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Dublin Port weathering Brexit & Pandemic
Dublin Port Begins Road to Recovery after Weak Start to Year
Following a weak first quarter, (when volumes declined by -15.2% in the first three months after Brexit), there was a +13.1% increase to 9.0 million gross tonnes in Dublin Port’s volumes for the second quarter of 2021 compared to the same period in 2020. After six months, volumes are now only -2.1% behind last year.
Imports from April to June increased strongly by +20.3% to 5.4 million gross tonnes while exports grew by 3.7% to 3.5 million gross tonnes. Unitised trade (Ro-Ro and Lo-Lo) accounted for 84% of all cargo volumes in the quarter and the number of trailers and containers combined increased by +16.5% to 374,000 units. Within this, Ro-Ro increased by +12.4% to 253,000 units while Lo-Lo grew by 26.2% to 121,000 units (equivalent to 220,000 TEU). The strong growth in the second quarter brings Dublin Port’s unitised volumes (RoRo and Lo-Lo) to 692,000 units for the first half of the year, +1.6% ahead of 2020. As a sign of increased economic activity, new vehicle imports in the second quarter more than doubled to 22,000 units and Bulk Liquid imports (mostly petroleum products) increased by +34.4% to 969,000 tonnes. Imports and exports of Bulk Solid commodities grew by +22.3% to 474,000 tonnes in the three months from April to June. Passenger and tourist volumes on ferries also showed signs of growth with passenger numbers (including HGV drivers) ahead by +41.0% to 125,000 and tourist vehicles up by +26.0% to 30,000 in the quarter. Although volumes recovered strongly during the second quarter of 2021, cargo throughput in the first half of the year is still behind where it was before Brexit and pre-pandemic. While volumes after six months are down by just -2.1% compared to 2020, they are -12.7% lower compared to the record levels of 2019. Within the overall volume figures, unitised trade is still -7.4% lower than it was two years ago. Commenting on the Q2 2021 figures, Dublin Port’s Chief Executive, Eamonn O’Reilly, said:“As each month goes by, the negative impact of the exceptionally weak start to the year post Brexit is being reduced. In the circumstances, a decline of just -2.1% after six months is not too bad a performance. However, we remain nearly -13% behind where we were in the record year of 2019. “The effects of Brexit on the pattern of trade through Dublin Port are now becoming clearer with very strong growth of 40% on Ro-Ro and Lo-Lo services to Continental European ports compared to a decline of -19% on services with ports in Great Britain. As a result, our unitised volumes are now split 50/50 between GB ports and ports in Continental Europe. Before Brexit, GB ports accounted for almost two-thirds. “Border inspections on imports from GB are operating very efficiently with no queuing or significant delays. On average only three trailers are being called for some form of physical inspection on each ferry that arrives. While volumes on services from Holyhead are some way behind where they were last year, there are clear signs that the landbridge is being re-established and we anticipate the steady recovery we are seeing in GB Ro-Ro volumes to continue. “With much higher growth on direct services to Continental Europe, the proportion of unitised loads which are driver accompanied has dropped from 23% to just 17% in the first half of the year. This effect – taken together with the loss of 14.6 hectares (20 football pitches) for border inspection facilities – is putting increased pressure on port capacity, particularly in the western end of the port where works are continuing to complete Ireland’s largest Ro-Ro freight terminal. This is due to come into operation in the first half of next year. “With long-term growth trends beginning to re-emerge, we anticipate a return to record levels of throughput by 2023. The longterm planning to provide additional port capacity for future growth never stops and we have recently commenced pre-application consultation with An Bord Pleanála for the 3FM Project, the third and final Masterplan project required to bring Dublin Port to its ultimate capacity by 2040. We aim to lodge a planning application for this project in 2023.”
New Irish Maritime Development Office Report Shows Covid-19 Impact on Irish Ports
The Irish Maritime Development Office (IMDO has published its 18th edition of the Irish Maritime Transport Economist. It reports on 2020, one of the most challenging years that the Irish maritime industry has faced for many decades.
