2 minute read
III The Second Coming
A tribute to the god, in a mysterious temple far far away.
At the end of that river, where the ones with belief could stay.
We used to live in the dark, until god answered to our pray.
Therefore, we have power, generation after generation.
We shall not forget, let the light fade away.

Inside the Whale
Dozens of young fishermen convince that they saw a whale, and the news was brought back to the dock.
The monster is larger than ten courts, a young man said. Every time it sprays, it’s like a rapid rain, another man added.
No one in the crowd believed the story, even the most experienced old salt saw no whales in the North Sea.

Then they steered away.
When the night comes, untouchable shadow approach to city, burnished and humming.

Rhythm Place
The saxophone and the piano play two lines, sometimes intersect, sometimes parallel.

The lively freedom of the blues comes with the rhythm of the sheet.
Music reaches all ears equally, it doesn’t curtsy for the noble or the royal.
Let’s dance before the club closes.

Mall City

A flood of advertising images. A radio that won’t stop.
Always loud and colourful.
The linear cut through like a sword, one side is living, one side is work.
People lined up on the conveying belt like ants, waiting to be disassembled.
The monument, the church, the history, the culture. The Mall.


How Soon is Now?
The snow melts, hill stream among its pebbles.
A man packed his luggage, tied his shoes.
Where this journey might lead him is still unknown.
More winter comes, with more patience and persistence.
He still must set off again and again with hope, respectfully follow the arrangement of nature.
Weakly, tamely shuttle across this land.

Back of House

Some say, you can hear howling inside the wall at night, like a giant beast.
Some say, there is a tunnel connectingthe city to land, where everything is provided.
Some are determined to go and live in the world above, wondering how different it would be.
But no one dares to go down and wake the beast.

Turn On the Sun
It is not allowed to contaminate the hidden gold utensils with other people’s fingerprints.
The collection of favourite landscapes needs to be put in velvet metal boxes.
the muffled sound of the trees cried out desire. The noise of the moment scoffs at the music of the eternal.
Turn on the sun,
We conspired quietly, to keep a private forest between square inches.

Cloud Platform
Ripples of dots, Like burning holes in a black canvas.

People hurriedly pass by and encounter in the dark, shining bright light.
The whisper of eternal shadows, waves at the shore of the world, languishes in silence.
it’s a single sparkle that starts a prairie fire, an individual that becomes a herd.

Walk In Emmental
What’s inside an emmental? There are countless tunnel.
No way in, No way out.
Only wait, walk, and run, With nothing happens at all.
Empty shells from which no one has written, and of course with no one would work that out.
Waiting to be shattered in the dust, what’s inside an emmental?