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Military & Family Readiness Center
Bldg 2441 / 228-5690
Vesting in TSP
Vesting in the TSP means that you have met the “timeframe” or service requirements that entitle you to keep the automatic 1% contribution. Come learn more about vesting and TSP so you can maximize your opportunity for income stream in retirement.
Pre-regisration is required for all classes. Call 228-5690 or email 355FSS.FSH.AFRC@us.af.mil to secure your spot.
Personal Finance for Promotion
There is no better time to review your personal finances than when your income increases. We will review all your income, discuss pay deductions and what changes can be make to make the most of your money.
Career and Resource Fair
Tuesdays: January 17, February 14 & March 21 • 11am-12:30pm Transition Center, Room 309
Come and meet with military and spousefriendly employers and network with agencies that offer free transition resources to members and families.
Couples Communication
Learn ways to improve your communication with your friend, partner or spouse. We use a combination of exercises and discussion to help you accomplish your goals. Email: gregory.pleasant@us.af.mil
Transition Assistance Program (TAP)
Registration Required Transition Center
TAP is a multi-step, by-law process that all retiring and separating military members are required to attend. The process begins with an Initial Counseling/Pre-Separation Briefing no later than 365 days prior to your current date of separation. Even if you plan to extend or re-enlist, you still need to meet this suspense. To register, call 228-1022 or email: 355FSS.FSH.TAPTeam@us.af.mil
Plan My Move
This is a great opportunity to learn more about the moving process. Learn to use the on-line tools necessary to relocate to your next location. Highly encouraged, but not mandatory.
Sponsorship Workshop
Learn to be the best sponsor you can be to help newcomers orient themselves to their new base and community.
Heart Link Spouse Orientation Friday, February 10 • 8am–3pm The Landing Community Center
There is no better opportunity to meet other spouses while learning more about the Air Force and the mission of DMAFB. This childfriendly event includes food, drinks and plenty of opportunities to learn about the military and community you live in. We also include an interactive tour to one of our many units on the base to experience what they do for the Air Force mission.
Pre-regisration is required for all classes. Call 228-5690 or email 355FSS.FSH.AFRC@us.af.mil to secure your spot.
Cooking for Singles
Tuesday, March 7 11:30am-12:20pm Human Performance Center (HPC), Bldg 2303
Now quarterly! We teach Airmen how to prepare simple, low-cost meals & how to save money doing it. Everyone is welcome to attend. Food tasting included. Partnered with Human Performance Center (HPC).
Travel on the Cheap Workshop
Thursday, March 23 • 9-11am M&FRC, Room 148
Are you planning on leave to go visit friends and family? Or maybe you’d like to go to San Diego or Las Vegas over the weekend. Perhaps you’re getting engaged or married and want a fantastic trip to celebrate the occasion. Whatever your plans, let’s sit down and discuss what the military has to offer along with ways to save for your trip while decreasing costs. Bring your laptop or ipad and we’ll collaborate while you’re here!