Cultural Arts Commission ANNUAL REPORT
Fiddler on the Roof 2013 Lamb’s Players Theatre
Art. Culture. Life. Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
Cultural Arts Commission MISSION The Coronado Cultural Arts Commission serves the Coronado community as an umbrella organization and voice for the arts through support, enrichment, and development of a thriving arts environment.
VISION We value the arts and believe that they have the power to lift the human spirit to a higher place.
Recognize and encourage the pursuits of individual artists, as well as organizations that enrich Coronado life by bringing cultural and artistic works of art, performances, and a diverse mix of other arts-related events to the city. Advocate for private and non-profit arts groups operating in and for the benefit of the citizens of the City of Coronado.
Encourage educational arts and experiences for children and citizens of every age. Offer recommendations to the City Council regarding acquisition or exhibition of quality works of art.
Ensure and improve the health of the local arts community by seeking outside funding as needed to facilitate development of the arts in Coronado. Recommend to the city Council policies and practices to develop and promote the arts in Coronado.
Art belongs to everyone. Art is an essential element of life in Coronado. Art informs the times in which it is created. Art inspires, heals, energizes, and educates us.
Letter from the Mayor
Greetings from the Chair
Meet Your Commissioners
Economic Impact Report
Public Art
Performing Arts
Arts Education
Visual and Literary Arts
Arts Advocacy and Fundraising
Public Relations and Film
Looking Ahead
Revised Program Areas
Coronado’s Creative Community
Community Partners
Letter from the Mayor
Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
Message from the Chair FROM WHERE I SIT This has been an exciting year for the CAC as we have reached some important milestones on the road to establishing Coronado’s arts community and documenting the important place the arts play in our city’s social and economic well being. Since 2001 many have toiled to make Coronado’s Public Art Collection what it is today and now we join them in celebrating the completion of a new Public Art Master Plan which will guide the Public Art Program in an organized, logical and appropriate fashion as we continue to seek excellence in art to inspire, enchant and provide enjoyment and enrichment to our community. My sincere thanks to Commissioner Jeff Tyler and his dedicated team: Bob Kipperman, Marilyn Rees, Susan Ronan, Jody Esquer and Susan Enowitz for their tireless efforts and contributions to the research, development, and design of this plan. You can review the complete full-color 26 page document at http://www.coronado.ca.us/egov/documents/1380309316_60479.pdf On another front, our first Economic Impact Report provides an eye-opening view of the financial realities of how the arts contribute to Coronado’s economic health. This information now allows us to become part of regional and national data bases, for the first time putting Coronado on the map in new and significant ways. My thanks to Commissioner Kari Kovach for her interview skills and strategic work in navigating a host of facts and figures and presenting them in an easy to understand format, and to Commissioner Susan Enowitz who assisted in the interviews. It’s been an amazing two years and my thanks to the hundreds of people who have helped launch and grow our Arts Commission’s programs and services. It has truly been an honor to serve and a joyous experience. Now as I turn over the Chair to a new leader, Commissioner Steve Baker, I want to take a moment and focus on the many ways the arts impact and influence our daily lives. In Coronado this past year, 1,815 performances created opportunities for us to be inspired, stimulated, educated, healed, connected, and entertained by the arts; 380,000 people had the opportunity to see, hear, read, feel, experience and become engaged in the arts and all of that contributed $7.6M to our economy. With continued growth anticipated in all segments and a new Coronado Island Film Festival on the horizon – the picture painted by the arts in our community is one we can all be proud of. So go ahead – expand your horizons, stretch your imagination, and challenge yourself and others to think in creative new ways. Engage in the arts and your life will be richer for it! With the abundance of visual artists, writers, poets, playwrights, musicians, actors, directors and movie producers who call this tiny island home we are blessed to be surrounded by the arts at every turn. No wonder the Wizard of Oz creator L. Frank Baum is quoted as saying: if one does not consider Coronado paradise...they would likely find Heaven disappointing. Truly we do live in a magical place.
