Portfolio of Xiaoyu Gao

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૥᚜κ٫⍞ ARCHITECTURE PORTFOLIO SELECTED WORKS / 2016 - 2020 A Selection of works by ᰴ௴ᭁ

About Me ০‫ݞ‬᷍ੈ௧ᰴ௴ᭁǍ ੈ௧ѸѸ̰డग़ளྲथናߦᬓඌˊᄊ ࡧᄊथና֗ۢ࣊ӑᆰ‫ܣ‬᷍వሙ‫˗ښ‬ӯܸߦ૆҂̀थናߦߦ‫ͯߦܣ‬Ǎ‫˨ښ‬Ғᄊࢺͻ֗ࠄ᡻ፃᰎ˗᷍ੈ௅Ԡˁ᣿ܸߦ࠮࣎࠵ ‫ڄ‬᫳ᤉᛡᄊԱथናӁࠣξ᎛᝺ᝠ᷍˷‫ښ‬ຬӯᄵथና᝺ᝠᬓᤈನવదᡔ᣿ Րրࢺᄊܸ‫˗ˊ͍ی‬ద᣿ࠄ˸ፃԋǍ ᤈవͻֶᬷ࡙ᇨ̀ੈᄊᦊѬߦၷͻˊǍҒː˔ᮊᄬ௧ੈ‫ښ‬డग़ளྲथናߦᬓ឴ᆑቃၷ௑ᄊ᝺ᝠិሮ߲̓᷍ˁۢ࣊ఞழnjᇫӝᖹᤵnjࡐͱथና኎ᝬᮥৌ​ৌᄱТǍ ˨Ցᄊʼ˔ᮊᄬ௧ੈܸߦ௑̽ᄊʼ˔ͻˊ߲࡙̓᷍ᇨ̀ੈࠫ˹‫ژ‬थናnjࡣ‫ڡ‬थናnj‫ڡ‬ಖভᰴࡏथና኎ˀՏዝ‫ی‬НСथናᄊ᝺ᝠᑟҧǍతՑʷ˔ᮊᄬ௧ࠄᬅथੇ ᄊᓨషᜉᎶ߲᷍‫ੈښ‬ᄊܸߦಣ‫࡙᧗ڇ‬ᇨ̀ʷடࣲᄊ௑ᫎǍ

Hi, I am Gao, I am a 24-year-old Master of Architecture and Urbanism who just graduated from Manchester School of Architecture. I received a Bachelor of Architecture from Central South University. In my previous work and practical experience, I have participated in the survey and repair of ancient buildings conducted by a small team of my university tutor, and I have also served as a small screw in a large enterprise with more than 1,500 employees such as Hunan Architecture Design Institute Limited Company. This portfolio shows part of my student work. The first two projects are projects of studios when I was a graduate student at Manchester School of Architecture. They are closely related to issues such as urban regeneration, community building, and residential architecture. The next three projects are the three assignments during collage. They show my ability to design different types of public buildings such as regional architecture, hillside architecture, and landmarks or high-rise buildings. The last project is the actual built art installation, which was displayed on my university campus for a whole year.

ᰴ௴ᭁ ] Liz Gao थና࣎ ᜻ѳ࣎ | Architect + Planner

Content 02

Ancoats & New Islington: ༑⚭⫸⡶hӡ㟃╏֐ ] Make it a Connection, Make it a Community ۢ࣊ఞழ Ꮵۢஈᤵ ] Urban Regeneration ] ̡‫ڄ‬᫳Ռͻ Teamwork of 14 people ] ᐌ᠊ᷛ̔ᤰnj፯‫֗ڡ‬НСቇᫎ Պ˔࠵ጸ˨ᫎᄊ෤ᤰө‫ ] ׸‬ Responsibilities: Transportation, Green Area and Public Space communication and negotiation between groups


Neighborhood in the North of Ancoats:

64 68 73

㢛ᘻ౜༌ ] Village Living Room


ᚥⲮ㰮Ћ ] Dyed Sunlight

ᗼѳ⫪Ԃ⌇╏֐ ] A Cohesive Neighborhood & A Cohesive Residential Block Ꮵۢஈᤵ ᇫӝᖹᤵ ] Urban Regeneration + Residential Block Design

‫۫ڡ‬ভथና ˹‫ژ‬थና ] Regional Architecture

㜛ᱯ㇁֐ ] Roller Skating Street ࡣ‫ڡ‬थና ] Hillside Architecture

㇁㟰⻟༏ ] Sprawling Street ᰴࡏ᝺ᝠ ‫ڡ‬ಖथና ] Tower Design Landmark ՌͻᏨᷛ‫ކ‬അ‫ ي‬Ѭࢺᷛੈ᠇᠊‫܉‬എ᝺ᝠ᷍‫᠊᠇ކ‬ᜑഎ᝺ᝠ ] Cooperation:Jiang Nanjia Division of work: Me: Tower Design; Jiang: Skirt Building Design

ᜉᎶᓨష ] Istallation Art ] ̡‫ڄ‬᫳Ռͻ Teamwork of 20+ people ] Ԡˁᄊ᣿ሮᷛѺ൦வವ᝺ᝠ᷍ᆸࠀ֗᠔˼ెந᷍ஷࢺ ] Participation in the process: Preliminary Design, Materials, Construction

ۢ࣊ఞழ ைۢஈᤵ ] Urban Regeneration

"ODPBUT /FX *TMJOHUPO Make it a Connection, Make it a Community

‫ݠ‬౧̿ۢ࣊˞ᑀఀ౏ᄺAncoats֗New Islington᷍ੈ̓Ի̿ᄺ҂߲̓ᄊ‫ڡ‬ေͯᎶ᭤࣢᧘᜶Ǎ࠲᜽ᝈஊ‫ښ‬ ࣊˗ॷ߲ͯ̆᷍Ӓᝈ (Northern Quarter) Ց᭧ࣳ᷍‫ॷ˗࣊̆ܫ‬ᤰड़ᬁଢֻॴʹᐲ‫( ڤ‬Etihad Stadium) ᄊ ᡹᤭˗ࣳ᷍ᤰ᣿ᣐᢾ֗НСුᢼ኎НС̔ᤰࢺЦˁۢ࣊Х̵‫ڡ‬ӝᄱᤌǍॢ௚௭᷍ស‫ڡ‬ӝ൤‫˞ੇښ‬డग़ ளྲˀலੱ࡙ᄊ࣊˗ॷᄊʷᦊѬǍ ႀ̆ХԋԾᑀఀ᷍"ODPBUT௧ʷ˔ԋԾδઐӝ᷍ស‫ڡ‬ӝᄊ᝵ܳԱथናྭ‫ک‬Ԫ҂ข॥δઐ̿᷍δߛԋԾࣳ ‫ښ‬ʷࠀሮएʽδ႑ស‫ڡ‬ӝᄊथና஡ӑྲढ़Ǎ ཀྵᏫ᷍વ૘ᄊᢼ᥋᷍Ѝ໘‫ڦۈ‬ᄊᕝ‫ڡ‬᷍ᆡைᄊ੝ࡔ̿ԣᎥˬծळҧᄊ፯ᓤቇᫎ᛫௚᷍សӝ۫ᭊ᜶ஈ ԫǍ If we look at Ancoats and New Islington in the context of the city we can see that their location is quite central. It is behind the Northern Quarter and is on the way from city centre to the Etihad Stadium and is connected to the city with public transport such as Metrolink and busses. With regards to the relation to the city, it is clear that the area is becoming a part of the expanding city centre of Manchester. Due to its historic background Ancoats is a conservation area and a number of buildings in the area are protected by law in order to preserve the history and to some extent, preserve the identity of the area. However, congested driveways, wasteland filled with rubbish, dilapidated houses, and unattractive green spaces indicate that this area needs to be changed.

