Csf 31e

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Team Adventures for Your Ultimate Quest

Edition 31e



Shot Show PAGE 27

Swim Bait Tactics Hank Parker Page 18

Spot & Stalk Silver Salmon CSF Staff Page 24

Equipping Sportsmen June Hunt Page 15

Your Veterinarian Cares Justin D. Payne, DVM 1 Page 22


The Christian Sportsman

CONTENTS Letter From the Publisher Friends For Life Page 4 The Life and Legacy of Dr. David Livingstone Dr. Paige Patterson Page 6 Equipping Sportsmen Forgiveness... the Freedom to Let Go June Hunt Page 15

Swim Bait Tactics Hank Parker Page 18 Your Veterinarian Cares Justin D. Payne, DVM Page 22 Spot & Stalk Silver Salmon CSF Staff Page 24 Photo Gallery Page 40

Alaska Wilderness Missions CSF Staff Page 16

OUR ADVERTISERS Trijicon Mathews Legends Ranch SW Baptist Theological Seminary Cavner & Julian - Stonewood Lodge & Peninsula Bear Camps Unico Safaris Pursuing Fresh Tracks Amazon Outreach Hank’s Kingdom Dogs


Mission: The Christian Sportsman magazine encourages and empowers sportsmen to discover and develop a deep passion for Jesus Christ in the context of outdoor adventure. Staff Publisher — Richard Jordan Managing Editor — Jim Smith Editor — Amber Smith Art Director — Dwayne Bassett Graphic Design by — Sprocket,, Inc. Marketing Director — Chris Marley Data Management — Terry Sams Business Address: P.O. Box 566547, Atlanta, GA 31156 telephone 770.335.1814 Speculative manuscripts and queries may also be sent via e-mail to: rjordan@thechristiansportsman.com. TCS magazine is not responsible for unsolicited materials that are lost, stolen or damaged. International Advisory Board Pastor Johnny Hunt Dr. Bob Reccord Dr. John Morgan Dr. Paige Patterson Evg. James Robison Team Advenures Pro Staff National Spokesman — Steve Bartkowski Guiding & Outfitting — Skipper Bettis Alaska Big Game — Jim Brenn Scholastic Shooting Sports — Dr. Bill Christy Dog Training — Joey Hancock Leadership Training — Bruce Witt Fly Fishing — Jim Young Bass Fishing — David Swendseid Trophies of Grace — Scott Porter Hunting Devotionals — Tom Naumann Montana Outfitting — Bruce Smetana World Mission Projects — Dave Hall Father/Son Heritage — Brian Molitor God’s Creation — Steve Ponchot Dog Obedience — Hank Hough Outdoors Ministries—Chris Marley African Wilderness Missions—Rowan Lewis The Christian Sportsman magazine endorses the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation, a tax-exempt charitable corporation under IRS Code 501(c)3. The Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation promotes the Christian message to the outdoors community by securing and maintaining land and facilities made available to assist ministries in effective outreach.

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Copyright 2013 by The Christian Sportsman, Inc. All rights reserved. The use of whole or part of any material in this magazine without advance written permission is prohibited. TCS magazine is published quarterly by The Christian Sportsman, Inc., P.O. Box 566547, Atlanta, GA 31156; telephone 770.335.1814. Periodical postage paid at Atlanta, GA and additional mailing offices. The staff and management of TCS and the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation assume no responsibility for errors, omissions, representations, or any other content or information presented in the magazine, whether provided by advertisers, magazine staff or contributing consultants. Except as expressly noted, neither TCS, Inc., nor the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation endorses any product advertised or described in the magazine. The views expressed in the magazine are those of the individual writers, and are not necessarily the views of the staff or management of TCS magazine, TCS, Inc., or the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation.

Dallas Sportsmen’s Prayer Breakfast

Dr. Paige Patterson – Keynote Master Sportsman President of Southwest Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, Texas

Eddie Deen’s Ranch Restaurant, Dallas, Texas Friday, January 10th, 2014 Next to the Dallas Convention Center CLICK TO ACCESS: Tickets $35.00 or become a TABLE SPONSOR TABLE SPONSORS Gold: $1,000.00 Silver: $500.00 Bronze: $350.00

e David Livingstone Award Presentation Special Music Silent Auction Great Fellowship

(Includes a table of ten with reserved special seating)

www.christiansportsman.com or call 770.772.6749 Hosted by Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship, Intn’l.


Letter from Publisher

Friends for Life! Havering: (Hebrew def: building lifelong friendships) Seven men traveling in two RVs across the state of Alaska just north of Anchorage to the little town of Talkeetna then up the Big Susitna River for over six days had set the stage for Tom and his two lifelong friends on their 2013 adventure reunion together. The three were joined by four avid anglers to fish for Coho (Silvers) at the front end of the seasonal spawning migration which followed another record run of Sockeye (Reds). The three friends even made a brief visit to take in the sights of Denali Park at the base of Mt. McKinley, the second highest peak in the world. Their time together was complemented by participation in CSF’s Alaska Wilderness Missions to help an Alaska Native church in the Ninilchik area construct the foundation for a new parsonage. Tom invited both Gordon and Dave to travel to the North country with their sights now set on Alaska, the Land of the Midnight Sun! Tom and Dave served in the Vietnam war together while Gordon has known Tom since rooming together while studying at Michigan State University. The three men talked, laughed and joked from the time they arrived at the Anchorage airport. A unique characteristic seem to bond the three together more and more as each day passed ... they were each very hard of hearing so everyone spoke extra loudly in articulating their words. Whether the condition was from their years together in the military or shooting guns while hunting, it seemed that their heartfelt desire to renew friendships just made the time together


very special. Each invested extra time in trying to communicate about their passions in life. Men need quality time with other men to share adventure, exchange fond memories, experience God’s creation, and just laugh together! The process of “Friendships” comes from the Hebrew word “Havering”. True friends: 1. Understand one another through trust 2. Taking ownership of the friendship by reinforcing their loyalty, while 3. Implementing a measure of grace, sometimes needed to reconcile inevitable disagreements. This Understanding - Ownership Implementation process of “Havering” can be applied to many areas of life but is especially applicable in building lasting friendships. The relational process implemented by most men is to just try to “Fix it”, then gloss over any misunderstanding. But addressing the symptoms rather than the core problem can often fracture fragile relationships, doing more harm than good. Consider man’s relationship with God, our Heavenly Father. The process of havering is essential to understanding His ways rather than following our own man-made wisdom. Jesus states in John 15:15 “I no longer call you servants but I call you friends, because everything that my Father has revealed to me I have revealed to you”. He desires that man understand His unconditional love, accept his friendship then allow Him

