吳 岷 學
Selected Portfolio 2010-2021
履歷 竹映 小沃的顏色 擇 漫遊 研討會期刊論文
CV The Reflection of Bamboo Vogt’s Color Odyssey Evolution Conferences - ADADA International
����-���� 元智大學‒資訊傳播學系互動育樂組
����-���� 自由接案工作者 ���� 台灣師範教育大學‒《Meet》軟體線上課程教學
���� 台北藝術大學動畫系‒《篝火之花》音響効果製作
���� 資訊工業策進會‒《Git And Ansible》軟體教材撰寫
���� 國立美術館‒《機動生物小玩意》青少年創作體驗活動工作坊籌畫及教學 ���� 鄭麗雲個展‒《漫遊》單件互動裝置地板投影製作與維護
���� 沃手工作室‒Unity VR 手機交友應用程式舞台燈光效果製作
����-���� ����-���� ����-���� ����-����
新春碾米工廠 / 新春農藥行‒負責人助理及銷售 素描藝術工作室‒素描課堂助理 花蓮縣政府消防局第一大隊‒消防役擔任救護員副手及消防車操作 何理互動設計有限公司‒擔任實習生 參與製作與安裝《Skylight》劉德華巡迴演唱會燈光裝置 參與組裝《FLIPMATA》大型戶外建築動力裝置
����《漫遊》流變‒鄭麗雲個展 (合作) ����《竹映》亞洲數位媒體藝術競賽,入圍 ����《竹映》台北數位藝術節‒平坑時代 ����《竹映》新北市文化局成果展‒青春得藝 ����《竹映》人生大事畢業‒校外展 ����《竹映》人生大事畢業‒校內展
中山當代藝術館 福岡藝術美術館 松山文化園區 板橋���藝文特區 松山文化園區 元智大學
���� 國際研討會論文
Chen-Wei Chiang, Min-Shiue Wu, Meng-Te Hsieh, Chia-Yu Kao, and Chun-Yan Liu,“Evolution Of The Times When The Traditional Materials Encounter Interactive Technology Bamboo Reflection”in Proceeding of ADADA International ����, Gwangju, Korea, October ����.
����《竹映》亞洲數位媒體藝術競賽‒入圍 ����《竹映》K.T.科技與人文科技藝術創意競賽互動藝術類別‒金獎 ����《竹映》獲得新北市補助大學文創藝術媒體類學系學生畢業專題製作計畫 ����《P.A.D》Adobe Design Achievement Awards Print Communication‒入圍 ����《水墨觀音》竹市企業經理協會‒全國慈善 / 科技 / 人文網頁設計比賽‒銅獎
2010 建築計畫
The Reflection of Bamboo Interactive Installation Art Bamboo, Metal, Acrylic, Servo Motor, Fishing Line 200*120*180cm 2014
素材經過處理後也能呈現更非凡的堅韌;同時竹子彎曲所呈現的光影效果,讓觀者感受到竹子彎曲的活 力,更深身臨其境,彷彿看就處於竹林間。
’’The Reflection of Bamboo’’ is aninteractive installation created by bamboo. The idea of its appearance derives traditional bamboo lanterns. Bamboo possesses firmness and flexibility, as well as the incomparable tenacity with other materials after processing. Meanwhile, the shadow effect of the bent bamboo brings vitality, which makes the viewer feel they are in the nature.
一個伺服馬達與相對應的竹片,當紅外線感測器到觀者行經時,並會拉動釣魚線使竹片彎曲;根據竹片排 序的不同,每一片竹片呈現其曲度時,有如一個竹製燈籠般的外型。
I set this installation’s hight be similar wiht human‘s and audiences’s perspective will fall on the curvature of the bamboo. Meanwhile, use 34 Infrared sensors to correspond each servo motors and bamboos. When audiences walk pass by sensors, motors will drive bamboo curve by fishing line. According to diffent sequences of each bamboos which shows curving, its shape will be similar like a traditional bamboo lantern.
藝術家中得到建議與協助,也分享了我們對於傳統工藝的看法,也了解了師傅對於傳統工藝的看法,再進 而設計四場五至十五人的工作坊,並將訪談過程和工作坊以影片的方式一併紀錄下來。這些過程也激發 了許多我們對於竹子這項媒材的的靈感。
In our research, we investigated Taiwanese viewpoints about "Technique of Bamboo" through workshop and expert interview. During the interview, we got advice and assistance from the artist. Also we shared the our view about tradional art and understood the opinion from people of different generations. Then we designed 4 wrokshops for 4 to 15 people and recoded the comminication from workshops and interview by video. These process inspired us as well and we got several afflatus for this media, Bamboo.
