OTF: 3dPA 21/22 Booklet

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OTF: 3dPA 21/22

INDEX 00_Introduction 01 ... Physical 1:1 01 ... Valldaura Living Prototype Thesis 02 ... Valldaura Structural Prototype 03 ... Valldaura Design Process 02 ... Techne 01_Machine 02_Matter 03_Structure 03...Design Studio 04...Conclusion 05...Acknowledgements


OTF: 3dPA 21/22

INTRODUCTION The Postgraduate in 3D Printing Architecture is a programme of applied research. Rather than imagining an architecture for a long-term future, our aim is to apply state of the art technology to today’s construction paradigm. It is axed around the continuity of the development of a body of research long explored in the Institute together with our industry partners. The course runs as a partially collective programme with a mixed group of researchers of IAAC’s Master second years and other specialised students with interest in 3d printing, in eco-friendly material research or in the field of housing. In this case, the material being 3d printed earth. The course is structured in 3 phases: explorations, a series of exercises to gain knowledge into the topic followed by a design charrette and the construction of a 1:1 prototype that ambitions to be as close a possible to a real building fragment, all of which are abridged in this publication.





OTF: 3dPA 21/22

1:1 EARTHEN 3D PRINTING IN VALLDAURA The objective of the project was the collective design and construction of a living prototype of an earthen 3d printed enclosed room, covered by a timber roof and sealed against the elements. Students participated in workshops and a brief design charette, synthesizing the work done in the research period. The result was a series of structural prototypes, and a collectively designed living prototype, all of which were printed 1:1 at Valldaura.


VALLDAURA Collserola National Park, Barcelona, Spain

SITE BRIEF The chosen site is in Valldaura, within walking distance of the Valldaura Labs. This location was selected mainly to be able to use the earth from the site as the main element in the material mixture to build the prototype. We are able to use the natural water available on site without having to bring in an external source of water supply. The site is big enough to allow us to add modules in the future. And by using the wasp crane, we are also able to grow the network of machines and prototypes by using the structure that is already in place. For the foundation we are using gabion walls that maximize the use of the cranes printing radius. It also has limited impact to the site and allows for drainage.



BRIEF The factors influencing the schematic design of the living prototype include but are not limited to, materiality, climate, structure, site conditions, printer radius and location, the existing gabion foundations in place, and occupancy activities. The proposed layout of the scheme will need to accommodate for both the additional structure of the roof, as well as the innate structure of the clay walls. The project aims to build a sustainable, km zero robotically printed earthen building, with earth from the site itself.



SUSTAINABILITY 3dPA research aims at achieving a sustainable and structurally stable construction system using km-0 robotic additive manufacturing. In the first prints of prototypes in Valldaurain this cycle of 3dPA, a mixture of industrial clay, transported from the city was used. However, due to km-0 aspirations, for the final prototype, earth was extracted from the site itself, left to dry for a month, and later processed on site itself to be suitable for printing.


MATERIAL PROCESSING Due to the 3dPA‘s aims at achieving a sustainable and structurally stable construction system using km-0 robotic additive manufacturing, all material was excavated and processed on site. After being set to dry on pallets, the excavated earth is sifted using an orbital sifter. It is then weighed into a 60 kgmix. The mix has additives in the form of special enzymes, short sisal fibers, and water, with the fluidity of the mix being a key point in producing a pumpable and printable clay.



CRANEWASP CRANEWASP, created by WASP (World‘s Advanced Saving Project) is the machine used in the production of the Valldaura Prototypes, and the Living Prototype. It is a four meter high crane printer, that operates on a polar coordinate system. It is a configurable system, meaning that in theory, many printers can be used at once on one configured system of columns. CRANEWASP is capable of printing concrete, earth based materials, and polymers.




OTF: 3dPA 21/22

1:1 STRUCTURAL PROTOTYPING The objective of the workshop was the collective design and construction of a prototype of an earthen 3d printed wall covered by a timber roof. The design implies the examination of how the printed pattern receives the wooden members.Students designed and drew 2d catalogues of trusses and customised periods, and then modeled its integration within a wall assembly, as a 3dimensional model. After this, an intensive period of 1:1 physical prototyping ensued, wherein machine and material troubleshooting and structural design were the key objectives. The result was four structural prototypes, collectively holding a simple roof, to test for the viability of wood to clay structural roof connections.



1:1 Scale Wall With the Truss GROUP 1 TEAM: Aslinur Taskin, Deena El-Mahdy, Leonardo Bin Michelle Isoldi, Mouad Laalou

BRIEF The objective of the workshop was the collective design and construction of a prototype of an earthen 3d printed wall covered by a timber roof. The design implies the examination of how the printed pattern receives the wooden members.

CONCLUSIONS This group concluded with findings about the process of 1:1 printing. FIndings stated that a site manager was necessary to establish a communication with the collective group who was printing. It also concluded that any batch of clay over 90kg was difficult to mix, so batches should be limited to less than that. Everything should be cleaned thoroughly to make the site prep for the next day easier, and all machinery should be adequately sealed.


Infill H

Infill G

Infill H

Infill G

Infill F

Infill F Infill E Infill D

2200 mm

Infill E

Infill D

Infill C

Infill C

Infill B

Infill B

Infill A

Infill A

Part II - Infills catalogue

750transitions mm Infill


200 mm

400 mm




Aslinur Deena ElLeona Michell Mouad



Lower base infill




250 mm







Aslinur Taskin Deena El-Mahdy Leonardo Bin Michelle Isoldi Mouad Laalou

Group 1

Wall infills


GROUP 2 TEAM: Mariam Arwa Al-Hachami, Juliana Rodriguez Torres, Orestis Pavlidis, Nawaal Saksouk, Eugene Marais

BRIEF The selected 60 x 60 x 100 portion of the designed wall aims to test the feasibility of the opening in terms of its angle of inclination, as well as the rigidity of the footing connection embedded in the clay layering. Tangencies are maintained not only within the distinct infill designs but also vertically to create seamless curvature of the facade. The truss employs coplanar joints between wooden members. The triangulation of the truss is suited for the roofs’ tilt and uses additional bracing along the surface.


