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State Capitol Building 201 W. Capitol Avenue Jefferson City, MO 65101
E-mail: rusty.black@house.mo.gov 573-751-2917 NEWS FROM THE SEVENTH DISTRICT
Hello 7th District;
Here are some of the legislation that has recently been signed into law:
Funding for Roads and
Bridges (SB 262)
SB 262 is meant to increase trans-portation funding for critical state and local infrastructure projects across the state of Missouri. The bill will generate the funding by increasing the state’s fuel tax by 2.5 cents per gallon each year for five years, beginning in 2021.
Gov. Parson said, "With nearly $1 billion in unfunded transportation needs each year, we can no longer wait for another day or another generation. We must change course and address these problems head-on. SB 262 provides vital revenue that will help us fund essential road and bridge projects all across the state. Quality roads and bridges increase the efficiency and safety of our roadways, invite travelers and business investment, and save Missourians money."
The governor noted that Missouri has the seventh largest transportation system in the nation but only ranks 45th in available revenue per road mile. Over the last 25 years, the state has not significantly increased funding streams for state or local transportation projects, while the cost to maintain Missouri roadways has continued to increase significantly.
The bill could increase transportation funding by more than $450 million once its provisions are fully implemented. An estimated $330 million per year would be available for the State Road Fund administered by the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT), and nearly $125 million – approximately 30 percent of total revenue – would go directly to cities and counties for local transportation projects.
The bill also includes a provision to allow Missourians to avoid the increased fuel tax. Missourians that do not wish to increase their contributions to state and local roadway repair and replacement projects can submit the required documentation – including fuel receipts – to the Missouri Department of Revenue each year for a refund. Protecting Children from Abuse (HBs 557 & 560)
HB 557 creates stronger protections for young people in unlicensed, faith-based reform schools. The bill was prompted by news articles detailing the mental, physical, and sexual abuse suffered by children in some of these schools. The bill aims to protect children by requiring all such facilities to notify the Department of Social Services of their existence, and requiring background checks for employees and volunteers. Additionally, it requires the schools to comply with health and safety standards, gives parents full access to see their children, and provides a method for children to be removed when abuse or neglect is suspected.
Supporting Law Enforcement (SBs 53 & 60)
Another provision in SBs 53 & 60 will create the Critical Incident Stress Management Program within the Department of Public Safety. The program will provide services for peace officers to assist in coping with stress and potential psychological trauma resulting from a response to a critical incident or emotionally difficult event. The bill also creates the 988 Public Safety Fund for the purpose of providing services for peace officers to assist in coping with stress and potential psychological trauma resulting from a response to such events. Additionally, the bill makes changes to peace officer licensure and commissioning requirements, and increases compensation for many county sheriffs. Empowering Students to
Succeed Academically (HB 349)
HB 349 is meant to empower parents to have access to schools and educational resources that will best meet the needs of their children. The legislation will create Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESAs) to help parents afford the best educational opportunities for their kids. ESAs are meant to be “a lifeline” for many children in failing schools across the state. The accounts will empower “parents with choices and alternatives so they can find the fit that is best for them.” Missourians will be able to receive a tax credit for donating to educational assistance organizations, which will provide scholarships to eligible students for a variety of costs such as tuition, tutoring, and transportation. Scholarships will be limited to students in cities with a population of 30,000 or more.
As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact my office at the following: (Phone): 573-751-2917) (Email): rusty.black@house.mo.gov
Social Media:
Twitter: @rep_rusty
Facebook: Rusty Black
My legislative assistant, Ashley Wright, or I will be happy to assist in any way that we can. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve the 7th District of the Missouri House of Representatives.
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12th District State Sen. Dan Hegeman Room 332, State Capitol Jefferson City, MO 65101 Phone: 573-751-1415 dan.hegeman@senate.mo.gov IMPROVING FOSTER CARE AND ADOPTION RULES
The role of state government, in my opinion, is to provide for those in our state who cannot provide for themselves, such as the elderly, the disabled and others. This is something I have stressed as long as I have been in public service. In the areas where the state has oversight, it should ensure local entities — and the general public — have the guidance necessary to do those things that need to be done. In this case, the issue is easing restrictions that govern adoption and foster parents.
This year, the Legislature passed two measures that look specifically at foster care and adoption. House Bill 429 addresses rules relating to child placement. This new law changes the current "Special Needs Adoption Tax Credit Act" to the "Adoption Tax Credit Act." Beginning Jan. 1, 2022, the special needs and residency requirements for adoptions to be eligible for this tax credit will be lifted. In addition, this legislation provides a tax deduction for foster parents to help offset the costs of raising and taking care of foster children. House Bill 429 also makes changes to certain child placement and child custody rules, in the name of streamlining the process for those who either currently serve as foster parents or would like to become foster parents.
House Bill 430 relates to tax credits. More specifically, the new law addresses the adoption tax credit, domestic violence shelter tax credit and maternity home tax credit. Like HB 429, HB 430 also removes the residency and special needs requirements for recipients of the state’s adoption tax credit. The legislation also increases the tax credits available to those who donate to domestic violence shelters and maternity homes. Plus, a "child" is now identified as any individual under 18 years of age or over 18, but is physically or mentally incapable of caring for themselves.
The folks who adopt or take in foster children should not be punished for these wonderful acts; rather, they should be rewarded for what they do. In my mind, both of these new laws clear some of the red tape and offer a hand up to those people who care so much and offer these children a new home and a new hope. I am glad to see both HB 429 and HB 430 move through the process so quickly and become law.
As always, please feel free to call, email or write with your ideas or concerns. My Capitol office number is (573) 751-1415, my email is dan.hegeman@senate.mo.g ov and my mailing address is Room 332, State Capitol Building, Jefferson City, MO 65101.
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