Udders: All Female sheep are sold as correct in the udder unless otherwise stated. Any complaint about udders should be made to the Auc oneer before removal from the sale premises otherwise no claim will be entertained.
C-Sec ons: All Sheep which have had C-Sec ons must be declared before the me of sale, if not declared the purchaser will be en tled to a full refund
Breeding Guarantees: All sheep sold as in-lamb are guaranteed for 30 days from the date of sale. Any claims received a er this date will not be entertained. Service/Insemina on Dates: All service/insemina on dates given are accurate to the best of the vendor’s knowledge. Purchasers should be aware that all sheep can lamb before and a er the expected due date.
Health Status: All sheep being sold from Maedi Visna Flocks must be presented at the Market with the relevant Maedi Visna Accredited Movement License. MV Accredited sheep will be sold first, followed by non-MV accredited sheep.
Removal of Purchases: All sheep purchased must be removed on the night of the sale, unless special arrangements have been made prior to the sale with either the Auc oneer or Yard Foreman. Se lement: All lots must be paid for in full on the day of purchase unless prior arrangements have been made with an Auc oneer.
Purchasers: Please bring the holding number, address of premises to which the animals are to be sent and also, the registra on number of the vehicle in which they are to be transported. These are all required when prin ng the movement licences. No Lots can leave without a‘Pass Out’
Vendors: A fully completed ARAMS1 form must accompany all sheep to the Market. Please ensure all sheep are tagged in accordance with current regula ons. All sheep to be treated against scab and accompanied to the Market with a signed Scab Declara on Form.
Note to Seller: For the avoidance of doubt NWA Ltd reserve the right to contra or keep sale proceeds to offset against an outstanding account.
Payment: Payment is due on day of sale unless alterna ve arrangements have been made in advance. Accepted methods of Payment By Cheque for established customers or By Direct Bank Transfer (preferred method of payment)
Our bank account details for online banking transac ons; Bank: Lloyds Sort Code: 30-16-28 Account Number: 22425168
Please include your account number
Please note card and cash payments are no longer accepted
Method of Sale: All sheep will be sold in guineas (105 pence) and in catalogue order, unless any change is announced by the Auc oneer.
GDPR: The informa on provided on these forms will be used by North West Auc ons to keep in touch with you and to provide updates and marke ng. We only share this informa on with other members of our group and if you do not want to be contacted for marke ng purposes, please no fy us in wri ng.
Ma hew Probert, Auc oneer: 07540 446667
Will Rogerson, Auc oneer: 07506 283587
Joel McGarva, Auc oneer: 079200 09097
Andrew Butler, Fields Officer: 079665 56592
Lisa Benne , Fields Officer: 079711 18717
Neil Strickland, Livestock Yard Team Leader: 077172 28635
Hewson Mr Andrew [Vallum] 1-4 Burgh Head Farm, Burgh By Sands, Carlisle,
Towers RJ&J [Camp House] 6-13 Greenalnds Farm, Ingleton
Sto J Jnr [Kingsland] 5 Kingslands, Crosscrake
Airey J&C
NWSBC Member [Urswick] 39-44 5 Reeds Gardens, Li le Urswick, Ulverston, Cumbria
Bachelor K
NWSBC Member [Stoneyraikes] 72-73 Stoney Raikes Farm, Robin House Lane, Burnley
Ba y Mr Richard NWSBC Member [Tidalview] 21-24 43 Dugg Hill, Heversham, Nr Milnthorpe, Cumbria
Blair Mr T Alan NWSBC Member [Thornfleet]
63-65 Thornfleet Bungalow, 167 Fleetwood Road South, Thornton Cleveleys
Cross Andrew NWSBC Member [Barnacre] 48-50 Heald Farm Barn, Parkhead Lane, Barnacre, Preston
Davies A G [Hugmore]
54-58 Greenfields, Holt Road, Llan-y-pwll, Wrexham, Clwyd
Evans Mr Mark [Jubilee] 59-62 Tower Gate Farm, Hollins Bank Lane, Steeton, Nr Keighley, West Yorkshire
Hewson Mr Andrew [Vallum] 51-53, 68-71 Burgh Head Farm, Burgh By Sands, Carlisle, Cumbria
