4 minute read
Happily FurEver After The touching story of pets
Happily FurEver After

At the Upper Valley Humane Society, we envision a world in which every pet is loved. Oftentimes, we receive emails from families who have adopted from us, sharing how much they cherish their new companions. These stories brighten our days and remind us of our vision. They motivate us through some of the tougher times and help us continue to work hard to find loving homes for each animal that walks through our doors.
We want to share some of these stories with you in hopes that they warm your heart.
“We adopted Mia (aka Charlie Bucket) in October 2020 and she has brought so much joy to our family. She is sweet and playful and make the cutest little chirping noise to get our attention. She is fitting in with her two older sisters nicely. Thank you for taking such great care of her and allowing us to welcome her home.”

“We adopted Toby in November 2020 and he’s doing great! No nervous adjustment or down time needed – just sweet, chill, go with the family flow. He’s super curious and adventurous. He has a cozy crate and lots of floor time in his bunny proofed room where we can all enjoy him running and playing! You do such important work; you have our sincere thanks and respect! Toby is a welcome addition to our family!”

“Franklin (who we adopted this January) went to the vet today and is doing great! He has minor shell issues, but we are working on that. He is a very happy turtle and swims to us when we go near his tank. He also got a completely new setup. He is now in a 65 gallon breeder tank, so it’s wider and taller. He loves the deep water. He loves to bask in his new basking platform. It took him a while to get used to it, but he loves it now. Feeder fish are his favorite food. He loves to swim after them, chasing them all around!”
Rosie “We adopted Rosie (aka Rosie Lee Toesie because of her 27 toes) in August 2019. We have a bit of a name theme because my family is from the UK - and Rosie Lee is cockney for tea. Rosie is a real character - she’s very chatty and bouncy and keeps me company while I work (often very helpfully sitting on my keyboard or mouse). Rosie does everything on her own terms, like most cats. She comes to sit with me on the couch and when I’m in bed, but doesn’t like being picked up for a cuddle if it isn’t her choice. She also likes to put her toys in water bowls to be drowned. She is very eco-conscious and reminds me to use reusable shopping bags because she likes to chew plastic bags! She brings a lot of joy to our lives.”

And finally, we have another update on Charlie. If some of you remember, we shared a story about Charlie in an edition a couple of years ago. Charlie was adopted in January 2019 by Aaron, a truck driver. Since then, he’s been traveling all around the USA and Canada. There’s not a state he hasn’t been to and he’s loving all of the travel! Aaron got in touch with us recently and had this to say:
Charlie “Charlie is doing great! He is getting a bit grey in the face (me too). We were just in Calgary, AB Canada earlier today. We’re now in Shelby, MT for two days and then we are off to Modesto, CA. Charlie is absolutely amazing. He is (outside of his issues with other dogs and small animals) just a perfect companion. He is very well behaved, and I know someone loved him before and invested time in training him. I am a very lucky person to have him.” “We adopted Scout last December and named her Luna. She is doing well and has even made a dog friend! She’s made great progress with nail trims and is slowly getting used to baths. She’s such a smarty pants and is learning ‘stay’ and ‘touch it’. We are so in love with her and couldn’t be happier!”

If you have adopted from UVHS and would like to share an update on how your pet is doing, please email Marina at marina@uvhs.org. Make sure to visit our website for other ‘Happy Tails’ at www.UVHS.org.