1 minute read

Tale III: The Second Coming


Cargo Cult Curture/Technology Worship


As first been created after an indigenous religion that emerged in the post-World War II South Pacific. As described by Richard Feynman in his presentation: During the war, these natives saw a lot of good materials when the planes landed during the war. Admirers build something like an airport runway and everything else that appears to be present at an airport in anticipation of getting those goods in this seemingly perfect form.

These observed behaviours of manipulating machines have been limited to scientifically useful results. In the current situation, where information barriers exist and are relatively complex, this technology worship is no longer the prerogative of indigenous people. The unethical and deceptive use of science in modern society and the use of this opaque messaging to falsely promote one's own results and try to gain people's trust. And the public increasingly lacks self-thinking and blindly believes in these stories.

keyword: technology worship/unremembered

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