Mitchell Mr Aiden [Grassknop] 45-47 Grassknop Farm, Skelton, Penrith, Cumbria
Owen Mr Gary M [Morris] 33-38 Neuadd Wen, Newborough, Anglesey,
Richmond Mr Geoffrey I NWSBC Member [Sullom] 25-26, 66-67 Lodge Co age, Langley Lane, Goosnargh, Preston, Lancashire
Sharpe S & J NWSBC Member [Oaklea] 15-20 Oak Lea Farm, Roanhead, Barrow-in-furness, Cumbria
Towers RJ&J [Camp House] 14 Greenalnds Farm, Ingleton
Walker Mr & Mrs S C [Oxbrukheys] 27-32 Brook House, Oxheys Lane, Rushton, Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6 9AT
Sale to Commence at 5.30pm
Comprising of
39 In-Lamb Ewes & Gimmer Shearlings
Followed by 23 Empty Gimmer Lambs
Also this Night
Mul -Breed In-Lamb Females
Comprising of 4 Texels & 9 Charollais
(To be sold in catalogue order)
Judging to commence at 4pm
Show Kindly Sponsored by the North West Suffolk Breeders Club
Judged by Kate Crossley
MV Any Other Breed In-Lamb Ewe/Shearling
MV Suffolk In-Lamb Ewe
MV Suffolk In-Lamb Gimmer Shearling
MV Suffolk Gimmer Lamb
Champion Suffolk
Reserve Champion Suffolk
LOT 1 Vallum HMV:24:05728 (UK101198/05728) 5 Mar 2024
Sire: Wester Moy Diego
Dam: HMV:21:04682 Gs: Haltcliffe Yankee
LOT 2 Vallum HMV:24:05717 (UK101198/05717) 11 Mar 2024
Sire: Wester Moy Diego
Dam: HMV:20:03941 Gs: Haltcliffe Yankee
LOT 3 Vallum HMV:24:05766 (UK101198/05766) 4 Mar 2024
Sire: Tullylagan Goldrush
Dam: HMV:22:04961 Gs: Newton Field Eddie the Eagle
LOT 4 Vallum HMV:24:05712 (UK101198/05712) 8 Mar 2024
Sire: Wester Moy Diego
Dam: HMV:21:04647 Gs: Drumrae Barney
Kingsland 103560 XJS2108 3
Sire: 21YAO5316
Dam: 103560 XJS01519
All ewes are in the Hp+ system, Footvax, Cydec n, Toxo and Enzo Vaccinated. Animec Bolus and Coppered.
LOT 6 Camp House 22TZ03862 (UK726270/03862) 10 Dec 2021
Sire: Loanhead Washington 21WNC377523
Dam: 20WRF00697
Gs: Artnagullion Turbo 18ZGQ03562
Service sire Robleston Arnie 22WGN05844, due 5th December and scanned with twin. Robleston Arnie 3rd prize shearling ram at the Royal Welsh last year and bought at NSA Builth for £2500.
LOT 7 Camp House 22VEP00031 (UK211533/00031) 17 Jan 2022
Sire: Coker Ford 21VEP00019
Dam: 20VEP00011
Gs: Dalby Super Trooper 17PE05884
Service sire Beltex, due 15th January and scanned twins. Beltex sire was bought from Skipton for 3000gns.
LOT 8 Camp House 23ZAB00302 (UK139588/00302) 10 Dec 2022
Sire: Willow Wasabi 21WKM01656
Dam: 21VAA00813
Gs: Castellau 19TZ02596
Service sire Beltex, due 15th January and scanned twins. Beltex sire was bought from Skipton for 3000gns. Willow Wasabi was the first prize lamb at the Worcester Premier.
LOT 9 Camp House 23ZAB00309 (UK139588/00309) 11 Dec 2022
Sire: Willow Wasabi 21WKM01656
Dam: 19ZAB00022
Gs: Loan Head Trojan 18WNC22734
Service sire Beltex, due 5th December and scanned twins. Beltex sire was bought from Skipton for 3000gns. Willow Wasabi was the first prize lamb at the Worcester Premier.
LOT 10 Camp House 23ZAB00300 (UK139588/00300) 10 Dec 2022
Sire: Willow Wasabi 21WKM01656
Dam: 19HR02312
Gs: Leelaw 17YUX01620
Service sire Beltex, due 25th January and scanned twins. Beltex sire was bought from Skipton for 3000gns. Willow Wasabi was the first prize lamb at the Worcester Premier.
LOT 11 Camp House 23ZAB00296 (UK139588/00296) 09 Dec 2022
Sire: Willow Wasabi 21WKM01656
Dam: 19ZAB00003
Gs: Wernfawr Rokocoko 16XEV00971
Service sire Beltex, due 15th January and scanned twins. Beltex sire was bought from Skipton for 3000gns. Willow Wasabi was the first prize lamb at the Worcester Premier.
LOT 12 Camp House 23TZ04229 (UK726270/04229) 05 Dec 2022
Sire: Castellau Va Va Voom 20TZO3068
Dam: 19TZ02636
Gs: Ffrwd Tyrone 18YET01833
Service sire Beltex, due 5th December and scanned twins. Beltex sire was bought from Skipton for 3000gns.
LOT 13 Camp House 23VJG00033 (UK421282/00033) 29 Dec 2022
Sire: Rhaeadr Victor 20XXK02250
Dam: 19PF02562 Gs: Knockin Tickle My Fancy 18XXJ00535 Service sire Beltex, due 5th December and scanned twins. Beltex sire was bought from Skipton for 3000gns.
All ewes are in the Hp+ system, Footvax, Cydec n, Toxo and Enzo Vaccinated. Animec Bolus and Coppered.
