7.THE NOMADLAND-S3_1(FINAL Include Comic&Notebook)/RIBA Silver Medal Nomination

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Eternal Story

The Nomadland is an imaginary and ephemeral installation aimed at reflecting the desire to escape from and assimilated to the city



‘Infrastructure Space seeks to find the latent possibihlities inherent in things that already exist and to ask how these might be put to use in service of society. We are concerned with the productive capacity of existing infrastructure and the combination of systems into new infrastructure that addresse environmental issues in tandem with the socio-cultural ramifications. We accept time as an operative condition and within this, use as a temporary state amidst more structural permanence. Materially, we are interested in the recovery of matter and the oscillations of scale as things are cast and recast, processed and reprocessed, eroded and reconstituted. Moreover, we are interested in how the virtual and real co-exist and the technological, environmental and ecological opportunities within these parameters’

In Studio 1 we used the lens of nomadism to analyze the North Sea from a wide angle. The concept of nomadism is highly human-based, therefore, In Studio 2, we discovered the particular characteristics of modern nomad figures, and found their plight in a constrained system. This approach added ethical tones to our study and filled up the whole nomad theory. Then a story started to emerge.

At the beginning of Studio 3, we combined objective speculation and subjective experience into an imaginary place in the North Sea called Nomadland. We use a set of graphic novels to deliver this enchanting story which unveils a nomadic lifestyle and to design an absurd stage which reflects technology dependency. This approach provides the opportunity to explore literature and drawings as the perceptual medium in architectural design.

We also decided on another book recording the whole unique process of our teamwork, but still maintained the atmosphere of the whole story-telling. It was interpreted to another story, illustrated as an architectural team took part in the making of Nomadland in the 2050s. It was an elaborate collection of group discussions, sketches, diagrams and final drawings, which was dedicated to each thought in the wonderful journey.

These two documents, together with the ‘Tale Book’ completed in Studio2, all depict the Nomadland with different mediums and from different perspectives. We hope they will increase the depth of the project in all dimensions and let the audience immerse themselves in the world we created.


(Emily) Luo



BYE-bye The Nomadland - Studio Three INFRA:SPACE X MSA

Indroduction of Documents

The comic uses an unprecedented method to illustrate the Nomadland, not only does it help the audience to understand the nomadland on a small scale, but also have a glimpse of the spatial emotion quality. It is told from the view of Frank, a citizen, about his experiences on Nomadland. The nomadland gradually appears before your eyes as the story unfolds.

The Notebook is based on a series of hand-drawn and architectural drawings produced by our entire group during the design of Nomadland, documenting our discussions and personal understanding of the site. We have tried to understand the site from the perspective of the architects who built it, fictionalising how an architectural team in 2050 was invited by a client to design Nomadland in the North Sea.

In the form of tales, we have transformed our vision of Nomadland into a series of impressions of Nomadland from people who have ever visited it over the centuries. These fragments of Oral History are no longer true, and may even be grotesque, but the stories build up our initial impressions of Nomadland. (Submitted in Studio 2)

Comic Notebook Talebook
BYE-bye The Nomadland - Studio Three INFRA:SPACE X MSA

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