to live in and through our daily life routines as His follower, or true disciple. This edition of The Christian Sportsman features some intriguing stories about sportsmen who enjoy friendships with other sportsmen but also a growing love and commitment to Jesus Christ, “a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” (Prov. 18:23-24) Check out the cover story with Paige Patterson as he shares insights into the life and legacy of Dr. David Livingstone, a medical missionary and adventure explorer on the African continent. Then we hope you will appreciate our newest column from a seasoned veterinarian from Houston, Texas, on caring for the sportsmen’s best friend in the field. We continue to pray for you, our loyal reader as you “Haver” together in building some lifelong friends with those whom God brings across your path during the upcoming hunting and fishing season! I remain, Locked & Loaded,

Richard Jordan

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“If you have men who will only come if they know there is a good road, I don’t want them. I want men who will come if there is no road at all.” Dr. David Livingstone




We welcome you, Dr. Patterson, to The Christian Sportsman magazine for an extensive interview on the life of one of the world’s greatest leaders, Dr. David Livingstone. As one of your personal heroes in the Christian faith I can think of no one more qualified to address the impact that Dr. Livingstone had and continues to have, not only on the African continent, but on all of Chrysostom. As an avid big game hunter yourself you are superbly qualified to share with our readers deeper insights into the personal life of this legend of a man. A big game hunter, adventurer and explorer, Livingstone is a legend! As president of Southwest Theological Seminary located in Ft. Worth, Texas, you have not only been an inspiration to thousands of students in casting vision for medical missionary careers in Africa and around the world, but you have also been privileged to travel to Central Africa to investigate Livingstone’s life work. Thank you for your time today in allowing our staff to ask for your insights into the personal life and ministry of David Livingstone. Let’s get started: As the leader of one of the oldest and most prestigious theological seminaries in the world, why is Dr. Livingstone and his legacy so very special to you personally? There are numerous reasons why the work of Dr. Livingstone is important to me. First, Dr. Livingstone demonstrates the versatility that is essential in a missionary. He was at one time explorer, cartographer, social rights activist (fighting the evils of slavery), and gracious missionary. On top of all that he was a fine hunter. Such versatility is an absolute essential for a missionary in any generation, and so he serves as

inspiration for our future missionary candidates. Second, David Livingstone had the determination to take the gospel to every man. Truthfully he was not very successful as an evangelist, but he was unhesitatingly faithful in taking Christ to the tribal peoples and introducing many of them to the gospel. I respect and admire him for that. What specific distinctions separate Livingstone from the many missionary leaders who have served in Africa as well as in other third world countries? As alluded to above, David Livingstone’s willingness to stay under the most adverse conditions commends him worthy to follow. Whether he was suffering from the debilitating effects of malaria or nursing himself back to health after a lion chewed on his shoulder, Livingstone never even thought about returning home. In fact, he hardly went home for furloughs. He stayed under the most adverse conceivable conditions and did his work. Most notable of David Livingstone’s outback encounters occurred very

late in his life when Henry Stanley, the news reporter from London, finally discovered what many believed to be a “missionary ghost” in the deep recesses of the jungle. He was found living in a small Central African village where he had etched out his ministry among the native people. Stanley’s now famous line that was exclaimed upon his introduction to Livingstone has been quoted for over 150 years, “Dr. Livingstone, I presume?” Why was Stanley searching so intently for this missionary leader? Stanley was a newspaper reporter with a sixth sense of a great story that would catch the imagination of every reader and had the enduring quality that would result in a series of newspaper accounts. The world has never ceased to be fascinated by the story of pioneers who brave the unthinkable in order to achieve the impossible. Stanley’s own adventures in trying to reach the missionary were an incomparable adventure which reads better than the most scintillating novel. Consequently, the story of actually finding Livingstone and


observing his work was better yet. I am not sure that Stanley began with a nobler motive than that of a great story and a great adventure. Whatever his purpose, he succeeded with it marvelously. What were some of the specific accomplishments of David Livingstone over his lifetime of residing on the Dark Continent?

In my view, Livingstone accomplished three incomparable achievements. First, he became the cartographer for all of Central South Africa, making commerce and missionary travels safer and more certain. Secondly, he opposed the slave trade and raised the consciousness of Europe and the United States concerning its devastation. And thirdly he talked of Jesus in every village, providing the initial contact for many with Christ. Since 1997, Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship has honored thirteen Christian leaders who have followed in the footsteps of this great hero, you being the latest to be honored as the bronze award recipient during the 2013 Dallas Sportsmen’s Prayer Breakfast. Tell our readers


about Livingstone’s family history and any of his family descendants who might have followed his missionary heritage. David Livingstone was born in the city of Blantyre on March 19, 1813, in Scotland. He was raised in a very devout Scottish Congregationalist home, and his father taught him to love Jesus and how to read. His mother was also a godly woman, and he was influenced by people such as Thomas Burke (a Blantyre evangelist) and David Hogg (his Sabbath-day school teacher). When he first landed in Africa, in March of 1841, he became well acquainted with some gracious missionaries, the Moffat family. He eventually married their daughter, Mary, in 1844. Mary had health problems all of her life but in the process, if I remember correctly, bore five children. We do not know as much as we would like about how all of his children turned out, although one apparently died in America during the Civil War. Undoubtedly, Livingstone exercised enormous influence on his children, but due to the order of his missionary activities and explorations of Africa, he lamented in his later days that he did not have more time to spend with his family.

his cool head prevailed, making it possible for him to ultimately dispatch the lion even though he suffered from his wounds until the day he died. Actually Livingstone had no intention to be a big-game safari hunter. However, in those days traveling Africa, there were two kinds of people: those who hunted and had something to eat, and those who died of starvation. Livingstone developed the capacity to hunt well, including the skills to track animals, which made it possible for him to feed his entire party as he journeyed. So he was a big-game safari hunter even though that was doubtless not his intention.

