrison (Fell View)
PEN: 173
LOT 141 Fell View Hot Topic (ET) 398/H01774 (UK010228801774)
TWIN ET 03 Jan 2024
Sire: (Import 29.07.22) Tank gs: (NL100138640729) (IM2484) gd: (528100144038477)
Dam: Coxhill Extravagant gs: Irthing Valley Coco Pops (056/C00106) (125/E01406) gd: Black Beauty (IM0979)
LOT 142 Fell View Hula Hoop (ET) 398/H01758 (UK010228801758)
TWIN ET 04 Jan 2024
Sire: (Import 5.8.22) McDermo s Fabio (ET) gs: Diamond Electro (ET) (086/E00707) (IM2448)
gd: Black Beauty (NL100097272643)
Dam: (Import 21.09.21) Elegant gs: (NL100194983855) (IM1572) gd: (NL100116505383)
Mr D Ma a (How Caple)
PEN: 174
LOT 143 How Caple Harriet 435/H00095 (UK031981700095)
TWIN 15 Feb 2024
Sire: Ty-Gwyn Danny Boy gs: Merryboro Cracker (060/C02091) (061/D01908) gd: Westpit (1509A)
Dam: Tardoes Diva Beatrix gs: Tardoes Bunahabhain (UK058084200454) (005/D00518) gd: Beatrix (IMP.NL.2017) (IM1900)
Seller Comments: Super strong ewe lamb with good bone and style.
LOT 144 How Caple Honey Wisp 435/H00109 (UK031981700109)
TWIN 04 Feb 2024
Sire: (ROI 11.10.23) McDermo s George Forman ET (IM2569)
gs: Diamond Electro (ET) (086/E00707)
gd: (Import 15.12.22) McDermo s Elle (ET)
Dam: Merryboro Flower gs: Boris (Import 2019) (IM0471) (060/F02323) gd: (Import 2020) Darkside (IM1328)
Seller Comments: Elegant ewe lamb by air Irish stock tup Mcdermo s George Forman who has produced well.
LOT 145A How Caple Hedgehog 435/H00128 SUB (UK031981700128)
SINGLE 03 Mar 2024
Sire: Merryboro Grandslam gs: Merryboro Cracker (060/C02091) (060/G02474) gd: (Import 2018) (IM0246)
Dam: Merryboro Esme
gs: Merryboro Defender (060/D02119) (060/E02200) gd: (Import 2020) Connie (IM1042)
LOT 146 How Caple Harmony 435/H00113 (UK0319817000113)
TWIN 03 Feb 2024
Sire: Craigdoo Frankie (ET) gs: Carlaustan Extrovert (ET) (104/E00041) (288/F00909) gd: Kilroot Electric (ET) (047/E06201)
Dam: Merryboro Erin gs: Merryboro Cracker (060/C02091) (060/E02238) gd: (Import 2019) Camilla (IM0694)
Seller Comments: Sharp stylish ewe lamb, full brother sold well as a stock tup this year.
Mrs N Foster (Outberry)
PEN: 175
Vendor Notes: Service sire Cleenagh Fabio was bought for 8500gns. He is a very correct ram with style, size, muscle and power. These lambs have been running at 1400 feet.
