Joys and Challenges of Pet Sitting
one-size-fits-all solution. Different canine breeds require different gear. Keeping an extra leash and treats in the car can come in handy. Bring a fully charged phone when leaving the house. Have emergency numbers programmed and at the ready. Think ahead for the best outcomes. When meeting with the owner, having Karen Sturtevant a clear, concise list of questions is vital. If they are opposed to a choke collar, by no means should one be used. If a cat has hen a friend asked if I would con- ter fix) while allowing the homeowner allergies, best to leave your kitty treats at sider pet sitting for her while she went peace of mind that their beloved pets are home. If the turtle always has his heat lamp away for a long weekend, I didn’t have to well cared for. For those who are consider- on like my friend Seymour did leave as is. think twice. My answer came within sec- ing making this their livelihood, in-depth Always honor the wishes of the pet parent. onds: a resounding, yes! This household questions need to be asked: was blessed with three small dogs, two cats, • Do you have compassion and empathy and a fun-loving ferret. What could be betfor all animals? ter? I would bring my little dog to join in • Is a license required in your state? the fun, making the canine count four. As • Are you insured/bonded? a self-described animal lover (freak), this • Do you have a contract/agreement? • Are you able to provide glowing was my kind of assignment. Upon first thought, pet sitting is ideal references? for a person who earns to be around ani• Are you a member or affiliated with mals. Our sort connect with them on a deep a professional association? level. Whether covered in fur or adorning What happens during a typical petwebbed feet, this is our kind of heaven. As sitting visit? fun as spending time with animals is, the During an overnight or extended stay, responsibility is enormous. In order for the petsitting offers the advantage of giving a person to be successful in a pet sitting the home a lived-in look. Simply having a situation, precautions, planning, and fore- vehicle in the driveway is a deterrent from thought need to come into play. would-be intruders. Duties may include Since my initial taste of caring for some- bringing in the mail or packages, open- Be prepared! one else’s pets in their home, I’ve learned ing and closing shades or drapes, watering Things are great until they’re not. Be prea few things––some unexpected. If you’re plants, and taking out the trash at the end pared when the best-laid plans go wrong. considering pet sitting as a way to earn of the visit. A quick sweep of the tile and What happens if a water pipe breaks? A extra income or make it a profession, I vacuum of the carpet is always a pleasant storm knocks out power and the medicaencourage you to research the field, edu- sight upon return from a holiday. It’s small tion needs to be refrigerated? The cat sneaks cate yourself on the nature of the business, acts of extras that make coming back for out an open door? The dog pulls out of her and affiliate with a professional organiza- the homeowner even more welcoming. harness when walking on a busy street or tion that will offer resources and first-hand Daily visits would include feeding the when a chicken flies the coop? I admit that knowledge. animals, changing the water, providing I’m an overthinker, an over preparer––not What is pet sitting? playtime (either walks and/or exercise always a deterrent when pet sitting. PreAccording to Pet Sitters International, in a secure area), cleaning litter boxes/ pare for the worse and hope for the best. pet sitting is characterized by in-home care crates, disposing of pet waste, and providHave a plan to answer the ‘What ifs.’ Upon for a pet while the owner is away. Pet sitters ing medications. If you’ve never had the initial interview with the pet parents, go visit their clients’ homes either once per experience of giving liquid medication over these and any other possible situaday or multiple times per day to provide by way of a syringe to a cat or bird, you tions that may arise. Together, formulate a exercise, offer fresh food and water, change don’t know what you’re missing! Milo, an plan of action. When an unexpected event litter boxes, clean out cages, administer elderly feline, was my first introduction. happens, after the initial scare, you’ll have medications and provide companionship. She (yes, a boy’s name for a girl cat) was a formulated course of action to follow. Many times overnight stays are involved. a pro taking her meds twice a day. She’d Homeowners are encouraged to notify Although dogs and cats are the most popu- jump up on her feeding stoop and open neighbors that a pet sitter will be at the reslar recipients, birds, fish, turtles, tortoises, wide as I embraced her in a feline hug. The idence. Having an unfamiliar vehicle in and ‘smallies’ like guinea pigs, hamsters first few times were messy. By the third, the drive is something that is sure to draw and rabbits are also included. Don’t for- she had taught me to skillfully adminis- attention. A spare key can be left with a get farm animals. ter every drop. We humans can learn a lot trusted neighbor. Having a trusted person come into your from our animal friends. Lessons learned. space is often a great option to boarding. Tools for success I arrived one afternoon to an exciting Staying in familiar surroundings is less You don’t need to be a professional barking dog ready for my arrival. When stressful for the animals, their routine is not trainer to be a successful pet sitter. How- using the key, the lock wasn’t budging. As interrupted and they are most often hap- ever, having a general body of knowledge I wiggled the key and prayed for the click, piest and comfortable in their own homes. of health, nutrition, behavior, physical none was to be forthcoming. The owner Hobby or business? needs, and care is important. Knowing was out of state and I had no way of enterI have a full-time life and consider this basic anatomy and development stages are ing the home. What to do? After a walk a hobby, something I enjoy. It gives me a also valuable insights. Equipment such as around the yard (remaining calm on the change of scenery (and gives me my crit- leashes, collars, and harnesses are not a outside, feeling like a squirrel in traffic on Fall 2021 22 4 Legs & a Tail