᝺ᝠࣲ͋ ] Year 2019 / the 1st Semester of the Master Degree

ͯᎶ ] Location ᔮ‫ڎ‬᷍డग़ளྲ᷍߷ሙள ழ͏ள౤ᮐ Ancoats & New Islington, Great Manchester, the United Kingdom



Ancoats New Islington New Islington


⭈ᕴ ] Background ӝͯ ] Location

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Cheetham Hill




. Rd O










ill Rd


rr y


ᬁଢֻॴု‫ڤ‬ Etihad Campus

፥ܳѾ̎ባ Victoria Station Chapei St.


nd R


A + NI డग़ளྲ࣊˗ॷ Manchester City Center

ᔮ‫ۢʹ޵ڎ‬ Media City

ྲઢሉॴН‫ڇ‬ Trafford Park

ᄕӵᤔѾባ Piccadilly Station

ைྲઢሉॴ Old Trafford Hulme ۳‫ڧ‬ᔵ‫ ] ڊ‬Extent


ඵ۫ ] Water



፯‫ ] ڡ‬Green Area

ᣐᢾ ] Metrolink ᨡ᡹ ] Railway




˟ࣰ᥋ ] Primary Road


Princess Rd.

‫ ] ڔ׸‬Business Zone

፥ܳѾ̎ባ Victoria Station



m ha






ᬁਖ਼࠷᠔ྭ˗ॷ Arndale Shopping Centre



ᄕӵᤔѾᔉ‫ڇ‬ Piccadilly Garden








ᬁଢֻॴု‫ڤ‬ Etihad Campus





lla Po


ᨡ᡹ ] Railway ᣐᢾ ] Metrolink ˟ࣰ᥋ ] Primary Road

ᄕӵᤔѾባ Piccadilly Station

ϣᢼ‫ ] ڤ‬Car Park ஔᐲ ] Education ӞႥ ] Health Care ፯‫ ] ڡ‬Green Area ඵ۫ ] Water ۳‫ڧ‬ᔵ‫ ] ڊ‬Extent


⭈ᕴ ] Background ԋԾ ] History

ᕌ㮒㛫 ] Timeline

ż⡻ᘛ ] Late18th Century ࢺˊӑनቫ The beginning of industrialization

ż⡻ӄ֚㶇 ] First Half of the 19th Century ፃเ̡֗԰ঌᤴ‫ܙ‬᫂᷍ੇ˞ࢺˊ᭩֑ᄊЏ᯶Ǎ Rapid economic growth & Population explosion. “Pioneer Industrial Suburb of the Industrial Revolution”

ż⡻֚྆㶇 ] Second half of the 19th century ܸ᧚ረඟᤉК߽᷍ஔ֗஑ҰำүᄩᛡǍ Mass immigration. Religious and poor relief activities.

ż⡻ӄ֚㶇 ] First Half of the 20th Century ܸ᧚ረඟᤉК߽᷍ஔ֗஑ҰำүᄩᛡǍ The factories manufacture war materials.

ż⡻֚྆㶇 ] Second Half of the 20th Century ੍Ցё஖ᷛࢺԈТ̡᫇᷍԰ืܿ Post-war decline: mills closed, population lost

ż⡻ ] 21th Century ۢ࣊ఞழ Urban regeneration



⭈ᕴ ] Background ԋԾδઐӝ֗δઐथና ] Conservation Area & Listed Buildings

08 08

⭈ᕴ ] Background ŕ „ŕ°€á€˜ŕż„ ] Current Situation

$SPXO ,FUUMFጼբ ] Crown & Kettle

ŕśˆŕŻ†ŕŚŒŕŞ‘ܸÔ˜ ] Daily Express Building

༴áŽ­ŕŽłÜ¸Ô˜ ] Derros Building

áŽ­Ý‰Ě˝ŕ ˇá¤‚ࡲኚ Ő‚ ] Rochdale Canal Lock No.82

á„Œŕ ’ࢺÔˆ ] Royal Mill

á„ˆŃžŕ ?ࢺÔˆ ] Paragon Mill

‍Ţ?݉܋‏БࢺÔˆ ] Sedgwick Mill

áŽ­Ý‰Ě˝ŕ ˇá¤‚ࡲŕŤ•â€Ť] Ü—Ú˜â€Ź Rochdale Canal Retaining Wall

᳎᧗ࢺÔˆ ] Murray Mills

֝ᭇ‍ڙ‏༛༪ܸŕŽ”Űś ] HallĂŠ St Peter‘s

á?ĽÜłŃžĚŽࣚ‍] ڤ‏ Victoria Square

áš„࢚ࢺÔˆ ] Beehive Mill

ŕ ľŕ˘şÔˆ ] Little Mill

ŕˇ˜ŕ ˇĐ‘ࢺÔˆ ] Waluk Mill

á??ŐŒá›¤Ü¸ŕł„ ] Union Street Bridge

Ꮰ̤áŽ?ᤂࡲኚ Ő‚ ] Ashton Canal Lock No.1

Ꮰ̤áŽ?ᤂࡲळᥚŕł„ ] Ashton Canal Towpath Bridge

ᤂࡲኚߜŕŞ?á?¨ŕ ľŕĄ” ] Lock Keeper's Cottage

Ꮰ̤áŽ?ᤂࡲኚ Ő‚ ] Ashton Canal Lock No.2

Ꮰ༴‍Ţ?‏Б֗ߡሙளӞᏓ ] Ardwick and Ancoats Hospital


ҍᙱ ] Analysis ̔ᤰ ] Transportation

ϣᢼ‫ ] ڤ‬Car Park


̔ᤰѬౢ ] Layers of Transportation

̔ᤰ‫ ] ڏ‬Transportation Map


ҍᙱ ] Analysis ᒭཀྵᠫູ֗НСቇᫎ ] Natural Resources & Public Spaces

෹ᤂෲᄊ᮳А ] Scenery along the Canal


НСቇᫎ֗፯‫ڡ‬ᄊིྟ ] Pictures Public Spaces & Green Areas

፯‫ڡ‬᠏᧚֗ᡰሏ‫ ] ڏ‬Green Space Quality & Distance Map


ҍᙱ ] Analysis ͱ੝֗᝺ஷ ] Housing & Facilities

थናᰴए ] Building Height

੝͉ ] Housing Price


և᣸᝺ஷѬౢ ] Layers of Facilities

‫ڡژ‬थናၹ᤭ ] Land Use


ҍᙱ ] Analysis Ѭӝ ] Zoning

੝͉ ] Housing Price


ҍᙱ ] Analysis গҹѬౢ ] SWOT

ऌ‫֗ڡ‬ᆡைथና ] Wasted Land & Dilapidated Building


á“?ᜅ ] Proposal Ě”ᤰ ] Transportation

âœŁâˆš ] STRATEGY ŕ śá˘ź / ŕ Ťá›ĄĚĄŕ°žनன Less Car / More Open to Pedestrian

á?şá‰ĄË?๎ᄹ̔ᄊË&#x;áœśĚĄá›ĄáĽ‹ᥚŕą?á??áŒ‡á§˜áœśâ€ŤÚĄâ€Źŕ˝‚Ö—Ě”ᤰ๪áŒąáˇœ नன࡚Ë?๎Ë&#x;áœśĚĄá›ĄáĽ‹ᥚá„Š़ናअŕĄ?áˇœ Ë&#x;áœśá˘źá›ĄáĽ‹Ôśâ€ŤÚšâ€ŹŰłâ€ŤÚ§â€ŹÖ‡â€ŤÚŠâ€ŹŃŹŕŁ‹áˇ?۳‍ڧ‏ЯጊË&#x;áœśÔśÎ™ĚĄá›ĄË€ᤰᢟáˇœ ϣᢟ‍ڤ‏Ԝ‍ڥڤښ‏᣸ᎆя࣋Ç? 1.Set 2 primary pedestrian roads to connect the main landscapes and transport hubs; 2.Open the ground floor of the buildings along the two primary pedestrian path; 3.Primary vehicle roads are around the site, the site is dominated by pedestrian; 4.The parking lots are only located at the edge of the site.