It has been reported that David Livingstone was once brutally attacked by a large male lion in an attempt to dispatch the feline and prevent it from entering into a small village. Was he a big game safari hunter or were hunters mostly known for their adventure in defending and protecting local villagers? It is a fact that David Livingstone was attacked by a lion and that

How have medical missionaries traditionally used their vocation as a platform for “connecting” with an indigenous population for the purpose of showing unbelievers the love and compassion of Jesus Christ as outlined in the gospel? With only witch doctors to treat people’s diseases in Africa, the arrival of a physician, however primitive his own preparation in medical science may have been, was a leap forward. To carry out

the role of physician in the name of Jesus the Savior made it possible for Livingstone to connect with people who otherwise might not have given him the time of day. Here again, one sees the versatility of the missionary and his remarkable usefulness to the kingdom of Christ. Did this eighteenth century missionary really give the name Victoria Falls to one of the world’s most notable landmarks found in Zambia, and then dedicate the discovery to the Queen of England? And is he still acknowledged as a great medical missionary or national hero by the current residents? Yes, Livingstone did give the name “Victoria Falls” to the great landmark straddling the gorge separating Zambia from Zimbabwe. He first saw the falls from more than twenty miles away as he observed the vapor ascending from the filling water. He is still honored in both Zambia and Zimbabwe and elsewhere in Africa as a man who loved Africa with all of his heart. This was symbolized by the burial of his heart in Africa when his body was shipped on to England for burial. The Africans who know about him in this generation, and many do, continue to see him as a national hero and a man whom they know genuinely cared for them.

Who would you consider to be some of the contemporary Christian leaders and associates of Livingstone that lived during the same era, both on the African continent and in his home country of England? Livingstone was undoubtedly influenced by other missionary families whom he met in Africa but by none more than the Moffats, the family into which he married. Since he did not spend an enormous amount of time in England, the influences there proved to be less spiritual influences and more related to the British exploration societies, and even in later years to prominent and government leaders in Africa. Livingstone was also the beneficiary of the work of William Carey who died 1834. Carey, a Baptist missionary, left England for India and became a legend in England due to his work in education, pharmacy, business, and most of all evangelism in India, which in turn influenced the work of Adoniram Judson from America. All of these left their mark on Carey as he understood something of the missionary mandate. He himself had originally intended to go to China but war there prevented it, which is how he ended up in Africa. Livingstone was commissioned by the Royal Society of London to do the necessary explorations in Africa in order to encourage trade. England at the time was deeply involved in essentially worldwide commerce; consequently, establishing trade throughout Central Africa remained important to the British. However, in order for this to be a reality, they had to know what Africa looked like and how they could get effectively from place to place. On top of that, slave trade dominated portions of Africa where Livingstone worked, and he had to contend with that challenge

as he attempted to chart the way for actual commercial ventures. He remained faithful and provided the British exploration societies with their earliest maps, which still remain amazingly accurate even today. What are some of the theological or distinct teachings that characterized and inspired this missionary leader? David Livingstone was motivated first of all by his complete confidence in the absolute inerrancy of God’s Word. He believed that every syllable was true. This in turn meant that he acknowledged Jesus of Nazareth as the virgin-born son of God and as the Savior of the world. He fully believed that outside of Christ there was no salvation but that any man coming to Christ by faith could be saved. He obviously believed in the eternal states of heaven and hell and expressed openly the happiness he would enjoy when he would be called home to heaven. But until then he intended to use every breath of life in the service of the Savior. Even though David Livingstone has long been deceased, do you believe that his life example and documented story can serve to mentor others who may be called to third world medical missions? Please elaborate. There is no doubt that David Livingstone “being dead yet speaketh.” His story is still read in seminaries and Bible colleges everywhere and he still is held in high esteem. Even though there are no lands left to discover and explore, such as in the lifetime of Livingstone, unreached people



Dr. David Livingstone Quotes

All that I am I owe to Jesus Christ, revealed to me in His divine Book. I am prepared to go anywhere, provided it be forward. Fear God and work hard. I will place no value on anything I have or may possess except in relation to the kingdom of Christ. If you have men who will only come if they know there is a good road, I don’t want them. I want men who will come if there is no road at all. I determined never to stop until I had come to the end and achieved my purpose. Nothing earthly will make me give up my work in despair.

” 11

groups abound everywhere, and the motivation to reach them for Christ is stirred by the reading of his missionary biography. Although it is recognized that the multiplicity of tasks he had may have kept him from being as effective in establishing churches, his role may have been more important. He connected all of Africa together and provided an understanding that in turn made it possible for many other missionaries to go and establish the churches. For this we owe him an eternal debt of gratitude. His life is also a good reminder that medical missions, while abandoned by many, should be reincorporated into our missionary enterprise. The throngs of people that constitute modern India, China, and Africa enjoy only a modicum of medical assistance. Those who gain medical recognition and then give their lives in those places will often touch more people than a church planter. Hopefully, in the days ahead we will witness the revival of such endeavors. It has been written that this passionate and dedicated leader was so committed to serving the villages of Central Africa that he had directed in his will for his own heart to be cut out and buried among the native villages, and then for his body transported back to England for interment at Westminster Abbey. Is that your understanding? Would you call that real passion from a real man, God’s man? It is a fact that Livingstone’s heart was buried in Africa indicating both from his perspective as well as the Africans’ that they had become the supreme object of his affections. His body was sent back to Westminster where one can still visit and see the writing on the pavement even today. Yes, in my opinion, David Livingstone was a real man of God and a faithful witness to Christ.


where Christ is to be made known. This remarkable missionary has set a high mark as a target for us all.

Please give us more depth of insights into your personal respect and admiration for Dr. David Livingstone as a Christian leader. As indicated earlier, I do not think Livingstone was that successful as a missionary. Some have alleged that he had only one convert, but it would be much safer to say that there was only one who became well known and famous. However, that one was responsible, according to many, for the rapid spread of the gospel all over Africa in the early days of missionary outreach. However, Livingstone’s impact in charting this formerly closed mass of lands and rivers and his determined efforts to eliminate the slave trade, as well as his courage exhibited in the face of the animal life in Africa, has long inspired me. It took me to Africa to search out the various places where his footsteps could be found. His life inspires me to believe that God can do the unthinkable and that whatever sacrifice we make is small compared to that which our Lord made for us. In every way David Livingstone constitutes one of the most remarkable representatives of our Lord who ever lived. Give us some of your closing thoughts on how and why the legend and well noted life ministry of this missionary/ explorer will continue. Livingstone’s life given literally on behalf of the African tribal people he so loved will continue in the future to inspire sacrifice for Christ, not merely in Africa, but anywhere in the world

Could you conclude this interview by extending to our readers a short prayer of petition to ask God to ignite and sustain a passion within our hearts for reaching all segments of our world population with the good news of Jesus Christ? May we pray together. Dear God, how we thank You today that You have continually raised up men like the apostle Paul, David Livingstone, and a host of others who have been willing to go to unchartered places with the unsearchable riches of Christ. Through them you inspire us to attempt the impossible for God, believing that You can take such frail instruments as we and use us to accomplish far more than we could ever ask or imagine. Grant that every reader may sense the full range of possibilities for his own life and may experience the same excitement and joy exemplified in the life of David Livingstone. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. Thank you, Dr. Patterson for your heartfelt answers to some very probing questions about the life and times of one of the greatest Christian leaders to ever live. Let’s keep the flame of Christian passion burning brightly! God bless you!



