2 minute read
Payload Linker Conjugation
from Cfm ADCs
Payload Sourcing
The product category Payloads contains a variety of substances that are very new. In addition, well-known or forgotten products with possible applications in the field of ADCs are listed as well. If, contrary to expectations, you do not find the product you are looking for in our list, we will gladly help you find a suitable manufacturer.
Through our worldwide network of research institutions in various disciplines (fermentation, extraction, and chemical-synthesis), universities, specialized laboratories or specialized GMP manufacturers, we can usually deliver the product we are looking for, should there be no customs, regulatory or legal barriers avoiding us deliver. By participating regularly in fairs, congresses, symposia and exhibitions, we are always up-to-date with the latest trends in this area. Not only personally, we are also there for you online. On our Cfm-Linked-In-Focus page for ADCs you will find interesting articles about new products and trends. Have we stimulated your interest? Just get in contact with us to discuss further details.
Logistic Services for HPAPIs
Not only the production of these Highly Potent Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (HAPAPIs) requires very special equipment, experienced chemists and all conceivable safety precautions. The subsequent logistics is more than a normal challenge and this seemingly trivial activity can decide whether your project is a success or a failure. In addition to suitable outer packaging, mostly so-called UN-V boxes, special inner packaging, the choice of the suitable mode of transport, has to comply with all the other important regulations. Depending on the substance class, certain documents may be required prior to shipping.
These can range from a simple end-user declaration for shipping within Europe to an export license for shipment to a third country. The authorization alone can take over a period of up to six weeks. Furthermore, special transport-relevant documents (shippers- declaration for airfreight shipping) or country-specific requirements such as a TSCA certificate can be mentioned. As far as possible, we take care of all these complex tasks as part of our service. Focus on your project and leave the rest to us!
Payload Linker Conjugation
If you already have selected a cytotoxin, have ideas for a corresponding linker and now you are looking for a suitable manufacturing partner for the so-called payload-linker-conjugation, of course we can also help you in this case. On basis of already implemented projects, we have gained experience in this area. Depending on the scope of your project, experienced production partners in Europe or even in North America are available. These can accompany your project from early research to clinical trials through to the final cGMP production process.
Our sister companies, Iris-Biotech GmbH and Iris-Biotech Laboratories are global specialists in peptide-based linker technologies. We assist you in selecting or producing the appropriate linker. You, or your lawyers, only have to help us with the patent law questionnaire. We take care of the production. Nearly all possible common linker variations were already produced successfully in high purity for test purposes. From Boc-Val-Ala-PAB via Fmoc-Val-Ala-PAB to Mal-Dap (Boc) -ValAla-PAB-PNP. If you require a different linker technology, contact us.