Cognitive Dysfunction Catherine MacLean,DVM
54 4 Legs & a Tail
I f you have ever had a senior pet, you may have noticed that as they age
their behavior can change. Just like people, cats and dogs can get behavioral changes that can look a lot like changes we see in elderly people with dementia or Alzheimer’s. Cognitive dysfunction usually presents itself later in a pet’s life. It usually has a slow and gradual onset. Just like the rest of the body, the brain begins to deteriorate as our pets age. In some cases, the deterioration causes changes in the physical and chemical makeup of the brain resulting in a decrease in your pet’s cognitive function. All senior pets are at risk. One study that was done on 180 dogs between 11-16 years of age showed that 28% of 11 to 12-year-old dogs and 68% of 15 to 16-year-old dogs had at least one sign of cognitive dysfunction. Clinical signs of cognitive dysfunction that may be seen include loss of interest in food, altered sleep/wake patterns, difficulty being able to move around, disorientation, staring into space, yowling or barking at nothing, reduced hearing and eyesight, anxiety, restlessness, loss of housebreaking skills, and obsessive behaviors (i.e. excessive barking, licking, etc.). There is no specific diagnostic test for cognitive dysfunction. If you notice any of the clinical signs mentioned above, you should speak with your veterinarian. A good physical exam and neurological exam may be needed to rule out other possible underlying issues. Blood work may also be recommended to rule out other potential causes for some of the behaviors listed above. Once a diagnosis of cognitive dysfunction has been made, a plan should be formulated on how to best manage the signs that you are seeing. There is no way to prevent cognitive dysfunction and there is no cure for it. There are treatments to help with some of the behaviors that may be seen, and there are supplements available that may help slow the progression of the disorder and support brain function, but there is still no cure. A diet by Purina was developed for dogs a couple of years ago called Bright Minds. The diet is rich in brain boosting supplements that helps the brain get more glucose which in turn helps with memory function. Purina did studies with the Bright Mind diet and they showed that the diet did help improve cognitive function. There are supplements which may help brain health such as L-deprenyl Winter 2022