1 ˟̡ᛡ᥋ᄊК԰ ] entrance to the pedestrian road

ኄʷ˔ᛤ᥋Җ᭧௧̡ᛡ᥋ᄊК԰˨ʷǍ ੈ߲̓ࠫᤉᛡ̀ஈᤵᷛनஊːΟᄊथናྭᄊअഎ̿᷍઩ࠕ ᛤ᥋ࣳ‫ښ‬ʾᭁ௑˞ᛡ̡ଢΙࣽઐǍ ʷഎᤇద‫׸‬इ֗֞‫׿‬ᯞ኎‫ˊ׸‬ቇᫎǍ The first street section is one of the entrances to the pedestrian highway. We have remodelled it in a way that the ground floors of the buildings on either side is opened up in order to widen the street and to provide shelter for pedestrians during the rain. There are commercial spaces such as shops and cafes on the ground floor as well.

2 ̡ᛡ᥋֗ᢼ᥋ᄊ̔Ԣག ] intersection between a pedestrian road & a vehicle road

ኄ̄౎ᛤ᥋Җ᭧௧۳‫ڧ‬Я̡ᛡ᥋᡹֗ᢼᣚ᥋᡹˨ᫎᄊ̔ԢགǍ ႀ̆ː᣸ᄊːಚथናྭ‫˞ک‬ԋԾथ ናࣳ᷍Ԫ҂ข॥δઐ᷍‫ڂ‬൥ੈ̓௄ขஈԫथናፇ౞ͮ᷍ᛤ᥋ᄊࠕएᡜ̿Ιᛡ̡ᒾᤠΎၹǍ The second street section is the intersection between a pedestrian road and a vehicle road within the site. Due to the fact that the two buildings to either sides are heritage buildings and are protected by law we are unable to open up the ground floors but the width of the street is adequate enough for comfortable use by pedestrians.

ဘ࿄ ] Current


வವ ] Proposal

ဘ࿄ ] Current

வವ ] Proposal

3 ໝඵ൦᥋ ] waterside path ኄʼ˔ᛤ᥋Җ᭧௧᧫ࠫᤂෲஸᄊ̡ᛡ᥋᷍ᤈ᧗෥ద͊͵፯ӑӝ۫ੋऐͯǍ ᤂෲஸͱߴ˗ᄊࡐ ඟԻᤉКሓ̡፯‫ڡ‬ͮ᷍ੈ̓хࠀ‫ښ‬ᤂෲஸ‫ܙ‬ҫʷ˔НС፯‫ڡ‬Ǎ ൥ܱ᷍ੈ̓˞ਇ᜶ϣʾ౏‫ښگ‬ ᤂෲஸᄊ̡̓‫ܙ‬ҫ̀᜺ఀԼǍ ឱ‫ݠ‬൥ዝᄊԫӑᒰТ᧘᜶᷍‫߲˞ڂ‬Ύ̡ᛡ᥋ఞҫਐ৥֗̉ү᷍ ࣳᴂҵ̡̓‫ښ‬ਗ਼ܱϣ႑ࣳᔉʷ̏௑ᫎ᷍Ꮻˀ௧Ӌঅ‫ࠒڀ‬Ǎ The third street section is for the pedestrian path near the canal. Currently it does not implement any green areas or sitting decks. There is a private green area that is accessible to the residents living in the building next to the canal but we have decided to add a communal green area next to it. In addition, we have added a viewing deck for people who want to stop and sit near the canal. Changes like these are vital because it makes the walking path more pleasant and interactive and encourages people to stop and spend some time outdoors rather than ruching to get back home.

4 ˟ᢼ᥋ ] primary vehicle road తՑʷ˔᥋᡹Җ᭧௧ࠫ/FX *TMJOHUPO˟ᢼ᥋ᄊஈथǍेҒ᷍ː౎᥋᡹˗ᫎᄊᛡ̡ࡴదʷ̏᫂ў᷍ ͮ௧෥̡ਝਓΎၹ߲᷍‫ښگ˞ڂ‬ː౎ᯱ᡹˨ᫎᄊਖᝀࣳˀᒾᤠ˷ˀ߷ЛǍੈ̓ਇᤰ᣿ҫࠕ̡ ᛡ᥋᷍‫ܙ‬ҫᒭᛡᢼ᥋̿ԣΎᛡ̡ࡴఞቌ౏ஈԫᤈመ࿄цǍ̡ᛡ᥋֗ᯱ᡹ᜂಞలѬᬦ᷍ᤈΎ४ សӝ۫ఞҫ˘ࠝܳ॑᷍‫ښ‬᜽ᝀʽఞЦծळҧࣳ᷍˅ఞҫᒾᤠǍ The last road section is a modification of the main lane of New Islington. Currently, the pedestrian island in the middle of the two roads has some benches, but no one wants to use it, because sitting between the two roads feels uncomfortable and unsafe. We want to change this situation by widening sidewalks, adding bike lanes, and making pedestrian islands narrower. The sidewalks and roads are separated by trees, which makes the area more colorful, visually attractive, and more comfortable.

ဘ࿄ ] Current

வವ ] Proposal

ဘ࿄ ] Current

வವ ] Proposal


á“?ᜅ ] Proposal Đ?ĐĄá‰‡áŤŽË á?Żâ€Ť ] ڥ‏Public Space & Green Area

âœŁâˆš ] STRATEGY ŕ°žЌՎळҧ / á??áŒ‡Ö‡â€ŤÚŠâ€Źá€—â€ŤÜ’â€Ź More Attractive/Connected with Surroundings

ŕŻšá†¸ŕśˆŕž&#x;á?Żâ€ŤÚ¤ŕŁšÖ—ÚĄâ€Źá„ŠÎŽá šĚĄá?†Ç? á?ŻÓ‘Ë?๎Ë&#x;áœśĚĄá›ĄáĽ‹Ç? ‍ښ‏Ë?๎Ë&#x;áœśĚĄá›ĄáĽ‹á„Šá„ąĚ”ŕ˝‚़ብʡ˔ழࣹ‍ڤ‏Ç? ‍̥ښ‏ᛥἋॊ़݀ብᛤ᣸ᔉ‍ڇ‏Ç? ଢᰴá€˜ŕ°Śá?Żâ€ŤÚ¤ŕŁšÖ—ڥ‏ᄊá ?᧚áˇ?ÎŽĐĽË Ö‡â€ŤÚŠâ€Źá€—â€ŤÜ’â€Źŕ°žâ€ŤÚĄÝžâ€Źáš¸ŐŒÇ? 1.Identify the users of each green space and square. 2.Green the two main pedestrian road. 3.Create a new square at the intersection of two pedestrian roads. 4.Creat a pocket garden at the end of the pedestrian road. 5.Improve the quality of existing green spaces and square to better integrate with their surroundings.