LOT 14 Cellar Head 7C:23:01811 (UK167808)
Sire: Kexbeck Excalibur KXL:21:00640
3 Feb 2023
Dam: Cellar Head 7C20:01415 Gs: Crewelands Charger PWN:19:01166 Service sire Charollais 22WGN05844, due 15th January and scanned twins. Rubleston Arnie 3rd prize shearling ram at the Royal Welsh last year and bought at NSA Builth for £2500.
PEN: 309-311
Vendor Notes: This is a genuine reduc on of our flock due to change in circumstances.All the ewes are in the Heptavac P Plus system and will have had Dectomax ahead of the sale. All ewes are in lamb to Morris Blackgold who won 1st prize shearling ram at Northumberland & Cumberland shows.
LOT 15 Oaklea UUF:20:00046 (UK117485/00046) SINGLE 30 Jan 2020
Sire: Williamsgill Victor gs: Strathbogie Invictus (SUT:17:01524) (FAJ:18:00605) gd: Williamsgill (FAJ:16:00430)
Dam: Chipping gs: Midhope Maestro (L20:12:019) (CFF:13:015) gd: Robinson's (BJW:D54)
Service sire Morris Blackgold, due 18th January, scanned single.
LOT 16 Oaklea UUF:21:00063 (UK117485/00063) TWIN 30 Jan 2021
Sire: Oaklea Valiant gs: Drinkstone Cracker (Y68:16:07805) (UUF:20:00051) gd: Spotsmains (FJY:16:01823)
Dam: Oaklea gs: Midhope Soloist (L20:18:01424) (UUF:19:00034) gd: Chipping (CFF:17:00240)
Service sire Morris Blackgold, due 13th January, scanned twins.
LOT 17 Oaklea UUF:22:00093 (UK117485/00093) TWIN 03 Mar 2022
Sire: Oaklea Valiant gs: Drinkstone Cracker (Y68:16:07805) (UUF:20:00051) gd: Spotsmains (FJY:16:01823)
Dam: Oaklea gs: Midhope Soloist (L20:18:01424) (UUF:19:00035) gd: Chipping (CFF:17:00240)
Service sire Morris Blackgold, due 9th January, scanned single.
This ewe scored in the top 10% of the Suffolk breed for terminal sire index.
LOT 18 Oaklea UUF:22:00094 (UK117485/00094) TWIN 03 Mar 2022
Sire: Oaklea Valiant gs: Drinkstone Cracker (Y68:16:07805) (UUF:20:00051) gd: Spotsmains (FJY:16:01823)
Dam: Oaklea gs: Midhope Soloist (L20:18:01424)
(UUF:19:00035) gd: Chipping (CFF:17:00240)
Service sire Morris Blackgold, due 10th January, scanned single. This ewe scored in the top 10% of the Suffolk breed for terminal sire index.
LOT 19 Oaklea UUF:23:00102 (UK117485/00102) SINGLE 06 Jan 2023
Sire: Albea Audacious gs: Rhaeadr Rolex I (A12:15:01287) (WNT:22:00544) gd: Morris (T31:15:00342)
Dam: Oaklea gs: Williamsgill Victor (FAJ:18:00605) (UUF:20:00046) gd: Chipping (CFF:13:015)
Service sire Morris Blackgold, due 10th January, scanned single.
LOT 20 Oaklea UUF:23:00103 (UK117485/00103) TWIN 01 Jan 2023
Sire: Albea Audacious gs: Rhaeadr Rolex I (A12:15:01287) (WNT:22:00544) gd: Morris (T31:15:00342)
Dam: Oaklea gs: Williamsgill Victor (FAJ:18:00605) (UUF:20:00050) gd: Chipping (CFF:16:00213)
Service sire Morris Blackgold, due 21st January, scanned twins.
Enzo, Toxo & Hp Vaccinated.
LOT 21 Williamsgill FAJ:22:00980 (UK0111182/00980) TWIN 07 Jan 2022
Sire: Alloaks Jaguar gs: Redbrae Lynx (JKA:19:04010) (J65:21:04340) gd: Alloaks (J65:19:03816)
Dam: Williamsgill gs: Strathbogie Invictus (SUT:17:01524) (FAJ:19:00702) gd: Williamsgill (FAJ:15:00370)
Breeder: G & FJ Soulsby
Hyton Firecracker was male champion at the Great Yorkshire Show 2023. Service sire Hyton Firecracker, due 10th January and scanned single.
LOT 22 Norman HHY:22:00185 (UK0118053/00185) TWIN 03 Jan 2022
Sire: Forkins McCoy gs: Mullaghboy Goliath (UJX:17:00023) (AOR:20:02744) gd: Forkins (AOR:15:01430)
Dam: Norman gs: Cairness Great Expecta ons (33H:13:129) (HHY:16:00183) gd: Roseden (G34:13:045)
Breeder: Liz Needham
Service sire Hyton Firecracker , due 5th January and scanned twins.