1 to 1 Model


The top of the opening presented problems in the geometry at a 1 to 1 scale. Revisions might include a of the2infills starting from lower layers. The Photographsclosing - Group gradient of the clay convey the various mixes extruded throughout the construction. The prototype at this scale proved the feasibility of the inclines at the truss opening. Tangency and offsetting between the curves in the model allowed good adhesion between infills during printing.

01 Vertical Pass-Through

02 Two-Axis Pass-Through Variant 1

03 Half-Lap Variant 1

04 Half Lap Variant 2


GROUP 3 TEAM: Marwa Abdelrehim, Mehdi Harrak, Nareh Khaloian, Seni Dara, Sammar Allam

Phase 2.


Adding Rafters [Shade supporter]

The objective of the workshop was the collective design and construction of a prototype of an earthen 3d printed wall covered by a timber roof. The design implies the examination of how the printed pattern receives the wooden members.

of 1:10 scale model


Connection 1

CONCLUSIONS This group concluded with findings about the process of 1:1 printing. FIndings stated that a site manager was necessary to establish a communication with the collective group who was printing. It also concluded that any batch of clay over 90kg was difficult to mix, so batches should be limited to less than that. Everything should be cleaned thoroughly to make the site prep for the next day easier, and all machinery should be adequately sealed.


Infill Pattern Iterations Catalogue

Group 3

Wall Infills


Part 4 - Fabrication GROUP 4


TEAM: Michelle Bezik, Charles Musyoki, Hendrik Benz, Adel Alatassi

BRIEF The objective of the workshop was the collective design and construction of a prototype of an earthen 3d printed wall covered by a timber roof. The design implies the examination of how the printed pattern receives the wooden members. In this prototype, final wall design had a double inclined roof structure, and a truss connection rises over the walls length. The truss featured japanese joinery in the form of a wooden roof Part .2 - Prototype connection without the need of a bolt, with wooden “keys” to interlock Scale model 1:10 the wooden beams instead of metal joinery.


CONCLUSIONS This group concluded with findings about the process of 1:1 printing. FIndings stated that a site manager was necessary to establish a communication with the collective group who was printing. It also concluded that any batch of clay over 90kg was difficult to mix, so batches should be limited to less than that. Everything should be cleaned thoroughly to make the site prep for the next day easier, and all machinery should be adequately sealed.


. Photographs: 1:10 scale model measuring 60 x 60 x 220 mm



. column: 1:1 cut-out of the wall by 600 x 600 x 2200 mm

. section: wooden truss embed and

interlocked at single access point

Adel Alatassi, Hendrik Benz, Michelle Bezik, Charles Musyoki






OTF: 3dPA 21/22

1:1 CONSTRUCTION: A LIVING PROTOTYPE The objective of the project was the collective design and construction of a living prototype of an earthen 3d printed enclosed room, covered by a timber roof and sealed against the elements. Students participated in a brief design charette, synthesizing the work done in the research period to produce a collective prototype. After this, an intensive period of 1:1 physical fabrication ensued, wherein machine and material optimization was key. Special attention was paid towards the logistics of producing a 3d Printed building, including the logistics of processing the in-situ excavated material. The result was a living prototype, a small sealed room with the elements necessary for living.


DESIGN OBJECTIVES PROJECT BRIEF The factors influencing the schematic design of the living prototype include but are not limited to, climate, structure, site conditions, printer radius and location, the existing gabion foundations in place, and occupancy activities. The proposed layout of the scheme needed to accommodate for both the additional structure of the roof, as well as the innate structure of the clay walls. For structural support, the walls are printed in L and T shapes, as opposed to a straight wall. The two main walls stand parallel to each other, aligning with the structural grid of the roof trusses, with a structural break along the west wall. The result is an enclosed interior space, which is climatically protected by various design interventions

RESEARCH UTILIZED Based on research conducted during the design charette, a variety of details and topics were tackled. The major topics addressed in detail included, but were not limited to: schematic design, logistics, ground interface, light openings, airflow, wall cavity ventilation, heat conductivity, roof structure, built-in furnishings, finishing material, and waterproofing.




RESEARCH UTILIZED Based on research conducted during the design charette, the decision was taken to print on top of a geopolymer base, with an incorporated detail that could ventilate the walls to improve the shrinkage of the material during the drying period. A waterproofing layer was laid down, which a formwork was printed on top of. Rebar was set intos the formwork, as were ventilation tubes, before geopolymer was cast into the form. After the geopolymer had set, the outer layers were kept on for a few days until they were eventually removed by hand.



RESEARCH UTILIZED 3D printing showcases its strength in the ability to manipulate geometries yielding a variety of shapes and forms. Key to consider in the production of this infinite range of forms is the variable driving the form’s geometries (in this case a light vector) and the density of material required in giving rise to the geometries. This research is aimed at an exploration of geometries that allow for least material density and the most diffused light quality, being the most comfortable range of light in an indoor environment. By utilitizing a specific geometry, openings were parametrically designed along the west facade.



