The three-‐dimensional prin8ng process produces fully func8onal metal parts directly from CAD files.
The system u8lizes a layering technique to print components one layer at a 8me from metal powder.
The benefits of the 3D process include enhanced part design flexibility, complex internal geometries, undercuts, angled passages, and the opportunity to create component features that cannot be duplicated with tradi8onal machining methods.
The 3D process generates single-‐piece and mul8-‐piece designs with shortened lead 8mes at significantly lower costs.
It Will Amaze You What Can Be 3D Printed
DELIVERING PRECISION ON TIME! Prototyping: Highly-‐detailed prototypes created from metal and plas8c/ composite materials can be used to demonstrate and test our customer’s designs prior to final produc8on.
3DX Industries is your source for 3D Metal printed products, composite prin8ng and precision machining services. Our team offers in-‐house design support, rapid prototyping, produc8on, and assembly services. We commit to each project and are dedicated to customer sa8sfac8on.
Our well-‐tooled manufacturing facility includes: A state of the art M-‐Flex 3D Metal Prin8ng System, a Z-‐Corp Composite Prin8ng Centre, 13 ver8cal machining centers, 4th axis capabili8es, up to 15,000 RPM, 96″₺ travel, lathes and numerous miscellaneous support machines.
3DX Industries is capable of working with a variety of materials including tool steel, aluminum, plas8c, stainless steel, copper, and 8tanium. We are capable of 3D Metal Prin8ng in several metals and metal alloys, including: Stainless Steel Bronze Tungsten Glass Addi8onal material systems are currently in development for 3D Metal prin8ng and will announced as they come available.
The 3DX Team uses CAD/CAM soeware and modern inspec8on equipment to guarantee your parts meet drawing tolerances. We are fully commifed to delivering quality machine products; our metrology lab ensures precision by using state of the art measuring instruments including a Brown & Sharpe CMM.
3DX’s CAD/CAM prototyping uses CNC machining to provide rapid prototyping services, high speed milling and large capacity ver8cal machining. Our 3D Prin8ng systems are capable of providing high precision, excep8onal detailed proto-‐types to give the look and feel of your final product.
For those without CAD drawings, our design team can reverse engineer a variety of custom and vintage parts. Our prototypes have been used by injec8on molders, automo8ve repair shops and wholesale aircrae part suppliers to create general parts like rotors, seat assemblies, cuing blades. We can also prototype your art or jewelry designs.
Milling: Our CNC milling centers can machine parts measuring up to 96”. We are able to custom manufacture one-‐of-‐a-‐kind parts and also deliver high-‐ volume, wholesale produc8on runs.
Turbine Components: Precision machined and assembled compact turbine components are appropriate for green energy, military and aerospace industries.
Assembly: Contract manufacturing and assembly services can take a project from raw product to finished goods. We have partnered with businesses of all sizes to assemble Rankine Cycle Turbines, gear boxes and more.
Cost and Time Savings
Addi8ve manufacturing swiely creates product prototypes – an increasingly cri8cal func8on that significantly reduces the tradi8onal trial-‐and-‐error process – so new products can enter the market more quickly. Likewise, it can promptly create unique or specialized metal products that can replace worn or broken industrial parts. That means companies can avoid costly shut downs and dras8cally compress the 8me it takes to machine a replacement part. With addi8ve manufacturing, once a CAD drawing is created the replacement part can be printed. Storage of bulky paferns and tooling is virtually eliminated.
Environmental Impact
Addi8ve Manufacturing produces less waste – Since the process involves adding layers of material to create a part or product vrs subtrac8ng material there is much less waste to be recycled using addi8ve manufacturing processes.
3DX Industries
www.3dxindustries.com 360-‐244-‐4339 www.3DInSteel.com