7 minute read
Carol Wilford
David and Thora Broyles of West Plains came to visit Don and Nora Reeter on Tuesday, June 1. At various times during the 1990’s, the Broyles’ lived in Laredo when they came home on furlough from their missionary work in Togo and Benin, West Africa.
Brad Reeter of Ft. Mill, SC, was a guest in the home of his parents, Don and Nora Reeter on June 3-4.
Long-time friend Rhonda Vincent and her mother, Carolyn Vincent came to visit George and Shirley Bowe last month. Rhonda and her husband, Herb Sandker live in the Lake of the Ozarks now; and Carolyn still lives in Greentop where Rhonda grew up. Rhonda is a bluegrass singer, songwriter and plays several instruments. In February 2021, she was inducted into the Grand Ole Opry. COVID-19 prevented this event from happening in 2020.
On Saturday, June 12, Dan and Carol Wilford attended a Baptist Student Union Reunion at the BSU Building at 110 W. Normal in Kirksville where Dan was a student at the former NEMSU, now Truman State University. The reunion was for those who had been students from the late 1960’s to the early 1970’s. There was a time for meeting new people and reminiscing, a luncheon was served, former BSU directors spoke briefly of past events and activities, and there was also a time of sharing how being involved in the BSU had impacted people’s lives.
Barb Harbo of Eagan, MN, came to visit her mother, Bonna Dittberner, on Friday, June 18. She stayed until Monday, June 21, in order to celebrate the birthday of her brother, Brian Dittberner.
Mary Gonzalez and sons, Sammy, Joshua and Andrew of Gladstone, came to the home of Dan and Carol Wilford on Saturday, June 19. One activity the boys enjoyed while playing outdoors on that very hot day was squirting each other with waterfilled dishwashing liquid bottles that Grandma had prepared. The Gonzalezes stayed overnight and attended the First Baptist Church of Milan with Dan and Carol, then returned home late Sunday afternoon.
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Coon Creek Baptist Church will be hosting several events as part of its 2021 Vacation Bible School. “Dig and Concrete: Laying a Foundation,” is the theme of the VBS, which will run Monday through Thursday, Aug. 8-12, with special events set for Friday and Saturday nights.
VBS will begin at 5:30 p.m. each day, with Aug. 8 being the kickoff and family night including a guest speaker.
Friday night, Aug. 13, will be “Fun Night With Special Friends” at Coon Creek. The event will be held from 5:30 to 8 p.m. For more information, contact Dianna Crawford or Kayla Graham with Family and Friends of the Developmentally Disabled in Grundy County.
A youth lock-in will be held Saturday, Aug. 14, beginning at 1 p.m. for youth in grades six through 12. The lock-in will culminate with breakfast at 8:30 a.m on Sunday, for youth and the church family. The VBS program for all ages will be held during services that morning, followed by lunch.
Submitted Photo The lawn of Cara and Willie Tunnell has been selected by the Grand River Garden Club as the Yard of the Month for July 2021. The lawn is located at 909 Avalon St.
TrenTon republican-Times
(USPS 638-180) Published By The W.B. Rogers Printing Co., Inc. 122 East Eighth St. Trenton, MO 64683-0548 E-Mail: rtimes@lyn.net Phone: 660-359-2212 Established September 4, 1864 Periodicals Postage Paid at Trenton, Mo. ------------- Wendell J. Lenhart Ronda Lickteig Publisher Editor
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“The Republican has a greater purpose in life than merely to publish the news.” . . . Col. W.B. Rogers. Published Tuesday and Friday, except holidays; Single Copy, 70¢ plus 5¢ sales tax, $65 plus tax per year in Trenton, Grundy and adjoining counties. $80 plus tax per year in Missouri and $95 per year out of state.
Submitted Photo BTC Bank is the recipient of the Grand River Garden Club’s Beautification Award for the month of July 2021. The bank is located at 1000 Oklahoma Ave. Veterans Services Officer To Be In Trenton
New Books At County Library
The Grundy CountyJewett Norris Library has added new books to circulation.
New children’s books added this month include “Strange Planet: The Sneaking, Hiding, Vibrating Creature” by Nathan W. Pyle, “Fern and Otto: A Story About Two Best Friends” by Stephanie Graegin and “Even the Smallest Will Grow” by Lita Judge. The juvenile section has added “More Sideways Arithmetic from Wayside School” and “Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger” by Louis Sachar and “Bear Bottom” by Stuart Gibbs.
The young adult section has added “Defy Me” by Tahereh Mafi and “The Upside of Falling” by Alex Light.
The adult section has “Mother and Baby Animal Cross Stitch” (based on the paintings of Pollyanna Pickering), “Useful Knots: How to tie the 25+ Most Practical Knots” by Sam Fury, “Understanding Boat Design” by Ted Brewer and “Bunny Love” by Michael Frederick.
A veterans service officer will be in Trenton and Milan during July to assist with VA paperwork and answer questions.
The service officer will be at the VFW Hall in Trenton on Monday, July 5; Friday, July 9; and Friday, July 23, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Those needing assistance are reminded to bring a copy of their DD-214 and all VA paperwork they may have.
A veterans center counselor will also be at the VFW Hall on July 9, beginning at 9 a.m. The counselor will be available to help with PTSD and re-adjustment counseling. Discharged and active military are welcome to use this service.
A service officer will also be in Milan at the American Legion on Friday, July 16 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Again, those needing assistance are reminded to bring a copy of their DD-214 and all VA paperwork they may have.
A VA Service Officer is on call the rest of the month and those with questions should call 660-3592078.
The VA shuttle is up and running every Wednesday from the Trenton VFW Post 919 to Kansas City VA and clinics. Veterans needing free transportation to their appointments can call the number listed above. Backup drivers are also needed to drive the VA shuttle bus. All training and physicals are provided free of charge, with no special license required. Call the above number for more information.
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Trenton Area Calendar of Events
Church Women United Thrift Shop, 17th & Harris, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Grief Share Self-Help Group, Tenth Street Baptist Church, 4:30 p.m.
Celebrate Recovery, Tenth Street Baptist Church, 6 p.m.
Grundy County Museum open 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. SUNDAY
Narcotics Anonymous, St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, 4 p.m.
Grundy County Museum open 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Green Hills Alcoholics Anonymous, Tenth Street Baptist Church, 6 p.m. For more information, call 359-2704 or 3572367.
North 65 Center: Line Dancers, 9:30 a.m.; Light and Lively Exercise Group and Cards, 12:30 p.m.
Lose to Win Club, Wesley United Methodist Church. Weigh-in at 10:30 a.m., meeting at 11 a.m. For m ore information, call 359-6144.
MI Group of Alcoholics Anonymous, 2901 Hoover Drive, 7 p.m. TUESDAY
Trenton Lions Club, First Christian Church Fellowship Hall, noon.
Domestic Violence/Anger Management Group, North Central Missouri Mental Health Center, 7 to 9 p.m.
Spickard Coffee Club, Wise Community Center, 8 a.m.
North 65 Center: Cards, 12:30 p.m.