RESEARCH UTILIZED The research looked at designing 3D printed clay void wall to control and channel the airflow. The design is inspired by the methods used traditionally for air capture in the hot arid climate. The criteria of the design is focusing on the relationship between the velocity and the airflow pattern. This is achieved by exploring the geometrical parameters that control airflow from outside to inside the space. The parameters of wall elements that will be studied; the surface openings, orientation, surface pattern and air cavity shape.



RESEARCH UTILIZED One of the key challenges of printing with earth is the shrinkage of the earth, and the cracking due to uneven drying. The inside of a cavity wall dries much slower than its exposed, outer side. Because of this, students designed a ventilation machine and system that could accelerate the drying of the inner part of the cavity wall. Several of these machines were attached to the prototype, to aid in the drying of the material and reduce the shrinkage.



RESEARCH UTILIZED Generating a good connection between a wall and an enclosure can be the key to achieve climatic comfort inside a house, despite weather changes. Taking this into consideration, the research looked at different alternatives for the wooden connections between the dwelling enclosures such as a roof, windows, doors and the 3D-printed clay wall, aiming to accomplish an improvement in heat conduction and increase the climate comfort. This resulted in a variety of clay and wood connection details for the door and window.



RESEARCH UTILIZED The aim of the roof is to protect from the elements, mainly wind, water, and sun. Overhangs and angles were designed with the site data collected to find the appropriate design. The truss design is highly optimized, with the angled base of the truss having a standardized angle and shape, with the keying in the clay following the designed roof angle. The keys themselves are designed to be sawed to a finish after installation, as part of the finishing process of the interior. With the progressive shrinkage of the clay overtime, the connection between the clay and wood becomes stronger after the clay is fully dry.


-in Furnishing Detail

ng and Respite





By creating a wood-to-clay detail, students were able to integrate built in furniture for the living prototype, as evidenced by the usage of the detail (illustrated right) in creating a structure that holds a bed. These details were used to incorporate a bed and a table. Something important to note is the assembly strategy for the detail, in which the immediate connecting piece, made from wood, is inserted and then rotated 90 degrees to rest on the reciprocating clay infill designed for it. It then is topped by the necessary surface for its program. This detail can be adapted for many types of furniture, including beds, tables, chairs, and shelves.

rior Intervention

connection detail for board (120x190) support


2400 mm






3D printed un

RESEARCH UTILIZED The effects of water on earthen structures are well documented less research has focused on actually reshaping of the design of earthen structures to formulate a proper solution to this problem. 3D printing today, through computational data-driven design explorations is expanding the boundaries of possibilities in terms of design-led problem solving in architecture. This research is aimed at a morphological and material exploration around showcasing the opportunities given 3D Printed offset bumps by 3D printing in solving the complex issue of fulfilling the Introducing structural requirements of earthen in the coated offset bumps builds for presence of water. In the case of the prototype, both Runoff slowing and impact a use of designed infill to increase runoff time, and a protective coating were tested and used.

Physical prototype

Water test and conclusion

3D printed co

Coating application

Physical prototype

Water test and conclusion

1 Manual extrusion

ing application

Plaster smoothing

Impact erosion test


al extrusion


2 Plaster smoothing

3 Coating projection

4 Brush finishing

act erosion test 41












OTF: 3dPA 21/22

TECHNE: STATE OF THE ART The TECHNE portion of the program consisted of an series of experimental and hands-on workshop dealing with the overarching topic of Additive Manufacturing using earth as a material. Ecofriendly material printing resides in the control of robotic technology and the mastering of its complex materiality. The program rests on a series of intensive workshops during which specific questions related to digital techniques, materialities, and structural performances are addressed by a quick back and forth between 3D modelling, material testing, printing and analysis of the solutions. The result is three overall workshops dealing respectively with digital modelling and printing (MACHINE), the study and testing of earth as a material (MATTER), and the structural logics for printing with earth (STRUCTURE).


MACHINE FACULTY: Ashkan Foroughi Dehnavi, Supported by Francesco Polvi

BRIEF Additive manufacturing technology opens the possibility to carefully design the material distribution over geometries, taking advantage of the wide pallet of material available to build architecture. MACHINE is the introductory workshop to introduce technologies, techniques and materiality on deposition modeling and its implication in design. Materiality directly informs the technology and the methodology of fabrication, needing to adapt the process to characteristics and peculiarities of the material itself. This workshop examines the implications of paste extrusion, in particular clay, on the 3d printing process and how it modifies the traditional printing methodologies. The students were introduced to 3d printing technology and how the mechatronics behave, control systems and possible outcomes on multiple configurations, understanding the limits and future improvement possibilities. Finally, the workshop concluded with a series of prints based on methodological design assumptions. The systems built along this workshop worked as fast small scale Phase 2 : rapid Modular Curve Generation Group 4 prototyping platforms. In a week, students learned to use the necessary design and fabrication skills to both design for, and physically make, basic 3d printed earthen objects.


Iteration 1

Iteration 2

Iteration 3












Module 5

Iteration 1

Iteration 2

Iteration 3

Hendrik Benz Michelle Bezik Nareh Khaloian Eugene Marais Aslinur Taskin

Iteration 1

ular Curve Generation

Phase 2 : Modular Curve Generation

ase 2 : Modular Curve Generation

up 4

Hendrik Benz Michelle Bezik Nareh Khaloian Eugene Marais Aslinur Taskin

Iteration 2

Group 4

Hendrik Benz Michelle Bezik Nareh Khaloian


MATTER FACULTY: Elisabetta Carnevale

BRIEF Earth as a material opens the possibility to build in a more sustainable fashion. One of the things that makes earth such a sustainable material is the widespread abundance of it, as it is found in most locations worldwide. The challenge in building with earth is that earth does not have a uniform composition in every location. Add in the unique challenges of 3d-printing with earth, and the need for having a solid foundation in the assessment and refinement of earth as a building material is evident. MATTER is the introductory workshop to introduce vernacular and contemporary earthen architecture, assessment techniques, and material refinement techniques on the material of earth. This workshop examines the implications of printing with in-situ excavated earth. The students were introduced to empirical assesment and testing methods and how the material behaves, with a focus on refining the material for 3d-printing, with regards to pumpability, cohesion, stabilisation, additives, fibres, and drying. The workshop ultimately lead to the skills that allowed for the in-situ excavation of earth at valldaura, and the subsequent material processed for the final 1:1 prototype.