Chair Heidi Wilson Imagine Dragon— Kent Kraber, Coronado Public Art Collection On loan through October 2014. Sited at the Coronado Public Library
Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
Heidi Wilson 2013 Chair
Cultural Arts Commission The Coronado Cultural Arts Commission (CAC) serves as a leading voice for the arts in Coronado through program development, creative initiatives, and dynamic alliances. Established in 2011 by City Council Resolution #8507, the Commission is comprised of seven volunteer Commissioners covering seven program areas including Arts Education, Arts Partners and Advocacy, Communication, Public Relations and Media, Fundraising and Special Events, Literary Arts, Public Art, and Visual Arts and Film.
2013 Coronado Cultural Arts Commission Left to right: Susan Enowitz, Kari Kovach, Vice Chair Steve Baker, Chair Heidi Wilson, Jeff Tyler, Doug St. Denis and Kris McClung.
The CAC serves and partners with local artists and cultural arts organizations to further develop a vibrant and cohesive arts community, strengthen arts education, enhance cultural tourism and economic development, and enrich life in Coronado for citizens and visitors. Christian Esquevin CAC Staff Liaison 2011—2013 Director Coronado Public Library
Kelly Purvis CAC Staff Liaison Contract Arts Administrator
The Commission meets on the first Thursday of each month at 4:30 PM in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The meetings are open to the public. Agendas and minutes of previous meetings are posted and available on the City’s website: www.coronado.ca.us , may be reviewed at City Hall, 1825 Strand Way, Coronado, CA 92118 and also the Coronado Public Library.
The Cultural Arts Commission would like to thank Christian Esquevin for serving as the CAC Staff Liaison since the establishment of the Commission in September of 2011. In December of 2013 the Commission welcomed Kelly Purvis as the CAC Staff Liaison and the first Contract Arts Administrator for the City of Coronado.
Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
Economic Impact Report While City officials and nearly every resident would no doubt readily agree that the Arts are “alive and well� in Coronado there has never been any formal documentation to substantiate it. In the Fall of 2013 The Cultural Arts Commission conducted an Economic Impact Survey to provide an important first look as to the actual depth, breathe, and financial impact of Coronado’s cultural community. Designed to provide a baseline for future efforts, we are pleased to document and highlight the significant efforts of our cultural arts partner organizations and proud to proclaim their contributions in making arts and culture a vibrant, kinetic, and inherent cornerstone of our community. Every day, Arts and Culture activities make Coronado a more desirable community not only to visit but to live and work. Arts and Culture organizations provide programming that brings entertainment and enjoyment to our residents, beautifies our shared public spaces, and strengthens the social fabric of this community. From the front row to the front yard, residents experience the creative mind in all forms and all tastes. The Coronado Cultural Arts Commission set out to measure specific segments of these creative contributions and their impact on the local economy: nonprofit, public associations, and municipal organizations providing arts and culture services and opportunities. The recently completed Coronado Cultural Arts Commission Economic Impact Report demonstrates that our Arts and Culture partners are indeed an economic driver that supports jobs, generates revenue and is a strong component of our thriving tourism industry. Arts and culture organizations in Coronado are vital business citizens. They are employers, consumers, members of our Chamber of Commerce and key partners in the marketing and promotion of our city and region. The nonprofit arts and culture industry plays a key role in the national economy, generating $135.2 billion of economic activity. With the results of this survey, Coronado demonstrates that its own investment in the arts benefits job availability, economic well-being, and a competitive advantage in attracting the creative community. It is with these indications that the Coronado arts and culture organizations and programs continue to contribute significantly to a strong quality of life. The Coronado Cultural Arts Commission extends its appreciation to all of the community organizations that participated in this first Economic Impact Survey. The strong participation rate (of the 14 organizations asked to take the survey, 13 responded) is very encouraging as we establish our first benchmark for measuring the impact of the Arts in Coronado.
Survey methodology: Survey was conducted in person or via email with direct communication. Data was collected between August and October 2013. Data is based on the information provided by the participating organizations. Audience intercept dat a was not collected.
Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
Income, Livelihoods and Volunteers
Individuals Receive Income from Coronado Arts & Culture Organizations
= 10 People
= 67 Full-time Employees*
= 65 Part-time Employees
= 258 Contractors/Consultants *Some are not entirely dedicated to arts & culture activities.
