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Helping Pets in Need Carol Laughner

Helping pets in need How an animal neglect case inspired a family to take action


Carol Laughner - Keene, NH

In July of 2018, Monadnock months, MHS never lost focus on helping Humane Society (MHS) answered a call these animals. Ultimately, these pets were from the Cheshire County Sheriff’s office adopted by loving families. It inspired us.” to help remove a number of pets in an The Wratchfords, who moved to New eviction situation in Marlborough, NH. Hampshire from Massachusetts after retirThey had no idea what was in store or ing in 2016 from careers in the fast-paced the deplorable conditions they would world of for-profit business, decided that face. 52 Labrador Retrievers and a cat they wanted to do something meaningful were taken into protective custody at with their time – something that would MHS that day. It was the biggest case of align with their passion for animals and hoarding/neglect in the organization’s the bond animals share with humans. They 145-year history. began volunteering at MHS and quickly rec-

From the moment MHS was called to ognized what an incredible organization it assist, Sharon and Wes Wratchford were is - made up of people who work tirelessly there and were part of the group of staff to make a difference in the lives of at-risk and volunteers who put everything into animals. “We had quite a bit of previous ensuring that the animals were safe and animal welfare experience, working with well cared for. “We joined in to help with different organizations over the years, and the initial intake, helped in the following when we came to MHS in 2017, we immemonths by walking and playing with the diately knew we were in the right place,” Labs, and were present during court pro- Wes said. “MHS is the main resource in ceedings,” said Sharon. “It challenged all the Monadnock Region where critical, lifeof us in many ways but, for the next 18 changing, and often lifesaving, services are available to the animals and people of this community. We feel privileged to be a part of that.” Since then, Sharon and Wes continue to be involved in many ways as volunteers, including dog training, event planning, and fundraising, and various committee work. Sharon is also a Board Member and Wes serves as the Chair of MHS’ Board of Directors. The idea to start a fund began with an unshakable belief that all pets deserve to be treated with love – they give us so much and ask for so little. “We both grew up with pets in the home: dogs, cats, guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, fish, … and more,” said Wes. “We now have 2 dogs and 4 cats who were rescued…and they’re family to us.” Sharon continued “When we hear about or see situations where animals are abused, neglected, or abandoned, it’s heartbreaking and we want to do whatever we can to help prevent this.” With a combination of passion for animals and a conviction that they deserve love and good care, Sharon and Wes made a commitment to launch a new anti-cruelty fund at MHS to make a difference in the future for animals in our community – The Wratchford Family Anti-Cruelty Fund. The Wratchford Family Anti-Cruelty Fund (WFACF) was officially established in September of this year – a fund dedicated to supporting MHS’s anti-cruelty work, the prevention of abuse and neglect, and assistance with animal hoarding Winter 2021

cases. Kathy Collinsworth, MHS Executive Director says that “the fact that Sharon and Wes want to ensure MHS has the resources necessary to care for these animals is inspiring. This fund will help us give medical, emotional, and physical support to animals in our care – especially those who have come from difficult situations. It will also help fund special equipment so we can document cases for potential prosecution, and transport abused animals safely and securely.”

In fact, a few weeks ago, the fund was used for the purchase of equipment that will help with animal cruelty/neglect investigations. Collinsworth said, “Our staff was called in to remove multiple cats from a home. Their eyes and lungs were burning from the level of urine toxins in the air. Thanks to the WFACF, we had the funds available to purchase an ammonia gas level monitor, a PH meter, and a specialized thermometer that will help us document situations should there be a need to record unhealthy living conditions.”

Emily Kerylow, MHS Director of Shelter Operations, is extremely grateful to the Wratchford family for their gift to MHS and the animals of our community. “Their generosity will allow MHS to continue expanding the work of preventing cruelty and neglect to local animals. This fund will allow MHS to acquire resources to assist in the investigation as well as financially provide care for the animals which is often an obstacle in these cases.”

Collinsworth and her team continue to seek funds to support the work of animal neglect/cruelty investigations. “Having financial resources available to cover special equipment and cost of care for these situations is a huge help and a significant gift not only to MHS but to the 44 communities that we serve,” she said.

The Wratchford Family Anti-Cruelty Fund compliments two other special MHS funds that were established to meet the unique medical needs of cats and dogs - the Jazzeubelle Fund for dogs (founded by a longtime volunteer and supporter) and the Madden Fund for cats (also founded by a longtime volunteer and supporter). For more information about these MHS funds, and to join in supporting them, please visit our website (www.monadnockhumanesociety.org) or contact Kelly Brigham-Steiner – kellys@humanecommunity.org, 603.354.4005. Winter 2021

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