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Team Adventures for Your Ultimate Quest

Edition 30e

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Equipping Christian Sportsmen with God’s Truth for Today’s Problems by June Hunt

Forgiveness... The Freedom to Let Go When you forgive someone do you feel like you’re letting them off the hook? Do you feel like you’re making an excuse for their behavior? Contrary to what we may think, forgiveness isn’t any of these things. It’s not saying that what’s wrong is okay. It’s not forgetting hurt feelings. Forgiveness is extending grace. It’s commanded by God, and it’s something you can do for others . . . and for yourself. Notice the word “give” in “forgive.” When you forgive, you give someone a gift − you waive a penalty − and you give yourself the gift of grudge-free living. When you withhold forgiveness, you not only refuse to offer what God has given to you, but you also hurt yourself. Unforgiveness bears down on your heart and gets in the way of spiritual growth. God knows it’s not easy to forgive, but He wouldn’t ask you to do something without giving you the strength to do it! Ask Him for the ability to forgive freely as you have been forgiven. He’s the Master of the impossible!

The High Cost of Unforgiveness* Unforgiveness robs us of God’s forgiveness. (Mark 11:25) Unforgiveness allows a root of bitterness to grow. (Hebrews 12:15) Unforgiveness causes us to walk in darkness. (1 John 2:9-11) Unforgiveness reflects a godless heart. (Job 36:13)

God’s Heart on Forgiveness 1. God commands that we forgive each other. (Ephesians 4:32)

2. God wants us to forgive others because He forgives us. (Colossians 3:13)

3. God wants us to see unforgiveness as sin. (James 4:17)

4. God wants us to get rid of unforgiveness before it makes us bitter. (Hebrews 12:15)

Unforgiveness makes us captive to sin. (Acts 8:23)

5. God wants us to overcome evil with

Unforgiveness grieves the Spirit of God. (Ephesians 4:30-32)

6. God wants us to be free to worship Him

* John Nieder and Thomas M. Thompson, Forgive & Love Again: Healing Wounded Relationships (Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1991), 47–51

good. (Romans 12:21)

in honesty and in truth. (Matthew 5:23-24)

For more information: Click here: Hope for the Heart Check out the monthly Biblical Counseling Institute which is available online. Together . . . Changing Minds. Changing Hearts. Changing Lives.



Alaska Wilderness Missions Our mission team thanks God for the great time together while in Alaska! Much was accomplished not only while working on the four construction sites but within the hearts and friendships of our team members while traveling for two weeks across Greatland Alaska. Our goal for this and future camp weeks is to ...Bring Hope to the Next Generation of Alaska’s Youth! This is accomplished by coming alongside of existing youth ministries to share the compassion of Christ Jesus in a real and practical way. Yes, construction, renovation and repairs were performed but the real impact of ministry was intended to take place in the lives of those with whom we came in contact including our own team of workers. The need is growing in this seemingly prosperous and entertaining environment of Greatland Alaska. However, a closer look within the towns and villages will shock the average visitor. Teen suicide, pregnancy, homelessness and other family dis-function remains at an all time high and continues to be the most severe within the United States. Social services, increased government spending and other welfare programs seem to provide some


relief but the real problem is found in the spiritual void where teenagers have not been presented with a creditable offer of the life-changing power of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Compassion expressed in a real and practical way by coming alongside of Alaskan residents, both Alaska Native and non-Alaska Natives, where life is lived on a daily basis, is the best way to bring hope to the next generation of youth. Government funding, church programs, and civic involvement can address certain physical needs but the only true and lasting answer is found in an abiding friendship with Jesus Christ.

Alaska Bible Institute The concept of Alaska Wilderness Missions was developed in 1997 when CSF began hosting Sportsmen’s Prayer Breakfasts in Anchorage then started church based chapters for the purpose of bonding men together around lifelong friendships. The result after 16 years

has been found in launching over 15 chapters within the state, hundreds of members, and now our second camp is underway on the Kenai Peninsula. Many of our long term goals were reached in establishing Alaska Wilderness Missions as a viable approach to serving the needs of Alaska Native and other youth ministries located on the Kenai Peninsula. Many of the long term commitments that were made in assisting churches, youth ministries and educational institutions were again fortified in 2013. Such long term friendships reinforced around trust, loyalty and grace will provide a base for ministry into the future after our transitional outpost, Legacy Mountain Wilderness Camp, is constructed and operational. Mission teams can then be accommodated up to fourteen weeks during the Spring, Summer and Fall. Our 2013 short term goals of completing four construction projects served to provide an expanding base of ministry in Ninilchik, Anchor Point and Homer. The Christian Sportsman magazine will feature various ministries in Alaska to highlight the ongoing work that God is accomplishing in both the Alaska Native and non-Alaska Native

communities. Such promotion among churches located in the Lower 48 will encourage support for future mission/construction teams as well as provide direct support for the many career staff directors that rely on Ministry Partners to support their family’s vital needs. Our teams focused on the southern end of the peninsula and was able to contribute substantially to the needs of several ministry facilities during the August trip to include a siding project at Alaska Bible Institute, maintenance at Greatland Worship Center in Anchor Point and a couple of parsonages in both Anchor Point and Ninilchik. In Homer, we were able to develop friendships with the founder of the Alaska Bible Institute, Ray Arno, and their president, Eric Rozeboom, with the Alaska Bible Institute which has the potential of opening up ministry opportunities in Alaska Native villages across the state.