á“?ᜅ ] Proposal ÍąŕŠ?Ö—á?şŕŽˇ ] Housing & Facilities

़ናá ?᧚កͼ ] Building Quality Assessment

âœŁâˆš ] STRATEGY ௚ᆸяÓ? / ‍ܙ‏ҍá?şŕŽˇ Clear Zoning / Increase Facilities

ಪ૶á€˜ŕż„ŕ ˛Űłâ€ŤÚ§â€ŹŃŹËžâ€ŤËŠ׸‏áˇ?஻຤Ó?Ö—ŕĄ?ŕś&#x;Ó?áˇœ ࡚Ë&#x;áœśŕľŚá›Ąá›¤á?şáŽśŕ°ŚŐŽŕ¤łŇ§á„Š़ናԣá?şŕŽˇĚżŐŽŕ¤łá›ĄĚĄ ࡚Ë&#x;áœśŕľŚá›Ąá›¤á?şáŽśĘˇáŒ¸Đ?ĐĄâ€ŤÚ¤â€ŹŕŠžáˇœ ଢΙᇍÓ?Ë—༡ԣʡĚ?ጥ‍ݓ‏á?şŕŽˇáˇœ ‍ߴ͹ښ‏Ó?‍ܙ‏ҍʡĚ?á?ƒŕš€á¤ á šŕŠ?Ç? 1.Divide the site into Commercial & Tourist area and Residential area based on the current situation; 2.Set big attractions to bring people on the pedestrian street; 3.Set a group of public places along the pedestrian street; 4.Provide a community centre & some supporting facilities; 5.Add some Affordable Housing in residential area.

δá‚‘ŕŠ‹ŕŽˆ़ ] Keep or Transform



á“?ᜅ ] Proposal ŕ „Í´ŕ´ľâ€Ť ] ŰŒâ€ŹHand Made Model

âŚšÉ™âœŁâˆš ] OVERALL STRATEGY ़ብá??ጇ / ़ብᇍÓ? Make it Connection, Make it Community

ŕ ˛"ODPBUTÖ—/FX *TMJOHUPOË Ű˘ŕŁŠá„ŠĐĽĚľâ€ŤÚĄâ€ŹŕŽľá¤ŒŕŹŒáĄ‘ŕą? ŕ ˛"ODPBUTÖ—/FX *TMJOHUPOá¤ŒŕŹŒâ€ŤÚšâ€ŹĘˇáĄ‘áˇ?ࣳÎŽ߲̓˨ፎᄊ௄᣸á‚? ËžŕĄ?ŕś&#x;ଢΙఞܳᄊĐ?Хቇፎáˇ?ࣳÎŽ"ODPBUTÖ—/FX *TMJOHUPOŕ°žҍ̥̿Ëžŕ°ľÇ? 1.Connect Ancoats and New Islington with the rest of the city 2.Connect Ancoats and New Islington together and make the boundary between them seamless 3.Provide more public space for the residents and make the area more user centred.


ᓐᜅ ] Proposal ঴ࣱ᭧‫ ] ڏ‬Master Plan


ைۢஈᤵ ᇫӝᖹᤵ ] Urban Regeneration + Residential Block Design

/FJHICPSIPPE JO UIF /PSUI PG "ODPBUT A Cohesive Neighborhood & Residential Block ᇫӝᄊᔵ‫ڊ‬௧‫ڄ‬᫳ͻˊ˗ࠀ˧ᄊ"ODPBUTࡐͱӝҫʽ"ODPBUTӒᦊᄊဘదࡐͱӝǍ ‫˨ښ‬Ғ঴ʹ᜻ѳᄊ۳ᆩʽࠫ᷍۳‫ڧ‬ᄊ͖Ꭵགᤉᛡ੻ѼভᄊѬౢࣳࠫ᷍൥ᤉᛡ᧘ழ᜻ѳ̿‫ूܙ‬іᐑҧǍ ͻ˞ᇫӝᄊ಩ॷᄊᇫӝ˗ॷnjþ "ODPBUT (SFFOÿ֗࠵ᖝ‫ͯॷ˗̆ܫڇ‬Ꮆ᷍ᜂࡐඟഎӊ‫ڊ‬Ǎతܱ᭧ᄊथ ናྭ௧‫ˊ׸‬ӝnj˟᜶᥋᡹֗ͱߴӝ˨ᫎᄊ᣿ບӝ۫̿᷍δઐᤈ˔᥶᧗ǍཀྵᏫ᷍សᇫӝˀ௧ʷऐߤࡴ᷍ ˟᜶ᄊ̡ᛡ᥋࠲ᜂԧ࡙ࣳण᫂̿ᤌଌև‫ڊ‬ӝ۫Ǎ សӝ۫Яᄊʷ˔ͱߴӝ‫࠲ڱ‬ᜂហጺᄊ᝺ᝠǍ᝺ᝠᄬᄊ௧˞ࡐඟѹᤵఞܳ఻͘᷍‫ښ‬សͱߴӝᄱ᥅᷍ᐑ ̔͘᷍ื֗̉ᄱࣟҰǍ The extent of the neighborhood is the Ancoats residential area defined in the group work plus the existing residential area north of Ancoats. On the basis of the previous master plan, critically analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this place, and re-plan the neighborhood to enhance cohesion. As the core community center of the community, “Ancoats Green” and “Allotment” are at the center, surrounded by residential buildings. The outermost building is the transition area between the commercial area/main road and the residential area to protect the nearby area. However, the community is not an isolated island, and the main sidewalk will be developed and expanded to connect the surrounding areas. A residential block in this area will be designed in detail. The purpose of the design is to create more opportunities for residents to meet, gather, communicate and help each other in the residential area.

᝺ᝠࣲ͋ ] Year 2020 / the 2nd + 3rd Semester of the Master Degree

ͯᎶ ] Location ᔮ‫ڎ‬᷍డग़ளྲ᷍߷ሙள Ancoats, Great Manchester, the United Kingdom


ᇫӝ˗ॷ ] Community Centre Ancoats Green

࠵ᖝ‫] ڇ‬ Allotment


⭈ᕴ Background ӝͯ Location


ऴǀ࡙㰻ɢ៸⌇ҍᙱ Analysis Based on Teamwork ᒭཀྵᠫູ֗НСቇᫎ Natural Resources & Public Spaces


ऴǀ࡙㰻ɢ៸⌇ҍᙱ Analysis Based on Teamwork ̔ᤰ Transportation



ऴǀ࡙㰻ɢ៸⌇ҍᙱ Analysis Based on Teamwork ͱ੝֗᝺ஷ Housing & Facilities

ၷำ֗஡ӑ᝺ஷ Living & Cultural Facilities

ஔᐲ᝺ஷ Educational Facilities


੝ࡔዝ‫ ی‬Housing Type

ᇫ͘ፃเ஝૶ Socioeconomic Data

ࣱ‫ک‬ਗ਼ஆК Average Household Income

̡԰ࠛए Land Density

ࣲᴔࡏ Age Group

੝ࡔዝ‫ ی‬House Type ͱ੝᭧ሥ House Size*

ͱਗ਼ዝ‫ ی‬Household Type

ሓࠒᢼવద᧚ Car Ownership in household

ࣱ‫ک‬੝͉ Average House Price



ऴǀ࡙㰻ɢ៸⌇ҍᙱ Analysis Based on Teamwork গҹѬౢ SWOT


á“?ᜅ Proposal Ě”ᤰ Transportation

á›ĄĚĄŕ¸ˇáŒł Pedestrian Circulation

âœŁâˆš ] STRATEGY ŇŤŕĽ‚Űłâ€ŤÚ§â€ŹĐŻáŚŠĚżÔŁŰłâ€ŤÖ—Ú§â€ŹÖ‡â€ŤÚŠâ€Źá„Šá¤ŒŕŹŒ Strengthen the connection, both inside and to the surrounding ੱथ̿"ODPBUTá?Żâ€ŤÖ—ڥ‏ᇍÓ?Ë—༡Ëžಊ༡á„ŠË&#x;áœśŕľŚá›ĄáĄšáˇœ ŇŤŕĽ‚â€ŤÚĄÚ¤â€ŹË 0MEIBNáĄšŕ Ťá­§ĚżÔŁá¤‚ŕˇ˛ŕ Ťá­§á„Šá¤ŒŕŹŒ Ԝδá‚‘ᤠ༇ᄊϣᢟ‍ڤ‏Ç? 1.Extend and add the main pedestrian roads with ancoats green and community center as the core; 2.Enhance the connection with the area opposite the Oldham road and the area opposite the canal; 3.Only keep proper parking lots.

