J36 Store Lambs, 10th August 2023

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North West Auctions. J36 Rural Auction Centre, Crooklands, Milnthorpe, Cumbria, LA7 7FP t. 015395 66200 www.nwauctions.co.uk e. info@nwauctions.co.uk A EJ36 RURAL AUCTION CENTRE Fortnightly Sale of 2500 STORE LAMBS Thursday 10th August 2023 Sale to Commence at 11am

Sale Condi ons

Stock will be sold under the condi ons of sale displayed in the mart, recommended by the Livestock Auc oneers’ Associa on for England and Wales. Purchasers please bring the CPH number, address & postcode of the premises where the animals will be moved to and the registra on number of the vehicle in which they are to be transported. These are all required when prin ng the movement licences. The Auc oneers & Fieldsmen will be pleased to assist in arranging transport for livestock. Vendors please make sure all sheep are correctly tagged before coming to market. All breeding sheep are to be treated against scab and accompanied to the Market with a signed Sheep Scab Declara on form. No lots can leave the market without a ‘pass slip’ being issued by the main office.


Payment is due on day of sale unless alterna ve arrangements have been made in advance.

Accepted methods of Payment

Our bank account details for online banking transac ons; Bank: Lloyds Sort Code: 30-16-28 Account Number: 22425168

Please include your account number

Please note card payments are no longer accepted -

Note to Seller

For the avoidance of doubt NWA Ltd reserve the right to contra or keep sale proceeds to offset against an outstanding account.


The informa on provided on these forms will be used by North West Auc ons to keep in touch with you and to provide updates and marke ng. We only share this informa on with other members of our group and if you do not want to be contacted for marke ng purposes, please no fy us in wri ng.

Please do not hesitate to contact our Auc oneers or Fieldsmen for advice on any of our Sales or Services

Bradley Thompson, Auc oneer: 07867 000244

Ma hew Probert, Auc oneer: 07540 446667

Neil Strickland, Livestock Yard Team Leader: 077172 28635

Harriet Parker, Livestock Yard Team Leader: 077137 87510

J36 Rural Auc on Centre Holding No. 08/362/8000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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11AM STORE LAMBS PEN VENDOR QTY BREED VAC. 16-17 DC,D&JD Taylor, Garne s Fold 40 Texel x Ovi Clk 18-19 J&T Hunter, Moser Hill 30 Mule 20-22 W&PA Walton, Low Kinmont 60 Mule Hp2 Orf 23-24 RI Dixon, Low Newton Farm 30 Texel 25 CM Jennings, Crake Hall 8 Beltex (Gimmers) 26 JH Barker & Son, Stribers Farm 25 Suffolk Dect 27 WJ&EC McKinney, Ellermire Farm 20 Kerry Hills / Cheviots Hp Scabivac 28-29 JA&CA Gibson, Longwell 30 Texel x Orf Hp2 30-31 CF Hoggarth & Son, Low Hundhowe 50 Texel x Brov 2 32 AT Threlkeld Ltd, Bowkerstead Farm 25 Con nental 33-34 A Hodgson & Son, Borwick Lodge Farm 30 Texel (Some Gimmers) Clk Xtra 10 Mule 35-41 DM Eames, Middle Lee Farm 40 Suffolk Orf 42-45 LE Harrison, Streatlam Grange 50 Con nental 50 Easy Care 46-47 JA&SM Allen, Barker Kno 50 Texel / Beltex 48-49 Fishwick Bros, Middle Sadghyll 40 Mule Cov 51 CD Steadman, Ellersgill 50 Con nental 52-54 G Hargreaves, Ivy Bank 75 Texel x Orf 55-56 J&R Bell, Sunny Brow 40 Suffolk 57-59 TGT&PJ Strickland, Grate Farm 60 Suffolk 60-61 P Postlethwaite, Rainors Farm 40 Texel x Dipped Cov 62-64 WH&G Hodgson, Mint View 70 Texel x Orf 65 JR Robinson & Son, Hollins Farm 10 Mule Clk O 66-68 MR Toms, Middle Fell 60 Texel x Brav Clk (1st June) 69-70 RA Clegg & LD Benne , Tongue House Farm 30 Mule 71-72 M&G German, Sowermire Farm 30 Mule 73 DJ&A Douthwaite, Red Squirrel Terrace 15 Cheviot / Suffolk 74 JF Robinson, Moss Side Farm 20 Suffolk x Cov 75 JM & NJ Strickland, The Borrans 20 Texel x 79-80 H Cook, Moss Howe Farm 30 Texel 81-83 JE Wightman, Crabtree Farm 50 Texel 84 N Maloney, Old School 20 Texel 85-89 Messrs Beaty, Long Green Head 100 Texel x
PEN VENDOR QTY BREED VAC. 90 J Sco & Co, Middle Birkby Farm 20 Suffolk / Texel 91-92 R Gibson & Son, Singleton Park 30 Texel x 93-94 M Todd, Saddlers Cro 40 Mule 95 BJ Bainbridge, Steps Farm 20 Texel 96 P Eastham, Greenbank 25 Texel Cov 97 T Sharp, Bleaswood Road 20 Texel x Hp2 98 FE&CM Robinson, Warth Su on Farm 20 Texel O 99-100 DH Hogg, Melbourne House 40 Texel Brav 101-102 HE&MJ Henderson, Nun House 40 Texel 103-108 NP&CE Buckley, Fairbank Farm 120 Texel / Charollais 109-110 B Wilson & Son, Ashstead 30 Mule O 111 J Dickinson, High House 20 Texel Ovi2 112 JR Park, Black Syke 20 Charollais x Hp 113 R Lawrence, Greaves Farm 15 Mule Hp2 114-118 FW Park, The Howes 100 Texel x 119-128 Messrs Hodgson, High Borrans Farm 200 Mule Hp 129 F Blenkhorn, Carlton House 15 Texel 130 MK Robinson, Roundthwaite 20 Beltex O 134-135 K Lawson, Lockbank 30 Con nental 136-137 MA Barnes, Top Thorn Farm 30 Texel x 138-139 JC&E Pedley & Sons, Yore House 50 Beltex / Texel Hp2 O 140-141 P Mason, Coat Green Farm 50 Texel 142-145 JH Atkinson & Partners, Mosergh Farm 30 Texel 144-146 MP&A Caps ck, High Lane 60 Beltex 147-148 AJ&CM Harrison, Boundary Beck 30 Texel / Mule 149-150 KD&L Armer, Scar Sykes Farm 50 Mule 151 MD & SA Park, Whitbarrow Co age 10 Texel 152 GT Hodgson, High Low Wood 15 Texel 153 J Barr, High Hencro 8 Zwartble 154 AW Irvine, Tock How Farm 40 Texel x Thursday 24th August 2023 10.30am Special Show & Sale of Con nental & Suffolk Gimmer Lambs Followed by the Fortnightly Sale of Store Lambs Catalogue Entries by Wednesday 16th August

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