STRUCTURE FACULTY: Guillem Baurat, Alexandre Dubor, Assisted by Ashkan Foroughi

BRIEF One of the main characteristics of architecture is its necessity to be structural. Working with materials and form, architects and structural engineers have developed over millenaries methods to design, calculate and build structures with increasing freedom and accuracy. 3D printing, with its promise of free form fabrication, challenges those methods towards new possibilities of material optimisation assisted by computer analysis. Yet extrusion based additive manufacturing like earth 3D printing have intrinsic constraints from the gravitational force exerted during the fabrication process, when the shape is not yet fully completed or the material is not yet solidified. This workshop will be the occasion to understand the structural behaviors at stake during the 3d printing process and to discover how geometry influences the printability and the structural properties of the object during and after the 3D printing process. Students will have the opportunity to design their own geometries, to learn how to predict its structural behavior using computational analysis, and to finally physically test their 3D printed design until failure.




OTF: 3dPA 21/22

RESEARCH IN 3D PRINTING EARTHEN ARCHITECTURE Research refers to the systematic method consisting of identifying a problem, formulating a hypothesis, collecting facts or data, analysing the facts and reaching certain conclusions either in the form of solution(s) towards the concerned problem or in certain generalisations for some theoretical formulation. 3D Printing Architecture promises new shapes and performances, a set of possibilities yet to be discovered. This 3DPA research track seeks those new opportunities combining development in Matter, Machine and Design to offer new architectural solutions capable of improving the construction process and the resulting architecture in an immediate time frame. A particular focus will be given to solutions applicable in the short term in the current construction industry context. Students were guided to develop original research, going beyond the state of the art in 3D printing architecture, using a creative and hands-on methodology to explore new solutions and using a scientific methodology to finally prove the new performance obtained. The majority of this research was later used to design The Living Prototype located in Valldaura.


CONTINUOUS FIBERS TEAM: Aslinur Taskin, Hendrik Benz, Michelle Bezik

RESEARCH QUESTION Digital Fabrication promises a maximum of design freedom, complex shapes for a minimum of the cost. 3D-printing and the digitization of the construction industry is of high interest for manufacturers. However compared with conventional building methods, like concrete casting or bricklaying, 3D printing comes still with a high risk of failure. Each new layer brings the risk of failure of the entire object. Can the placement of fibres optimize design freedom and stability while printing?

RESEARCH ABSTRACT The construction industry is one of the largest emitter of greenhouse gases and hence an industry with immense opportunities to drive innovation to reduce further contribution to climate change within the next years. Undoubtedly the biggest emission of CO2 is released during the production of cement for the use of concrete. Concrete has become the global all round building material and, so it seems, without leaving space for the use of alternative materials or vernacular techniques. Building with earth has large tradition all around the globe, but the affordability of cement as cheap building material, the amount of manual non-automated labour necessary and the small profit-range have reduced the use of earthen architecture on the modern construction sector. New technologies as 3d printing are enabling the use of this traditional material and all the benefits it brings with it. The 3d printing with earth and clay has its benefits and challenges. To achieve more acceptance and a wider area of use, this research will focus on how to improve the 3d printing of multi storey designs. Securely 3d printing multiple storeys in a 1:1 building scale is still a challenging task and many factors have to be considered and outlined beforehand.


Column Prototype

Design // Selected Geometry


Experiment Phase 1 3-Point-Bending Test

3D-scans of both clay prototypes were taken and compared to the digital model in terms of their deviation























AIRFLOW TEAM: Deena ElMahdy, Marwa Abdelrehim, Adel Alatassi

RESEARCH QUESTION Thermal comfort is an important factor that determines the health and productivity of the occupants. With the high fluctuation in temperature, users started to depend on a high demand of artificial cooling and heating that depends on electrical energy to switch over natural ventilation. The research asks: how does one control, optimize, and channel the airflow movement/ acceleration/pattern through wall openings to cool a space?

RESEARCH ABSTRACT Considering the vital role of natural ventilation in achieving the thermal comfort, finding ways that result in efficient airflow within the building while decrease the reliance on mechanical system is essential. Our research aims at designing 3D printed clay void wall to control and channel the airflow. The design is inspired by the methods used traditionally for air capture in the hot arid climate. The criteria of the design is focusing on the relationship between the velocity and the airflow pattern. This is achieved by exploring the geometrical parameters that control airflow from outside to inside the space. The parameters of wall elements that will be studied; the surface openings, orientation, surface pattern and air cavity shape. The method is divided into two phases to measure the airflow pattern, speed and cavity size inside the space; Sand testing : to predict the 2D airflow pattern through obstacles using sand on a horizontal, Plane Smoke tests: to predict the 2D airflow pattern inside a space using smoke through a vertical plane, CFD simulation : to validate the simulation of both tests. Further research can study adapted applications scenarios that combines dual cooling and heating.