ŕ „ŕ°€ིŕž&#x; Images



á“?ᜅ Proposal á?şŕŽˇ Facilities

δá‚‘ ᣠ૱ Keep & Transform

âœŁâˆš ] STRATEGY ‍༂ܙ‏ᇍÓ?Ń–á?‘ҧ Strengthen community cohesion ़ብĐ?Хಊ༡Ó?ŰŤáˇ?̿‍༂ܙ‏ᇍÓ?á„ŠŃ–á?‘ҧáˇœ á?şáŽśáŁżŕşšÓ?̿δŕŞ?ŕĄ?͹़ና ŕ ˛á•?‍ڥ‏ᣠԍ˞ᇍÓ?Đ?ХቇፎÇ? 1.Establish a public core area surrounded by residential blocks to enhance the cohesion of the neighborhood; 2.Set transition area to protect the residences; 3.Transform waste land into a neighborhood public space.

ŕ „ŕ°€ིŕž&#x; Images



á“?ᜅ Proposal á?şŕŽˇ Facilities

ኖ႕ Strategy

âœŁâˆš ] STRATEGY ŕ°žŕŻœĚžá¤ƒá’­ŕ˝Š More accessible to nature ᎖ᆠŕĄ?ŕś&#x;Ň‚á?Żâ€ŤŕŠ‹ÚĄâ€ŹĐ?Хቇፎᄊᥰáˆ?áˇœ â€ŤÚšâ€ŹŕśˆË”ŕ ľá„Š͹ߴᏡá?†Ë—༡њ᤾Đ?Хቇፎ ़ብಊ༡ᄊĐ?ĐĄÓ?ŰŤÇ? 1. Shorten the distance between residents and green space or public space; 2. Create public space in the center of each small residential massing; 3. Establish a core public area.

á?Żá“¤áŒ‡á?’ Green System



ᓐᜅ Proposal ঴ࣱ᭧‫ ڏ‬Master Plan


ᓐᜅ Proposal Җ᭧‫ ڏ‬Sections


ɕౄ֐ࢷ Residential Block ӝͯ Location


É•ŕą„Ö?ࢡ Residential Block Í´â€ŤÚąâ€Źá ˇŕŠ‡ Block Generation Process


á¤ŒŕŹŒË&#x;áœśĚĄá›ĄáĽ‹Ö—á?Żâ€ŤÚĄâ€Źá„ŠᤰáĽ‹ŕ ˛ŕ¤ĽáŠ“ŕž­ŃŹËžË?ጊяÇ?


1.A residential block enclosing public space in the middle of a building.

2.Footpath that connects the primary pedestrian road to the green divides the building into two parts.

3.Open the entrance adjacent to the primary pedestrian road.

â€ŤÍľÝ â€ŹË Ö‡â€ŤÚŠâ€Źá€—â€ŤÜ’â€Źá??ጇ How to Connect with Surroundings

नனᯍŕĄ?ᡛ á šĚ†ŕ ‰ÜąĐ?ĐĄÓ?ŰŤÖ—Đ?ĐĄá?şŕŽˇÇ? 1.Open the ground floor : for outdoor piblic areas & communal facilities

़ናЯᄊĐ?Хࣹԟ֗˗ऑᡛ എ೙ፎᄊĐ?ĐĄÓ?ۍԝ̿‍ܙ‏ҍŕĄ?ŕś&#x;˨ፎᄊᄹἅ֗̉ү 2.Public terraces & Atrium within the building : public areas in the stairwell can promote meetings & interaction between residents

ŕśˆË”ÍąŕŠšáŤƒĐšÔ°â€ŤÜŤâ€Źá„ŠÓ§áˆ“ŕ ›á‰‡áŤŽ ‍ܙ‏ҍἜ᧗̔มá„ŠÔťá‘&#x;ভ 3.Semi-private sitting niches by the entrance door increase the possibility of neighborhood communication