LOT 23 Hyton SDX:23:00252 (UK0110015/00252) TWIN 07 Jan 2023
Sire: Errigal Equalizer gs: Lakeview Heart Of Gold (JFF:17:02580) (PBH:18:01190) gd: Errigal (PBH:15:00988)
Dam: Springstone gs: Springstone Challenger (V33:18:00451) (V33:21:00771) gd: Springstone (V33:19:00512)
Breeder: Sandra Woodend Service sire Hyton Firecracker, due 20th January and scanned twins.
LOT 24 Hyton SDX:23:00254 (UK0110015/00254) TRIPLET 11 Jan 2023
Sire: Errigal Equalizer gs: Lakeview Heart Of Gold (JFF:17:02580) (PBH:18:01190) gd: Errigal (PBH:15:00988)
Dam: Springstone gs: Lavenham Reginald (JKC:18:02809) (V33:21:00742) gd: Springstone (V33:17:00363)
Breeder: Sandra Woodend Service sire Hyton Firecracker, due 20th January and scanned twins.
Vendor Notes: Sullom flock had the 1st prize ewe lambs in the Northern coun es flock compe on 2024.
LOT 25 Sullom FPT:21:00601 (UK186134/00601) SINGLE ET 31 Dec 2020
Sire: Claycrop Colada gs: Castleisle Cobra (DDX:19:01134) (NCX:20:07523) gd: Claycrop (NCX:18:05963)
Dam: Strathisla gs: Forkins Figo (AOR:11:031) (FNV:12:023) gd: Strathisla (FNV:N40)
Ai'd to Bullers lamb on the 4th August and scanned twins.
LOT 26 Sullom FPT:22:00726 (UK186134/00726) TWIN 31 Jan 2022
Sire: Spi al Spit Fire gs: Crewelands Crete (PWN:16:00546) (DYX:20:00328) gd: Spi al (DYX:15:00191)
Dam: Sullom gs: Muirton One Direc on (K14:14:00892) (FPT:16:00372) gd: Sullom (FPT:N12)
A'id to Sullom Striker on the 4th August and scanned twins.
In the Hp system, wormed, Enzo and Toxo vaccinated.
LOT 27 Tolgus SWX:21:02617 (UK0381029/02617) TRIPLET 04 Jan 2021
Sire: Salopian Sierra gs: Solwaybank Rock Solid (FHT:17:01459) (V87:20:00716) gd: Salopian (V87:15:00233)
Dam: Tolgus gs: Solwaybank Rooster (FHT:15:01075) (SWX:17:01087) gd: Deveronside (NAJ:14:00348)
Breeder: Mr Brandon Roth Service sire Richhill Houdini, Scanning details at the me of sale.
LOT 28 Oxbrukheys PZD:19:00195 (UK0175658/00195) TWIN 21 Feb 2019
Sire: Morris The Geezer gs: Crewelands Cartel (PWN:17:00655) (T31:18:00431) gd: Morris (T31:14:00296)
Dam: Horton gs: Kings Crusader (CAL:15:01356) (138A:16:00251) gd: Horton (138A:14:00185)
Service sire Trophichen Thor, Scanning details at the me of sale.
LOT 29
Oxbrukheys PZD:23:00559 (UK0175658/00559) TWIN 10 Jan 2023
Sire: Capielaw Conan gs: Logiedurno Lockdown (HCT:19:27782) (JTO:21:00216) gd: Capielaw (JTO:19:00107)
Dam: Horton gs: Kings Crusader (CAL:15:01356) (138A:16:00251) gd: Horton (138A:14:00185)
Service sire Richhill Houdini, Scanning details at the me of sale.
LOT 30 Oxbrukheys PZD:23:00573 (UK0175658/00573) TWIN 22 Jan 2023
Sire: Crewelands Fire Ball gs: Shannagh Lonestar (78A:21:06847) (PWN:22:01758) gd: Crewelands (PWN:19:01126)
Dam: Tolgus gs: Howgillfoot Hugo Boss (UTZ:20:00027) (SWX:21:02638) gd: Tolgus (SWX:19:02014)
Service sire Richhill Houdini, Scanning details at the me of sale.
LOT 31 Oxbrukheys PZD:23:00558 (UK0175658/00558) TWIN 07 Jan 2023
Sire: Crewelands Fire Ball gs: Shannagh Lonestar (78A:21:06847) (PWN:22:01758) gd: Crewelands (PWN:19:01126)
Dam: Oxbrukheys gs: Morris The Geezer (T31:18:00431) (PZD:19:00171) gd: Oxbrukheys (PZD:17:00096)
Service sire Richhill Houdini, Scanning details at the me of sale.
LOT 32 Oxbrukheys PZD:23:00554 (UK0175658/00554) SINGLE 05 Jan 2023
Sire: Mogford Babooshka gs: Mogford Hercules (PSJ:21:00546) (PSJ:22:00631) gd: Mogford (PSJ:19:00475)
Dam: Oxbrukheys gs: Strathisla Red Mcgregor (FNV:12:090) (PZD:20:00223) gd: Oxbrukheys (PZD:17:00105)
Service sire Cranorskie Great Expecta ons, Scanning details at the me of sale.