Eric Rozeboom(R) Pres AK Bible Institute Some of our TEAM CSF members helped install vinyl siding on one of the cabins used to house bible instructors for the Alaska Bible Institute. The bible college provided lodging and meals for eleven volunteer construction workers from Michigan, Ohio and Georgia. The chef prepared exceptional

meals and the construction coordinators made sure that we had appropriate tools, equipment and materials. Ray Arno had started the school originally as an integral part of Alaska Village Missions in 1965. Alaska Bible Institute trains students from around the world equipping them thorough handson service projects while studying a variety of bible curriculum from August thru April.

position the auger for expediting the process. Another associate pastor is soon coming on staff and needs a place to stay warm in the cold winters of the north country.

Terry Nelson (L) serves as Lead on Construction Site with Shannon Bentley (R) in Ninilchik AK

Steve Olmstead and Richard Jordan Then retired Navy Seal Terry Nelson was great to work together with as we constructed the new parsonage adjacent to their Rivers of Life church faculty in Ninilchik. One of the construction projects for this trip was to lay out twenty spots for the auger to drill five feet deep holes for placing sonar tubes to be filled with cement then used as pillars for the foundation of the church parsonage. Pastor Jack serves those in need of emergency food relief out of the Anchor Point area and was delighted to have our team of workers led by Jim Goble to complete the flooring while framing the walls of their parsonage. Also, Pastor Milt Mitchener of Greatland Worship Center was thankful to have toilets, doors and heaters installed, along with painting and other critical projects completed. Doug Koch lives in Anchor Point and gladly trekked the forty mile trip to lend his front-in loader to

Most of all the mission/ construction team is to be credited for their efforts based on their flexibility due to weather conditions, logistics of transporting building materials or equipment, and focusing on the most critical needs of each ministry served. Their investment of time and resources will go far in planting and watering seeds of faith for the effectiveness of several outreach organizations who continue to impact future generations for Christ. Truly, it is better to give than to receive as evidenced by our team of professional and novice construction workers. Some took the lead in organizing the crew while others just did their part in cutting and hauling lumber and supplies. While taking our noon break* on the construction site we thanked God for the work he continues to accomplish in ... Bringing Hope to the Next Generation of Alaska’s Youth!



Swim Bait Tactics I’ve been bitten by the swimbait craze. Not that swimbaits are new for me, I’ve used them for the past few years but it hasn’t been until recently that I’ve become a strong fan and gotten comfortable with them. I got tired of fish following the bait and not striking, and frustrated with those that did strike but would come off. I’ve solved those issues. I’m now fishing with these baits with a lot more confidence and more importantly, in a variety of depths and situations. The first thing you need to know about swimbait is it’s a clear water presentation. You can catch fish on it in murky water, but the clearer the water, the more effective the lure is. I think that’s because it’s such lifelike looking bait when rigged properly. My rule of thumb is that if I can stick my hand into the water down to my elbow and still see my fingernails clearly, I know I can fish a swim bait there. I use Berkley’s Hollow Belly soft plastic swimbait, and am here to tell you it looks like a fish swimming through the water. It comes in 4-, 5and 6-inch models, but I’ve found I catch bigger fish on the larger version. I fish it in places where I would fish a spinnerbait, around trees and stumps. I get reactionary strikes from it, so it has those inherent characteristics too. I’ve also fished these baits on drop-shot rigs, weightless near top, and on a

By Hank Parker jig head in 30 feet of water. It has replaced the jerkbaits that I used to fish for suspended fish, because I’ve found I can catch three or four times as many fish with these nifty lures.

Berkley’s Hollow Belly soft plastic swimbait Hooking fish can be a problem with soft swimbaits because the plastic is thick and wads up over the hook, but Berkley has solved this problem with its “split bellied” model. It has a slit into which the hook can ride which gives it more clearance for penetrating the fish. You can modify the standard Hollow Belly models by using a knife to split the body to create your own slot for the hook to ride through. It makes a tremendous difference. Regardless of what brand you use, and there are several out there, make sure you have a split groove through which the hook has an easy access to the fish’s mouth. When fishing deeper water and using a weighted hook, “score” the nose and body of the bait where you want the hook to come through.

Don’t try to run that weighted hook through the nose like you would a traditional Texas rig because it will tear up the plastic. Instead, pick a center spot near the nose and push the line tie from the bottom up through the end of the plastic so only the line tie is coming through it and the weight is beneath it, just outside the body. Also make sure you keep the bait centered, as the nose has as much to do with the action as the tail. Once you get the line tie positioned, put a drop of glue on there to secure it and you’ll be able to catch more fish on one bait without it tearing up. For deep fishing I created my own jig head that looks like a minnow and is built on a long spinnerbait hook. This has improved my hookups considerably, and because I’ve made them in a variety of sizes, I can fish at various depths. I fish it on a Fenwick Swim Bait rod and fluorocarbon line which is a great combination for hooking big fish. Another thing that improves hookups is to hesitate before you jerk. Don’t yank when you see the strike, but wait a second then pour the coals to him. With a little practice you’ll build confidence with these baits, find out just how versatile they are, and how many big fish they will catch!



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Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship

Needs Your Help in Casting the Net!

Social Media Integration IN LIFE THERE ARE THREE TYPES OF PEOPLE: Those that “make things happen”, “watch what happens”, and those that wonder, “what just happened”. And no one wants to get caught in this last category! “Sometimes it’s very challenging to adapt to change, especially when it comes to the unfamiliar technology accelerators that are now driving our outdoor communities. Over the past few months several cutting edge applications have been developed for web surfers using computers, smart phones, ipods, etc. Efficiency helps in finding success when living in an over-communicated culture” — Richard Jordan, CSF President Each strand of the “web” leads to another line of communication. The World-Wide-Web (www) connects us all together. But within the web there are great ways to inform and entertain like Flikr for sharing photographs or Youtube for sharing video experiences. Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship’s (CSF) goal is to keep you inform so that lifelong friendships can be built with other like-minded sportsmen!