â€ŤÍľÝ â€ŹŇŤŕĽ‚ἜŕĄ?˨ፎᄊá??ጇ How to Strengthen the Relationship between Neighbors


ɕౄ֐ࢷ Residential Block ঴ࣱ᭧‫ ڏ‬Master Plan


ɕౄ֐ࢷ Residential Block ᯫࡏࣱ᭧‫ ڏ‬Ground Floor Plan


ɕౄ֐ࢷ Residential Block ʷࡏࣱ᭧‫ ڏ‬1st Floor Plan


ɕౄ֐ࢷ Residential Block ̄ࡏࣱ᭧‫ ڏ‬2nd Floor Plan


ɕౄ֐ࢷ Residential Block ʼࡏࣱ᭧‫ ڏ‬3rd Floor Plan


ɕౄ֐ࢷ Residential Block ‫ࣱࡏپ‬᭧‫ ڏ‬4th Floor Plan


ɕౄ֐ࢷ Residential Block ̋ࡏࣱ᭧‫ ڏ‬5th Floor Plan


ɕౄ֐ࢷ Residential Block ࡔᮇࣱ᭧‫ ڏ‬Roof Plan


ɕౄ֐ࢷ Residential Block ਗ਼‫ ی‬Flat Type

ಚ Block 1


ಚ Block 2

ᡌच᜽ጳѬౢ Sight Analysis of Corridor


ɕౄ֐ࢷ Residential Block Җ᭧ᤩ᜽‫ ڏ‬Perspective View of Section

ಚ Block 1


ಚᷛ˗ऑቇᫎ֗എ೙ᫎᄊНСቇᫎ Block 2:Atrium Space & Public Space in Stairwell


ɕౄ֐ࢷ Residential Block ቡ᭧ Elevation



ɕౄ֐ࢷ Residential Block ᤩ᜽‫ ڏ‬Perspective View



‫۫ڡ‬ভथና ˹‫ژ‬थና Regional Architecture

㢛ᘻ౜༌ VILLAGE LIVING ROOM ‫ូڡࠄښ‬ᆑ˗Ի̿ᄺ҂᷍஻຤नԧՑᄊ౜್ేࣳ෥ద‫˞ڂ‬຤̡ ‫ݠ‬ጻའԧၷ఻ǍԦᏫႀ̆஻຤नԧ᷍ే˗ᄊࣲᣐ̡४҂ᠫ᧛Ց ୃѣేᗀੋ௧ᄦᡑழ੝᷍႑ʾᄊ࠶஝Ꮵ̡֗Јቨ˷ࣳˀᑟᤠऄ ຤ࠇࣜ౏ᄊၷำԫӑǍ຤ࠇ᡹ፃేඟࠒ᫃԰᷍ేඟ͘ቡ҉Тʽ ᫃ĀĀ຤ࠇᄺ҂ᄊ௧ʷ˔ܿԝၷ֑ҧnjܿԝ஡ӑྲགnjˀᑟᤠ ऄ஻຤नԧᏫ൫ԝᄊԱేǍ ˹ేࠇԊ᝺ᝠ˞຤ࠇ֗ేඟ੪ᤵʷ˔Ի̿СՏᄱ‫ܫ‬ᄊ‫ڤ‬ਫ਼Ǎស थናΎၹ‫ࡔڹ‬ᮇnjे‫ڡ‬Ꮵࡔટᬔᄊऌफथናెந౏‫ڀ‬ऄे‫ڡ‬थ ና஡ӑࣱᷜ᭧࣋ࡍЍѬʹဘӊࠔᄊЯ๰ܱᷛࠫൔᤁ຤ࠇࠫ᷍Я ൔᤁేඟᷜथናҪᑟᬔ̀ࠫ຤ࠇଢΙ࡙ᇨnj͔ᫌҪᑟ˨ܱ᷍ᤇ ЍѬᏦᘽే˗Ꮵ̡njЈቨnjࣲᣐ̡ᄊˀՏΎၹᭊරǍ It can be seen from the field research that Banliang Village has not been revitalized with the tourism development. On the contrary, due to tourism development, young people in the village moved out of the village or built new houses after receiving funds, and the few old people and children left behind could not adapt to the changes in life brought about by tourists. When tourists pass by the villagers’ homes, the villagers will immediately close the doors... What the tourists see is an ancient village that has lost its vitality, lost its identity, and could not adapt to tourism development. The proposal is for creating a place where tourists and villagers can get along together. The building uses sloping roofs and discarded building materials from local old houses to respond to the local architectural culture.

᝺ᝠࣲ͋ Year 2017/ 3th Year of University

ͯᎶ Location ຬӯ᷍ᦎࢷ᷍౜್Աేᗀ Banliang Village,Chenzhou,Hunan


Ó?ÍŻ Location

á‡ŤÍ˜áŤˆᎼ Social Issue ༇‍ ̥ڥ‏Native

߽ᇺ Ancestral Hall

༇‍ڥ‏ŕś&#x;ŕĄ? Local Residence

ࣚ‍ڤ‏ Square

ඵʹ Water

ೲᜂ Green

ࣲ�̥ Young

áˆ?न็ࣝ ŕŞ&#x;áŹ”ŕŻˆß´áˇ?á„ŚáĄ‘Ë ŕĽ‡â€ŤÚĄâ€ŹáŽłŕ˛ŤË€áŠ€á„ŠழŕĄ? Moving outside the village

Demolishing old houses ,building new houses that do not like the local architectural style

ࣲ�̥ Young

Đˆá‰¨ Children

຤ŕ ‡ Tourists

௄ขᤠऄ຤ŕ ‡á„ŠŇ‚ŕą?

áŽĽËŹŕŽ”á?˛á Ťŕşš

Unable to adapt to the arrival of tourists

Lack of educational resources

‍˞ڂ‏௄ข᎗႕҂ᄞྤᄊ ༇‍ڥ‏Ꮃ৹�ਖ҂ܿఎ Can't feel the local customs, very disappointed

ŕ Žá’ą LEAD TO

็ࣝܿÔ?ĐĽá ˇÖ‘ҧÖ—ᣲáž‚ŕ¤? The village lost its vitality & identity

ଢ ಾáˇ›á­ŠáœśĘˇŕ˛šŐ?௑˞็ŕś&#x;ำүÖ—຤ŕ ‡Í´á°ŽଢÎ™â€ŤÚ¤â€ŹŕŠžá„Š़áŠ“ŕž­Ç?

Proposal: a building that provides places for both villagers’ activities and tourists’s experience.

á†¸ŕ €Űłŕ°ľá”ľâ€ŤÚŠâ€ŹÇ?

ŕ ˛ŕ¤ĽáŠ“ŕž­ŕŽŠáŽśâ€ŤÚšâ€Źŕť€ŕśľá„ŠË?Î&#x;Ç?

ŐŒࣳʡĚ?Í´â€ŤĚżÚąâ€ŹŕĽŽŕŠ‡ĐŚŕ°Śŕ °áŤ‡ŕ¨–á„ŠË?˔ቇፎÇ?



á šĚ†ᤰᎳÖ—ི௚ᄊ‍॔֗ܞܗ‏ᎇनศÇ?

1.Determine base range.

4.The sloping roof echoes local buildings.

2.Place the building on both sides of the creek.

5.Continuous wall responds to local fire gables.

3.Combine the volumes to form two spaces with a sense of enclosure.

6.Wall and roof openings for ventilation and lighting.

Í´â€ŤÚąâ€Źá ˇŕŠ‡ Block Generation Process



Table Tennis Room









Reading Room Viewing Platform Souvenir Shop



Historical and Cultural Exhibition Native Products Exhibition

Speciality Tea Room Courtyard


ࡣ‫ڡ‬थና Hillside Architecture


សଢವ௉‫˞ښ‬ಣ‫ڇ‬Яᄊࡐඟ֗ߦၷଢΙНСᄊʹᐲᤂү‫ڤ‬ਫ਼Ǎ ᄱᣗ̆नஊरᤂү‫֗ڤ‬ወု‫ڤ‬߲᷍Ԫܹඡॖ‫־‬ᣗ࠵ Ꮻᄱᣗ̆ ಣ‫ڇ‬ဘదᄊࠉЯʹᐲᯞ߲᷍ఞҫनஊǍ൥ܱ᷍ᤥ‫ڧ‬ᝍх̀ಣ‫ڇ‬ ᧗ᄊᤂү‫ڤ‬ᯞᬷ˗‫ښ‬ಣ‫ڇ‬Ӓᦊᄊ᫈ᮥǍ ̰Ҫᑟʽᝯ߲᷍ፇՌ̀ࠉЯ֗ࠉܱቇᫎ᷍˞ၹਗ਼ଢῚ᪐ངnj ͔ᫌ֗ᇫ̔ᄊቇᫎǍಪ૶ᣃ໏ᤂүᄊዝ‫ی‬᷍थናྭѬ˞ܳ˔ᦊ Ѭ᷍ᤈ̏ᦊѬᤰ᣿Իʽ̡ᄊऻॎࡔᮇᄱᤌǍ The proposal is for providing public sports club for residents and students on campus. Compared to the open playground and basketball court, it is less affected by the weather;And it is more open than the existing gymnasium on campus.In addition, the selection of the site solves the problem that the concentration of sports venues are in the north of the campus. Functionally, it combines indoor and outdoor space to provide users with space for exercise, leisure, and social.The building is divided into parts according to the type of roller skating sports, and these parts are connected by a curved roof that can be attached to the person.

