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City of Gunter City Council Place 2 Candidates
Why do you want to serve on the city council, and what qualities would you bring to this position?

I feel like there is a lack of representation for a large majority of the Gunter community, specifically those with young families like myself. We have been Gunter residents for 8 years and my 11 year old daughter, Olivia is in the 5th grade. I would like to offer a fresh and youthful voice for the community of families whom have chosen Gunter as the place their grow and thrive.
I would be honored to serve on the Gunter City Council! I have so enjoyed the past three and half years of living here. The atmosphere of our small town is refreshing and inviting. With the projected growth expected, I would like to fulfil a leadership role in supporting necessary changes with goals for maintaining Gunter's charming, hometown feel.

I am retired after working 42 years at Amarillo College beginning as adjunct faculty, advancing through the ranks to become a full Professor, and finalizing my career as a Vice President for Employee and Organizational Development. The knowledge and experiences gained throughout my professional tenure have provided me with (1) strengths for change and project management, (2) strategies for encouraging and influencing critical thinking, (3) techniques for motivating others and conducting effective communications, (4) skills for creating financial partnerships and fundraising opportunities, and (5) beliefs and strategies exemplifying practices of Servant Leadership.
I am a lifelong learner and lifelong leader. I am eager, experienced, motivated and driven! I am looking forward to assuming an active role in the future growth of Gunter.
(1) Right away, for realizing greater community unity, involvement, and understanding: The City Council needs to address citizens' concerns about the "Lack of Communication, Information, Input, Transparency." (Investigate, respond, and offer solutions and/or assistance, as needed.)
What actions should the city council take right away to ensure a thriving community in the long-term?
Listen to the people. That hasn't been a priority in a very long time. Council has been comprised of too many aliances that feel jeopardize true representation.
(2) For future strategic planning: Review, assessment and update of the 2005-2025 City of Gunter Community Development Plan. (This comprehensive plan includes projections and insights related to Gunter's population, housing, land use, parks, thoroughfares, streets, drainage, wastewater, water, economic development and capital improvements. Financed through provisions of a Texas Community Development Program Grant, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; Conducted by Southwest Consultants, Richardson, TX and Maurice Schwanke & Company, Arlington, TX.)
(2) Annual strategic planning for future growth with strategies for achieving goals with dedicated timelines.
(3) Discussion and goals for promoting inclusiveness, communications and interactions with Gunter Citizens and Stakeholders.
(4) Continuous planning for community-wide sharing, reviews, updates, goals achieved.
(1) Communication is KEY for building effective partnerships between the City of Gunter and its Citizens. Gunter Citizens should not have to become a part of Facebook to be informed and knowledgeable. Resources and resolutions should be addressed immediately!
What changes should be made, if any, to city services? What would it take to make these changes?
The leaders we choose today are in a position to direct the inevitable growth that is coming. First, we need to realize this is a marathon not a sprint. Making rash decisions quickly without community involvement or proper planning can be more harmful in the long run. In my service as President of the Gunter Parks & Recreation Board, have met with the new Public Works Director, Adam Adams, and feel he brings addevalue to our community and will help us prepare for the future growth. Projects such as streets, current park, future parks and public safely are some of my top priorities.
(2) Creation, development, implementation, and formal Introduction of information platforms for sharing and communicating with Citizens of Gunter (assisted as needed; workshops, tutorials, web information, etc.).
(3) Identification of appropriate venues allowing information accessibility for all Gunter Citizens (including those WITHOUT Facebook accounts).
(4) Services for Downtown are desperately needed. Housing, streets, buildings, street signage, clean-up is critical. Some areas are safety hazards. As I made campaigning visits, many residents expressed concerns. We need solutions. Community groups could help move this forward.
(5) Emergency medical, ambulance and fire services need to become a standard budget item for the City of Gunter with management and accountability directed by city officials.
(6) With recent events reported about a city employee and the School Board assessment reviews/meeting, it is becoming increasing apparent that Gunter Citizens need timely reports from informed representatives to curtail the spread of undocumented accountings, assessments and conclusions. We need appropriate tools and resources with secure, accessible locations. Communications from official, selected representatives should be timely and proactive.
(1) Currently, projects are being implemented, including road construction updates, as well as the city announcement of the individual/company contracted, Chief Danny Kistner, (ret.), DTK Consulting, LLC, to research and to develop Gunter's Ambulance & Emergency Medical Service Strategic Plan
(2) The city is working diligently to improve existing roads throughout the community; however, there are still tremendous needs in the Downtown area and in the Woods. These areas need to be identified as priorities as soon as possible when funding is available. Potholes are to be repaired by an entity contracted, as needed, until reconstruction of many roadways can be supported. It is projected that the city will allocate approximately $1.5 Millon for funding road repairs by the end of calendar year.
What are the most urgent infrastructure projects in the city, and how would you work with the City to get them done?
Streets and Parks. Families with younger children deserve safe streets and neighborhoods, as well as access to outdoor play areas where they can be adventurous. I envision Gunter evenings with live music and family-friendly activities like cook-offs, scavenger hunts and movies in the park.
(3) Traffic-flow studies are already approved for the increased housing development and new elementary school in The Bridges. Citizens are particularly concerned about students being dropped off in multiple locations to avoid traffic. These concerns should be addressed in planning discussions and strictly enforced as determined.
(4) In preparation for anticipated housing and business growth, waste management issues are being addressed through Gunter's partnership with Mustang, proactively.
(5) Additional traffic-flow studies and planning related road revision and construction will be necessary for those residents/neighborhoods affected by the construction of the new high school.
(6) In the coming years, as traffic increases due to the growth within and around the City of Gunter, it will be essential for the City Council to work with the County for essential road and travel modifications/enhancements needed.
(7) Increased personnel, resources, and funding will be vital for Gunter's Fire Department and Police Department as the Gunter population and housing increases to maintain safety and security of our community.
(1) The City of Gunter recently decreased the tax base for residents. This is good news with our current economy, rising costs of living, inflation and elevated property values. Thank you!
What would you like to change, if anything, about the city budget and taxation?
Gunter is in a challenging time financially right now. We have experienced tremendous residential growth in the past several years. This brings many challenges to a small city. Most of the new residents come from larger cities with more city services and general conveniences. Such as grocery stores, more restaurants, competing gas stations and other services. The City gets it money form property tax and sales tax. Until more of these stores come to produce sales tax it will be hard for the city to improve on our parks system, the roads, Fire/EMS and to even add more police officers.
(2) As the City of Gunter grows, naturally, annual tax revenue will be increased; however, needs will also increase, so essential planning must be projected, realized and implemented, accordingly.
(3) As one who has actively witnessed the advantages realized by securing external grant project funding (previous author and project manager for multiple grants), planning should be conducted to identify strategies for initiating and incorporating necessary components to support such opportunities, as feasible, for Gunter growth and development.
(4) By attending EDC and City Council meetings, I have learned that Gunter is currently offering some funding to new and existing businesses through the Property Enhancement Policy and the USDA Grant Programs. Good Job!