Physical testing: 02

Smoke machine airflow test through different opening cavity



Velocity Magnitude km/h


3D printed physical opening

he airflow performance through the opening size and angle Scale 1:10

Catalogue 01

Different airflow paths through openings

The research succeeded to cover and find a dual solution/answers to solve even the bad cases that will be proved later.

Venturi effect

Multiple Inclination of 30 degree

1 Inclination of 30 degree


More turbulence Good ventilation

Less turbulence Less ventilation

More turbulence Less ventilation

Less turbulence More ventilation






Experimental setup Dripping test

WATER TEAM: Mehdi Harrak, Mouad Laalou, Nareh Khaloian

RESEARCH QUESTION Earth as a building material, due to its abundance and accessibility, has been used successfully for many years in various parts of the world yet so it is one of the most vulnerable construction method. The deterioration of these structures is still a constant preoccupation as it has substantially slowed the development of earthen architecture, the first threat to its durability is the effect of water in all its forms causing structural pathologies on the skin and core of earthen walls. How much earthen architecture can resist water? Can 3D printing improve the resilience of earthen architecture against Rain ? Can we implement waterflow channeling and harvesting into earthen architecture ?


References : ● ●

Experimental setup : research and final proposal of Design Through Erosion. Paola Salcedo (Ecuador), Wandy Mulia (Germany Dripping and spraying height : Earth plasters: the influence of clay mineralogy in the plasters’ properties. José Lima, Antonio S

Pascal Odul in Compressed Earth blocks: Manual of design and construction (1990) states that a majority of phenomena of erosion are directly related to the actions of rain, wind, and human beings.While the effects of water on earthen structures are well documented in the literature, less research has focused on actually reshaping of the design of earthen structures to formulate a proper solution to this problem. 3D printing today, through computational data-driven design explorations is expanding the boundaries of possibilities in terms of design-led problem solving in architecture. This research is aimed at a morphological and material exploration around showcasing the opportunities given by 3D printing in solving the complex issue of fulfilling the structural requirements of earthen builds in the presence of water, moreover, it is introducing it as more than a pathological component but as a resource to repel, to channel out of the wall or to harvest.



Mechanics in 45º wind-driven rain

Subdivision : 12.5

Runoff length : 1

Incidence angle : Coating 45º

Runoff length : 2.5

Runoff length : 1.5

Runoff length : 1.5

Runoff length : 1.8

Incidence angle : 30º - 45º - 90º

Incidence angle 65º

Incidence angle 25º

Incidence angle : 45º - 90º

Dripping tests Paper

Paper + G + linseed

Paper + Glycerin

Pine Resin + Wax + G

Chitosan + G

120 min

30 min

30 min

300 min

240 min

Alginate + G

Potato starch + G

Egg yolk + Linseed


Arabic Gum

150 min

30 min

420 min

240 min

120 min

Shea Butter

Wheat Flour

Casein II

Linseed Oil


17 min

280 min

15 min

70 min

6 min

Linseed Oil

Algae powder

Casein I

Aloe Vera

Egg white

70 min

30 min

60 min

120 min

120 min


HEAT CONDUCTIVITY TEAM: Michelle Isoldi, Orestis Pavlidis, Leonardo Bin

RESEARCH QUESTION Generating a good connection between a wall and an enclosure can be the key to achieve climatic comfort inside a house, despite weather changes. How to achieve an adequate connection between a house enclosure and a 3D printed clay wall to improve heat conductivity inside the wall and achieve climate comfort in the dwelling ?

RESEARCH ABSTRACT Generating a good connection between a wall and an enclosure can be the key to achieve climatic comfort inside a house, despite weather changes. Taking this into consideration, the research aims to propose different conductivity through alternatives for the woodenHeat connections between the different wall connections Wall connection 07 dwelling enclosures such as a roof, windows, doors and the 3D-printed clay wall, aiming to accomplish an improvement in heat conduction and increase the climate comfort. Both physical and digital tests will be performed to address proposals for geometric alterations between the termination of the wall and the corresponding connection, the first will be carried out inside a thermal box built to measure the temperature variations of a volume using a thermal camera and a thermistor sensor, both located inside the box. The second test will be performed through different digital software such as therm, which will allow us to evaluate the transfer of heat through conduction and convection in different infills and wall connections.

Monge projection and assembly

Projection and explode isometric view for the frame assembly.


Heat conductivity through different wall connections Thermal box


Screw to adjust the frame DHT11 Sensor for temperature and humidity

DHT11 Sensor for temperature and humidity Chamber to thermal camera

Polyurethane foam

Attachment screws

Mobile frame

Foam to improve insulation Polyethylene foam and aluminum

Physical test

Define experimental setup to validate the performance.

Heat conductivity through different wall connections Heat Flux Calculation











Equation: q= -conductivity Δk ΔT/L (ΔT: Temperature difference, L: length) Heat through different wall

Distance between sections: 20 mm Heat Transmittance Calculation

Thermal conductivity of materials: connections

Results: Average in w/m2 (watts/square meters)

Air (dry atmosphere): k=0.0262 w/mK Pine Wood (perpendicular to grain): k=0.14 w/mK Pine Wood (vertical to grain): k=0.22 w/mK Earth (dry): k=1.5 w/mK Clay (saturated): k=0.6-2.5 w/mK

Weak spot Transmittance

28.6 W/m^2

30.2 W/m^2

Computational test

24.6 W/m^2

24.4 W/m^2

Multiple sections are made to determine the heat transfer through the wall and obtain an average in a hypothetical scenario of 35 degrees outside and 27 degrees inside.



