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Military & Family Readiness Center
Bldg 2441 / 228-5690
Private Sector Resume Workshop
During this class, you will learn tips for basic resume writing to include tailoring your resume to give you a competitive edge for private sector employment.
Home Buying 101
This home buying seminar will bring the experts to you; lenders, appraisers, the VA, and home inspectors. These specialists will share their expertise on the home buying process. Also included - planning for the purchase, budget, inspection and house hunting.
Plan My Move
This is a great opportunity to learn more about the moving process. Learn to use the online tools necessary to relocate to your next location.
Sponsorship Workshop
Learn to be the best sponsor you can be to help newcomers orient themselves to their new base and community.
Pre-regisration is required for all classes. Call 228-5690 or email 355FSS.FSH.AFRC@us.af.mil to secure your spot.
Heart Link Spouse Orientation
Friday, October 14 • 8am-3pm The Landing Community Center
There is no better opportunity to meet other spouses while learning more about the Air Force and the mission of DMAFB. This child friendly event includes food, drinks and plenty of opportunities to learn about the military and community you live in.
Couples Communication
Learn ways to improve your communication with your friend, partner or spouse. We use a combination of exercises and discussion to help you accomplish your goals. Email: gregory.pleasant@us.af.mil
Relationship Recovery
Are you in the process of a break-up or divorce? Learn how to navigate past storms while exploring the possibilities of a positive and productive future. Email: gregory.pleasant@us.af.mil
Transition Assistance Program (TAP)
Registration Required Transition Center
TAP is a multi-step, by-law process that all retiring and separating military members are required to attend. The process begins with an Initial Counseling/Pre-Separation Briefing no later than 365 days prior to your current date of separation. Even if you plan to extend or re-enlist, you still need to meet this suspense. To register, call 228-1022 or email: 355FSS.FSH.TAPTeam@us.af.mil
Mastering LinkedIn Workshop
Learn how to develop a LinkedIn profile to put your best foot forward as a military member or spouse. Become a pro at reaching out to recruiters and hiring managers.
Federal Resume USAJobs Workshop
A federal resume is different from a private sector resume. Learn how to create a federal resume and navigate the USAJobs website.
Bundles for Babies
Wednesday, November 16 9am-12pm M&FRC, Room 148
An Air Force Aid Society sponsored program facilitated by Military & Family Readiness Center staff and the New Parents Support Program. This class provides expectant parents with a wealth of information as well as baby gift items. The program addresses financial implications, child safety and child nurturing.