LOT 33 Morris T31:22:00611 (UK0703396/00611) TWIN 28 Dec 2021
Sire: Limestone La Ferrari gs: Strathbogie Stradivarius (SUT:18:02692) (KPC:19:01177) gd: Lomondview (ULS:17:17010)
Dam: Salopian gs: Solwaybank Rock Solid (FHT:17:01459) (V87:19:00566) gd: Stockton (72H:13:2050)
Serve sire Birmess Abracadabra, due 7th January.
Sire purchased for 8000gns, Balleymena Champion.
LOT: 34 Morris T31:22:00633 (UK0703396/00633) BIRTH NOTIFIED
Sire: Muirton One Direc on (K14:14:00892)
Dam: Morris gsL Limestone Lamborghini (T31:19:00485)
Service sire Birmess Abracadabra, due 7th January.
Maternal sister sold to Fromgoy in September.
LOT 35 Morris T31:22:00641 (UK0703396/00641) TRIPLET 31 Dec 2021
Sire: Strathbogie A Kind Of Magic gs: Muirton One Direc on (K14:14:00892) (SUT:16:00630) gd: Strathisla (FNV:13:144)
Dam: Lomondview gs: Rookery Rodeo (DND:16:00523) (ULS:18:00661) gd: Lakeview (JFF:16:02216)
Service sire Hawgillfoot Hannibal, due 22nd January.
Maternal sister sold to Mullinvele, where she bred daughters selling for 7800gns.
LOT 36 Morris T31:23:00681 (UK0703396/00681) TWIN 08 Jan 2023
Sire: Howgillfoot Hannibal gs: Frongoy Rocket (NAT:21:08025) (UTZ:22:00287) gd: Howgillfoot (UTZ:20:00070)
Dam: Morris gs: Limestone Lamborghini (KPC:18:01016) (T31:19:00469) gd: Criccin (R88:13:066)
Serve sire Birmess Abracadabra, due 7th January.
Big stylish gimmer. Dam was a great breeder.
LOT: 37 Morris T31:23:00686 (UK0703396/00686) BIRTH NOTIFIED
Sire: Claycrop Colada gs: Castleisle Cobra (DDX:19:01134) (NCX:20:07523) gd: Claycrop (NCX:18:05963)
Dam: Morris (T31:1900485)
Served sire Howgillfoot Hannibal, due 7th February.
Same family as lamb sold to Ballycannom.
LOT 38 Morris T31:23:00687 (UK0703396/00687) TWIN 11 Jan 2023
Sire: Claycrop Colada gs: Castleisle Cobra (DDX:19:01134) (NCX:20:07523) gd: Claycrop (NCX:18:05963)
Dam: Morris gs: Birness Abracadabra (1W:20:02709) (T31:21:00583) gd: Rhaeadr (A12:19:02177)
Service sire Mogford Major, due 7th January.
Twin sister sold to Emily Bobby last year, which went on to win a lot of shows.
PEN: 321 323
LOT 39 Urswick STX:22:01382 (UK0113174/01382) TWIN 01 Jan 2022
Sire: Birness Tyson gs: Ballynacannon Noah (KKW:18:00931) (1W:20:02785) gd: Birness (1W:18:02166)
Dam: Urswick gs: Urswick Rodeo (STX:18:00903) (STX:20:01280) gd: Urswick (STX:16:00581)
Service sire Morris Magnum (T31:22:00647), due 10th January and scanned with twins.
LOT 40 Urswick STX:23:01456 (UK0113174/01456) BIRTH NOTIFIED 06 Jan 2023
Sire: Morris Magnum (T31:22:0647)
Dam: Urswick gs: Urswick Rodeo Six (18:00903) (STX:20:01260)
Service sire Limestone Loki KPC2201990, due 10th January and scanned with twins.
LOT 41 Urswick STX:23:01458 (UK0113174/01458) BIRTH NOTIFIED 11 Jan 2023
Sire: Limestone Loki gs: Stockton Sniper's Son (72H:18:05251) (KPC:22:01990) gd: Limestone (KPC:17:00783)
Dam: Urwick gs: Urswick Rodeo (STX:18:00903) (STX:20:01254)
Service sire Morris Magnum (T31:22:00647), due 10th January and scanned with twins.
LOT 42 Urswick STX:23:01474 (UK0113174/01474)
Sire: Morris Magnum (T31:22:0647)
Dam: Urswick gs: Limestone Rocket (KPC:16:00650) (STX:19:01201)
Service sire Limestone Loki KPC2201990, due 7th January and scanned with twins.
LOT 43 Urswick STX:23:01467 (UK0113174/01467) TRIPLET 14 Jan 2023
Sire: Limestone Loki gs: Stockton Sniper's Son (72H:18:05251) (KPC:22:01990) gd: Limestone (KPC:17:00783)
Dam: Urswick gs: Limestone Rocket (KPC:16:00650) (STX:18:00905) gd: Urswick (STX:12:003)
Service sire Morris Magnum (T31:22:00647), due 9th January and scanned with twins.