Consider “the web” as more of a net, a fisherman’s net. Jesus stated: “Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” (Matt. 4:19) Call CSF headquarters with your questions, to obtain links, or for technical assistance at 770.772.6749 21

By Justin D. Payne, DVM, Diplomate American College of Veterinary Surgeons




My love for gun dogs began at a young age on a deer hunt with my father in Southern Virginia. We were dog hunting with a gentleman named Kenny Jones who had, in my humble opinion, the most well trained pack of Walker hounds I have ever seen. He could call those dogs by name, in and out of the back of his Ford pickup, and they would sit quietly awaiting his next command. I vividly remember sitting at the base of an oak tree, barely able to breathe with my heart in my throat as those dogs bayed in the distance and the sound veered in my direction. The big doe being chased loped right past me at about twenty yards, and there I sat frozen, unable to raise my single shot twenty-gauge to fire a shot. Moments later here came four or five of those Walker hounds. I was still quivering from all the excitement when one of them trotted close, sniffed, and licked my face as if to say, “Hang in there. We’ll get them next time.” Needless to say, I was hooked. I grew up, went to college, and attended veterinary school in Alabama. Hunting and fishing (along with Auburn football) was, and still is, a huge part of the fabric of my life. Some of the best moments I have spent in God’s great outdoors have involved a well trained dog. From hunting wood ducks over an icy beaver pond with my black Labrador retriever Dixie, to following a liver and white English pointer across a sage pasture during a field trial, nothing quite compares to watching a bird dog use its God given talent to eagerly and masterfully perform its work.

After veterinary school I completed a one year rotating internship in small animal medicine and surgery at Mississippi State University. I then matched for a small animal surgical residency and spent three years training in Philadelphia at the University Of Pennsylvania School Of Veterinary Medicine. I enjoyed my time in Philly but after three years, and in particular three winters, this Alabama boy was ready to get back below the Mason Dixon line. I ended up taking my first job as a staff surgeon in San Antonio at South Texas Veterinary Specialists. I learned a great deal and loved my time there, but God had a different plan for my life. After four wonderful years in San Antonio I moved to Houston and co-founded North Houston Veterinary Specialists where I am currently practicing with five other veterinary specialists.

most importantly witness to the powerful, lifesaving love and grace of my personal savior Jesus Christ. I look forward to serving you!

If you have a question you would like to see Dr. Payne address in a future edition, please submit via email to info@christiansportsman.com

I am blessed that my professional and personal lives overlap a great deal. As a veterinary surgeon I get the pleasure of serving people and their pets every day. I also have great relationships with wonderful and dedicated general practitioners all over the Greater Houston metropolitan area, and I am able to examine and help gun dogs of all breeds and disciplines. Jesus has truly blessed me with a career that I love. It is my hope that through this column I can educate readers on common medical conditions that can affect your four legged hunting buddies, answer specific questions about your personal dogs, share some of my stories and experiences in the outdoors, and


Spot & Stalk for Alaskan Silver Salmon

Late August on the Russian River at the confluence of the Kenai River, Tom Beal and his son, Chris, have finally found the sweet spot for Coho salmon...this was fly fishing at its best! The tail end of the Reds (Sockeye) were pooling up looking for just the right timing and place to spawn. Most had already headed upstream to the Kenai or Skilak Lakes. “It just


doesn’t get any better than this!” exclaimed one of the greenhorns from the lower forty-eight. It seems that God is now rewarding this father/son team with some fast-action salmon fishing following a week long service project. They were getting to experience firsthand, alongside other sportsmen that it is truly better to give than to receive! Perhaps God

was smiling on the two in confirming a job well done! Four construction sites were now complete, our team had bonded with some true local heroes in the faith, and lives had been touch for eternity… Construction Projects on the Kenai Peninsula Milt Mitchener was one such

leader who had recently relocated from Ft. Worth, Texas to become the pastor of two fledgling churches, one in Anchor Point and the other in the small Alaska Native village of Ninilchik. The town of Ninilchik has historic roots in Alaska as one of the primary locations where Russian Orthodox Christians settled in the original territory of Alaska prior to the United States’ purchase from the Russian government in 1867 for $7.2 million. Even today there are several beautiful Russian Orthodox Church steeples, and the design of rustic buildings constructed before statehood in1956. Keynote speaker for CSF’s Alaska Wilderness Missions camp weeks, Loren Leman, grew up in Ninilchik. He was the first statewide elected Alaska Native and served as the Lt. Governor from 2002-2006. Leman and his family still operate a commercial fishing business in the community, and also provide strategic guidance for CSF in working together with the Alaska Native communities.

Two of our 2013 construction projects took place in Anchor Point, which is just North of Homer, also on the peninsula. Greatland Worship Center is a

new church that not only has a growing congregation, but a growing impact on their outreach to the community as well. The short summers for earning a living make it very challenging for the men of the church to focus on the parsonage being constructed a few miles from the church facility, so our team helped by building the floor and framing the walls of the main structure. It is amazing what a crew can accomplish in just a few days when given some good weather, building materials, and the right equipment!

Doug served as our lead foremen and took off from his regular employment for a couple of days to get us started. We learned that his wife had been involved in a tragic automobile crash a couple of weeks prior to our arrival, which presented some complicated measures for her rehabilitation. We prayed for Jehovah Rapha, the God who heals, to touch her body and bring about a complete and rapid recovery. Our team was also privileged to pray for other specific needs as we encountered them. Pastor Milt has a vision for compassionate outreach to the community and is a committed family man and leader among his

peers. His father, “Hap,” has been helping as an associate pastor at the Rivers of Life church in Ninilchik for over two years as he travels back and forth to Texas. Terry Nelson serves as one of their elders along with Alaska Native Shannon Bentley. Terry is a Navy Seal who served during the Vietnam War and has the stories to back it up. He is a true American hero with the fortitude to accomplish any task set before him. He now follows Jesus Christ and has enlisted in the Hall of Saints that make up God’s army in the mission field of Greatland Alaska.

Terry Akerson (C) Fishing the Talkeetna River AK Back on the Russian River… Today Tom and Chris are finding Silvers in the deep pools waiting for the Reds to drop their eggs. A father/son team has never worked so hard together whether constructing parsonages or casting fly rods for trophy salmon. Today they are rewarded with pure therapy and relaxation. Chris had already caught his limit so he is helping his dad spot the perfect sized Silvers to be cooked on the


grill over the open fire back at the RV camp.

