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The Four-legged Friend Behind This Year's
The Four-Legged Friend Behind This Year’s Plaid Friday Event: Chuck the Chinook

Jen Risley - Keene, NH
This article highlights a different Chuck the inaugural winner to get kind of four-legged friend, a wonderful things started. “He now thinks of himone-year-old Chinook dog from Keene, self as an Economic Stimulus Chuck,” NH named Chuck. Chuck and his owner, joked Dan. “As a sort of an AmbassaDan Brown, volunteered to promote this dog, Chuck hopes everyone will join the year’s Plaid Friday event in the MonadMonadnock Plaid Friday gala, with the nock Region and throughout the state. tag line: Wearing plaid gets a discount, Please keep reading to learn more about ties optional.” Stay tuned for more Plaid Chuck and Plaid Friday. Friday details at tlcmonadnock.com/
Chinooks, the official state dog of plaidfriday. New Hampshire, were bred as sled dogs Why did Dan pick the name, Chuck? in Tamworth, NH by Arthur Treadwell “So a person can enjoy Chucking the Walden in 1917. Walden was an arctic chin of Chuck the Chinook,” answered explorer and sled dog driver. “Chinnoks Dan. “Chuck’s official AKC name is Forare smart, gentle, strong and love New ever Greene Moses Fisk. He was born to England winters,” Dan shared. To learn a mom from Vermont and a dad from more about Chinooks, see the Fall 2019 here in Cheshire County. Chuck is a Four Legs and a Tail issue. nephew by kennel to Charger the Chi
“He and I routinely take a walk through nook, a Vietnam veteran.” Learn more the downtown and on most Saturdays about Charger at intervalechinooks. through the Farmers’ Market.” Dan connet/Charger.html. tinued. “Chuck can also be found on the Following in his Uncle’s paw prints, rail trail, at the Surry Dam, Stonewall Chuck befriended members of the 238th Farm and sometimes chasing trout in Medevac Helicopter Co, NHANG. “He the Asheulot river. His favorite things wants to give further howdies to Operare meeting people, educating them ational Support Airlift Detachment about his officialdom, and belly rubs. 18, The National Guard members helpHis least favorite thing, like most dogs, ing with the COVID crisis, and all New is being told leave it.” Hampshire Servicemen and women
Chuck takes none of our New Hampaway from home,” said Dan. “He thank shire businesses for granite. His you for your dedication and awaits your LupinePet Eco collar and leash, made safe return.” from recycled plastic bottles in Conway, We look forward to seeing you and NH, is the color granite, of course. As your pets in plaid on Plaid Friday! Know big buy local fans, Chuck and Dan love of a working dog, cat, or other animals Plaid Friday. I should highlight in a future article? I’d
Plaid Friday, the day after Thankslove to hear from you! Please email me at giving, celebrates the diversity and marketing@monadnockfood.coop. creativity of local and independent businesses. It’s a fun and enjoyable alternative to the big box store “Black Friday” consumer frenzy. Also, it’s a way to show your support for our local economy. Please plan to wear PLAID all day on November 27.
Last year, Chuck’s interest in Plaid Friday peaked after he saw a poster highlighting another Keene-based dog named Chloe. She was sitting outside of Prime Roast Coffee Roasters on Main Street, sporting a plaid coat complete with plaid ear coverings. Chuck was smitten.
So, he and Dan dreamed up an annual pet photo contest, a fun way to educate people about Plaid Friday. We made Fall 2020
Shown in comic relief and wearing an Official State Tartan (aka Plaid) tie, he is thought of as “Chuck