LOT 44 Urswick STX:23:01447 (UK0113174/01447) BIRTH NOTIFIED 04 Jan 2023
Sire: Limestone Loki gs: Stockton Sniper's Son (72H:18:05251) (KPC:22:01990) gd: Limestone (KPC:17:00783)
Dam: Urswick gs: Urswick Rodeo (STX:18:00903) (STX:21:01322)
Service sire Morris Magnum (T31:22:00647), due 9th January and scanned with twins.
PEN: 324-325
LOT 45 Grassknop ZTN:23:09857 (UK102500/09857) TWIN 03 Jan 2023
Sire: Whichford Wellington gs: Sitlow Social Media (45Z:20:04011) (C18:21:00362) gd: Whichford (C18:19:00235)
Dam: Capielaw gs: Strathbogie Dynamite (SUT:18:02713) (JTO:19:00145) gd: Capielaw (JTO:15:00237)
Service sire Lakeview Dynasty, scanned triplet and due 11th January 2025.
LOT 46 Grassknop ZTN:23:09859 (UK102500/09859) TWIN 19 Jan 2023
Sire: Errigal Equalizer gs: Lakeview Heart Of Gold (JFF:17:02580) (PBH:18:01190) gd: Errigal (PBH:15:00988)
Dam: Springstone gs: Lavenham Reginald (JKC:18:02809) (V33:21:00740) gd: Springstone (V33:18:00486)
Service sire Lakeview Dynasty, scanned twins and due 1st January 2025.
LOT 47 Grassknop ZTN:23:09861 (UK102500/09861) TWIN 22 Jan 2023
Sire: Capielaw Conan gs: Logiedurno Lockdown (HCT:19:27782) (JTO:21:00216) gd: Capielaw (JTO:19:00107)
Dam: Oxbrukheys gs: Capielaw Cap an (JTO:17:00019) (PZD:19:00190) gd: Oxbrukheys (PZD:17:00109)
Service sire Lakeview Dynasty, scanned twins and due 11th January 2025.
LOT 48 Barnacre XJX:23:00043 (UK40000200043) TWIN 28 Dec 2022
Sire: Lakeview Fury gs: Salopian Scuderia (V87:19:00614) (JFF:21:01576) gd: Lakeview (JFF:17:02679)
Dam: Maverick gs: Burnview Hurricane (T86:15:00848) (HSV:21:00429) gd: Crewelands (PWN:15:00477)
Service sire Redbrae Jules (JKA:24:05469), scanned single and due 3rd January.
LOT 49 Barnacre XJX:23:00049 (UK40000200049) TRIPLET 28 Dec 2022
Sire: Solwaybank Solario gs: Solwaybank Thunderball (FHT:13:064) (FHT:14:00878) gd: Baileys (HJW:11:047)
Dam: Sitlow gs: Roundacre Big Bang (NHL:19:00305) (45Z:20:04028) gd: Sitlow (45Z:16:02202)
Service sire Redbrae Jules (JKA:24:05469), scanned twins and due 4th January.
LOT 50 Barnacre XJX:23:00057 (UK400002800057) TRIPLET 12 Jan 2023
Sire: Mogford Mighty gs: Mogford Hercules (PSJ:21:00546) (PSJ:22:00646) gd: Mogford (PSJ:19:00467)
Dam: Powerline gs: Salopian He's The Boy (V87:16:00298) (NZS:19:00279) gd: Sitlow (45Z:17:02861)
Service sire Redbrae Jules (JKA:24:05469), scanned Twins and due 3rd January.
PEN: 328-329
LOT 51 Vallum AHW:23:05294 (UK0101198/05294) TWIN 04 Feb 2023
Sire: Drimmie Goldrush gs: Strathbogie 24 Carat (SUT:17:01506) (583:19:01045) gd: Drimmie (583:14:00341)
Dam: Vallum gs: Thurston Timelord (LHH:15:00242) (AHW:18:03046) gd: Vallum (AHW:15:01962)
Service sire Collessie Rockstar, due 30th December to 7th January and scanned single.
LOT 52 Vallum AHW:23:05296 (UK0101198/05296) SINGLE 07 Feb 2023
Sire: Drimmie Goldrush gs: Strathbogie 24 Carat (SUT:17:01506) (583:19:01045) gd: Drimmie (583:14:00341)
Dam: Vallum gs: Ballynacanon Bandicoot (KKW:13:042) (AHW:17:02658) gd: Vallum (AHW:15:01859)
Service sire Harpercro Captain, due 30th December to 7th January and scanned single.
Ran with Bankend 46E:24:00648 from 19th August to 27th August.
