Wu Han Ling's portfolio

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Contents Product Design DogCare

Dog Stroller

Spice Fairy

Salt & Pepper Shakers Board Game

Warm Embrace

Oil-Filled Electric Heater

Now You Heard Me

Clothing For Road Bike Rider

Others Camera Appearance Redesign Pentax Spotmatic Mamiya 6 Dzuiko 3.5

Marker Product Sketch

Product Photography Coffee Machine Model Rescue Line Gun

Now You Heard Me Clothing For Road Bike Rider


剓 倞 灇 涮 涸 淼 芕 聃 錏 猰 䪮


橇 㞯 ⿶ 腋 㸞  㖒 聃 鋅 㼬 菕 䭸 爚

Connecting skin-hearing with bicycle protection supplies and design a new product that make bicycle riders more

safety when they need to receive information.


60% people use smartphone to open google map when riding Hearing with Your Skin

Listen to headphones when riding is dangerous

肖 䖕⢪欽秋堚꧱蒀䭸爚敚

⢪倰ぢ敚涸䭸爚䚍刿⸈幢嘽 㟞⸈꾷㡦꾷⛨㸞

㔿㹁倴륌걧䳣䪾涸麶䱾䭾ꈈ 倰⤑꾷㡦麶䱾Ꟛꡠ倰ぢ敚


⢪꾷㡦㖈崞⹛儘⛳〳⟃鰋논荈㖈 ♶鄄酤縨䨾⤂ꣳ

Final Design

Brake Light

Skin Hearing

Brake Light Controler

Ꟁ鸁涸㋲鮦假遤꨾銴 鰋 ⤑ 矦 ㋲ 涸 遤 勛 ꂂ 縨

胝鿈⫄㼬酤 縨 ⢪ 欽 䩾 ⟝ 莅 鮦 邆 穡 ざ

雊Ꟁ鸁假遤涸꾷㡦〳⟃㖈嫦儻幢峤鮦 邆 儘 㼟 酤 縨 䬓 ⽹ ♴ ⢵

䖊ꥬ㣔♧ 傍 典 ✝ 儘 ⽰ 〳 䘰 鸠 酤 ⪔ Ꟛ ㉬ 倞 涸 ♧ 㣔 涸 假 鸁





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