433 Volunteers for Coronado Arts & Culture Organizations
2013 Coronado Crown Awards
Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
Dollars and Sense Total Economic Impact of the Nonprofit Arts & Culture Industry TOTAL FULL-TIME EXPENDITURES EQUIVALENT JOBS
Nonprofit Arts & Culture Organizations
Nonprofit Arts & Culture Audiences
Total Industry Impact
Note: Formula provided by the Americans for the Arts (based on population ˂50,000) utilizing CAC’s survey measured expenditure and paid attendance *Americans for the Arts calculated $3,280,238
A National Comparison By Population CITY/COUNTY
By Total Industry Spending TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT
City of Slidell, LA
Adams County, NE
City of Auburn, NY
Transylvania County, NC
City of Fairfax, VA
City of Laguna Beach, CA
City of Rochester, NH
Gunnison County, CO
Teton County, WY
City and Borough of Juneau, AK 30,796
Source: US Census Bureau—2012 Data
Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
Strong Demand; Thriving Supply
381,420 Attendees
145,983 Paid
Annual Events & Productions
235,437 1,815 Performances Free
A wealth of art & culture events stimulate an attendance level
& Class Meetings
its population
Note: Some “free� events were not able to provide attendance estimates.
Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
Public Art CREATION AND ADOPTION OF A CORONADO PUBLIC ART MASTERPLAN While the City of Coronado has had a public art program since 2001 the CAC, as newly appointed stewards of the Public Art Collection the Commission recognized the need to create a Master Plan as a vehicle to ensure continuity and cohesiveness in our overall desire to represent the lifestyle and beauty of our community. The CAC through its Public Art Working Team (PAWT) began work on the Master Plan in 2012. Recognizing that a Master Plan should reflect the goals and values of the community, the CCAC PAWT conducted a public forum for Coronado residents to determine the community vision, expectations, and desires for Public Art in Coronado. Finalized and adopted by the City Council in September of 2013, this Public Art Master Plan can be used as a road map to help City leadership understand and support the long-term value and direction of Public Art in Coronado, and by the CAC as a strategic and tactical tool to allow Public Art to flourish in Coronado. To read the full report visit: http://www.coronado.ca.us/egov/documents/1380309316_60479.pdf
Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
Public Art
Completed development of a comprehensive Public Art Master Plan, accepted by CAC and approved by Coronado City Council September 3, 2013.
Assisted in facilitating the loan and installation of Imagine Dragon at the Coronado Public Library.
Began collaboration with the Senior Center Design Team to include Public Art as an integral part of the new center.
Imagine Dragon- Kent Kraber Coronado Public Art Collection
Sea Level—Kim Ogburn Coronado Public Art Collection
Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
Media LAUNCH OF CORONADOARTS.COM The #1 call for action coming out of the 2011 Arts Forum from both arts partners and the community was for a central listing source for all arts related events and activities. The CAC met that call with the June launch of the City’s first stand-alone website: CoronadoARTS.com. As the leading online resource for Arts & Cultural information in Coronado, this site provides wide-spread, easily available “one-stop” information on events, classes, lectures, and exhibitions representing the full spectrum of cultural activities designed for cultural enthusiasts of all ages. CoronadoARTS.com provides a rich content experience including information on the Coronado Cultural Arts Commission, our local arts and cultural Partner organizations and individual artist profiles in all media including image galleries, and video clips. Developed specific materials to be included as content on the new website including pages describing the site; information about the CAC and each of its program areas; developed protocol for uploading individual artist profile pages and partner organization profile pages as well as event listings.
Developed materials for and conducted workshops in conjunction with Commissioners Enowitz and Baker for individual artists and arts partners to explain the website and offer one-on-one orientation.
Executed “soft launch” of site (restricted access) in early May to facilitate upload of partner events, profile pages and check for bugs and identify potential problems with site.
Provided a countdown to live LAUNCH during the June 20th Arts Forum; executed a publicity and media campaign followed with nearly 1,000 “hits” (site visits) in the first 30 days.
Printed and distributed over 7,000 CoronadoARTS.com bookmarks during the Rockola Concert in the Park, during Art Walk and in books at check-out at the Coronado Public Library.
Printed two 2’ x 10’ CoronadoARTS.com banners which were displayed at various times in the median at Orange and 6th St.
Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
Performing Arts Coordinated meeting to enable arts and
cultural organizations to begin sharing upcoming event calendars to coordinate scheduling efforts. Final review of proposed website to get
user feedback. Coordinated training session to orient
event producers to the upload process for CornadoARTS.com listings. Coordinated one-on-one efforts to get all
community arts related events loaded to new website prior to official June launch.
Arts Education Created
statements defining Arts Education and Arts Recreation and developed a list of Coronado businesses and other entities that provide these services.
and advocated for the partnership between the City and the CUSD toward establishing Channel 19 on the campus of CHS.
Began a dialogue with the CUSD about
some cooperative arts activities with other agencies in Coronado.
Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
Visual and Literary Arts Art Under the Umbrellas (AUTU) = small, “pop- up” art shows (a group of artists each with a table set up under a market umbrella) in a variety of locations to provide additional outlets for our local artists to show and sell their work. This program kicked off in conjunction with the very popular Mother’s Day Brunch at the Coronado Bayside Grill at the golf course. Happy Hour for the Arts – A lazy August Sunday afternoon wine-tasting at the Bayside Grill with AUTU artists and local authors reading and talking about their books - all accompanied by the Lonesome Georges band. Master Class Series – Legendary Broadway, TV and Film Producer Don Gregory kicked off this series with an Evening with Don Gregory event in the Winn Room where he was interviewed by Union-Tribune Theatre Critic James Hebert. This was followed by a series of classes covering 27 hours over a four week period. Offered in partnership with the Coronado School of the Arts, this class set a high standard for what we hope will become an annual series of unusual artistic learning opportunities for students, industry professionals, and interested community members.
Coordinated with Coronado Scribes, a writing group that now meets weekly, and has 8-10 regular attendees.
Sponsored and organized–Art Under the Umbrella (AUTU), May 12, 2013 Mother’s Day brunch with the Coronado Golf Course Restaurant, approximately 200 people attended.
Sponsored and organized—Art Under the Umbrellas, “Happy Hour for the Arts.”
Continued coordination of the design and development of a Certificate of Appreciation to be given on behalf of the commission to arts supporters in the community.
Participated in early efforts to plan events celebrating Coronado’s unique connection to L. Frank Baum and the Wizard of Oz.
Identified new artists and authors in our community who are interested in further development of the arts in Coronado.
Assisted community interviews for the Arts Economic impact survey.
Recommended commission structural change with division of commissioner responsibilities for the Visual and Literary Artists.
Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
Arts Advocacy and Fundraising Much of the information originally used in planning and setting up the CAC, its goals, mission and focus came from a community Arts Forum held in June of 2011. Now in its second year, Commissioners felt it was again time to check-in with the community to both measure the results of past efforts as well as seek further input regarding future focus and direction. To that end, a second Arts Forum was held in the Nautilus Room of the Community Center on June 20, 2013. The San Diego Foundation’s Program Director for Arts and Culture, Felicia Shaw, provided the key-note address followed by facilitated small-group breakout sessions to discuss areas of specific interests with the 68 artists, writers, arts partners and community supporters in attendance. Many of the resulting ideas have been incorporated into our 2014 Work Plan.
Represented Coronado in local and
regional arts-related planning and meetings. Identified criteria and developed a
survey to collect and consolidate statistical information for an Economic Impact Statement (EIS). Surveyed 13 local arts partners and
collaborated with them on the final EIS product. Completed final EIS report and
presented to the commission. Initiated creation of a consumer-
friendly presentation of EIS findings for stand-alone or inclusion in CAC’s 2013 Report to the City.
Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
Public Relations and Film CAC INSPIRES ITS FIRST SPIN-OFF Due to tremendous and immediate interest in Coronado having its own film festival it became apparent that a separate organization was needed to handle the myriad and complex issues involved in such an undertaking so CAC Commissioner Doug St. Denis recruited an outstanding Board of Directors to found the CORONADO ISLAND FILM FESTIVAL, a new local non-profit organization which will continue to work closely with the CAC to bring this exciting new venture to fruition.
Compiled working list of press and media
contacts for CAC events. Wrote and distributed press releases for
CAC events. Participated in early efforts to plan events
celebrating Coronado’s unique connection to L. Frank Baum and the Wizard of Oz. Formalized the legal creation of a new 501
(c)3 non-profit organization, Coronado Island Film Festival (CIFF) to meet the CAC goal of establishing a Coronado Island film festival. Attended an Internet Marketing Seminar
with Jacques Spitzer and Steve Johnson.
Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
Looking ahead 2014 COMMISSION GOALS
Position Coronado as an “Arts destination.”
Begin development of Cultural Compass a 5-yr. strategic plan for the arts in Coronado.
Expand the Master Class Series.
Build collaborations with restaurants and businesses to feature arts related events.
Collaborate with the Programming Director for Channel 19 to develop arts related programming for the CAC and Partner organizations under the new City/School District inter-agency partnership agreement.
Encourage cross-program and organizational planning between Program Areas.
Create arts opportunities for different age groups.
Explore and define where the arts interact with public spaces for the betterment of the Coronado arts community and citizens.
Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
Cultural Arts Commission ARTS EDUCATION Mission: To embrace artistic creativity and encourage arts education experiences for all ages; to pursue the goals of promoting arts education and performance/exhibition opportunities for arts learners; facilitating arts education partnerships among city, school district, and private entities; and supporting professional development in the arts for teachers.
REVISED PROGRAM AREAS As the heart and soul of our Commission’s work, the Program Areas provide the basis for nearly everything we do. After an initial year in existence and guided by discussions at the June Forum it was felt that a slight re-alignment was required to continue to meet the needs of an emerging, evolving, and expanding arts community. As an example: early on we knew there were a large number of local visual artists but we were surprised and pleased to find we also have a large literary arts community with differing wants and needs. While our 2013 Report reflects our original seven program designations, we present the following which are reflected in our 2014 Work Plan.
Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
CHAIR: Kristine McClung kmcclung@san.rr.com phone: 619.435.4271
COMMUNICATIONS: PR & MEDIA Mission: To utilize traditional and social media to convey and promote the arts-related activities and events supported by the Cultural Arts Commission and its working teams; to use these same communication channels to publicize the creative and cultural endeavors of the community and its organizations, businesses, and individuals. CHAIR: Kari Kovach kkovach22@gmail.com phone: 917.584.4702
FUNDRAISING AND SPECIAL EVENTS Mission: To create and execute unique events to provide funding in support of CCAC programs and services; to welcome and encourage a spirit of synergistic collaboration with our Partner Organizations; to seek creative and inclusive ways to raise funds while meeting the artistic, economic and cultural needs of the entire community. CHAIR: Heidi Wilson CoronadoClassic@gmail.com phone: 619.435.1108 18
Revised Program Areas LITERARY ARTS Mission: To energize the literary climate of our city. To identify and showcase local authors, playwrights, screenwriters and anyone involved in literary arts. To enrich the literary environment for those writing and for our community. To encourage local literary groups (ie. Coronado Scribes, Coronado Storytellers) and facilitate literary events that will artistically enrich and inspire our writers and the public at large. To support the presence of local literature as part of commerce in our CHAIR: Susan Enowitz city. susan@coronadoarts.com
PUBLIC ART Mission: To enhance the cultural and aesthetic quality of life in Coronado by actively pursuing the acquisition, site selection, placement and preservation of art in public spaces and serving to preserve and develop public access to the arts; and to ensure that the continued vitality of the arts in the City is an integral part of the future of the City as well as it citizens. CHAIR: Jeff Tyler jefftyler@msn.com phone: 619.435.5333
phone: 619.522.7960
Mission: To assist and promote city and local organizations in the presentation of cultural arts activities for residents and visitors alike; to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, plans and scheduling information; encourage collaborations within community; and to identify and establish associations and partnerships with local, regional, state, and national arts service organizations; to articulate the economic and quality of life impacts and contributions of Coronado arts organizations to the City of Coronado and the greater San Diego region.
Mission: To provide avenues to promote, encourage, and raise awareness of Coronado’s visual arts in general and our individual artists in particular; to create collaborative opportunities for Coronado artists to become an integral part of the rich fabric of this unique community; and to celebrate Coronado’s century-long love affair with Hollywood and the art of filmmaking through the Coronado Island Film Festival!