U factor EXT.= 0.7128 W/m^2K U factor INT.= 0.7406 W/m^2K

U factor EXT.= 0.8293 W/m^2K U factor INT.= 0.8626 W/m^2K

Heat flux.= 7.8179 W/m^2

Heat flux.= 9.1053 W/m^2



U factor EXT.= 0.7602 W/m^2K U factor INT.= 0.7868 W/m^2K

U factor EXT.= 0.7704 W/m^2K U factor INT.= 0.7426 W/m^2K

Heat flux.= 8.3053 W/m^2

Heat flux.= 7.8383 W/m^2

30.5 W/m^2

29.7 W/m^2


U factor EXT.= 0.7021 W/m^2K U factor INT.= 1.0154 W/m^2K Heat flux.= 10.7183 W/m^2

26.5 W/m^2 29.3 W/m^2

27.8 W/m^2

25.2 W/m^2



U factor EXT.= 0.6611 W/m^2K U factor INT.= 0.9578 W/m^2K

U factor EXT.= 0.7557 W/m^2K U factor INT.= 1.0187 W/m^2K Heat flux.= 7.9769 W/m^2

Heat flux.= 10.1100 W/m^2

Legend: Transmittance value [W/m^2]: 21.1









U factor EXT.= 0.9384 W/m^2K U factor INT.= 0.7777 W/m^2K

U factor EXT.= 0.8005 W/m^2K U factor INT.= 0.6733 W/m^2K

Heat flux.= 9.9055 W/m^2

Heat flux.= 7.1066 W/m^2


U factor EXT.= 0.8679 W/m^2K U factor INT.= 0.9045 W/m^2K Heat flux.= 9.5475 W/m^2

U factor: Coefficient of thermal transmittance 30.3


Digital test Transmittance and Heat flow values are digitally computed through the two-Dimensional Building Heat-Transfer software Therm.


Ergonomics in Earthen 3D Printed Water Fixtures


Catalogue of References / Comparative Precedent Analysis

TEAM: Juliana Rodriguez-Torres, Nawaal Saksouk, Mariam Al-Hachami


A comp





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While there is still much in the way of resolving domestic needs with 3D printing, uncovering its potential advantages over conventional building systems, the integration of water fixtures is of particular importance considering the indispensability of sanitation in domestic programs. How to achieve the design of a wall that can geometrically envelop the functions of water fixtures into space, considering ergonomic performance?

RESEARCH ABSTRACT The implementation of computational design and 3D printing technology into the fields of architecture and construction is taking place in recent years largely in the form of small 3D printed housing units. While there is still much in the way of resolving domestic needs with 3D printing, uncovering its potential advantages over conventional building systems, the integration of water fixtures is of particular importance considering the indispensability of sanitation in domestic programs. Moreover, sanitary infrastructure constitutes an essential component of housing. The creation of water fixtures with 3D printed manufacturing deals directly with human ergonomics. Ergonomics being the applied study of human dimensions and movement, and their relation to space and objects, this research seeks to understand how to achieve the design of a 3D printed clay wall which can envelop the various functions of water fixtures into space, considering ergonomic performance. Juliana Rodríguez Torres Mariam Arwa Al Hachami Nawaal Saksouk




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Earthen 3D Printed Water Fixtures


















mics in Earthen 3D Printed Water Fixtures

erations for Analysis

Friday 26th November Final Review


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LIGHT TEAM: Seni Dara, Charles Musyoki, Eugene Marais

RESEARCH QUESTION Natural lighting in architecture is essential as it provides visual comfort, reduces the amount of conventional energy used and, at the same time, diminishes thermal gains indoors caused by artificial lighting. By observing how light behaves, we can work with it to reveal architecture. How can the design of window openings in a 3D printed wall be optimized to attain oriented direct and diffuse light quality?

RESEARCH ABSTRACT For all light sources, the luminous effect depends upon four factors: the source (its intensity, its directional characteristics, its color); the geometry (its relationship between the source and the receiver or receiving surface); the surfaces that receive and modify light, becoming secondary light sources in themselves by reflecting, redirecting, and coloring light; and the person who views the source and illuminated surfaces as he or she moves around. The openings in an enclosure define a new source of light which acquires universal meanings of architectural expression from the distinct meanings associated with light of the place. 3D printing showcases its strength in the ability to manipulate geometries yielding a variety of shapes and forms. Key to consider in the production of this infinite range of forms is the variable driving the form’s geometries (in this case a light vector) and the density of material required in giving rise to the geometries. This research is aimed at an exploration of geometries that allow for least material density and the most diffused light quality, being the most comfortable range of light in an indoor environment.



OTF: 3dPA 21/22

STUDIO IN 3D PRINTED EARTHEN ARCHITECTURE The aim of the studio is to design a housing project made out of 3d printed earth, and to speculate on the possibilities of earth as a construction material in different contexts. Students were tasked to take and argue a series of decisions such as the choice of location, climate, context, amount of users, number of floors, and type of roof structure. The working methodology rests on the program’s specific performance based design approach, starting by defining what the building needs to achieve in 3 performative domains (structure, climate and inhabitation), and then progressively modelling the tectonic solutions that will best achieve them. With a special focus on specific climate response, the studio showcased a variety of different solutions for earthen 3d printed housing in Germany, China, Egypt, Burundi, Venezuela, and Morocco.


BERLIN, GERMANY TEAM: Aslinur Taskin, Hendrik Benz, Michelle Bezik



The typology of the Berlin Block was developed at the end of the 18th century, during the beginnings of the industrial revolution and the move of people into city to work in factories. During the second world war large areas of Berlin were bombed and until today there are empty sites laying undeveloped as a gaping wound of unused housing potential. By looking at the Berlin building typology, large buildings were situated in a way to support courtyards and create mini blocks throughout a single street. This project aims to create a 3d-printed intervention that responds to this typology.