LOT 53 Vallum AHW:23:05388 (UK0101198/05388) TWIN 25 Jan 2023
Sire: Drimmie Goldrush gs: Strathbogie 24 Carat (SUT:17:01506) (583:19:01045) gd: Drimmie (583:14:00341)
Dam: Vallum gs: Bankend Broker (46E:17:00341) (AHW:19:03496) gd: Vallum (AHW:15:01874)
Service sire Harpercro Captain, due 7th to 13th January and scanned triplets.
Ran with Bankend 46E:24:00648 from 19th August to 27th August.
LOT 54 Hugmore BHX:24:00386 (UK0710699/00386) TWIN 05 Jan 2024
Sire: Crewelands Max gs: Crewelands Red Bull (PWN:21:01572) (PWN:22:01822) gd: Crewelands (PWN:17:00647)
Dam: Frongoy gs: Strathbogie Rock On Tommy (SUT:20:04672) (NAT:21:08081) gd: Frongoy (NAT:16:02699)
LOT 55 Hugmore BHX:24:00389 (UK0710699/00389) TWIN 13 Jan 2024
Sire: Cairnton Classic gs: Cairnton Prince (KLR:20:01212) (KLR:21:01320) gd: Cairnton (KLR:18:00803)
Dam: Hugmore gs: Birness Bilko (1W:17:01911) (BHX:22:00340) gd: Hugmore (BHX:18:00233)
LOT 56 Hugmore BHX:24:00388 (UK0710699/00388) TWIN 06 Jan 2024
Sire: Cairnton Classic gs: Cairnton Prince (KLR:20:01212) (KLR:21:01320) gd: Cairnton (KLR:18:00803)
Dam: Hugmore gs: Birness Bilko (1W:17:01911) (BHX:22:00327) gd: Hugmore (BHX:18:00208)
LOT 57 Hugmore BHX:24:00378 (UK0710699/00378) TWIN 30 Dec 2023
Sire: Cairnton Classic gs: Cairnton Prince (KLR:20:01212) (KLR:21:01320) gd: Cairnton (KLR:18:00803)
Dam: Hugmore gs: Hugmore Harvester (BHX:16:00166) (BHX:21:00322) gd: Hugmore (BHX:18:00230)
LOT 58 Hugmore BHX:24:00382 (UK0710699/00382) TWIN 03 Jan 2024
Sire: Crewelands Max gs: Crewelands Red Bull (PWN:21:01572) (PWN:22:01822) gd: Crewelands (PWN:17:00647)
Dam: Hugmore gs: Birness Bilko (1W:17:01911) (BHX:21:00317) gd: Hugmore (BHX:18:00212)
LOT 59 Jubilee Y31:24:04612 (UK0126251/04612) SINGLE 20 Feb 2024
Sire: Balquhain Bravery gs: Howgillfoot Sniper (UTZ:20:00076) (PDN:21:01176) gd: Balquhain (PDN:19:00958)
Dam: Jubilee gs: Cranorskie Capone (PUZ:21:00920) (Y31:22:04091) gd: Jubilee (Y31:20:03474)
LOT 60 Jubilee Y31:24:04583 (UK0126251/04583) TWIN 31 Jan 2024
Sire: Cranorskie Capone gs: Birness Best Bet (1W:20:02777) (PUZ:21:00920) gd: Cranorskie (PUZ:19:00706)
Dam: Jubilee gs: Salopian Stowaway (V87:19:00609) (Y31:20:03412) gd: Jubilee (Y31:17:02102)
LOT 61 Jubilee Y31:24:04604 (UK0126251/04604) TWIN 12 Feb 2024
Sire: Cranorskie Capone gs: Birness Best Bet (1W:20:02777) (PUZ:21:00920) gd: Cranorskie (PUZ:19:00706)
Dam: Jubilee gs: Salopian Stowaway (V87:19:00609) (Y31:20:03465) gd: Jubilee (Y31:18:02704)
LOT 62 Jubilee Y31:24:04627 (UK0126251/04627) SINGLE 23 Mar 2024
Sire: Redbrae More Than Ready gs: Forkins Samson (AOR:20:02754) (JKA:23:05245) gd: Redbrae (JKA:20:04405)
Dam: Jubilee gs: Cranorskie Capone (PUZ:21:00920) (Y31:22:04088) gd: Jubilee (Y31:20:03478)
LOT 63 Thornfleet CWC:24:00430 (UK0184453/00430) TWIN 20 Mar 2024
Sire: Oakbridge Frankel gs: Castleisle A Kingsman (DDX:22:01286) (FSC:23:00518) gd: Oakbridge (FSC:16:00219)
Dam: Thornfleet gs: Benra on Barney Roy (73A:17:01116) (CWC:19:00303) gd: Limestone (KPC:15:00495)
Grand dam good Limestone ewe, Oakbridge Frankel by Castle Isle Kingshan. Hp vaccinated, Dectomax and scratched for orf.