CHAIR: Doug St. Denis dstdenis@san.rr.com phone: 619.435.0413
CHAIR: Steve Baker smbaker5@gmail.com phone: 619.737.7519
Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
Coronado’s Creative Community Coronado is blessed to have a vibrant, lively, and engaging arts community and the Cultural Arts Commission is proud to provide a public face for Coronado’s body of creative industries. Grounded in a rich cultural heritage stretching back over a century, our enchanted island enjoys and shares two resident theater groups – Coronado Playhouse Community Theater, and Lamb’s Players Theatre (San Diego County’s third largest professional theater group) offer performances year around; the Coronado School of the Arts, a nationally acclaimed, award winning school located on the campus of Coronado High School; six fine art galleries – Arts & Frames by Woods, Art for Wildlife, Austin’s, Dan McGeorge, Shorelines and the Galleria. Music is well presented by the Coronado Community Band and the Coronado Jazz Band as well as Musica Vitale (an ensemble of professional classical singers) and two organizations provide a wide variety of free music concerts – Promenade Concerts in the Park (Summer Sunday evenings in Spreckels Park) and the Ferry Landing Concert Series (Saturday and Sunday afternoons spring to late fall). Our Coronado Senior Association provides classes, films and quarterly musical Cabarets open to the public and the Coronado Recreation Dept. and Coronado’s Unified School District Adult Education offer a host of classes for young to old year-around. The Coronado Historical Association represents both history and art with its museum exhibitions, historic archives, and as sponsor of the widely popular Historic Home tours (May) and Arts Walk (September). One of our crown jewels - the Coronado Public Library, offers on-going exhibitions, children’s storytelling, lectures, films, and hosts discussion groups along with their own Summer Concert Series in the Winn Room. Our City boasts a collection of over 30 pieces of art in public places around town stretching from Tidelands Park to the south end of the Strand – a Public Art Walking Tour brochure is available for viewing on CoronadoARTS.com or pick one up at the Coronado Visitor’s Center. Adding to our visual bounty – a drive down Orange Street from the Ferry landing to the Del offers myriad opportunities to view and enjoy MainStreet Ltd.’s sixteen unique and special median gardens, or tune into the buzz of downtown activity with MotorCars on MainStreet (April) or MainStreet Goes Ghostly (October). And last but certainly not least – the brand new Coronado Island Film Festival organization is working on plans to bring a Coronado Film Festival to life in 2014 hosting films in our historic and exquisitely restored Village Theater as well as CoSA’s Performing Arts Theater. Beyond the obvious organizations, Coronado is also home to a number of nationally recognized awardwinning authors and poets, playwrights, TV, Film, and stage directors/producers, as well as actors, musicians, composers, and film makers. We offer a wide and richly textured variety of visual fine artists and craftsman rounding out what Coronado presents to its residents and shares with the world. Coronado Arts Association presents a variety of visual artists at their Art in the Park (1 st and 3rd Sundays in Spreckels Park). Find them all listed in profile pages of the artist’s directory on CoronadoARTS.com. The arts in Coronado are alive, vibrant and growing. We invite you to come take a closer look and let us share and engage you in our passion for creativity!
Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
Coronado’s Community Partners Coronado Playhouse Community Theater
Coronado Community Band Coronado Big Band and Coronado Jazz Band Open to all levels, these bands foster a sense of community for those interested in instrumental music and provide opportunities to practice and grow skills through weekly sessions at the Coronado High School and public concerts in a variety of locations. Phil Imming 619.435.1299
Coronado Historical Association wears many hats and in addition to their critically important mission of preserving and sharing Coronado’s rich history they operate the Museum of Art and History as well as the Coronado Visitor Center both housed on Orange Avenue in Coronado’s first designated Historic Commercial building. CHA offers ongoing exhibitions and lectures, educates Coronado school children on local history, and sponsors an annual home tour and the Coronado ArtWALK. 1100 Orange Avenue 619.435.7242 www.CoronadoHistory.org
is the oldest community theatre in San Diego County, and has been serving the Coronado community since 1946. A local theatre has the responsibility to challenge, educate, entertain, and enrich its constituency. Further, they draw upon local creative and technical talent to give Coronado and San Diego residents’ access to experience training in the theatrical arts while offering a wide variety of shows on a year around basis. On the bay at the Community Center. 1845 Strand Way 619.435.4856 www.CoronadoPlayhouse.com
The nationally acclaimed and award-winning
Coronado School of the Arts (CoSA), a public arts conservatory program, reaches out to talented grade 9 -12 students in San Diego County. CoSA is the place for aspiring young artists to immerse themselves in an afternoon of classes in one of six performing or visual arts conservatories: Classical and Contemporary Dance, Digital Media and Filmmaking, Instrumental Music, Musical Theatre & Drama, Technical Theatre and Visual Arts. 650 D. Avenue 619.522.4050 www.cosasandiego.com
Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
Coronado’s Community Partners Now in its 41st year,
619.437.0600 1142 Orange Avenue www.LambsPlayers.org
Lamb’s Players Theatre
sets out a varied
theatrical menu each annual 5-play season (Feb. through November). Lamb’s offers musical, drama, comedy and adventurous premieres in their 350-seat resident theater in the historic Spreckels building followed by their annual An American Christmas held at the Hotel Del in December. They additionally operate the intimate off-Broadway style Horton Grand Theatre in San Diego’s Gaslamp district with an emphasis on longer running musicals.
