3 minute read
All In A Days Work
DeCamp Waste Services is proud to say that we consider our customers a part of our family; this includes the two legged and the four-legged kind!
Our drivers experience a lot of animal encounters; some are scary, some are funny, and some are just adorable. We have compiled some of the stories of their four-legged friends. Here are a few they have shared:

Long days being alone in a truck can take a toll on you. One pup along George’s route is always happy to give him some company. This fur baby is Cooper! He will sit, give high fives, and greet the driver warmly to make his day special. He waits patiently for his cookies. If George does not have treats on Monday mornings, he will settle for a good belly rub!
From Cooper’s Mom: “Cooper adores George. On Monday mornings Cooper can hear the truck coming up the road from the neighbor’s house and waits patiently for George to pull in. We always have to look out the window to see the smile on George's face. That makes our day too.”

Steve is our jack of all trades and with being around so many places he has seen some things! Steve has shared with us TWO stories and it seems that feathered friends find their way to him often. From Guinea hens to turkeys, you never know what may be around the next corner. Steve shared with us that he had a very interested turkey chase him away from our trash cart and he had to wait inside of his truck until the turkey walked away. Another time, he turned his back to pick up a roll off container and came back to find a Guinea hen making his place on the hood of his truck!

Two of our drivers, Josh and Nate, shared this amazing sight. A momma black bear and her babies crossing the road. Sightings like this are so special, we were lucky to get a picture to capture the memory!

HELPFUL TIP: This is a great way to “bear proof” your cart! This image was sent in by a clever customer, it seems to be working...for now!
One driver reported a skunk that refused to leave the trash cart. After taking some time to ponder his situation, the driver decided to tip the cart on its side (and run) in hopes that the little creature would vacate on his own. He was stubborn, but eventually he moseyed off.

The owner of the company shared a story of an angry raccoon. He was attempting to move an empty dumpster when he heard “strange noises” coming from the container. He carefully peered inside to find a raccoon staring up at him, hissing and showing it’s teeth. Knowing that the little guy couldn’t get out on his own, the driver placed a long piece of wood into the dumpster so that the raccoon could escape safely. Winter 2023
Brent is our last story sharer. Like our first, he has also had a fur baby steal his heart. Miss Sally, a pup who waits (impatiently) for the garbage truck to come by each Tuesday. Miss Sally used to bust out of her home to eagerly greet him for treats until her Mom and Dad realized they had to hold the door shut until the truck stops. Brent makes a special trip out of his truck to greet her and make sure she gets her Tuesday morning treats!

A special thank you to Becca for compiling these stories and photos & thank you to 4 Legs and A Tail for helping us share these special memories!