LOT 147 Outberry Hendrika 173/H03509 (UK011734003509)
TWIN 10 Feb 2024
Sire: Cleenagh Fabio (ET) gs: Kilroot Everest (ET) (047/E06203) (467/F01098) gd: (Import 29.12.2020) Beauty (IM2123)
Dam: Sunnybank Eye Candy gs: Gallowhill Balvenie (013/B01702) (214/E04745) gd: (Import 2017) (IM0847)
LOT 148 Outberry Heidi 173/H03505 (UK011734003505)
TWIN 07 Feb 2024
Sire: Cleenagh Fabio (ET) gs: Kilroot Everest (ET) (047/E06203) (467/F01098) gd: (Import 29.12.2020) Beauty (IM2123)
Dam: (Import 2020) Dani 2 gs: (NL100107082161) (IM1350) gd: (NL100048296119)
Mr B Barnes (Brandleigh) PEN: 176
LOT 149 Brandleigh Harmony 170/H00065 (UK044134200065) SINGLE 12 Feb 2024
Sire: Johnstown Gino (ET) gs: Saveock Espresso Mar ni (ET) (184/E00671) (276/G00097) gd: Glencoy Charlene (075/C01193)
Dam: Brandleigh Elise gs: Challoch Basse (N0006/B00005) (170/E03873) gd: (Import 2020) Juliana (IM1183)
LOT 150 Brandleigh Honeysuckle 170/H00069 (UK044134200069) TWIN 31 Mar 2024
Sire: Brandleigh Elvis gs: (Import 2020) Genghis (IM1181) (170/E03881) gd: (Import 2015) Angharad (IM1193)
Dam: (Import 2019) gs: Jan Van Maurik (528100144238255) (IM0474) gd: (528100104073102)
LOT 151A Brandleigh Helga 170/H00074 SUB (UK044134200074) TWIN 17 Mar 2024
Sire: Mount Pleasant Floyd (ET) gs: Mount Pleasant Charlie (057/C00944) (057/F01061) gd: Bramble (Import 2019) (IM0469)
Dam: Brandleigh Fernanda gs: Bishopsbrae Castle (083/C00523) (170/F04377) gd: Myerscough Claudia (098/C10518)
LOT 152 Brandleigh Helena 170/H00075 (UK044134200075)
TWIN 17 Mar 2024
Sire: Mount Pleasant Floyd (ET) gs: Mount Pleasant Charlie (057/C00944) (057/F01061) gd: Bramble (Import 2019) (IM0469)
Dam: Brandleigh Fernanda gs: Bishopsbrae Castle (083/C00523) (170/F04377) gd: Myerscough Claudia (098/C10518)
RM & PJ Eminson and A & NJ Eminson-Smith (Highclose) PEN: 153
LOT 83 Highclose Golden Poppy 003/G2G02600 (UK018050402600)
TWIN 18 Mar 2023
Sire: Eden Drolo gs: Eden Bentley (026/B00005) (026/D00190) gd: (Import 2019) (IM0808)
Dam: Highclose E11 G3 gs: Damson Darkside O'th Moon (002/D00050) (003/G3E02341) gd: Highclose (003/G4C01343)
LOT 84 Highclose Gumdrop 003/G2G02606 (UK018050402606)
TWIN 15 Mar 2023
Sire: Eden Drolo
gs: Eden Bentley (026/B00005) (026/D00190)
Dam: Highclose E8 G3
gd: (Import 2019) (IM0808)
gs: Damson Darkside O'th Moon (002/D00050) (003/G3E02345)
gd: Highclose (003/G4B01330)
LOT 85 Highclose Gabriella 003/G3G02584 (UK018050402584) TRIPLET 10 Mar 2023
Sire: Eden Drolo
gs: Eden Bentley (026/B00005) (026/D00190)
Dam: Highclose
gd: (Import 2019) (IM0808)
gs: Dennis (import 2016) (IM0016) (003/G4C01337)
LOT 86 Highclose Gemima 003/G3G02580 (UK018050402580) TRIPLET 11 Mar 2023
Sire: Eden Drolo
gs: Eden Bentley (026/B00005) (026/D00190)
Dam: Highclose
gd: (Import 2019) (IM0808)
gs: Dennis (import 2016) (IM0016) (003/G4B01328)
gd: Highclose (OB0003)
LOT 87A Highclose Galway Girl 003/G3G02578 SUB (UK018050402578)
TWIN 26 Mar 2023
Sire: Eden Drolo
gs: Eden Bentley (026/B00005) (026/D00190)
Dam: Highclose
gd: (Import 2019) (IM0808)
gs: Dennis (import 2016) (IM0016) (003/G4B01323)
gd: Highclose (OB0003)
LOT 88 Highclose G-whizz 003/G3G02585 (UK018050402585)
SINGLE 10 Mar 2023
Sire: Eden Drolo
gs: Eden Bentley (026/B00005) (026/D00190)
Dam: Highclose
gd: (Import 2019) (IM0808)
gs: Dennis (import 2016) (IM0016) (003/G4C01338)
A & J Guthrie (Myreside) PEN: 177
LOT 153 Myreside 033/G3G01285 (UK056427701285)
TRIPLET 26 Feb 2023
Sire: Saveock Eaton (ET) gs: Lane Farm Diligence (052/D01099) (184/E00673) gd: Eden Classy Girl (026/C00045)
Dam: Myreside gs: (import 2017) (IM0053) (033/G4B00995) gd: Other Breed (UK0564277)
Seller Comments: Founda on dam is a Charollais ewe.