The outbreak of COVID19 in Q1 had a dramatic and negative effect on freight and passenger volumes. Public health concerns necessitated the imposition of restrictions on the movement of people, internationally and domestically. In the early months of the pandemic, passenger volumes fell by over 90%, while RoRo freight volumes fell by over 25%. Although other shipping market segments were not immune to the suppressive economic effects of the public health restrictions, their impacts were not as deep or as lasting as those experienced in the RoRo freight and passenger segments. The second half of 2020 stands in marked contrast to the first half, from a RoRo and LoLo freight perspective. The losses of the first half of the year were recovered, as initial public health restrictions were eased and most retail activity recommenced in Q3. Moving through Q4, combined RoRo and LoLo freight volumes set a new record of 1,324 points on the IMDO’s iShip Index for unitised trade. Unitised volumes were bolstered by the desire of traders to create stockpiles in advance of the year-end Brexit deadline. RoRo and LoLo volumes in Q4 were sufficient to make good earlier losses and bring overall unitised throughput for the year to just 1% below 2019 levels. The restrictions on international travel introduced in Q1 remained in place, resulting in passenger volumes falling by 73% for the year. Bulk trades were also negatively affected by lockdown measures. Market demand for bulk materials, particularly in the construction and transport sectors, fell significantly. “The COVID-19 pandemic and preparations for Brexit placed unprecedented pressure on the maritime industry in 2020. The response of the industry to the COVID-19 outbreak has been remarkable, from both an operational and a health and safety perspective,” says the Report. “Connectivity to international markets was maintained, supply chains were protected and measures were put in place to protect the health and safety of users of ports and shipping services. All of this was achieved while preparations ramped up for the UK’s departure from the EU, the result of which involves a new regime of border controls and inspections in our ports. This work was undertaken with commitment and professionalism by all workers in our maritime industry, who are deserving of our thanks and admiration.” The effects of COVID 19 continue to be felt in the maritime industry, but the resilience that the industry has demonstrated in recent times and the growing success of the Government’s vaccination programme, give cause for optimism in the industry’s to bounce back and contribute to the recovery the Irish economy.
It is safe to say that the first half of 2021 has been as challenging as 2020. The pandemic is still very much with us and continues to impact day to day business as we seek to keep Warrenpoint Port Covid free. There is still much uncertainty also as to Brexit alignment.
The pent-up demand generated by the pandemic and businesses realigning due to Brexit has led to significant increases across nearly all import and export commodities in this last 6 months. Timber, steel, and scrap have all shot up in price. Warrenpoint Port has held its handling prices despite this escalation, committed as it is to supporting the economy. Volumes of timber and steel processed through the Port have almost doubled year on year. Soaring volume has challenged the team daily in terms of capacity planning and delivery, but our team has worked phenomenally hard to deliver successfully for all our customers new and existing. We would like to commend our team for their continued efforts as frontline workers. The Port has also continued to deliver in the community, organising a Big Spring Clean Litter pick and continues to build on its ‘On Board’ community engagement campaign. In June the team at Warrenpoint Port hosted its AGM and released its Annual Report before hosting a visit from Minister for Department of Infrastructure Nichola Mallon. The Minister was taken on a tour of the Port facilities, met [socially distanced] with members of the team. Minister Mallon went for a short sail on Carlingford Lough where marine considerations were also discussed. The team briefed the Minister on recent upgrades to the site and future plans and aspirations. “These are uncertain times however and we trust that the Port family can be kept safe as Covid 19 readies itself for the autumn and winter, We hope that the NI Protocol and specifically its impact on Ports is clarified; and that Warrenpoint Port can look forward to continuing buoyant volumes, added CEO David Holmes.”