The climatic response focuses on thermal comfort, solar heat-gain, and ventilation strategies. Maximizing irradiated surface in winter, minimizing it in summer. The project aims to achieve a maximum of solar heat-gain in summer with large window openings, but at the same time the windows are in need of being triple glazed. The walls need to be insulated for comfort during the freezing temperatures during winter. In a cold climate where a well-insulated shell closes the interior spaces off from the exterior conditions, providing ventilation without energy loss is critical. We will explore ways in which the an earthen shell can insulate while also allowing for air flow. In 3D printing the mentioned solutions can be achieved also through the design of geometrical optimizations.

CONTEXT The project is located in the north of central Europe, in the dense urban metropolitan area of Berlin, Germany. The city is the capital of Germany, and is located in the far northeast of the country. It has what is described as a moderate continental climate. It is characterized by cold winters, and moderately warm summers. The city is exposed to both cold and warm air masses, so the weather and temperatures are both highly variable.



FUJIAN, CHINA TEAM: Leonardo Bin, Nawaal Saksouk, Mariam Arwa Al-Hachami



In Chinese rural communities, it is very common to find “forgotten” children, children whose parents leave them behind in their rural communities to pursue economic opportunities in cities across the country. Due to this, 60-70% of children under the age of 2 are raised by their grandparents, and 40% of children over the age of 3 are raised by their grandparents. Chinese grandparents and “forgotten children” need the support of a community to reduce the burden on the elderly, as well as to provide a healthy environment for socialized children. The aim of the project is to create a co-living space that can support 20-25 individuals, half of them elderly, half of them children.

The climatic response focuses on thermal comfort, redirecting rainwater, and ventilation strategies to combat high levels of humdity. Thermal mass (afforded by earth construction) helps maintain comfortable indoor temperatures year round. Thermal mass also reduces indoor temperature during midday and early afternoon and increases it during the evening and night - thanks to its density and the rate at which it absorbs and transmits heat. Other than thermal mass, the introduction of a courtyard to aid in ventilation strategies, as well as raising the ceiling height of the rooms in the building can air in making a more thermally comfortable environment. Redirecting Rainwater through the usage of a large pitched roof helps to both keep the interior dry, protect the exterior clay walls, and can also lend to becoming a rainwater collection and drainage system. Raising the Foundations from the ground also avoids contact between the earthen walls and any moisture from the ground, also protecting the clay walls. Through the usage of a surface treatment of the facade, one can also further protect the clay walls.

CONTEXT Fujian Province is located in South-Eastern China. The terrain is dominated by mountains and hills, and is split by a river that runs from north to south east. It is most known for being home to cultural heritage landmarks, such as the many Tulou Clusters, a typology of vernacular fortified earthen buildings built by the Hakka people of southeastern Fujian, which serves as a major reference for this project. It contains many ocean trading ports and economic centers of South-Eastern China. The climate is subtropical, hot and humid, and influenced by yearly monsoons.



Al-FAYOUM, EGYPT TEAM: Deena ElMahdy, Marwa Rehim, Adel Alattasi

BRIEF Tunis Village attracts many students eager to learn traditional ceramic crafts. Recently, architects have begun conducting construction workshops using clay, mud bricks, and reeds in a hands-on manner. Due to the current socio-cultural conditions of this village, visiting students are in need of affordable and flexible housing conditions that can serve as student housing. The project aims to provide gender-segregated dorms and studio space for 20 students, with additional workshop and outdoor areas.

CONTEXT Tunis Village at Al-Fayoum is a small village in Egypt that is famous for its pottery and ceramic crafts. It has a hot and dry climate, which is characterized by fluctuation in temperature, hot summers, and mild winters. The main climate challenges lie in the variations of conditions between summer and winter, and day and night throughout the year.

CLIMATIC RESPONSE The climatic response focuses on passive cooling, airflow, and thermal comfort. The project utilizes courtyards and ventilation strategies to achieve passive cooling. An interior courtyard can distribute the air and natural ventilation for the vertical floors and also to horizontal spaces to allow the cooler air to flow. Ventilation is a key aspect for the passive heating and cooling of buildings. The project maximizes the irradiated surface in winter, and minimizes it in summer. The shading in summer designed to be South and West, in accordance with the solar angle of the site.



KIRUNDO, BURUNDI TEAM: Seni Dara, Charles Musyoki, Eugene Marais

BRIEF Kirundo, Burundi is a rural town with growing infrastructures, education being key. This is a major driver for development amongst the young demography and a source of inspiration and dissemination of knowledge to the rest of the community. The project aims to provide housing for 50 people, the users being teachers and their families.

CONTEXT The site is located in Kirungu, Burundi. The topography of the site presents a challenge in terms of storm water drainage and in considering a robotic strategy for 3D printing. This also presents opportunities for multi level occupation, within a 2 storey building for optimum shading from driving rain. The project is located in the tropical savannah climate, which is characterized by warm and humid weather. Temperatures range from 20 to 25 degrees celsius on average during the day. The main challenges lie in the build up of humidity within the indoor environment.