A & J Guthrie (Myreside) PEN: 178
LOT 154 Myreside Heleena 033/G2H01336 (UK056427701336)
TWIN 01 Feb 2024
Sire: Lower Argoed Freddo gs: Wedderburn Dancer (135/D03172) (131/F06694) gd: (Import 2019) (IM0458)
Dam: Myreside Evoque gs: (Import 2019) Charmer (IM0590) (033/G3E01154) gd: Myreside (033/G4D01098)
Seller Comments: Founda on ewe is a Charollais.
LOT 155 Myreside Hedra 033/G3H01348 (UK056427701348)
TRIPLET 14 Feb 2024
Sire: Lower Argoed Freddo gs: Wedderburn Dancer (135/D03172) (131/F06694) gd: (Import 2019) (IM0458)
Dam: Myreside
gs: (import 2017) (IM0053) (033/G4B00995) gd: Other Breed (UK0564277)
Seller Comments: Founda on ewe is a Charollais.
Mr I Lloyd & Miss G Lloyd (Nant-Y-Rhiw) PEN: 163
LOT 109 Nant-Y-Rhiw Honesty 552/G3H02703 (UK070494002703)
TWIN 09 Jan 2024
Sire: Ty-Gwyn Dynamite gs: Merryboro Cracker (060/C02091) (061/D01894)
Dam: Nant-Y-Rhiw
gd: (Import 2019) (IM0464)
gs: Berry Van Aerle (import 2017) (IM0048) (552/G4F02665) gd: (FEMALE OB)

Bedell Master F [Hugh]
Alderton House, Alderton, Harmer Hill, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 3EL
Billington Mr Luke [Billy's Blues]
58 Cli on Green, Cli on, Preston, Lancs, PR4 0DB
Dakin Mrs Becki [Rathbone]

Ravenshaw Farm, Eldroth, Austwick, Lancaster, Lancashire, LA2 8AL (161-163,183-184)
Field Mr James [Claremont]
Hay Close Farm, Calthwaite, Penrith, Cumbria, Cumbria, CA11 9PX (175-177)
Garge Messers J & A [Rookie Blues]
2 Wayside Co ages, Ainstable, Armathwaite, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA4 9QD (164-165,173-174,178-182)
Middleton Miss Lauren [Fell Side]
Leck Fell House, Cowan Bridge, Carnforth, Lancashire, LA6 2JE (160)
Miss Lauren Middleton (Fell Side)
LOT 160 Fell Side Galaxy FEL/22/14261
PEN: 179
TWIN 28 Feb 2022
Sire: Thacka Blues Earl (ET) gs: Nantyderri Dark Fruits (ET) (NAN/19/00971) (TCK/20/02850)
gd: Hackney (ET) (HAC/18/01579)
Dam: Fell Side Emerald gs: Sunnybank Coca Cola (ET) (HCJ/18/03026) (FEL/20/11554)
gd: Pistyll (Import) (08425-38845) -
Mrs Becki Dakin (Rathbone)
PEN: 180
LOT 161 Rathbone RAV/23/05595 (UK0129153/05595)
TWIN 26 Mar 2023
Sire: Glanrafon Blues Gallant Max gs: Glanrafon Blues (SIV/21/00876) (SIV/22/01029) gd: Glanrafon Blues (SIV/15/00266)
Dam: Rathbone Eliza gs: Hackney Captain (HAC/18/01619) (RAV/20/04645) gd: Corra A009 (ET) (GFC/16/02965)
LOT 162 Rathbone RAV/23/05602 (UK0129153/05602)
TRIPLET 30 Mar 2023
Sire: Glanrafon Blues Gallant Max gs: Glanrafon Blues (SIV/21/00876) (SIV/22/01029) gd: Glanrafon Blues (SIV/15/00266)
Dam: Turbo Blue gs: Jonsland Wifi (JOJ/13/00700) (RJR/17/03408) gd: Turbo Blue (RJR/15/02455)
LOT 163 Rathbone RAV/23/05607 (UK0129153/05607)
TWIN 01 Apr 2023
Sire: Glanrafon Blues Gallant Max gs: Glanrafon Blues (SIV/21/00876) (SIV/22/01029) gd: Glanrafon Blues (SIV/15/00266)
Dam: Hunters Frisbee (ET) gs: Lyles Eagle (LYL/20/00063) (HUN/21/03549) gd: Hunters Bounty (HUN/17/02384) -
Messers J & A Garge (Rookie Blues)
