Examples of research proposals

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********************************* "...The authors of writing develop new and more sophisticated ways in expressing themselves through the words they use in writing. Style of Writing - Style of Writing In both of the books various elements of style are mentioned, William Strunk Jr. Williams Style Toward Clarity and Grace, clarity and concision are to be the most important. I think that in order for your reader to be able to enjoy and understand what they are reading, it has to be written clearly and concisely. I believed that everyone has his or her own style: whether the style be that of ones hair, clothes, or writing.... [tags: Education Writing Essays] Writing and Technology - Writing and Technology "The fact that we do not commonly feel the influence of writing on our thoughts shows that we have interiorized the technology of writing so deeply that without tremendous effort we cannot separate it from ourselves or even recognize its presence and influence (Ong, 317)." In this modern age of computers, disposable pens, and mechanical pencils, it is easy to forget that at one time writing was not so simple or convenient. become so

used to composing virtual prose at a keyboard .... [tags: Writing Technology Technological Papers] A Writing History - A Writing History Every great writer, whether it is a poet, novelist, journalist, or any other type will share a common beginning with every person, this I see. ..." "...Where they take it from there is up to them, the choice is free. It usually starts in kindergarten learning the ABC's. From there you learn to form and read words-the first step of literacy. In my opinion, writing can be fun, but it did not always seem that way to me. ..." "...This paper will give a brief background on my steps in the writing experience; this is my writing history. Writing Techniques for Sympathy in "The Bridge" by Jessie Kesson The Bridge, by Jessie Kesson is a short story which describes the thoughts and feelings of a character that faces up to a challenge of crossing a bridge with a gang that he tags along with. In this essay I will describe these thoughts and feelings that make you sympathise with character and show how the writer has used different writing techniques to show this. The three main characters in the book come with very different personalities. Mike who is the leader of the crowd is very selfish and seems to get a kick out of bullying and terrorising others. Evaluation of Writing - Evaluation of Writing Works Cited Missing "We need to recognize that composition is probably going to remain the stepchild of rather unwilling English departments, that research in teaching and learning to write will continue to scrape by on the edges of several disciplines, and that few of those who will teach writing in American schools and universities will get much training or background as part of their regular education." -E. White (Teaching and Assessing Writing) In retrospect, I fail to remember consistent writing practices or writing assignments in English class (or otherwise) as a student in middle or secondary school. ..." "...The Writing Process - The Writing Process Writing can be a very difficult process for those who do not know how to go about constructing a work of writing. I have my own ideas on how I think the writing process should be done. Time and good ideas will make for a good paper because when I begin writing a paper or an essay I take a day to think of all the possibilities to write about. If I am lucky if I have the chance to come up with my own ideas rather than have them given to me, but if that is not the case then I follow my simple steps to get through with my work . The Impact of the Computer on Writing - The Impact of the Computer on Writing In 1999 my family purchased their very first computer. A few days after, we were connected to the World Wide Web. ..."

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