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Canine Dreams Pat Jauch Have you ever wondered if your dog dreams?
Pat Jauch Caledonia Animal Rescue, Inc.
Have you ever wondered if your dog dreams? If so, do you wonder about what your dog dreams? According to experts, dogs do dream.
Following a busy day of activity, interaction with other canines, or just plain taking it easy and being lazy, there may appear to be a difference in the dreams. Some seem to be comforting, reliving the events of a pleasant experience. Some dreams seem troublesome, accompanied by harrumphs, soft whimpers, or out-and-out barks. The feet will start moving, eventually achieving a racing pace. The body will stiffen in an aggressive posture and a sense of agitation prevails. At other times there will simply be a sense of contentment and relaxation.
After a day of barking at delivery people or protecting the home from loud outside noises, some dogs assume a defensive posture, sprawled out from total exhaustion, and growling into a crescendo of ear-splitting barking. No doubt the canine’s dream has revived a memory of the events of the day. Someone approached the house or passed by noisily, and the dog is in total protective mode even in sleep. Following a peaceful interlude filled with playful interaction with its master or another animal, you may find that your dog is relaxed, quietly almost purring, and obviously happy even to the point of gently wagging its tail. When awakened from a disturbing dream your dog may remain agitated for a short time, just as humans react when their slumber has been interrupted. Likewise, a pleasant dream may find the canine slightly disoriented but still carefree and happy to be in familiar surroundings.
Thunder or fireworks often upsets pets and the ensuing dream state seems to elicit heightened activity and the appearance of discomfort. Meanwhile, following a day of calm, you may find your pet enjoying a night of what seems to provide happy dreams. Think about this the next time you find your dog growling, grinning, or grumbling during sleep. If you provide a loving atmosphere for your pet you may be helping to create a happy dream state, that is, if you could truly understand what dreams are being dreamed. Fall 2022