Pictured are members of the Warrenpoint Port senior management team with Minister Nichola Mallon MLA, including (ltor) Eoin O Mahony, Head of Engineering & Estates, David Holmes, CEO, with Dr Gerard O Hare CBE DL, Chair of the Warrenpoint Port Board, Micheal Murtagh, Deputy Harbour Master, Kerri Farrell, Project Manager and Kieran Grant, Finance Director, Warrenpoint Port.

Stena Line’s new ferry ‘floats out’ in China
Despite the ongoing pandemic, ferry company Stena Line has achieved another important milestone in its major new fleet investment programme with the ‘launching’ ceremony of the first new extended E-Flexer vessel in Weihai, China.

The vessel was ordered in 2018 and the delivery is expected in 2022. For now, the name of the new vessel and the route on which it will operate are being kept a closely guarded secret by Stena Line. Stena Line is well underway in modernising its large European fleet of ferries and has not let the ongoing pandemic affect these ambitious plans. The new vessel that took to the water for the first time on 24 May is the fourth out of five new next generation E-Flexer vessels that are are designed and built in collaboration with the sister company Stena RoRo at the CMI Jinling Weihai Shipyard in China. The vessels are among the world’s most modern and efficient RoPax vessels. The three first vessels have already started to operate on the Irish Sea during 2020 and 2021. ”The E-Flexer vessels represent an important part of our sustainable growth journey for the future and we look forward to welcoming two more vessels to our fleet next year. The first three vessels are making waves with our appreciative customers across the Irish Sea and both their flexibility and efficiency has already made them great assets for the company during the pandemic and following Brexit,” says Niclas Mårtensson, Managing Director of Stena Line. ”Despite the challenges connected to the pandemic we have been able to deliver our newbuildings in time and thereby enabling Stena Line to perform their fleet renewal program as planned, says Per Westling, Managing Director of Stena RoRo. The fourth and the fifth vessel will be 240 meters long with a load capacity of 3,600 length meters, compared to the first three which are 214 meters long and have a load capacity of 3,100 length meters. In total, the larger vessels also get 50 % more cabins and beds, 30 % increased passenger capacity and an additional 15% cargo capacity. The name of the new vessel and the locations where it will operate between will be announced later this year. Among the distinguishing features are: • Efficient loading and unloading with drive-through lanes on the two levels. • Up to 30 % more energy efficient than existing vessels in the fleet, thanks to optimum design of the hulls, propellers, bulbs and rudders. • All five vessels are delivered gas-ready, to allow conversion to methanol or LNG fuel. • The two longer vessels will be equipped to use shore power during port calls to reduce emissions. The electricity connection also enables a conversion to battery hybrid in the future. • Stena Lines’ Scandinavian heritage is clearly visible on the interior and the design is spacious and light, with amazing panoramic views.
P&O and DFDS Reach Space Charter Agreement On Key Dover-Calais Route
Ferry operators on the English Channel have reached an agreement to make freight space on their Dover-Calais ships available to one another so as to maintain customer service levels on the route and ensure its continued resilience.

Under the space charter agreement freight drivers can arrive at either the Port of Dover or Port of Calais and board the next available sailing, irrespective of whether the ferry is operated by P&O or DFDS. David Stretch, Chief Executive of P&O Ferries, said: “After the pandemic, during which we did everything we could to keep essential goods moving at a time of national crisis, the best way to ensure that we can continue to run vital freight services on Dover-Calais is to build on our relationship with DFDS and enter this space charter agreement. “It will ensure the continued resilience of the principal UK-EU trade route on which thousands of businesses and millions of consumers rely. It will also maintain service levels for our customers by reducing the time drivers spend waiting at the ports, giving them access to a departure every 36 minutes and reducing gate-to-gate journey times by an estimated 30 minutes.” The Dover Strait is the single busiest route for trade between Britain and the EU. The agreement – which starts this summer - covers all eight ships on Dover-Calais including the P&O-owned Spirit of Britain, Spirit of France, Pride of Canterbury, Pride of Kent and Pride of Burgundy and the DFDS-owned Cote des Flandres, Cote des Dunes and Calais Seaways.
