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We owe special thanks to all the authors and organizations or institutions to which they belong and work, as they responded promptly and with particular enthusiasm to the invitation of the Green Institute for the realisation of this publication and are, in alphabetical order:
1. Agricultural University of Athens, School of Applied Economics & Social Sciences, Department of Agricultural Economics & Rural Development
2. Agricultural University of Athens, School of Plant Sciences, Department of Forestry and Natural Environment Management
3. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Forestry and Natural Environment. Laboratory of Rangeland Ecology
4. Democritus University of Thrace, Department of History and Ethnology
5. Elliniki Etairia (Society for the Environment and Cultural Heritage – ELLET)
6. Etherio Pure Essential Oils
7. European Agroforestry Federation
8. European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC)
9. European Forum on Nature Conservation & Pastoralism,
10. Greek Biotope/Wetland Centre EKBY
11. Hellenic Agricultural Organization "Demeter", Institute of Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems
12. Hellenic Agroforestry Network
13. International Hellenic University, School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Economics, Laboratory of Soil Ecology
14. Ionian University, Department of Environment
15. Natural History Museum of Crete (University of Crete)
16. NCC - Nature Conservation Consultants Ε.Π.Ε.
17. OAKMEAL, International Acorn Food Company, Acorn Research & Development
18. University of the Aegean, Department of Geography, Laboratory of Biogeography & Ecology
19. University of Ioannina, Department of Biological Applications and Technology, Laboratory of Biodiversity Conservation
20. University of Ioannina, Department of Biological Applications and Technology, Laboratory of Ecology
21. University of Patras, Department of Biology
22. University of Thessaly, School of Agricultural Science, Department of Agriculture Crop Production and Rural Environment, Laboratory of Ecosystem Management & Biodiversity
23. University of Thessaly, School of Technology, Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design, Laboratory of Forest Economics, Marketing, Innovation and Entrepreneurship