Convincing Reasons Why You Should Raise Chickens Brigido LaGuardia
f you want to raise chickens just because you found out that other people are making a good amount of money out of it, consider several factors. Raising chickens should not be underestimated. Only people who have a real passion for chickens can only understand how important it is to raise chickens and the responsibility that comes with it. With the grow ing population, the shortage of resources like food always follows. One of the main reasons why people raise chickens is for food but there are other reasons why you should raise chickens if you have a spacious backyard and could not affect your neighbors. Here are the 10 convincing reasons why you should raise chickens:
Who doesn’t love eggs anyway? Your hens lay fresh eggs, taste great, and are full of nutrition because you control what goes with the food you give your chickens. If you have lots of eggs you can also sell them because eggs are in high demand, easy and fast to prepare as food, and inexpensive. Expect your chicken to lay one egg per day if properly feed, but some breeds will surely give you an average of 4 to 6 eggs per week.
Chicken makes great pets. Depending on the type of breed, chickens are playful, affectionate, and shy and you will find yourself having a lot of fun without noticing it. Especially the chicks – they are fun to play with,
48 4 Legs & a Tail
There is no better-quality meat than growing your own. Like eggs, the quality of your own chicken meat is far healthier and nutritious compared to those that are commercially produced. You can also sell if you have too much for personal consumption. Spring 2022