Tom & Chris Beal on the Russian River

Avid anglers had arrived from around the world over the past two weeks to participate in this bountiful harvest. The record run of Coho was on the heels of another unprecedented run of over 200,000 Sockeye passing through the fish counter at the mouth of the Kenai River traveling inland from the Cook Inlet, part of the Pacific Ocean. These salmon were now returning to their own geographic place of birth. After spawning, salmon have been known to swim thousands of miles across the sea to return home in order to repopulate the seas with their own kind. This renewable resource was designed by our Creator as part of His provision as a food source, and also to thrill the hearts of Tom and Chris Beal as one of their most memorable experiences together as father and son. Fish On! Tom landed the trophy he was casting for! His patience and determination had paid off at last! As the cameras began clicking, Tom


purposed not to let another one of these lunkers break his second rod. Just as the apostle Peter discovered about his miraculous catch of 153 “large fish” described in the book of John 21, Tom found that there were far more than 153 fish. The rivers were brimming with huge salmon! Could this be a modern day miracle performed for such an occasion? Probably not, but it sure was a lot of fun standing in a river in the middle of Alaska with too many salmon for anyone but God Himself to count. There was only one question remaining... “How are we going to get all of these fish boxes home?”

ABI Staff - Dan, Brian & Bob Alaska

Several from the Alaska Wilderness Missions teams had arrived in Anchorage from the lower forty-eight several days in advance to join up with Alaska resident, Terry Ackerson. Terry is the co-owner, along with Randy and Jennifer Comer, of the Anchorage City Limits Lofts located downtown, which serves as the host hotel for Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship. Several groups of

CSF members each year meet at The Lofts as a staging ground for participating in the mission/ construction projects designed to directly assist many of the existing Alaska youth ministries. Such student and youth camp ministries include the Alaska Bible Institute, Solid Rock Bible Camp, Alaska Christian College and other youth oriented groups serving on the Kenai Peninsula.

Partnering with existing Alaska Christian Youth Ministries remains the best way to impact the culture for Jesus Christ on a long term basis … Bringing Hope to the Next Generation of Alaska’s Youth! To learn more about opportunities CLICK HERE. Pray about becoming a part of the solution? If you would like to discuss some opportunities CONTACT US.

2014 SHOT SHOW Sportsmen’s Prayer Breakfast Sands Expo Convention Center

Keynote Master Sportsman Rick Dickson Co-Founder - Outdoor Channel

Thursday, January 16th, 2014, at 7:00 am Join sportsmen from around the U.S. and abroad for CSF’s 16th annual event for a Season of Prayer for our nation and the outdoors industry leaders who provide products and services to the sportsman and his family. Breakfast Registration - ONLY $50.00 Table of ten (10) Sponsorship: GOLD $1,000 • SILVER $750 • BRONZE $500

Table Sponsors - Please Order by Calling 770.772.6749 “Will Call” Booth # L342

Great Fellowship - Good Food - Silent Auction Online Registration: www.christiansportsman.com 27


28 call 770.772.6749 Or



Order Your Chapter Chartering Package Today!

Launch an effective outdoors ministry today by chartering your own church-based chapter of Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship! Individual Charter Membership Kit includes: For a suggested minimum contribution of

All this for only


1. Charter Sportsmen’s Cap 2. Window Decal 3. Magazine Subscription 4. F.I.R.E. Publications

5. Camouflaged Bible 6. CSF Pocket Knife 7. Exclusive web content

Just as Jesus modeled leadership by investing time with ordinary men in establishing the first century church, today’s leaders can also encourage and empower others to serve with a lifestyle of passion. Become a core member in your outdoors ministry in your church community by launching a CSF Chapter. Your local church can order a Chapter Chartering Package to receive essential tools for launching an effective outdoors ministry. The Package will include 12 Charter Membership kits for twelve men who have been called to serve by joining your chapter. Each Charter Membership is valued at $74.50 if ordered individually!

CHAPTER CHARTER PACKAGE INCLUDES: • Twelve Charter Membership Kits • Facebook Website for Personalized Member Communication • Box of Fifty of the Printed Edition of The Christian Sportsman magazine plus the NEW digital editions • Directors Resource Notebook • Chapter Ministry Planning Template for Customization • Digital Files for Designing CSF Logo Sportswear and Promotional Materials • Regional Director Assistance in Planning Your Annual Outreach Agenda • Registration for Chapter Director to Participate in the CSF National Leadership Summit * Bonus CSF Display Banner for Event Promotion * Bonus Book: The Perfect Leader, by Ken Boa

Contact CSF Headquarters today at 770.772.6749 to order your Chapter Chartering Package and join as a CSF Charter Member

www.christiansportsman.com 29



Is Your Name in God’s Record Book of Life?

“I tell you the truth, no one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born again.” (John 3:3) Did you know that you can have your name permanently recorded in God’s book of life today?

HERE’S HOW: A) Admit that you need him - Romans 3:23: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 6:23a: “For the wages of sin is death...”, B) Believe that Jesus died to save you - Romans 6:23b “...but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” C) Confess Jesus as your Savior and Lord by turning from your sin and calling on his name - Romans 10:9-10: “That if you confess with your mouth ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:13: “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Acts 3:19: “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out...” Our response is to receive Jesus Christ.

Does this prayer say what you want to say to God? Dear God, I believe that your son died for my sins and ask your forgiveness. I receive Jesus Christ now as my personal Savior and invite him to be the Lord of my life from this day forward. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. Please contact us about your eternal decision: csf@christiansportsman.com CSF, P.O. Box 566547, Atlanta, GA 31156


Your membership supports the mission: CSF serves as a fellowship for sportsmen and their families to experience the love of Jesus Christ through the shared passion of the great outdoors.

Please consider supporting CSF. There are five ways for you to choose from, so you can start helping today!


Subscribe to The Christian Sportsman Online Digital Magazine

FREE! Order Your Subscription Today!


Receive Your Online Digital Edition Today!

For your COMPLIMENTARY membership visit www.christiansportsman.com

Have you thought about joining Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship or have you been putting off renewing your exisiting membership? Please consider responding today! Your support and involvement helps us continue to promote the ideals and goals of CSF. Bonus!

CSF Knife and Camo Bible!


Your CSF Membership Supports the Ideals and Goals of CSF! All-Weather Wax Wear Cap


Become a Supporting Member Receive Charter Membership Kit plus Silver Hawk Knife and All-Weather Wax Wear Cap


Personal Magazine Ministry 12 Magazine Gift Subscriptions sent to family and friends $19.92/mo. or $239 Per Year Appreciation Gift


Become a Life Member Receive Charter Membership Kit plus All Weather Wax Wear Cap and a Hunter’s Companion 3Pc. Knife Set


Personal Magazine Ministry 24 Magazine Gift Subscriptions sent to family and friends $41.67/month for two years or $1,000


Become a Founder Member Receive Charter Membership Kit plus All Weather Wax Wear Cap and CSF Signature 12 Gauge Shotgun or Special CSF Hunting or Fishing Adventure

Knife Set


Personal Magazine Ministry 36 Magazine Gift Subscriptions sent to family and friends $83.33/month for five years or $5,000 12 Gauge Shotgun


World-class trophies and Alaskan adventure! Contact us for more information and season reports


Stonewood Lodge & Peninsula Bear Camps

Hunt Big Brown Bears on The Alaska Peninsula

We hunt spring and fall for Brown Bear on the Alaska Peninsula with many trophies exceeding 10 feet. We have exclusive areas, professional staff, and cover every detail of the trip. Combination trips are available for wolf hunting and fishing.