LOT 64 Thornfleet CWC:24:00431 (UK0184453/00431) TWIN 20 Mar 2024
Sire: Oakbridge Frankel gs: Castleisle A Kingsman (DDX:22:01286) (FSC:23:00518) gd: Oakbridge (FSC:16:00219)
Dam: Thornfleet gs: Benra on Barney Roy (73A:17:01116) (CWC:19:00303) gd: Limestone (KPC:15:00495)
Twin to the last lamb.
LOT 65 Thornfleet CWC:24:00433 (UK0184453/00433) TWIN 03 Apr 2024
Sire: Oakbridge Frankel gs: Castleisle A Kingsman (DDX:22:01286) (FSC:23:00518) gd: Oakbridge (FSC:16:00219)
Dam: Rhaeadr gs: Ardlea Arbennig (PNS:11:021) (A12:22:02534) gd: Lakeview (JFF:20:01290)
Dam is a good Rhaeaor ewe.
Sullom flock 1st prize ewe lambs in the Northern coun es flock compe on.
LOT 66-67
Sire: Pyeston Real Deal
Details at the me of sale.
PEN: 337
PEN: 338-339
LOT 68 Vallum AHW:24:05621 (UK0101198/05621) TWIN 11 Jan 2024
Sire: Drimmie Goldrush gs: Strathbogie 24 Carat (SUT:17:01506) (583:19:01045) gd: Drimmie (583:14:00341)
Dam: Vallum gs: Thurston Timelord (LHH:15:00242) (AHW:19:03462) gd: Vallum (AHW:16:02116)
LOT 69 Vallum AHW:24:05664 (UK0101198/05664) TWIN 26 Jan 2024
Sire: Moorpark Pick of The Pen gs: Crewelands Apollo (PWN:21:01570) (XPS:23:00751) gd: Moorpark (XPS:21:00572)
Dam: Vallum gs: Lakeview Lucky Strike (JFF:20:01359) (AHW:21:04507) gd: Vallum (AHW:17:02545)
LOT 70 Vallum AHW:24:05604 (UK0101198/05604) TWIN 04 Jan 2024
Sire: Drimmie Goldrush gs: Strathbogie 24 Carat (SUT:17:01506) (583:19:01045) gd: Drimmie (583:14:00341)
Dam: Vallum gs: Ballynacanon Bandicoot (KKW:13:042) (AHW:17:02655) gd: Cro hill (LLZ:N6)
LOT 71 Vallum AHW:24:05609 (UK0101198/05609) TWIN 06 Jan 2024
Sire: Highmuir Mighty gs: Muirton Mercury (K14:21:02300) (XDU:22:01071) gd: Pyeston (LVL:20:00622)
Dam: Vallum gs: Drimmie Goldrush (583:19:01045) (AHW:21:04512) gd: Vallum (AHW:17:02514)
Vendor Notes: Dipped Bolused, wormed and in the HP System.
PEN: 340-342
LOT 72 Stoneyraikes XXH:24:00318 (UK188472/00318) TWIN 28 Dec 2023
Sire: Bridgeview Maximus gs: Salopian Scuderia (V87:19:00614) (BLN:22:01711) gd: Bridgeview (BLN:18:00251)
Dam: Stoneyraikes gs: Sullom Big Lad (FPT:20:00379) (XXH:22:00291) gd: Chipping (CFF:18:00261)
Natural born twin lamb, sister retained in flock.
LOT 73 Stoneyraikes XXH:24:00320 (UK188472/00320) TWIN 14 Jan 2024
Sire: Stoneyraikes Lucky Dip gs: Bridgeview Glen (BLN:22:01775) (XXH:23:00305) gd: Bullers (PNJ:21:00562)
Dam: Stoneyraikes gs: Sullom Big Lad (FPT:20:00379) (XXH:22:00292) gd: Cellarhead (7C:20:01450)
Sires dam was purchased in lamb from three na ons sale 2022. Pet lamb.
LOT 74 Stoneyraikes XXH:24:00326 (UK188472/00326) SINGLE 08 Jan 2024
Sire: Sullom Big Lad gs: Sullom Dynamite (FPT:17:00442) (FPT:20:00379) gd: Sullom (FPT:16:00384)
Dam: Kexbeck gs: Rhaeadr Reggae I (A12:15:01298) (KXL:16:00345) gd: Kexbeck (KXL:13:023)
LOT 75 Stoneyraikes XXH:24:00327 (UK0188472/00327) BIRTH NOTIFIED 28 Jan 2024
Sire: Sullom Big Lad (FPT:20:00379)
Dam: Cellar Head gs: Solwaybank Impulse (FHT:16:01281) (7C:20:01409)
LOT 76 Stoneyraikes XXH:24:00329 (UK0188472/00329) 17 Feb 2024
Sire: Sullom Big Lad gs: Sullom Dynamite (FPT:17:00442) (FPT:20:00379) gd: Sullom (FPT:16:00384)
Dam: Springstone gs: Lavenhall Reginald (JKC:18:02809) (V33:20:00636) gd: Springstone (V33:18:00447)
Late born triplet, sister retained.
For all club enquires contact Kate (vice chairman) on 07850592134
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