3 minute read
City of Gunter City Council Place 2 Candidates
Emergency Preparedness:
What, if anything, should the city do to better prepare for emergencies, natural disasters, like tornadoes, fires, and freezing?
I feel we are moderately prepared for all hazards that may face Gunter. recently learned that we are part of Grayson County’s overall emergency management plan. We have a section dedicated to Gunter within that plan that covers some of the hazards unique to our area. The Fire Chief recently worked with Mustang SUD and together they have ordered 3 new outdoor warning sirens. With these new sirens, most of the city will be within range of the sirens. Of course, everyone needs to remember that they are only meant to be heard outside and not inside a residence or business. Until we have our own EMS and a paid fire department, it will be hard to improve on what we have for responding to those emergencies.
Other issues:
What other important issues are facing the city council, and how would you address them?
I feel that I have covered my priorities in the above questions. Once elected, and I am able to get to work, I am sure that I will find out other needs that we do not even know our community has. I welcome any ideas that you may have for our great community!
(1) The City Council recently granted support for the development of Gunter's first EMS Strategic Plan! Chief Danny Kistner, (ret.) of DTK Consulting, LLC, who is a nationally recognized authority for Municipal EMS and Fire Services with over 40 years of experience in Fire, EMS Leadership and Paramedic practices, has been contracted. Thank you, City of Gunter, for being proactive and moving forward! (Gunter City Council Greenlights Development of EMS Strategic Plan, March 30, 2023, guntertx.gov, HomeNews Flash)
(2) Strategic planning is Instrumental for anticipated needs in all areas impacted by our increasing population (Who to Contact? Where to Go? Shelter Locations if Necessary? How to Secure Immediate Assistance? Procedures for Sheltering in Place?).
(3) Public, standardized emergency procedures and Implementation for all areas listed above with inclusion of community educational resources and network of individuals to contact to support those in need must be supported.
(4) Long-range strategic planning for transportation needs to be created in response to upgrades identified through analysis of traffic-flow studies conducted.
As an Individual who Believes in Collaboration and Practices Promoting Community Input....
(1) Current and potential Gunter Stakeholders, Businesses, Citizens need greater knowledge and information identifying guidelines for securing external funding resources available through grantfunded submissions. (With limited resources and personnel, how do we identify opportunities, share, and support those interested in applying?)
(2) Volunteerism in our small town is Vital! As a result, Accountability is Essential to the community growth and welfare. (How do we achieve Community Goals, proactively, and with greater input and community commitment?)
(3) Through the personal contacts made as a candidate for the election, the "Lack of Communication, Information, Input, Transparency" have been mentioned by Gunter Citizens. (How do we address this through venues, Other Than Facebook, for community routine announcements, facts, vital information, etc.?)
In all the above...., strategic planning, community input/communication, and evaluation are essential for ongoing success!
Patsy Whitaker 2101 Fox Bend Trace Gunter, TX 75058
Phone (806) 584-8321 Email pclemaster@yahoo.com
I have happily called Gunter, Texas my home for three and a half years. My husband, Lloyd Whitaker, and I finally found our forever home in The Bridges at Preston Crossings. We love living here!
Biographical Information and Contacts: (brief intro about you, your education, experience, community service as well as your campaign contact email/phone/website and/or Facebook page link)

I have been a proud Gunter resident for 8 years. I have been on the Parks and Recreation Board for many years and have served as the President for the last two years. Please feel free to reach out to me directly at 903-818-5532.
I have been actively involved in serving the community as identified below: 2021-2022 Charter Member of the Gunter Ladies for Tomorrow (GLFT); 2022-2024 President-elect; Current member of the Gunter Planning and Zoning Committee; Attendance at City Council, Economic Development, and Planning & Zoning meetings

Other Gunter volunteer roles include: Assistance with landscaping in Gunter City Park and at the Police Station, Distribution of literature, contact residents of The Bridges to secure signatures for petition to maintain current lot-size restrictions, Creation of distribution list among residents to host neighborhood gatherings.
My educational background, degrees, and graduate hours include: Associate's in Science, Amarillo College; Bachelor of Business Administration, West Texas A&M University; Master of Business Education, West Texas A&M University; 63 hours beyond MBE, Texas Tech University, Southern Illinois University, West Texas A&M University
I am retired after working 42 years at Amarillo College beginning as adjunct faculty, advancing through the ranks to become a full Professor, and finalizing my career as the VP for Employee and Organizational Development.