PEN: 181
LOT 164 Nantyderri Heineken (ET) NAN/23/01485 (UK0724196/01485)
TWIN ET 08 Feb 2023
Sire: Yarburgh Fire Starter gs: Boyo Emperor (ET) (BOY/20/00680) (MFF/21/00390) gd: Sams (AFS/19/09172)
Dam: Rookie Blues Annie gs: Hackney Xcel (ET) (HAC/14/00567) (ROO/16/00325) gd: Turbo Blue (Import) (26044-96314)
Breeder: Mr Rhys Cooke
LOT 165 Rookie Blues Hudson ROO/23/00583 (UK0117849/00583)
TWIN 01 Feb 2023
Sire: Stonycro Excalibur gs: Nantyderri Clive (NAN/18/00920) (STS/20/00652) gd: Stonycro (STS/15/00292)
Dam: Rookie Blues Cu e Pie gs: Nantyderri (ET) (NAN/16/00121) (ROO/18/00451) gd: Turbo Blue (Import) (26044-96314)Mr Luke Billington (Billy's Blues)
PEN: 182
LOT 166 Billy's Blues Hugo BYL/23/00310 (UK0185536/00310)
SINGLE 24 Feb 2023
Sire: Pendle Finders Keepers gs: Pistyll Double Diamond (GFP/19/03610) (PEN/21/04031) gd: Pendle Bubbles (PEN/17/02513B)
Dam: Millside
gs: Beili Blues (BBD/15/02194) (DJA/19/02242D) gd: Millside (DJA/10/00015S)
LOT 167 Billy's Blues Hunter BYL/23/00326 (UK0185536/00326)
TWIN 12 Apr 2023
Sire: Pistyll Elite (ET) gs: Caryl's Blues Dazzler (ET) (CYL/19/08060) (GFP/20/04258) gd: Pistyll (ET) (GFP/17/02406)
Dam: Sal re Blue (Import) gs: Hoofdsec e (Dutch Registered) (26271-92046) (3182-1075) gd: Hoofdsec ce (Dutch Registered) (0840348295) -
LOT 168 Hugh Jan BED/24/00050 (UK0318267/00050)
SINGLE 31 Jan 2024
Sire: Turbo Blue Entry
gs: Turbo Blue (Import) (08441-24891) (RJR/20/04101) gd: Turbo Blue (RJR/17/03332)
Dam: Turbo Blue gs: Turbo Blue (Import) (26281-34047) (RJR/20/04249) gd: Turbo Blue (Import) (26101-46712)
Seller Comments: Signet recorded. Sire Turbo Blue Entry currently stands 3rd in the stock sire rankings for overall gene c merit.
LOT 169 Hugh Jack BED/24/00047 (UK0318267/00047)
TWIN 30 Jan 2024
Sire: Turbo Blue Entry
gs: Turbo Blue (Import) (08441-24891)
gd: Turbo Blue (RJR/17/03332)
Dam: Hugh Germani gs: Turbo Blue Benefactor (Import) (26287-18713) (BED/22/00018) gd: Turbo Blue (RJR/19/03969)
Seller Comments: Signet recorded. Sire Turbo Blue Entry currently stands 3rd in the stock sire rankings for overall gene c merit.
LOT 170 Hugh Joe BED/24/00051
TWIN 31 Jan 2024
Sire: Turbo Blue Entry
gs: Turbo Blue (Import) (08441-24891)
(RJR/20/04101) gd: Turbo Blue (RJR/17/03332)
Dam: Hugh gs: Turbo Blue Benefactor (Import) (26287-18713) (BED/21/00001) gd: Turbo Blue (RJR/19/03832)
Seller Comments: Signet recorded. Sire Turbo Blue Entry currently stands 3rd in the stock sire rankings for overall gene c merit.
LOT 171 Hugh Jacob BED/24/00046 - NOT FORWARD (UK0318267/00046)
TWIN 30 Jan 2024
Sire: Turbo Blue Entry gs: Turbo Blue (Import) (08441-24891) (RJR/20/04101) gd: Turbo Blue (RJR/17/03332)
Dam: Turbo Blue gs: Turbo Blue Benefactor (Import) (26287-18713) (RJR/20/04035) gd: Turbo Blue (RJR/15/02521)
Seller Comments: Signet recorded. Sire Turbo Blue Entry currently stands 3rd in the stock sire rankings for overall gene c merit.