CLIMATIC RESPONSE Maximizing irradiated surfaces by distributing the built masses due to the warm temperatures is a key design strategy. In addition to this is the use of high thermal mass to maximize the time taken for heat build up during the day and heat loss at night. In order to drive out humidity the design of the walls is porous for cross ventilation. Taking into account the topographical nature of the site, a raised floor plinth also aids in reducing heat build up by allowing for greater built surface area to radiate heat. In 3D printing, these solutions can be achieved also through the design of geometrical optimizations. 82


BARQUISIMETO, VENEZUELA TEAM: Michelle Isoldi, Juliana Rodriguez-Torres, Orestis Pavlidis

BRIEF Barquisimeto is a city with a high number of people in a vulnerable condition, in need of a place to spend the night. The project aims to provide temporary housing for 3-5 people in vulnerable situations. The project maintains a small scale because it is thought as a piece in a system connected to the city infrastructure. The building is small, single story, with an area of approximately 70 square meters.

CONTEXT The project is located in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. It is a small-scale city, which recently suffered a rapid growth, leaving a wide periphery around it. It has a mostly flat topography and abundant vegetation. The social context displays a neighborhood proximity, with a direct relationship with the outside. The project is located in the tropical savanna climate, which is characterized by two main seasons on the year, one dry and one humid. It has hot summers, and mild winters.

CLIMATIC RESPONSE Ventilate and naturally illuminate the internal spaces to avoid the concentration of humidity. Pitched roofs and eaves for protection of facades. The climate only being divided into the rainy and dry season, it is mainly thought of solar protection to maintain fresh internal spaces and good channeling of rainwater. Windows and openings are very important elements as well. In 3D printing we can achieve compliance with these traditional characteristics by improving its performance with a wooden roof to protect the clay and a stone base, ventilation can be integrated through the geometry of the facade.



AMTOUDI, MOROCCO TEAM: Mehdi Harrak, Mouad Laalou, Nareh Khaloian

BRIEF Throughout Amtoudi’s history, its inahbitants have been storing the surplus from their yearly crops into two igoudar (fortified collective granaries), positioned on high rock ledges, nevertheless, the know-how of this construction work has been lost over centuries, conducting the population to cease building on a sloped rocky terrain. The project aims at taking advantage of this difficult sloped environment to provide housing

CONTEXT Nested in Id Aissa oasis, Amtoudi is a small village surrounded by imposing cliffs and dominated by two historical igoudar. Nearly 300 families live there manly from agriculture, palms, fig trees, almonds, apricot, olive and orange trees alongside small corn and barley fields as well as some vegetable gardens. The presence of men dates back more than 10 000 years but it was in the 12th century that the first populations settled and built fortified granaries called agadir.

CLIMATIC RESPONSE Amtoudi, Morocco, has a prevailing semi-arid climate. It hardly ever rains there. The average annual temperature for Amtoudi is 24° degrees and there is about 88 mm of rain in a year. It is dry for 298 days a year with an average humidity of 58%




OTF: 3dPA 21/22

CONCLUSION Using earth to build is based on the use of local material with an ecological footprint, which is close to zero. It is a material that is used worldwide, which allows significant winter heating and summer cooling, due to the thermal inertia properties. Additionally, due to the ability to absorb and evaporate, clay offers a self-regulating humidity environment, promoting a healthy indoor climate. However, while clay has been used in vernacular architecture for thousands of years, today it faces the stigma of being associated with underdeveloped areas. However, by pairing it with contemporary technology, the aim of the project was to develop a prototype which would state clay as a plausible construction material for any type of architecture, relevant to the developing architectural field. The program, while working with many manners of 3dPrinting, focuses ultimately on an on-site printed 1:1 prototype of a small living space, printed with clay. It is the culmination of 6 months of workshops, research, and collective design and fabrication work. A function of this program is that the constant collective research does not end with each edition of the otf, nor does each edition exist within its own self. The people who have had a hand in this research, from the faculty, students, collaborators, and others, are all part of this collectivity. The nature of the OTF is that it is an on-going research, striving to go further with each edition of itself, and striving to create an architecture that is ecologically sound materially, and at the cutting edge technologically.

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OTF is in proud collaboration with:



Directors Edouard Cabay Alexandre Dubor Coordinator Lili Tayefi Faculty Vincent Huyghe, Technology Expert Ashkan Foroughi, Computational Expert Eduardo Chamorro Martin, Machine Expert Elisabetta Carnevale, Matter Expert Guillem Baraut, Structural Expert Gloria Font basté, Climatic Expert Nikol Kirova, Geopolymer Expert Faculty Assistants Francesco Polvi Bruno Ganem Coutinho Marielena Papandreou David Skaroupka Collaborators Colette, philanthropic organization 3D WASP, Large Scale 3D printing UN-Habitat, Humanitarian scenarios BAC Engineering, Structural Consultant LaSalle, Climat consultant SmartCitizen, Sensor Monitoring Scuares Architectural Visualization Living Prototypes (Zukunft Bau), Research Innovation Researchers Adel Alatassi, Aslinur Taskin, Charles Musyoki, Deena El-Mahdy, Eugene Marais, Hendrik Benz, Juliana Rodriguez-Torres, Leonardo Bin, Mariam Arwa Al-Hachami, Marwa Abdelrehim, Mehdi Harrak, Michelle Bezik, Michelle Antonietta Isoldi Campinho, Mouad Laalou, Nareh Khaloian, Nawaal Saksouk, Orestis Pavlidis, Sammar Allam, Seni Dara Special thanks Areti Markopoulou, Mathilde Marengo, Ricardo Mayor, Shyam Zonca, Pilar Xiquez, Ariannet Arias, Gabriel Frederick, Nicolas Rodriguez, Daniela Figueroa Claros, Laura Ruggeri, Xavier Molons, Jorge Ramirez, Jordi Guizán Bedoya,Massimo Visiona, Massimo Moretti, Francesca Moretti, Lucas Fertig 3DPA is in participation with Living Prototypes, a collaborative project funded by the research innovation programme, Zukunft Bau (BBSR, Germany).


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