᝺ᝠࣲ͋ Year 2016/ 3th Year of University

ͯᎶ Location ຬӯ᫂᷍෢ܹ᷍ॷӝ᷍˗ӯܸߦᨡ᥋ߦᬓ Central South University Railway Station,Changsha,Hunan


á¤‚ŇŻâ€ŤÚ¤â€ŹŕŠž ‍ˊ׸‏ ŕ „á°Žŕ´Ž Sports Field Commercial Labotory

ࣚ‍ڤ‏ Square

ᯀԊ Canteen

ŕ —á’ź ŕŽ”ߌŕ´Ž Dormitory Classroom

ಣÓž Clinic

ŕĄ?ŕś&#x;ŕ´Ž Residence

ࢺ͝ெ ᄇܚ ŕ°‚Üš

ևఴ ᄇܚ ంܚ

ܴ௚ ŕ°‚Üš

Weekday, Day, Sunny Ë&#x;áœśŕ¸łŇŻâ€ŤÚ¤â€ŹŕŠž Main Sports Venue Í´á?˛áŻž Gymnasium ŕ­˛ ‍ ڤ‏Playground á‹ˆá€Żâ€Ť ڤ‏Basketball Court

Weekend, Day, Sunny Ë&#x;áœśŕ¸łŇŻâ€ŤÚ¤â€ŹŕŠž Main Sports Venue Í´á?˛áŻž Gymnasium á‹ˆá€Żâ€Ť ڤ‏Basketball Court

Night, Sunny Ë&#x;áœśŕ¸łŇŻâ€ŤÚ¤â€ŹŕŠž Main Sports Venue ŕ­˛ ‍ ڤ‏Playground á‹ˆá€Żâ€Ť ڤ‏Basketball Court

ࢺ͝ெ ᄇܚ á­ Üš

ևఴ ᄇܚ ᭠ܚ

ܴ௚ ᭠ܚ

Weekday, Day, Rainy Ë&#x;áœśŕ¸łŇŻâ€ŤÚ¤â€ŹŕŠž Main Sports Venue Í´á?˛áŻž Gymnasium

Weekend, Day, Rainy Ë&#x;áœśŕ¸łŇŻâ€ŤÚ¤â€ŹŕŠž Main Sports Venue Í´á?˛áŻž Gymnasium

Night, Rainy Ë&#x;áœśŕ¸łŇŻâ€ŤÚ¤â€ŹŕŠž Main Sports Venue Í´á?˛áŻž Gymnasium

ำүŕ ›ŕ¤? Level of Activity Density

ำүᏡ˗ག Concentration of Sports

Í´á?˛ŕ¸łŇŻá€˜ŕż„ᡛᄏҒᏡ˗‍ښ‏ಣ‍ڇ‏Ӓጊáˇ?ŕ ‰Üąâ€ŤÚĄÚ¤â€ŹÔŞÜšŕśĄŕĽ–â€ŤÖžâ€Źáˇ?ŕ ‰ĐŻâ€ŤÚĄÚ¤â€Źŕ¤¨ŕŽŠŕŻ‘áŤŽŕ°ŚáŹ?Ç? Current Situation: currently concentrated in the north of camps,and the outdoor fields are affected by the weather, while the opening hours of the indoor fields are limited.

ᢟá›Ąŕ¸ˇáŒł Vehicle Traffic ᒭᛥᢟἋ Bicycle Lanes

Green Net

Ó?ÍŻ Location

ᒭᛥᢟԝ᣺‍ ܍‏Bicycle Access

ŕ „ŕ°€ View

Ě”ᤰมáŒł Connectivity

ࣚ‍ ڤ‏Square ŕ „á°Žŕ´Ž Labotory ŕ°ŠŇŹ Service

ŕ —á’źŕ´Ž Dormitory ŕŽ”ߌŕ´Ž Classroom ŕĄ?ŕś&#x;ŕ´Ž Residence

ŇŞá‘&#x; Land Use




ŕ ˛ŇŞá‘&#x;Í´â€ŤÚąâ€ŹŕŹ†Ńľâ€ŤÚšâ€Źá›¤áĽ‹Ë?᣸Ç?



Laying programs on both sides of the street.

Merging programs.

Changing the shape to adapt to the site.

ŇŠĐ?ŕ ‰ Office

ᔉನŕť?Ń‚ŕ ‰

Figure Skating Room

Í”ŕ§Œŕ ‰ Rest Area

ŕ°žá›¨ŕ ‰

Dressing Room


Adjusting the elevation to adapt to the altitude.

Óźá ˇáŤŽ



Landscape design.

ÓžŇŹŕ ‰ Clinic

áŁƒŕť?á“‚ŕ ‰

Jamskating Room

ŕą?áŹ?áŁƒŕť?ŕ ‰

Aggressive Skating Room

‍׸‏इ Shop

Ń‚Ę˝ŕ°œ೥á€Żŕ ‰ Roller Hockey


Roof deformation.


Detailed programs.

Í´â€ŤÚąâ€Źá ˇŕŠ‡ Block Generation Process


ࣹ᭧‍ Ú?‏Plan

ࡔᮇ Roof

पॎಏ Special-shaped Columns

᧛࡛Ꭺ Wire Mesh

‫֗ܗ‬ဝၕ Wall & Glazing

Ҫᑟ Programs

۳‫ ڧ‬ఀ᜺ Site & Landscape

ຢಀ‫ ڏ‬Renders


ጫՔҖ᭧ Longitudinal Section

ˌቡ᭧ East Elevation

Ӓቡ᭧ North Elevation


ᰴࡏ ‫ڡ‬ಖथና᝺ᝠ Tower/ Landmark Design

SPRAWLING STREET សଢವ௉‫˞ښ‬ᰴथናࠛएᄊᏥۢӝ᧗ᄊࡐඟ᷍ߦၷ᷍຤ࠇ֗ʽိீଢΙНС‫ڤ‬ ਫ਼ǍˁЧ‫ی‬ᄊ࣊˗ॷ‫ˊ׸‬ҩНഎᄱඋ᷍ੈ̓δ႑̀͜ፒᄊ಴౶úú಩ॷኔፇ౞᷍ Տ௑࠲ᛤ᥋ ᔉ‫ڡ̰ڇ‬᛫ळК҂ᰴࡏǍᤈ౎ᛃ஽ॎᄊᛤ᥋௅௧НСቇᫎᎪፏ᷍ԡ௧ ܸԘᄊԳʷመ̔ᤰவरǍ ̰Ҫᑟʽᝯ᷍Ꮶᘽ̀‫׸‬Ҭ᷍ͱߴ᷍ҩНࠉ͔֗ᫌำү˨ᫎᄊТጇǍ‫ۇښ‬ᄰவՔʽ ಪ૶ሓࠛভ࠲ܸഎѬੇˀՏʹ‫ڱ‬ࣳ᷍˅‫ښ‬ඈ˔ʹ‫˨ڱ‬ᫎଣК͔̀ᫌ֗̔ืࣱԼǍ ႀ̆಴౶ፇ౞ᄊ༧ำভ᷍ၹਗ਼Ի̿ಪ૶ᒭࣂᄊᭊ᜶ូடࣱ᭧֗ቇᫎǍԳܱ᷍‫ښ‬ቡ ᭧ʽ᷍መೲ̀ˀՏዝ‫ࠛ֗ی‬एᄊೲྭ̿ಪ૶Аूएᥔᘉ֗ូᓬॲඡϋǍ The proposal is for providing public spaces for residents, students, tourists and office workers in the old urban area with high building density. Compared to a typical midtown commercial office buildings, we maintain the conventional frame-core structure,while introduce a spiral street/garden from the street to the upper floor. This spiral street is both a public space network and an alternative mean of circulation for the tower. Functionally, the relationship between business, residential, office and leisure activities is studied. Programs are divided vertically in terms of privacy, and platforms for leisure and communication are inserted between each programmatic block. Due to the flexibility of the frame, users can adjust the plan and space to be used according to his own needs. In addition, on the façades, plants of different types and densities are planted to shade and adjust the microclimate depending on the light intensity.