LOT 172 Hugh Jason BED/24/00058 - NOT FORWARD (UK0318267/00058)
SINGLE 16 Feb 2024
Sire: Turbo Blue Giant gs: Turbo Blue Czar (RJR/18/03699) (RJR/22/04380) gd: Turbo Blue (ET) (RJR/20/04171)
Dam: Turbo Blue gs: Turbo Blue Benefactor (Import) (26287-18713) (RJR/21/04276) gd: Turbo Blue (Import) (26101-83217)
Seller Comments: Signet recorded. Sire Turbo Blue Giant. Sire currently stands 1st in the stock sire rankings for overall gene c merit. -
Messers J & A Garge (Rookie Blues)
PEN: 184
LOT 173 Rookie Blues Jobo ROO/24/00647 (UK0117849/00647)
TWIN 28 Jan 2024
Sire: Rookie Blues Hunter gs: Hunters Freddo (HUN/21/03595) (ROO/23/00590) gd: Rookie Blues Evie (ROO/20/00661)
Dam: Rookie Blues Foxy gs: Stonycro Excalibur (STS/20/00652) (ROO/21/00766) gd: Rookie Blues Cu e Pie (ROO/18/00451)
LOT 174 Rookie Blues Jaws ROO/24/00658 (UK0117849/00658)
TWIN 31 Jan 2024
Sire: Rookie Blues Hunter gs: Hunters Freddo (HUN/21/03595) (ROO/23/00590) gd: Rookie Blues Evie (ROO/20/00661)
Dam: Rookie Blues Extra Special gs: Hackney Cowboy (ET) (HAC/18/01631) (ROO/20/00637) gd: Blue Stone (BMG/15/00053)
Mr James Field (Claremont)
PEN: 185
LOT 175 Claremont Jumanji CMT/24/12486 (UK0102262/12486)
SINGLE 03 Mar 2024
Sire: E rick Eboneza (ET) gs: Pistyll Dynamite (ET) (GFP/19/03577) (ETT/20/10266) gd: Nantyderri (NAN/16/00089)
Dam: E rick Flare (ET) gs: Lyles Eagle (LYL/20/00063) (ETT/21/12471) gd: Corra (GFC/19/03586)
LOT 176 Claremont Jack Ass (ET) CMT/24/12482 (UK0102262/12482)
SINGLE ET 30 Jan 2024
Sire: Ma 's Escobar (ET) gs: Sal re Blue Derek (SBT/19/02070) (MAT/20/01072) gd: Derg Cindy (ET) (JSA/18/00327)
Dam: Sal re Blue Ewe Stunner (ET) gs: Sal re Blue Casanova (ET) (SBT/18/01847) (SBT/20/02403) gd: Sal re Blue A Beauty (SBT/16/01240)
LOT 177 Claremont Juggernaut (ET) CMT/24/12490 (UK0102262/12490)
TWIN ET 24 Jan 2024
Sire: Drumard Ed gs: Cleenagh Bruno (ET) (LAR/17/00310) (DMD/20/00742) gd: Hackney (ET) (HAC/17/01388)
Dam: Claremont Geneva (ET) gs: Caryl's Blues Captain (ET) (CYL/18/06564) (CMT/22/09141) gd: Sal re Blue Ewe Stunner (ET) (SBT/20/02403) -
Messers J & A Garge (Rookie Blues) PEN: 186
LOT 178 Rookie Blues Honeydew ROO/23/00592 (UK0117849/00592)
SINGLE 02 Feb 2023
Sire: Stonycro Excalibur gs: Nantyderri Clive (NAN/18/00920) (STS/20/00652) gd: Stonycro (STS/15/00292)
Dam: Rookie Blues Ember gs: Hackney Cowboy (ET) (HAC/18/01631) (ROO/20/00670) gd: Turbo Blue (Import) (26044-96269)
LOT 179 Rookie Blues Hannah ROO/23/00622 (UK0117849/00622)
TWIN 21 Feb 2023
Sire: Hunters Freddo gs: Eastbury Cut & Run (EAS/18/00074) (HUN/21/03595) gd: Hunters Bounty (HUN/17/02384)
Dam: Rookie Blues Flo gs: Stonycro Excalibur (STS/20/00652) (ROO/21/00767) gd: Rookie Blues Co on (ROO/18/00457)
LOT 180 Rookie Blues Hope ROO/23/00623 (UK0117849/00623)
TWIN 21 Feb 2023
Sire: Hunters Freddo gs: Eastbury Cut & Run (EAS/18/00074) (HUN/21/03595) gd: Hunters Bounty (HUN/17/02384)
Dam: Rookie Blues Flo gs: Stonycro Excalibur (STS/20/00652) (ROO/21/00767) gd: Rookie Blues Co on (ROO/18/00457)
