Equine Clubs, Associations & Organizations S ome of you might be new to horses or this area. The prices of horses have
increased as our time of pestilence has given some people the chance to work from home with more free time to follow their passion for horses. I thought I would share some information on several riding clubs and organizations in the Vermont area. You don’t need to be a Vermont resident to join. Many of these clubs and associations have been in existence for years and are great places to meet other likeminded individuals. I know personally, that many of the organizations are always looking for people that are willing to serve on the board, volunteer for events, or just be active members. Membership in several of the organizations come with perks as they are affiliated with larger organizations. For a small membership fee in a local organization through the larger organizations there are discounts on insurance, tractors, feed and even purchases from your favorite online tack store and so much more.
20 4 Legs & a Tail
Sue Miller
Please look into and consider joining an organization as without active members these institutions will fold. The Vermont Horse Council was started in 1975 as a unifying voice for equine enthusiasts in the state. The mission statement is: To promote and protect the interest of all Vermont horsemen and horsewomen. To provide information on the Vermont horse industry, laws and regulations affecting it, and on other related subjects. To be a means of communication between all horsemen and to provide information to the general public. To map, mark, and develop interconnecting riding trails throughout the state of Vermont. To encourage horsemen to respect public and private property rights. To take such action as the general membership directs. The Vermont Horse Council (VHC)has now partnered with Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation to keep open space for trails that include horseback riding & camping. So, if you enjoy
trail riding and would like to be able to continue to access great places to ride you might want to consider joining and learning more. The VHC also has scholarships available to adults and youth. The VHC hosts exceptional educational events at low cost or free for members each year. When joining the VHC, you are affiliated with the larger organization The American Horse Council whose mission is: working daily to advocate for the social, economic and legislative interests of the United States equine industry. The Vermont Riding & Driving Association was started in 1970’s for those interested in enjoying the state riding or driving distances. This organization sets up competitive trail rides for distances of 15 to 100 miles that can be enjoyed by horseback or from the seat of your favorite buggy. Do you enjoy showing your horse? Large or small, in hand, driving, sidesaddle, western, over fences, there are shows and exhibitions you can take part of within our little state and within the region. The Vermont Horse Shows Association (VHSA) is the oldest equine association in the state being established in 1931. The purpose of the club is as follows: To promote, encourage and assist in the holding of horse shows and exhibitions of horses within the state of Vermont and activities allied there-with. To assist in arranging the schedule of horse show dates to the end that conflicts may be avoided. To formulate rules, systems of classification and regulations applicable to all shows held by Horse Show Members of this Association. To encourage and promote the use of horses for pleasure and particularly to promote and extend riding activities within the state of Vermont and further to promote the organization and coordination of riding clubs. Each year the VHSA tries to affiliate with shows around the state to offer horse shows for both English and western riders. There are divisions for green horses/ ponies, meaning newly trained, divisions for mini horses, & adults that don’t want to go faster than a trot. If you are hosting a show & are looking for more participants, please consider affiliating your show. The VHSA points the shows and has a wonderful banquet each year for year-end prizes. There are clubs like the Mid State Riding Club that was formed in 1949 The club holds clinics, horse shows, trail rides and participates in local parades. The club also meets Winter 2022