紙藝專家,張徐沛藝術家 A expert of traditional paper art, Mr. Xue-Pei, Chang
團隊領導 / 互動設計 / 裝置設計 / 機構設計 / 專案時程管理 / 概念統籌
藝術指導 / 美術設計 / 互動設計 / 概念統籌
美術設計 / 活動規劃 / 採訪記錄 / 社群行銷
Advisor Professor
Chen-Wei, Chiang Team Leader / Installation and Interaction Design / Structural design / Project Management/ Concept Coordinator
Min-Shiue, Wu Art Dircetor / Interaction Design / Graphic Design / Concept Coordinator
Meng-Te, Hsieh Graphic Design / Campaign planning / Interview Record / Social Media Marketing
Wei-Ru, Tai Structural Support
Hao-Yun, Hsieh Property Assistant
Yen-Ting, He Interview Assistant
Wan-Ting, Tu
小沃的顏色 Vogt’s Color Interactive Children Book Arduino, Processing, Paper 40*21*10cm 2012
通路,收到訊號後的 Arduino 晶片會透過 Processing 展示出相應的動畫。另外,在沒有連接裝置時,孩童 也可以以不同的方式使用封面上的主角在故事中互動。
’‘Vogt’s Color” is an interactive picture book which is combined advantage of paper-book and electronic-book. Our concept is from pop-up book. In every chapter in this book, parents can lead children to take the main character on the cover by putting correspond notch. At this time, notch will detect it and show the animation of story through Arduino chip and Processing. Besides, without linking monitor, childrend can just use the main charater to interact in story by various ways.
發想設計 / 程式撰寫
硬體製作 / 電路設計
Concept Design / program coding
Min-Shiue, Wu Hardware production / Circuit design
Yu-Chia, Yeh Concept Design
Ying-Ci, Huang Overall Coordinator
Ya-Chen, Hsu 部分動畫影片: https://youtu.be/kHnw�YK�pLQ 硬體demo影片:https://youtu.be/Ni�COSGBEtg
Evolution Outdoor installation art Muslin, Acrylic, Led, Metal 5*3*6m 2021
燈光的動態表現,配合著紗網被風吹動時,展現出生生不息的樣子;底部以 LED 燈條由低至高表現出
緩慢變換顏色,做出生物呼吸的運動,氣根的頂部也以 LED 燈條由穹頂往下渲染整片紗網。與兩者相連
部分可藉由上下不同方向的燈光投射到表面做出混色的效果。此作品也會隨著乘載人數的增加而加快自 身的燈光的呼吸速度。
‘’Evolution’’ is an outdoor installation art for a proposal. This artwork’s concept is from ancient Chinese saying that Birds can select which tree which is simlar like natural selection. It looks like people can choose where we live, but habitat must give a powerful attraction for living beings. While these influence each other, it consequences inseparable comminication. This artwork is shaped from mountain and forest, Appearance of Trees is main body, two quarter domes link falling muslin. The bottom is design as flat oval chair for audiences sitting which like root of plants. The dynamic light shows like creature breathing with wind. The bottom part is installed several LED strips which can change the color slowly. Meanwhile two quarter domes are inastalled LED that can dying whole surface. In the middle of this installation can show the light effect of color mixing by two different angle. Farther, its speed of light breathing increase with number of audiences.
Odyssey Grounder Interactive Projection Kinect, Projecter, Sound, Processing According to the space 2016
《漫遊》是由藝術家鄭麗雲所托,在她的個展中,流變,展示於台北當代美術館。觀者可以與此互動地 板投影互動感應,使其呈現地面的水波。與其作品串聯樂讀出,這個樓梯間的情境氛圍,也某種程度隱悔 的表達了藝術家早年試圖走出父權化的社會與環境制約。
This works was appointed from artist, Leigh Wen, whose Solo exhibition, Transit Transformation, presented in the Museum of Contemporary Art TAIPEI. Audiences can interactive projection on the ground and looking up to the rising mountains, the audiences will be able to read the atmosphere of this space, which implies the patriarchal society and confining environment.
我使用架設在天花板的 Kinect 做為深度感測器,當觀者
經過與停留時,他們可以揮舞著四肢,地板即會從投影機投射 出水花,配合著音響播放出的水花聲,仿佛參與者在戲水撥動 水花玩耍一般。
I use kinect as a depth sensor which installed on ceiling. When the audiences walk by or stay, they can wave their arms and legs that the projecter will emerge the ripples on the floor with the sound of water by speaker which like that audiences play and splash water in this area.
2016 無題