LOT 181 Rookie Blues Haribo ROO/23/00620 (UK0117849/00620)
SINGLE 21 Feb 2023
Sire: Beili Blues Gerald (ET) gs: Hackney Ego (HAC/20/02890) (BBD/22/11596) gd: Beili Blues (BBD/15/02195)
Dam: Rookie Blues Fanta (ET) gs: Rookie Blues Ernie (ET) (ROO/20/00646) (ROO/21/00741) gd: Turbo Blue (Import) (26044-96269)
LOT 182 Rookie Blues Hurry ROO/23/00572 (UK0117849/00572)
TWIN 27 Jan 2023
Sire: Stonycro Excalibur gs: Nantyderri Clive (NAN/18/00920) (STS/20/00652) gd: Stonycro (STS/15/00292)
Dam: Rookie Blues Dark Magic gs: Solway View Bobby (SWV/17/00411) (ROO/19/00545) gd: Viewforth (JEL/15/01880Y) -
Mrs Becki Dakin (Rathbone) PEN: 187
LOT 183 Rathbone RAV/23/05604 (UK0129153/05604)
TWIN 24 Mar 2023
Sire: Glanrafon Blues Gallant Max gs: Glanrafon Blues (SIV/21/00876) (SIV/22/01029) gd: Glanrafon Blues (SIV/15/00266)
Dam: Turbo Blue gs: Turbo Blue Wassenaar (Import) (26200-28540) (RJR/18/03608) gd: Turbo Blue (Import) (08441-24896)
LOT 184A Rathbone RAV/23/05599 SUB (UK0129153/05599)
SINGLE 28 Mar 2023
Sire: Glanrafon Blues Gallant Max gs: Glanrafon Blues (SIV/21/00876) (SIV/22/01029) gd: Glanrafon Blues (SIV/15/00266)
Dam: Beili Blues (ET) gs: Beili Blues (Import) (26262-92618) (BBD/16/02835) gd: Wijncoop-Schipper (Dutch) (08425-94406) -


Preston A & S [Northport]
Li le Mark Farm, Stranraer, DG9 8HX
A & S Preston (Northport) PEN: 99
LOT 190 Barholm Franklin 025/F10968 (UK058252910968) TWIN 22 Mar 2022
Sire: Gallowhill Excalibur (ET) gs: Ty-Gwyn Dazzler (061/D01896) (007/E02581) gd: (Import 2016) (IM0321)
Dam: Sandymount gs: Spaniard (Import 2016) (IM0388) (081/C00465)
gd: (Import 2017) (IM0426)
Breeder: Mr Richard Oxley
LOT 191 Polaris Frostbite 020/F10907 (UK058252910907)
SINGLE 03 Mar 2022
Sire: Sass Eskimo
gs: Challoch Basse (N0006/B00005) (N0006/E04284) gd: Navac Cheeky (N0006/C00306)
Dam: (import 2017)
gs: (NL100014993738) (IM0090) gd: (NL100171112766)
Breeder: Mr Daryl Brown
A & S Preston (Northport) PEN: 100-102
LOT 192 Northport Gypsy 292/G3G00406 (UK058619200406) SINGLE 27 Mar 2023
Sire: Barholm Franklin gs: Gallowhill Excalibur (ET) (007/E02581) (025/F10968) gd: Sandymount (081/C00465)
Dam: Northport gs: Polaris Dauntless (020/D08751) (292/G4E00377)
LOT 193 Northport Grey 292/G3G00407 (UK058619200407) SINGLE 23 Mar 2023
Sire: Barholm Franklin gs: Gallowhill Excalibur (ET) (007/E02581) (025/F10968) gd: Sandymount (081/C00465)
Dam: Northport gs: Polaris Dauntless (020/D08751) (292/G4E00364) gd: (FEMALE OB)
LOT 194 Northport Gracia 292/G3G00408 (UK058619200408) TWIN 25 Mar 2023
Sire: Barholm Franklin gs: Gallowhill Excalibur (ET) (007/E02581) (025/F10968) gd: Sandymount (081/C00465)
Dam: Northport gs: Barholm Diego (025/D08743) (292/G4E00374) gd: (FEMALE OB)
LOT 195 Northport Gemini 292/G3G00409 (UK058619200409) TWIN 25 Mar 2023
Sire: Barholm Franklin gs: Gallowhill Excalibur (ET) (007/E02581) (025/F10968) gd: Sandymount (081/C00465)
Dam: Northport gs: Barholm Diego (025/D08743) (292/G4E00374) gd: (FEMALE OB)