Coronado MainStreet is committed to supporting
In addition to offering one of the finest libraries in the County, the City of
and preserving one of our most basic and treasured resources – our downtown, a symbol of our community’s economic health, local quality of life, pride, and community history. They sponsor the median gardens on Orange and numerous events including MotorCars on MainStreet and the annual Garden Party benefiting the median garden program.
Coronado Public Library
1013 Park Place 619-437-0254 www.CoronadoMainStreet.com
houses a beautiful collection of historic art and their ongoing exhibitions and programming provide a variety of activities from children’s storytelling to lectures, films, and concerts.
640 Orange Avenue 619.533.7930 http://www.coronado.ca.us/library/
Sunday concerts in the park are signature elements of the Coronado experience where friendships and memories are made.
Coronado Promenade Concerts Musica Vitale A professional chorale ensemble presenting a cappella chamber works of Western European and Slavic origin from the 19th and 20th centuries. www.musicavitale.com
Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
Produces and
manages the Spreckels Park summer concert series that has been a staple of Coronado life for over four decades. Running every Sunday evening (usually a 6pm start) from Memorial Day week-end through Labor Day Week-end the series features classic Rock & Roll, Blues, Jazz, Military and Concert bands, and enough Swing to keep our “dancers” happy. www.CoronadoConcert.com
Coronado’s Community Partners Coronado Art Association
The new non-profit group
Coronado Island Film Festival has
established in 1959 carries forward a proud and popular tradition of Art in the Park. The first and third Sunday of each month from 10am to 4pm year around, member artists gather to show and sell their original artwork in our beloved Spreckels Park. Gerry Lounsbury 619.435.4546 www.coronadoartassn.com
emerged from initial interest developed by the CCAC’s Film Working Team. With interest and energy growing rapidly, events and activities are planned to promote, and share their passion for the magical art of visual storytelling through screenings, competitions, workshops, lectures and other film-related events.
The City of Coronado
Doug St. Denis 619.435.0413 www.coronadoislandfilmfest.com
Recreation Department
offers a
wonderful assortment of arts related classes on an ongoing basis as well as summer and school holiday camps for young people designed to stimulate creativity, teach new skills and provide new sources for inspiration in addition to the normal recreation services one might expect.
1845 Strand Way Info: 619.522.7342 www.coronado.ca.us/recreation/
Coronado Adult Education/ROP provides low cost arts related classes each season to stimulate the mind and expand creative horizons. 650 D Avenue 619.522.8911 adultedreg.com/coronado
Coronado Senior Association
is bustling with activity on a daily
basis and with a motto that states: A complete and full life for seniors, they offer a meeting place for persons fifty years of age and older. The center offers a variety of programs, trips, special events, lawn bowling, activities and classes at low-cost or free. 1019 Seventh Street
619.435.2616 www.coronadoseniorcenter.org
Coronado Cultural Arts Commission
Cultural Arts Commission City of Coronado, 1825 Strand Way Coronado, California 92118 619.522.2633 info@coronadoarts.com
2013 Coronado Promenade Concerts
Cultural Arts Commission Coronado Cultural Arts Commission