Visit Preston Cavner & Staff at the Houston Safari Club, SCI Convention booth #3703 - 3604 & Dallas Safari Club Booth #1547 - 1648

Preston Cavner, Cavner & Julian Inc. • Stonewood Lodge • 1 Dice Bay, Port Alsworth, AK 99653 • (907) 223-9386



Send Your Church Mission Group to Alaska! Wild Gourmet Alaska Smoked Salmon Church Group Friendraiser Campaign 100% of Net Proceeds Invested in Alaska Wilderness Missions



CSF needs your help in …Bringing Hope to the Next Generation of Alaska’s Youth! Finally, a very simple and streamlined approach to funding your father/son mission trip to Alaska has arrived! How does it work? Enter Christian Sportsmen’s Fellowship with a fourteen year proven success record in accommodating church groups in planning, preparation and participation for the purpose of helping sportsmen and their family members travel to Alaska on a mission/construction trip. What is the plan?

The answer … Wild Gourmet Alaskan Smoked Salmon! That’s right! Delivered directly to your church address securely packaged and preserved to require minimum handling with excellent potential in funding your entire mission project. Who do we send to Alaska? Imagine … A dad and his son sharing this mission trip opportunity with friends, neighbors and extended family members who would like to support their vision by purchasing a packaged quantity of the absolute best smoked salmon on the face of the earth.

Great for seasonal gifts! A personal letter from your church’s Alaska Mission team inserted into each box shares the vision for … Bringing Hope to the Next Generation of Alaska’s Youth! Adventure to a Higher Level!

* Suggested Contribution $59.90 per Sampler Gift Package (Delivered) Wild Gourmet Alaska Smoked Salmon Coho (Silver) Salmon Filet ¼ lb. Chinook (King) Salmon Filet ¼ lb. Sockeye (Reds) Salmon Filet ¼ lb. Pacific (Pinks) Salmon Filet ¼ lb.


Leaving a Legacy Through Estate Planning Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation is a 501(c) (3) charitable organization. The foundation is supported by the prayers and generosity of Christian sportsmen and corporate sponsors. One way that you can ensure that outreach to sportsmen continues is to consider including the foundation in your estate plan.

If you are interested in establishing a charitable gift annuity for the Christian Sportsmen’s Foundation, please contact Richard Jordan at 770.335.1814 or speak with your estate planning attorney. Your financial support has helped launch over 350 church based chapters across the nation since 1994 to impact thousands of sportsmen for eternity, along their sons and daughters.

CSF Camouflaged

SPORTSMEN’S BIBLE Some sportsmen have used the CSF Camouflaged Sportsmen’s Bible while in the tree stand deer hunting and believe that this edition of God’s Word is an invaluable tool for a successful season. Whether the action seems slow or you just want to take a moment to reflect in seeking inspiration from a favorite scripture reference, this small pocket bible is just right for the active Christian sportsman who takes his deer hunting seriously. The CSF Camouflaged Sportsmen’s Bible makes a great gift for family members and friends. Stock up today so that you will be, “Ready in season and out of season” to give an account for the hope that you have within you!

770.772.6749 or www.christiansportsman.com 36

Trophies of Grace 2014

Join with other sportsmen in “Climbing Legacy Mountain” as we build a strong foundation for establishing effective outdoors ministries in local churches across the nation. A fun skeet shoot is scheduled for Saturday afternoon at Wolf Creek so bring your shotguns (or rent a loaner) and make sure to practice your aim! Round trip airfare into Atlanta from most cities is very affordable. Seating for the Leadership Summit is limited so make sure to confirm your registration today!

Theme: Trophies of Grace Presentations and break-out sessions for training includes:

Airport Marriot Atlanta, Georgia

• • • • • • •

How to Launch an outdoors ministry in your Home Church How to Start your Centershot father/Son Archery Program How to Plan a Fall Alaska Wilderness Missions Trip How to Host a Multi-Chapter Special Youth Challenge for your State How to Host a Father/Son Shoot-a-thon Friendraiser How to Host Innovative Chapter Workshops & Clinics for Effective Outreach How to Coordinate EQUIPPING Camps for the CSF X-Treme Discipling Series

Early Registration $65

FRIDAY 8:00 am – 5:00 pm CSF Ministry Presentations

After April 1st $95


8:00 am - Noon* CSF Ministry Presentations

Includes lodging & meals.

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Fun Clay Target Shoot

* BBQ Lunch and Special Guest Speaker

Seating is limited so make your reservations early for this premiere event for 2014.

Call 770.772.6749 for more information.




www.BowHuntAmerica.com 39


Special Youth Challenge

Kodiak Brown Bear Guides, Alaska

Dr. Linda Werner moved to the Kenai Peninsula after attending a CSF Alaska Wilderness Mission

Send us your images for consideration to be included in our Photo Gallery info@christiansportsman.com


Send us your images for consideration to be included in our Photo Gallery info@christiansportsman.com

Charlie Hammett - Shot Show 2013

Russian River, Alaska



Harvesting Eastern Gobblers Georgia

Larry Johnson Calhoun, Georgia


Jim & Rene Duncan Alaska

Lonnie White (R) Kenai Sport Show Alaska

Mike & Katye George - Crow Pass Glacier Alaska

Skipper Bettis Legends Ranch



Click Here for your Complimentary CSF Membership and your FREE The Christian Sportsman magazine! Thanks to our National Sponsors you can receive every digital edition featuring articles about sportsmen who combine their Christian faith with great hunting, fishing and target shooting adventures. Each edition is chocked full of human interest stories around sportsmen and their families along with great insights about adventure destinations motivated by the passion to live for Jesus Christ! Please take the time to TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF while you are registering for the magazine. Contact us today to begin receiving your FREE magazine subscription! www.christiansportsman.com • or call 770.772.6749

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