LOT 196 Northport Glory 292/G3G00410 (UK058619200410)
SINGLE 26 Mar 2023
Sire: Barholm Franklin gs: Gallowhill Excalibur (ET) (007/E02581) (025/F10968) gd: Sandymount (081/C00465)
Dam: Northport gs: Barholm Diego (025/D08743) (292/G4E00359) gd: (FEMALE OB)
LOT 197 Northport Gina 292/G3G00411 (UK058619200411)
SINGLE 27 Mar 2023
Sire: Barholm Franklin gs: Gallowhill Excalibur (ET) (007/E02581) (025/F10968) gd: Sandymount (081/C00465)
Dam: Northport gs: Polaris Dauntless (020/D08751) (292/G4E00363) gd: (FEMALE OB)
LOT 198 Northport Gretel 292/G3G00412 (UK058619200412)
TRIPLET 27 Mar 2023
Sire: Barholm Franklin
gs: Gallowhill Excalibur (ET) (007/E02581) (025/F10968) gd: Sandymount (081/C00465)
Dam: Northport gs: Polaris Dauntless (020/D08751) (292/G4E00376) gd: (FEMALE OB)
LOT 199 Northport Grace 292/G3G00386 (UK058619200386)
SINGLE 20 Mar 2023
Sire: Polaris Frostbite
Dam: Northport
gs: Sass Eskimo (N0006/E04284)
gd: (import 2017) (IM0090)
gs: Polaris Dauntless (020/D08751) (292/G4E00360) gd: (FEMALE OB)
LOT 200 Northport Gia 292/G3G00387 (UK058619200387)
TWIN 21 Mar 2023
Sire: Polaris Frostbite
gs: Sass Eskimo (N0006/E04284) (020/F10907)
Dam: Northport
gd: (import 2017) (IM0090)
gs: Barholm Diego (025/D08743) (292/G4E00349)
LOT 201 Northport Gwen 292/G3G00388 (UK058619200388)
TWIN 21 Mar 2023
Sire: Polaris Frostbite
Dam: Northport
gs: Sass Eskimo (N0006/E04284)
gd: (import 2017) (IM0090)
gs: Barholm Diego (025/D08743) (292/G4E00349)
LOT 202 Northport Gail 292/G3G00389 (UK058619200389) SINGLE 22 Mar 2023
Sire: Polaris Frostbite
Dam: Northport
gs: Sass Eskimo (N0006/E04284)
gd: (import 2017) (IM0090)
gs: Barholm Diego (025/D08743) (292/G4E00375)
LOT 203 Northport Gloria 292/G3G00390 (UK058619200390)
SINGLE 23 Mar 2023
Sire: Polaris Frostbite
gs: Sass Eskimo (N0006/E04284) (020/F10907)
Dam: Northport
gd: (import 2017) (IM0090)
gs: Barholm Diego (025/D08743) (292/G4E00381)


Dawson & Chris Harper Emma [Blackhorse]
Rash Mill Co age, Dent, Sedbergh, Cumbria, United Kingdom, LA10 5QE (213)
Hird & Miss Hannah Batchelor Mr Eddie [Wingates]
Old School, Wingates, Morpeth, Northumberland, England, NE65 8RW
Watson Messers Finley [Town Head]
Town Head Farm, Milburn, Penrith, Cumbria, CA10 1TN
Messers Finley Watson (Town Head)
(210-212) -
PEN: 103
LOT 210 Town Head Harold THF/23/05767 (UK0103160/05767)
TWIN 10 Mar 2023
Sire: Rookie Blues Fin
gs: Stonycro Excalibur (STS/20/00652) (ROO/21/00754)
gd: Viewforth (JEL/15/01880Y)
Dam: Vallendale Daisy gs: Millside (DJA/17/01893B) (VAL/19/00142) gd: Vallendale Agnes (VAL/16/00085)
Seller Comments: Offspring of the 1000gns 2022 male reserve champion, Rookie Blue Fin.
LOT 211 Town Head Hamish THF/23/05765 (UK0103160/05765)
TWIN 10 Mar 2023
Sire: Rookie Blues Fin gs: Stonycro Excalibur (STS/20/00652) (ROO/21/00754) gd: Viewforth (JEL/15/01880Y)
Dam: Vallendale Daisy gs: Millside (DJA/17/01893B) (VAL/19/00142) gd: Vallendale Agnes (VAL/16/00085)
Seller Comments: Offspring of the 1000gns 2022 male reserve champion, Rookie Blue Fin.