᝺ᝠࣲ͋ Year 2018/ 4th Year of University

ͯᎶ Location ຬӯ᫂᷍෢᷍नሉӝ Kaifu District,Changsha,Hunan








Place of Interest

Subway Station

Bus Station




ᎳŐ” Wind


Green Net

Ó?ÍŻ Location



มáŒł Circulation

Ě”ᤰ Traffic


Spiral Path

ࣹԟ Platform



An ordinary roadside tower is placed in a natural site.

ŕ ˛áĽ‹ᥚâ€ŤŰ‡â€Źá„°ŕŁłá›ƒ஽Ç? Vertical spiraling of the road.


ெི Sunshine

ŕ ‚ŕĄ?ভ Livability




ʡË”௿ᤰᄊ˚ᛤᄊ‍܉‏എ áœ‚ŕŽŠáŽśâ€ŤÚšâ€Źá’­ŕ˝Šá€—â€ŤË—Ü’â€Ź


መೲâ€ŤÚšâ€Źá¤ˆŕąŽá›ƒ஽᡹ʽÇ? Planting on the spiral road.

ŕ ˛áĽ‹áĄšË â€ŤÜ‰â€Źŕ´Žá?‡ŐŒ Combining the road with the tower.

áœ˝á§™ View

ŮŞáŽƒ Sound

ŕ´?ŕŚ?á ˇŕŠ‡ Concept

ŕ ľßŚ Primary School

ŕ°€Ó? Tourist Spot



Office Building


Side Entrance Garage Entrance

ᛍᄕ Skin


Garage Entrance


Main Entrance

ŕŻˆá‡ŤÓ? Old Community

Գܹá„Š Ě”ᤰมáŒł Additional Circulation

঴ࣱ᭧‍ Ú?‏Site Plan

áœ‰Ěżá€?á • Glazing

á šáŽŞŕ˛ŤŃłŃŹá‰‡áŤŽ

ŐŒࣳŕŠ‡ܸӭЋᡛᤠŐŒâ€Ť×¸â€Źŕ¤‡ ŇŠĐ?ŕ ‰ Đ?ŕ

ŕŞ&#x;ŃŹËžáŁ—ŕ ľá„ŠÓ­Đ‹áˇ›ᤠŐŒŕ –áŻž

áŚŠŃŹá‰‡áŤŽá šÍťŕ ‰ܹࣹԟ

á šáŽŞŕ˛ŤŃłŃŹá‰‡áŤŽáˇ› ᤠŐŒâ€Ť×¸â€Źŕ¤‡ ŇŠĐ?ŕ ‰ Đ?ŕ

ŐŒࣳŕŠ‡ŕ°žܸᄊӭЋᡛ ᤠŐŒâ€Ť×¸â€Źŕ¤‡ ŇŠĐ?ŕ ‰ Đ?ŕ

ŕ ˛ŕ ľÓ­Đ‹ŐŒࣳᡛᤠŐŒâ€Ť×¸â€Źŕ¤‡ Đ?ŕ

áŚŠŃŹá‰‡áŤŽá šÍťŕ ‰ܹࣹԟ


ŕ´Žŕąœ Floor Stabs



Merge uints into larger ones: suit for shop/office/flat



Divide space by grid

Split uints into smaller ones:suit for hotel

Basic room uint: suit for shop/office/flat

Use part of space as outdoor platforms

‍܉‏എࣹ᭧ Tower Floor Plan



۳ాӭЋᡛ ᤠŐŒâ€Ť×¸â€Źŕ¤‡ ŇŠĐ?ŕ ‰ Đ?ŕ

áĄŒŕ¤š ŕŠ?ፎ ಊ༡ኔ

ŕŞ&#x;ŃŹËžáŁ—ŕ ľá„ŠÓ­Đ‹áˇ›ᤠŐŒŕ –áŻž

Split uints into smaller ones:suit for hotel

Divide space by grid: suit for shop/office/flat

Merge small uints into larger ones:for shop/flat

Merge uints into larger ones: suit for shop/office/flat

Use part of space as outdoor platforms

‍܉‏എҖ᭧ Section


ҪᑟѬӝ Program

፯ᓤጇፒ Green System Greenery on roofs a Wood of Tall Trees



Greenery on roofs a Wood of Small Trees

Greenery on roofs a Flower Roof

Refuge Floor

Greenery on roofs a Wood of Small Trees

ࡔᮇ࡙᜿ Roof Exhibition

Flat Greenery on roofs

Refuge Floor

a Flower Roof

Office Greenery on roofs a Wood of Small Trees

Greenery on roofs

Refuge Floor

a Wood of Small Trees

Greenery on roofs a Flower Roof

Little Shop

ࠉܱഎ೙ Outdoor Stairs

Greenery on roofs a Wood of Tall Trees

Shopping Mall Ҫ ᑟ Program

थና᭧ሥ GFA

಩ ॷ ኔ Core

19090 sqm

ࠖ ᯞ Hotel

13830 sqm

Н ࠠ Flat

10950 sqm

ҩ Н Office

10590 sqm

࠵ ‫ ׸‬ᩔ Little Shop

8510 sqm

᠔ྭ˗ॷ Shopping Mall 10770 sqm ᥘ ᬲ ࡏ Refuge Floor

1500 sqm

ࡔᮇᔉ‫ ڇ‬Roof Park

঴ ᝠ Total

75240 sqm

ᤩ᜽‫ ڏ‬Perspective Views


ጫՔҖ᭧ Longitudinal Section

᜵ቡ᭧ West Elevation

Ӓቡ᭧ North Elevation


ᓨషᜉᎶ Istallation Art


˟᜶ెந௧ᤩ௚॑ᓤ̎Бҧ౜᷍ᄇᆃߕ֗ႇ࣋Ǎ ႀ̆ᤩ௚ྭʹ ᄊᤩ࠱᷍Ի̿࠲ᒭཀྵА᣿໚֗ᤥહǍ ̡̓ᤇԻ̿ረүӧᤩ௚̎ Бҧ౜̿ᒭႀጸՌਫ਼ᤥᮨᓤǍ ጸՌᄊᮨᓤ࠲આ࠱‫ښ‬ᄇᓤႇ࣋֗ ‫ڡ‬᭧ʽᄊᄇᓤᆃߕʽǍ ᤈ࠲ѹथʷࣨႀᒭཀྵ̡֗ҧСՏ߹ੇᄊ ႇͻǍ The main materials are color acrylic sheets, white stones and canvas. Due to the transmission of transparent objects, natural light can be manually filtered and selected. People can also move color acrylic sheets to freely combine the selected colors. The combined colors will be reflected on the white canvas and the white stones on the ground. This creates a painting made by nature and man together.

᝺ᝠࣲ͋ Year 2016/ 3th Year of University

ͯᎶ Location ຬӯ᫂᷍෢ܹ᷍ॷӝ᷍˗ӯܸߦᨡ᥋ߦᬓ Central South University Railway Station,Changsha,Hunan


ொ௾ᷛᓤ॑ፍˠ ] Morning:Rich Color

˗ӥᷛఌᓤូ ] Noon:Warm Color

ܴ௹ᷛшᓤូ ] Evening:Cool Color

᫺Аᢾᤜ Solar Trajectory


ᰴ௴ᭁ ] Liz Gao थና࣎ ᜻ѳ࣎ | Architect + Planner ‫ ] ڧڡ‬Address

߷ॶᨷᬜ Tongling City,Anhui Province ႃភ ] Phone

+86 17356250631 ႃߕᥫ͈ ] Email

gaoxiaoyu0805@163.com ߦͯ ] Degree

थናˁۢ࣊ӑ ᆰ‫ܣ‬ MA Architecture and Urbanism

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