NIEA sign ambitious Prosperity Agreement with Belfast Harbour
Environment Minister Edwin Poots has signed a wide-ranging and ambitious three year Prosperity Agreement between Belfast Harbour and the Northern Ireland Environment Agency.
The agreement will see the Harbour commit to reducing CO2 emissions, reducing waste, improving air and water quality and enhancing both terrestrial and marine biodiversity. Speaking about the 11th Prosperity Agreement signed by the NIEA, the Minister said: “This is a very ambitious agreement which is an excellent example of Green Growth in action where business can grow and prosper while creating tangible environmental improvements including reducing carbon, waste and water usage. “The agreement will see Belfast Harbour aim for a net zero target by 2030, improve biodiversity, improve air and water quality, reduce waste and aim for zero waste to landfill. This Prosperity Agreement will also see a benefit to the marine environment and I am delighted that my officials in DAERA will work even more closely with the Harbour to enhance the marine and terrestrial habitats on their 2,000 acre site. “Belfast Harbour will invest in environmentally friendly and renewable technologies, develop its own energy, air and sustainable procurement strategies and encourage its staff, tenants and port clients to adopt more sustainable transport and resource usage practices.”
Pictured at the RSPB’s ‘Window on Wildlife’, Belfast, are (L-R) David Dobbin, Chairman, Belfast Harbour, Environment Minister Edwin Poots MLA, Joe O’Neill, Chief Executive, Belfast Harbour and Gregory Woulahan, RSPB. Photo William Cherry PressEye. Green Port

David Dobbin, Chairman Belfast Harbour said: “Belfast Harbour’s commitment to building a truly sustainable, clean, green Port is core to our Trust Port purpose. As we operate, maintain and improve our Port and Harbour Estate, our ambition is to achieve net zero carbon emissions from our operations by 2030, to reduce pollution, and to protect and enhance our natural environment and marine diversity. “Work to deliver this is already well underway, as we introduce electric vehicles, develop our use of renewable energy, instigate studies to better understand our marine diversity and embed sustainable development across our 2,000 acre Harbour Estate. “We are delighted to partner with the Northern Ireland Environment Agency as we accelerate and deliver our sustainability goals. We recognise that through coalition and partnership, together we can achieve so much more. By putting people, place and the environment at the heart of our sustainable business model, Belfast Harbour is developing a clean, green port, where people and planet thrive.” Joanne Sherwood, RSPB NI Director, added: “There has never been a more important time to invest in the protection and restoration of nature. The pandemic has served as a reminder that our economy and the health of society are dependent on a flourishing natural world: decisions taken now will have a major impact for many years to come so we welcome this commitment from Belfast Harbour.”
P&O Ferries Introduce Second Ship on Zeebrugge - Hull Route
P&O Ferries has introduced a second vessel on its Zeebrugge-Hull route; the MV Freya operating on the North Sea Lo-Lo route is in response to rapidly growing demand from British and European customers transporting goods between the two markets.

The 117 metre container ship has the capacity to carry 650 TEU’s. Together with sister ship Elisabeth, the addition of MV Freya will double capacity on the route and increase the number of sailings in each direction every week to six. Thorsten Runge, Managing Director of P&O Freight Ferries Services, said: “We are delighted to introduce MV Freya onto our Zeebrugge-Hull route, which is already one of the most cost-effective ways to move goods between Europe and the north of Britain.” “We can guarantee that our customers will benefit from faster turnaround times, enabling them to exit the port as quickly as possible and continue their journeys on the excellent road links to the industrial hubs along the M62, M6 and M1 corridors. “With the support of our parent company DP World, which is continuing to invest in its UK logistics infrastructure, we are committed to expanding our services to ensure the fast and efficient flow of goods between the UK and Europe.”

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