LOT 212 Town Head Hector THF/23/05768 (UK0103160/05769)
TWIN 27 Feb 2023
Sire: Rookie Blues Fin gs: Stonycro Excalibur (STS/20/00652) (ROO/21/00754) gd: Viewforth (JEL/15/01880Y)
Dam: Town Head Freada gs: Inver-Bay Dam Buster (INV/20/00214) (THF/21/05444) gd: Vallendale Daisy (VAL/19/00142)
Seller Comments: Offspring of the 1000gns 2022 male reserve champion, Rookie Blue Fin. (Replacement tag)
Emma Dawson & Chris Harper (Blackhorse)
PEN: 104
LOT 213 Blackhorse Joey ECB/24/00307 (UK0440012/00307)
SINGLE 28 Jan 2024
Sire: Glenhill Fireball (ET) gs: Ma 's Ee By Gum (ET) (MAT/20/01077) (GLN/21/08957) gd: Hunters Duchess (ET) (HUN/19/02900)
Dam: Sunnybank Endless Possibi es (ET)gs: Sunnybank (Import) (1408-0248) (HCJ/20/04400) gd: Sunnybank Import (00166-46566)
Mr Eddie Hird & Miss Hannah Batchelor (Wingates)
LOT 214 Slapton HBS/21/10262
PEN: 105
TWIN 18 Mar 2021
Sire: Severn View Bear gs: Millend About Town (WCM/16/01721) (SVS/17/01845B) gd: Slapton (HBS/10/00180)
Dam: Slapton gs: Sams (ET) (AFS/13/02097W) (HBS/16/04537) gd: Slapton (HBS/07/1026)
Breeder: R & B Smith
Seller Comments: Slapton ewe that has reared lambs each year.
LOT 215 Slapton HBS/21/10258 (UK0202301/10258)
TWIN 17 Mar 2021
Sire: Severn View Bear gs: Millend About Town (WCM/16/01721) (SVS/17/01845B) gd: Slapton (HBS/10/00180)
Dam: Slapton gs: Beili Blues (ET) (BBD/12/00564) (HBS/16/04522) gd: Slapton (HBS/11/00520)
Breeder: R & B Smith
Seller Comments: Slapton ewe that has reared lambs each year.
Mr Eddie Hird & Miss Hannah Batchelor (Wingates)
PEN: 106
LOT 216 Wingates Holly EHW/23/00005 (UK0441106/00005)
SINGLE 24 Mar 2023
Sire: Cairnrock Frisky (ET) gs: Hackney Your Joking (ET) (HAC/15/00618) (TAR/21/01913) gd: Cairnrock (TAR/17/00093)
Dam: Slapton gs: Severn View Bear (SVS/17/01845B) (HBS/21/10313)
gd: Slapton (HBS/18/06659)
Seller Comments: Wingates Holly is out of fantas c Slapton ewe who has bred very consistently.
LOT 217 Wrentnall Blues Hebe WTB/23/01923 (UK0104662/01923)
TWIN 26 Jan 2023
Sire: Anside Gandalf gs: Powerful Eye of The Tiger (Import) (IE0455518/00485) (ANS/22/04022)
gd: Viewforth (JEL/17/03250)
Dam: Hilltop Bertha gs: Millside (ET) (DJA/12/00780V) (HJD/17/00195) gd: Slapton (HBS/13/01895)
Breeder: Mr & Mrs J W & J Collin
Seller Comments: Wrentnall Blue Hebe is out of our favourite ewe, a big square sheep.
LOT 218 Wrentnall Blues Honey WTB/23/01945 (UK0104662/01945)
TWIN 19 Mar 2023
Sire: Anside Gandalf gs: Powerful Eye of The Tiger (Import) (IE0455518/00485) (ANS/22/04022) gd: Viewforth (JEL/17/03250)
Dam: Beili Blues (ET) gs: Beili Blues (Import) (26262-92618) (BBD/17/04030) gd: Beili Blues (Import) (26182-33086)
Breeder: Mr & Mrs J W & J Collin
Seller Comments: Wrentnall Blues Honey is out of a ewe from Dutch import bloodline and twin brother was used as a lamb. -

North West Auc ons Important No ce to Prospec ve Purchasers
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